Health Research

SIGs are being incorporated into the main ICQI congress program in 2020. Previously SIG groups were held on the Wednesday before the Congress proper. The Health SIG will be held as  2 consecutive sessions across  the first two sessions of the Friday main program schedule – the first day of the Congress. The aim is to give Health some sort of focus and having the SIG sessions on the first day will make sure that people have time to network during the rest of the Congress. The understanding of Health in play in the SIG is a broad and multidimensional one  including, but not limited to,  social, political, clinical, public, and personal health related perspectives.

The 2020 theme for the Health SIG is  “Critical Connections: Health, Qualitative Inquiry, People and Places”

Key foci include: “Issues in the Intersection(s) of health, qualitative inquiry and digitalisation”

and  “Issues in the intersections of health, qualitative inquiry and the re-emergence of new and different forms of post-positivism  from within not just without qualitative inquiry”

It is also hoped to offer a round table session for doctoral and other students researching health related contexts to discuss issues they encounter related to the Critical Connections between Health, Qualitative Inquiry, People and Places” . Time and place to be confirmed when in place.