of Qualitative
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Welcome from the Director 5 General Information 14 Institute of Qualitative Inquiry Collaborating Sites 15 2016 Congress Award Winners 18 Past Congresses 19 Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 25 Thursday workshops 27 Keynote Addresses 29 Overview 30 A Day In Turkish (ADIT) 44 SIG in Spanish and Portuguese (ADISP) 48 Arts-Based Research 74 Autoethnography 84 Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research 106 Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry 108 Digital Tools 122 Indigenous Inquiries Circle 128 Critical and Post-Structural Psychology 140 Social Work 150 Wednesday Schedule 160 Thursday Schedule 164 Friday Schedule 182 Saturday Schedule 272 Subject Index 342 Index of Names 368
Welcome from the Director
We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time (T. S. Elliot, No 4 of Four Quartets, 1942).
May we begin with a moment of silence. We wish to acknowledge the land upon which we gather today. These lands were the traditional territory of a number of First Nations bands prior to European contact. The Miami, the Potawatomi, the Peoria and the Kickapoo were some of the last bands to be forcibly removed. These lands carry the memories and stories of resistance of these people, includ- ing their struggles for survival and identity in the face of overwhelming colonizing power.
The University of Illinois, the College of Media, the International Center for Qualitative Inquiry, the Institute of Communications Research and the Depart- ment of Media and Cinema Studies welcome you to the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. There are over 1600 presentations involving 2200 people this year, including 350 panels in the general congress alone. More than 300 presentations were given in twelve special interest groups—SIGS in: Autoethnography, Arts-Based Research, Critical Poststructural Psychology, Criti- cal Qualitative Research, Digital Tools in Qualitative Research, Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research, Global Qualitative Health Research, Indigenous Inquiries Circle, Social Work, Spanish and Portuguese, Turkish, Social Work, and the Initiative for the Cooperation Across the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Over 1500 persons, from more than 75 nations have registered. Over 500 del- egates took part in the 30 pre-conference workshops.
The theme of the 2016 Congress is “Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times”. Critical qualitative research is under assault. Qualitative scholars struggle to obtain tenure, their research is often underfunded, the journals they publish in are given low impact scores. Scholars around the world, inside and outside the academy, struggle against the regulatory practices of neoliberalism. The 12th International Congress offers scholars the opportunity to foreground, interrogate and resist these practices, to engage in a politics of advocacy, pro and con, to form coalitions, to engage in debate on how qualitative researchers can resist the pres- sures of neoliberalism. The Congress will be an arena for advancing the causes of social justice, while addressing racial, ethnic, gender and environmental dispari- ties in education, welfare and healthcare.
Sessions will take up such topics as: tenure battles, redefinitions of the public university, preoccupations with neoliberal accountability metrics (journal impact factors, teaching evaluations, research funding scores), attacks on freedom of speech, threats to shared governance, the politics of advocacy, value-free inquiry, partisanship, the politics of evidence, alternatives to evidence-based models, pub- lic policy discourse, indigenous research ethics, decolonizing inquiry.
General information 5
Scholars come to the Congress to resist, to celebrate community, to experiment with traditional and new methodologies, with new technologies of representa- tion. Together we seek to develop guidelines and exemplars concerning advocacy, inquiry and social justice concerns. We share a commitment to change the world, to engage in ethical work what makes a positive difference. As critical scholars our task is to bring the past and the future into the present, allowing us to engage realistic utopian pedagogies of hope.
Scholars from around the world have accepted the challenge to gather together in common purpose to collectively imagine creative and critical responses to a global community in crisis. The Twelfth International Congress offers us an opportunity to experiment, take risks, explore new presentational forms, share experiences, problems and hopes concerning the conduct of critical qualitative inquiry in this time of global uncertainty.
In 2016 the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI) enters its second decade. The first decade of the Congress capped a century and more of efforts by qualitative researchers to understand and transform our worlds through critical interpretive inquiry. The second decade charts a promising future. What might ICQI and QI look like at its 20th anniversary? What should the mandate be for the next decade? What have we learned? Where do we go next? As we move into the next decade we do so with a new generation of scholars, many of whom first came to the congress as graduate students, and who today hold faculty posi- tions, many with tenure.
