Congress Award


Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award

Category A: Experimental (co-winners)

David Bright, 2015. Becoming-teacher: A partial and experimental account of Western native English-speaking teachers in Vietnamese international schools. Uni- versity of Queensland

Rachel Liebert. 2016. Becoming-serpent:Mapping coils of paranoia within a neocolo- nial security state. City of University of New York

Category B: traditional

Uchenna Baker, 2014. An Ontological/Phenomenological Model of Leadership: Igniting Individual and Collective Transformation and Catalyzing Educational Reform. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and The New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Honorable Mention

Amanda Tachine. 2015. Monsters and Weapons: Navajo students’ stories on their journeys to college. Arizona State University

Outstanding Qualitative Book Award

Waterston, A. (2014). My Father’s Wars: Migration, Memory, and the Violence of a Century. NY: Routledge.

Speedy, J. (2015). Staring at the Park: A Poetic Autoethnographic Inquiry. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Outstanding Qualitative Book Award in Spanish or Portuguese

Amado, João. (2014). Manual de Investigação Qualitativa em Educação (Hand- book of Qualitative Inquiry in Education). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University Press

Honorable mentions

Aguirre-Armendariz, E. y Gil-Juarez, A. (2015) Cuando contar la tesis es hacer LA tesis: investigacion y escritura autoetnografica. [When telling the thesis is doing THE thesis: authoetnographic research and writing]. Mexico: Centro Latinoamericano de Pensamiento Critico.

Bénard, S. (2015) Atrapada en provincia. Un ejercicio autoetnografico de imaginacion sociologica. [Trapped in province. An autoethnographic exercise of sociologic imagination]. Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes.

Calderón, I. (2014) Educacion y esperanza en las fronteras de la discapacidad. Estudio de caso unico sobre la construccion creativa de la identidad. [Education and hope in discapacity’s borders. Case study about the creative construction of identity]. Madrid: CERMI.

Hernandez-Ibarra, E. y Mercado-Martinez, FJ. (2016) Cronica de la enfermedad renal: Voces que viven y escuchan el padecimiento [Kidney disease Chronicle: voices that live and listen to suffering]. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara.

Pedraz, A.; Zarco, J.; Ramasco, M. y Palmar, AM. (2014) Investigación Cualitativa. España: Elsevier.

Sevilla, M.; Ochoa, S.; Santamaria-Delgado, C.; Cataño, C. (2014) Travesias por La Tierra del Olvido: Modernidad y colombianidad en la musica de Carlos Vives y La Provincia [Journeys through The Land of Oblivion. Modernity and Colombianity in Carlos Vives and The Province music]. Bogotá: Editorial Javeriana.

2016 Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching,

Arthur P. Bochner


Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award
Category A: Experimental
Graham Lea/University of British Columbia (2013)
Homa Bay Memories: Using Research-based Theatre to Explore a Narrative nheritance.

Honorable mention
Category A: Experimental
Lisa Armitage/University of Western Sydney (2012)
From What You Know: Tracing Family History Stories in Australia.
Category B: Traditional
Chaunetta Jones/Rutgers University (2014)
Between State and Sickness: The Social Experience of HIV/AIDS Illness Management and Treatment in Grahamstown, South Africa.

2015 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award

Bochner, A. (2014) Coming to Narrative: A Personal History of Paradigm Change in the Human Sciences. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press


Honorable Mentions:
Munoz, K. (2014) Transcribing Silence: Culture, Relationships, and Communications.Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press
Chawla, D. (2014) Home, Uprooted: Oral Histories of India’s Partition. NewYork, Fordham University Press
Davies, B. (2014) Listening to Children: Being and Becoming. London, Routledge


Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice:

Patti Lather


Special Career Awards:

Patricia Leavy
Olivia Inés Sanhueza Alvardo


Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award
Category A: Traditional:
Urmitapa Dutta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ‘The Long Way Home: A Critical Ethnography of Conflict and Youth in Northeast India”.

Honorable Mentions:
Brenda McPhail, University of Toronto, “Let me tell you who I am: A Qualitative Study of Identity and Accountability in Two Electronically-Monitored Call Centres”.
Mary Kate Dennis, University of Michigan, “Health Insights of Oglala Lakota Elders: From Wellness to Illness”.

Category B: Experimental

Geo Takach, University of Calgary, “Environment, Communication and Democ- racy: Framing Alberta’s Bitumen Extraction Onscreen”.

Honorable Mention:

Elizabeth Cone, Columbia University, “I am Not That Girl; This Is Not My Narrative: Contesting Discourses and Practices that Construct the Subject”.

Outstanding Qualitative Book Award

Boylorn, R. (2013) Sweetwater: Black Women and Narratives of Resistance. New York, Peter Lang.

Honorable Mentions:
Richardson, L. (2013) After a Fall: A Sociomedical Sojurn. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press.