We share a commitment to change the world, to engage in ethical work what makes a positive difference. As critical scholars our task is to bring the past and the future into the present, allowing us to engage realistic utopian pedagogies of hope.
Yours sincerely,
Norman K. Denzin Congress Director
6 General information
Conference Welcome
Thursday, 5:30–7:00 p.m., 200 Ballroom Illini Union
1) Norman K. Denzin, Congress director Welcoming remarks 2) Keynote addresses
Qualitative methodology and the new materialisms: do we need a new concep- tual vocabulary?
Maggie MacLure, Manchester Metropolitan University
All I Really Need to Know About Qualitative Research I Learned in High School
Johnny Saldaña, Arizona State University
3) Opening Midwest BBQ, Bardeen Quad (Across from the Illini Union, North of Green Street) cash bar, 7–9 p.m. Music by Cornstalkers String Band.
Other Congress Activities Wednesday May 18
SIG in Spanish and Portuguese, SIG in Turkish (opening), SIG in Arts-Based Research, SIG in Social Work, SIG in Critical and Poststructural Psychology, SIG in Indigenous Qualitative Inquiry, SIG in Critical Qualitative Inquiry, SIG in Autoethnography, Digital Tools for Qualitative Research, Forum of Critical Chi- nese Qualitative Research, Global Qualitative Health Research, Initiative for the Cooperation Across the Social Sciences and Humanities
Thursday May 19
3:30-5:00: Illini Room B:
Pre-Congress Reception: Combined Poster Sessions Congress Reception: Collaborating Sites Network
Friday May 20
12:00-1:00: Illini Room C:
Town Hall Meeting on Academic Freedom
Facilitator: Roy Ruckdeschel, Emeritus Professor, Public Health and Social Justice Saint Louis, Missouri
The 2016 Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is devoting a town hall meeting to the topics of the academy, freedom of speech, tenure, faculty appointments and academic boycotts. In 2015, we held a town meeting in response to actions taken by the Administration at the University of Illinois regarding their decision about Professor Steven Salaita. Though the matter has been resolved legally, legal resolu-
General information 7
tions often do not restore what becomes lost when there is a need to litigate. It is in this spirit, the need to heal and reestablish a confidence in the institution as a credible and ethical place of intellectual inquiry within the academy, that we feel the importance of ongoing discussion.
Since its founding, ICQI has been a forum for critical conversations about the role of scholarship in advancing qualitative inquiry as a democratic practice. The tenets of freedom of speech and academic freedom are integral to these discus- sions. We stand by our mission to be leaders in fostering research and pedagogy that engages the pressing social issues of our time. Our university community has mobilized to support the tenets of academic freedom and intellectual integrity that form the DNA of higher education.
5:30-6:30: Illini Room C:
Plenary Performance: “BLACK MAN/WHITE TOWER” Performer: Bryant Keith Alexander
Other Friday Performances
1:00-2:20: Union 210
Recovering Notes on Aging: A Musical Performance Autoethnography of Surviv-
ing Wisdom in 60s Songs
William K. Rawlins, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University
4:00-5:20: Union 210
Seeing Epiphanies in Qualitative Inquiry, Jim Deegan, Mary Immaculate Col-
lege, Limerick, Ireland
Jim Deegan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
Saturday May 21
12:00-1:00: Illini Room A
Town Hall meeting: Collaborating sites Network
Annual Meeting of the IAQI & Award Ceremony, Illini Union 200 Ballroom
7:00-9:00: COOKOUT
Old-fashioned Midwest Cookout, 7–9 p.m., Bardeen Quad (across from the Illini Union, North of Green Street). Music by Cornstalkers Cajun Band.
8 General information
Autoethnography SIG: Poetic Mobilities: A Mobile Autoethno- graphic Poetry Panel
This session is presented as a mobile panel of autoethnographic performance poetry. Simply download the panel podcast by searching for “Mobile Poetry Panel QI 2016 at the Podomatic site: You can ‘attend’ this virtual panel by listening while you move between embodied panels at the Congress. By relocating this panel into the ears of audience members, we invite not only consideration of the work but also the interface between being there and being here/hearing in autoethnography, poetry, and qualitative and aesthetic scholarship.
(Session Organizer) Stacy L Holman Jones, Monash University, Melbourne; (Ses- sion Organizer) Anne Harris, Monash University; (Discussant) Bryant Alexander, Loyola Marymount University; (Discussant) Ashley Beard, Southern Illinois Uni- versity; (Discussant) Robin Boylorn, University of Alabama; (Discussant) Durell Callier, University of Illinois; (Discussant) Kimberly Dark, Cal State San Mar- cos; (Discussant) Sandra Faulkner, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Southern Illinois University; (Discussant) Jonathan Gray, Southern Illinois University; (Discussant) Dominique Hill, Miami Uni- versity; (Discussant) Jeanine Minge, California State University, Northridge; (Discussant) Glenn Allen Phillips, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale; (Dis- cussant) Jessica Smartt Gullion, Texas Woman’s University; (Discussant) Tami Spry, St. Cloud State University; (Discussant) Sophie Tamas, Carleton University; (Discussant) David Terry, Louisiana State University; (Discussant) Karen Werner, Goddard College; (Discussant) Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Sci- ence University of Edinburgh
General information 9
Publisher’s Exhibit
Pine Lounge Wednesday 12-5:00 Thursday 9:00-5:00 Friday: 9:00-5:00 Saturday: 9:00-12:00
Collaborating Sites Network Reception
Illini Room B Thursday 3:30-5:00
Thursday Poster Sessions
Illini Room B
Book Signing
Pine Lounge Thursday 4:00-5:00
Plenary Performance
Friday 5:30 Illini C
Award Ceremonies
200 Ballroom Saturday 5:30-6:30
General information
The Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is organized by the College of Media, Institute of Communications Research, Department of Media and Cinema Stud- ies, The Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural Studies and Interpretive Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in conjunction with the Center for Qualita- tive Inquiry.
This Congress program was compiled by the Congress organizing committee. The pro- gram was printed by Martin One Source.
American Indian Studies Program /Native American House * Anthropology * Center for Advanced Study * Center for Global Studies * Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies * Center for Qualitative Inquiry * College of Media* European Union Center * Gender & Women’s Studies Program * Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities * Institute of Communications Research * Kinesiology and Community Health * Sociol- ogy * The Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory * Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program
Carl Couch Center for Social and Internet Research (CCCSIR) * Center for Educa- tional Research and Evaluation Service (CERES) and Liverpool John Moores University * University of Greenwich and Discourse, Power, Resistance (DPR) Series * Emerald Group Publishing Limited * Guilford Press * International Association of Educators * International Journal of Progressive Education * International Social Work Research Inter- est Group * Left Coast Press * Kansas State University * Education and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Manchester Metropolitan University * MAXQDA/VERBI * QSR Inter- national * QUERI * Research Talk, Inc * Routledge * Sage Publications * Turkish Journal of Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research * University of Georgia * Writing Across Borders- Durham University
General information 11
Congress Director
Norman K. Denzin
Institute of Communications Research, Department of Media and Cinema Studies
Associate Directors