Castro-Salazar, R. & Bagley, C. (2012) Navigating Borders: Critical Race Theory Research and Counter History of Undocumented Americans. New York: Peter Lang.

Outstanding book in Spanish or Portuguese

Maria do Mar Pereira. ‘Fazendo Género no Recreio. A negociaçao do género em espaço escolar (Making Gender at playtime. Negotiating gender in school space.) Lis- boa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2012.

Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice:

Judith Preissle


Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice.
Laurel Richardson


Outstanding Qualitative Book Award

West, Donna. 2012. Signs of hope: Deafhearing family life. Newcastle upon tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Honorable Mention:Gergen, Mary M, and Kenneth J. Gergen. 2012. Playing with purpose: Adventures in performative social science. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Packer, Martin. 2011. the Science of qualitative research. New York, NY: Cam- bridge University Press.


Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award

Category A: Experimental:
Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Ohio University, “Constituting Women’s Experience in Appalachian Ohio: A Life history Project.

Honorable Mention: Jennifer Self, University of Washington, “Queering Queer Space.”
Gina Paese, St. John’s University. “the experience of Performance: Life around literature in an urban afterschool program for middle school students.”

Category B: Traditional: Ellen Block, University of Michigan, “Infected Kin: AIDS, orphan care and the family in Lesotho.”

Honorable Mention: Michele K. Donnelly, McMaster University, “the Produc- tion of Women Onlyness: Women’s Flat track Roller Derby and Women-Only home Improvement Workshops.”

Randall F. Clemens, University of Southern California, “the Sources and Influ- ences of Cultural heterogeneity: Examining the Lives of African American and Latino teenagers.”



Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice.
Carolyn Ellis


Outstanding Qualitative Book Award

Celine-Marie Pascale. 2011. Cartographies of Knowledge: Exploring Qualitative Methodologies. Sage Publications.

Honorable Mention: Andrea Dyrness. 2011. Mothers United: An Immigrant Struggle for Socially Just Education. University of Minnesota Press.


Inaugural Award for Outstanding Book in Spanish or Portuguese:

Fernando Peñaranda Correa et al.(2011). Educación para la salud: una mirada alternativa al modelo biomédico. La praxis como funda- mento de una educación dialógica. Medellín, Colombia: La Carreta Editores,


Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award

Category A: Traditional and Mixed-Methods:

Manijeh Badiee, University of Nebraska. “Portraits of Empowerment Exhibited by One Million Signatures Campaign Activists.”

Honorable Mention: Mara Casey Tieken, Harvard University, “Our Only hope: Narratives of Rural Schools and Rural Communities.”

Category B: Experimental:

Hilary Hughes-Decatur, University of Georgia. “Rethinking girls: Phenomenology and the Body.”

Honorable Mention: Susan Naomi Nordstrom, University of georgia. “Ensembles of Life: the Folding of Objects and Subjects in Family history genealogy.”




Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice.
Janice M. Morse

Special Career Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice
Robert Stake

Landmark Achievement Award
Mitch Allen

Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award:

  • Category A: Traditional and Mixed-Methods:
    • WinnerSharalyn Jordan, Un/settling: A critical ethnographic inquiry into settlement by refugees making claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
    • Honorable MentionToni Shorter Smith, “A Case Study of the Lincoln Theatre in Columbus, OH: A Participatory Social Action Study.”
  • Category B:
    • ExperimentalKristi Bruce Amatucci, “Teacher Undone.”
    • Honorable MentionTony Adams, “Learning, living, and leaving the closet: Making gay identityrelational.”


Outstanding Qualitative Book Award: Co-Winners:

  • Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston (2010). Staging strife: Lessons from performing ethnography with Polish Roma women. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Marilyn Metta, (2010). Writing against, alongside and beyond memory: Lifewriting as reflexive, poststructuralist feminist research practice. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Honorable Mention: Viv Martin, (2010) Developing a narrative approach to healthcare research. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe.


2010 Congress Awards


Inaugural Qualitative Inquiry Book Award:

  • Carolyn Ellis, REVISION: Autoethnographic Reflections on a Life and Work (Left Coast Press, 2009).
  • Honorable Mention:
    • Mary L. Gray. Out in the country: Youth, media, and queer visibility in rural America. (New York: New York University Press, 2009).
    • Pat Sikes, and Heather Piper. Researching sex and lies in the classroom: Allegations of sexual misconduct in schools. (New York and London: Routledge. 2010).


Lifetime Achievement in Qualitative Inquiry:
Yvonna A. Lincoln

Special Career Award in Qualitative Inquiry:
Harry F. Wolcott

2010 Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award Winners:
Category A: Traditional: Ifeoma Ann Amah. UCLA
Category B: Mixed-Methods: Sara B. Dykins Callahan, University of South Florida
Category C: Experimental: Mansha Mirza, University of Illinois at Chicago