Michael Giardina, Florida State University, James Salvo, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, Nathalie Tiberghien
Assistant Directors
Chunfeng Lin, Durell Callier
Advisory Board
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign William E. Berry, Clifford Christians, Katherine Ryan
External Advisory Board
Mitch Allen, Left Coast Press
Bryant Alexander, California State University
Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner, University of South Florida Svend Brinkmann, University of Aarhus
Julianne Cheek, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
Serge Hein, Virginia Tech
Sharlene Hess-Biber, Boston College
Patti Lather, Ohio State University
Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A& M University
Janice Morse, University of Utah
Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre, University of Georgia
Ian Stronach, Liverpool John Moores University
Harry Torrance and Maggie Maclure, Manchester Metropolitan University Rainer Winter and Elisabeth Niederer, Klagenfurt University, Austria Uwe Flick, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
ADISP: Alejandro Noboa. Luis Felipe González-Gutiérrez. Aitor Gómez González, Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda
ADIT: Mustafa Yunus Eryman
Arts-Based Research: James Haywood Rolling, Jr., Ross Schlemmer, Amanda Alexander, Manisha Sharma
Autoethnography: Stacy Holman-Jones
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry (CCQI): Gaile S. Cannella, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Jas- mine Ulmer, Penny Pasque, Marek Tesar, Michelle Perez, David Carlson, Ninel Cam, Kelly Medellin, Kia Rideaux, Margarita Ruiz, Mathias Urban, Ann Merete Otterstad, Camilla Andersen, Dee Sher- wood, Carlos Pavao, Nannaphat Saenghong
Critical and Poststructural Psychology: Angelo Benozzo, Marco Gemignani, Michael Kral, Heather Adams, Paul Rhodes, Cynthia Langtiw, Wen-Ting Chung, Cesar Cisneros Puebla, Mirka Koro- Ljungberg, Katarina Azim
Digital Tools for Qualitative Research: Kristi Jackson
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: Ping-Chun HSIUNG, Xia JI, Yang WANG, Yixi
LU, Xiangming CHEN, Renita Yuk-Lin WONG Renita Yuk-Lin WONG Global Qualitative Health Research: Janice Morse, Vanessa Shannon
Indigenous Inquiries Circle (IIC): Heather Ritenburg, H. Monty Montgomery, Rose Cameron, Kryssi Staikidis, Mere Skerrett, Roe Bubar, Damara Paris, Elizabeth Fast, Anjali Helferty, Craig Campbell, Jamie Singson, Margaret Kovach, Virginie Magnat, Shawn Wilson, Marcelo Diversi, Amy
12 General information
Prorock-Ernest, Jenny Ritchie, Warren Linds, Nuno da Costa Cardoso Dantas Ribeiro, Patrick Lewis Social Work: Jane Gilgun
IAQI Officers
President: Norman K. Denzin Vice-President: Judith Robinson 2007-2009
President: Maria del Consuelo Chapela Mendoza Vice President: Gaile S. Cannella 2010-2012
President: Cesar A. Cisneros Puebla
Vice President: Julianne Cheek 2013-2015
President: Jane Gilgun Vice-President: Svend Brinkmann 2016-2018
President: Stacy Holman Jones Vice-President: Aitor Gomez Gonzalez
Marsha Daniels, Event Services, Illini Union
Bob Rowe, Classic Events conference consultant
Bob Conrad, technical services, Illini Union
Susannah Goldes, SAGE Publications
Helen Salmon, SAGE Publications
Hannah Shakespeare, Routledge
College of Media
Jan Slater, Dean, College of Media
Matthew C. Ehrlich, Interim Director, Institute of Communications Research CL Cole , Head, Department of Media and Cinema Studies
Jeanette Bradley Wright, Department of Advertising
Robin Price, Department of History
Tom Turino, Musical Events Coordinator
Department of Music
Jonathon Marshall, Simplified Computers
Trophy Time
World Harvest International & Gourmet Foods
Extraordinary Service:
Mitch Allen, Art Bochner, Gaile Cannella, Cesar A. Cisneros Puebla, Marcelo Diversi, Maria del Consuelo Chapela Mendoza, Kathleen de Marrais, Carolyn Ellis, Stacy Holman-Jones, John Johnson, Mirka Elina Koro-Ljungberg, Patrick Lewis, Alejandra Martinez, Aldo Merlino, Claudio Moreira, Ron Pelias, Jude Preissle, Robert Rinehart, Pat Sikes.
General information 13
General Information
Conference Volunteers
An information table for congress inquiries will be available in the Pine Lounge of the Illini Union. Congress volunteers will be happy to assist you.
Registration Hours
Registration will be in the Pine Lounge of the Illini Union. Registration hours will be 3-5 pm Tuesday, 8 am to 5 pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and 8 am to noon Saturday.
The Congress is unable to insure that you will have access to computers, LCD projectors, or audio equipment.
14 General information
Institute of Qualitative Inquiry Collaborating Sites
Appalachian State University
Art Education and Visual Culture – Northern Illinois University
Association of Qualitative Research – La Trobe University
At Home At School Program – Washington State University (Vancouver)
AUTHER (Africa Unit for Trans-disciplinary Health Research) – North-West University
(Potchefstroom campus)
Body, Movement and Culture Research Group – University of Alberta
Boston College
Bristol Collaborative Writing Group – University of Bristol
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Cardiff University
Center for Biographic Research Ljubljana Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis -Sheffield
University Slovenia
Center for Interpretive and Qualitative Research – Duquesne University
Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Research – James Cook University, Australia
Center for Popular Education and Interculturality (CEPINT) – Universidad Nacional del
Center for Social Inquiry – Texas State University-San Marcos
Center of Narratives and transformative learning – University of Bristol UK
Center of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities (CREA)
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research – University of Toronto
Centre for Cultural Centered Approach for Research and Evaluation (CARE)
Center for Qualitative Studies – Aalborg University
Centro de EstudiosAvanzados – UnidadEjecutoraConicet
Centro de Investigación e Intervención Psicosocial (CEINPSI) – Universidad de Tarapacá College of Education Educational Policy Studies – Georgia State University
College of Education – Texas State University
College of Education – University of Florida
College of Human Sciences – Iowa State University
Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing – Ryerson University
Department of Communication Studies – The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Communication Department – University of South Florida
Department of Curriculum & Instruction – Adelphi University
Department of Media and Communication – Alpen Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt Department of Social Work Education – California State University Fresno
Department of Sociology – Kaunas University of Technology
Department of Speech Communication – Southern Illinois University
Department of Theater and Film at Bowling Green
Division Academica de Informatica y Sistemas Universidad Juárez Autonoma de Tabasco Education and Social Research Institute – Manchester Metropolitan University Educational Research and Evaluation Program – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Faculty of Education – University of Auckland
Faculty of Education – University of Plymouth
Florida International University
Georgia Southern University
Grupo De Investigación Aire Libre fundación Universitaria Del Área Andina
Grupo de investigación cualitativa, performatividad y psicología narrativa – Universidad
Santo Tomás
Grupo de Investigación e Innovación en Educación – University of A Coruna
Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación Cuatativa – University de Antioquia, Universi-
General information 15
dad Pontificia Bolivariana and Universidad San Buenaventura
Hugh Downs School of Human Communication – Arizona State University
Institute of Applied Social Research – University of Bedfordshire, UK
Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine – Universidade Nova De Lisboa
Institute of Media and Communications – Klagenfurt University, Austria
Instituto de Educación – Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities International Association of Educators (INASED)
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology – University of Alberta
International Journal of Progressive Education (IJPE)
International Qualitative Research Collaboration – The University of Melbourne Interpretive and Qualitative Research at Carlow (IQ@ Carlow) – Carlow University Literacies in Second Languages Project (LSLP) – Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Sede
Central Medellín
Literacy Inquiry Networking Communities – Pepperdine University &Seaver College Liverpool John Moores University, CERES (Center for Research in Education)
McGill Qualitative Health Research Group – McGill University Canada
Mediterranean Institute of Qualitative Inquiry – University of Malta
Merlien Institute – Singapore
Miami University
MSU Family & Child Clinic – Michigan State University
Narrative, Discourse and Pedagogy – University of Western Sydney
Narrative Inquiry Center – University of Bristol
National Institute of Education – Singapore
Nor-Trøndelag University College – Nord-Trøndelag University College
Northwestern University
Participatory Action Research Collective at the City University of New York Graduate
Center – The City University of New York
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Qualitative Health Research Network Red ICS (Red de Investigación Cualitativa en Salud) Qualitative Inquiry Group Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa
Qualitative Research Centre (QRC) – University of Saskatchewan
Qualitative Research Association Malaysia
Queri Qualitative Research and Training
QUIG (Qualitative Inquiry Group) – University of Toronto
Research Center for Leadership in Action – Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service Research Department – Universidad Siglo 21
Research Institute Gino Germani – University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Salud y Sociedad – Universidad AutonomaMetropolitana-Xochimilco
School for Social and Policy Research – Charles Darwin University
School of Communication – San Diego State University
School of Education, University of Aberdeen Scotland
School of Education – Sheffield University
School of Education – University of the West Indies
School of Education – University of Colorado, Boulder
School of Nursing – The University of Massachusetts Amherst
School of Theatre and Film – Arizona State University
Sociology of Education concentration, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy
-University at Buffalo
Sport & Leisure Qualitative Site – University of Waikato
St. Cloud State University
Tennessee Qualitative Inquiry for Social Justice Tennessee Technological University
Texas A&M
The Graduate Center CUNY – The City University of New-York
The Israeli Center for Qualitative Methodologies (ICQM) – Ben-Gurion University of the
16 General information
The Ohio State University
The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project For Critical Pedagogy – McGill University The Qualitative Research Program – University of Georgia
The York Management School – University of York
Universidad de Valladolid, CETIE-UVa. Centro Transdisciplinar de Investigación en Educación
Universidad de la República, Regional Norte
University of East London
Universidade de Fortaleza
The University of Haifa
University of Ottawa
University of Calgary
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Francisco
University of Greenwich
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Limpopo-South Africa
University of Liverpool
University of Memphis
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Oslo
University of Otago, Christchurch
University of Roehampton
University of St. Thomas
University of South Australia
University of Utah
University of Waterloo
UTS-University of Technology Sydney
Virginia Commonwealth University
Western Kentucky University
Worldviews in Precarious Conditions of Life-Institute of Cultural Studies
General information 17
2016 Congress Award Winners 2016 Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award
Category A: Experimental (co-winners)
David Bright, 2015. Becoming-teacher: A partial and experimental account of Western native English-speaking teachers in Vietnamese international schools. Uni- versity of Queensland
Rachel Liebert. 2016. Becoming-serpent:Mapping coils of paranoia within a neocolo- nial security state. City of University of New York
Category B: traditional
Uchenna Baker, 2014. An Ontological/Phenomenological Model of Leadership: Igniting Individual and Collective Transformation and Catalyzing Educational Reform. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and The New Jersey Insti- tute of Technology.
Honorable Mention
Amanda Tachine. 2015. Monsters and Weapons: Navajo students’ stories on their journeys to college. Arizona State University
2016 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award
Waterston, A. (2014). My Father’s Wars: Migration, Memory, and the Violence of a Century. NY: Routledge.
Speedy, J. (2015). Staring at the Park: A Poetic Autoethnographic Inquiry. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
2016 Outstanding Qualitative Book Award in Spanish or Portu- guese
Amado, João. (2014). Manual de Investigação Qualitativa em Educação (Hand- book of Qualitative Inquiry in Education). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra University Press
2016 Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching,
Arthur P. Bochner
General information
and practice
5-7 May 2005
Past Congresses
Qualitative Inquiry in a Time of Global Uncertainty Keynotes: Janice Morse, Linda Tuhiwai Smith
4-6 May 2006
Ethics, Politics, and Human Subject Research Keynotes: Marie Battiste, Michelle Fine
2-5 May 2007
Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Evidence Julianne Cheek, D. Soyini Madison
14-17 May 2008
Ethics, Evidence, and Social Justice Gloria Ladson-Billings, Ian Stronach
20-23 May 2009
Advancing Human Rights Through Qualitative Research Antjie Krog, Frederick Erickson
26-29 May 2010
Qualitative Inquiry For a Global Community in Crisis Cynthia B. Dillard, Isamu Ito
May 18-21 2011
Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Advocacy Michal Krumer-Nevo, John H. Stanfield, II
May 16-19 2012
Qualitative Inquiry as a Global Endeavour Sarah Delamont, Paul Atkinson
May 15-18, 2013
Qualitative Inquiry Outside the Academy Laurel Richardson, Russell Bishop
May 21-24, 2014
Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research Uwe Flick, Patti Lather
General information 19
May 20-23, 2015
Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry Margaret Kovach, Kathy Charmaz
Illinois Distinguished Qualitative Dissertation Award Winners 2006
Traditional: Jessica Polzer, University of Toronto
Experimental: Dalene M. Swanson, University of British Columbia
Traditional: Dixiane Hallaj, George Mason University Experimental: Gurjit Sandhu, Queen’s University, Kingston
Traditional: Mariana Cavalcanti Rocha dos Santos, University of Chicago Experimental: Nicole Defenbaugh, Southern Illinois University
Category :Traditional: Carrie Friese, University of California, San Francisco Honorable Mention: Chad William Timm, Iowa State University
Category B: Experimental: Robin Boylorn, University of South Florida Honorable Mention: Samuel P. L. Veissière, McGill University
Ken Gale and Jonathan Wyatt, University of Bristol
Category A: Traditional: Lfeoma Ann Amah. UCLA
Category B: Mixed-Methods: Sara B. Dykins Callahan, University of South Flor-
Category C: Experimental: Mansha Mirza, University of Illinois at Chicago
Category A: Traditional: Sharalyn Jordan
Honorable Mention: Toni Shorter Smith, Ohio State University Category B: Experimental: Kristia Bruce Amatucci, University of Georgia Honorable Mention: Tony Adams: University of South Florida
Category A: Traditional and Mixed-Methods: Manijeh Badiee, University of Nebraska
Honorable Mention: Mara Casey Tieken, Harvard University
Category B: Experimental: Hilary Hughes-Decatur, University of Georgia. Honorable Mention: Susan Naomi Nordstrom, University of Georgia.
20 General information
Category A: Experimental: Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Ohio University. Honorable Mention: Jennifer Self, University of Washington.
Gina Paese, St. John’s University.
Category B: Traditional: Ellen Block, University of Michigan. Honorable Mention: Michele K. Donnelly, McMaster University. Randall F. Clemens, University of Southern California.
Category A: Traditional: Urmitapa Dutta , University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Honorable Mentions: Brenda McPhail, University of Toronto Category B: Experimental: Geo Takach, University of Calgary Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Cone, Columbia University
Category A: Experimental: Graham Lea/University of British Columbia Honorable mention: Category A: Experimental: Lisa Armitage/University of
Western Sydney (2012)
Category B: Traditional: Chaunetta Jones/Rutgers University (2014)
Special Career Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice
Harry F. Wolcott, University of Oregon
Robert Stake, University of Illinois
Patricia Leavy
Olivia Inés Sanhueza Alvardo
Mitch Allen
Landmark Achievement Award
Lifetime Achievement Award in Qualitative Inquiry for dedica- tion and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and
General information
Norman K. Denzin
Yvonna S. Lincoln
Janice M. Morse
Carolyn Ellis
Laurel Richardson
Judith Preissle
Patti Lather
Outstanding Qualitative Book Award
Carolyn Ellis. 2009. Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections on Life and Work. Wal- nut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Honorable Mention:
Mary L. Gray. Out in the country: Youth, media, and queer visibility in rural Amer-
ica. (New York: New York University Press, 2009).
Pat Sikes, Pat, and Heather Piper. Researching sex and lies in the classroom: Allega-
tions of sexual misconduct in schools. (New York and London: Routledge. 2010). 2011
Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston (2010). Staging strife: Lessons from performing ethnography with Polish Roma women. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Marilyn Metta, (2010). Writing against, alongside and beyond memory: Lifewriting as reflexive, poststructuralist feminist research practice. New York: Peter Lang.
Honorable Mention: Viv Martin, (2010) Developing a narrative approach to healthcare research. Oxford, UK: Radcliffe.
22 General information
Celine-Marie Pascale. 2011. Cartographies of Knowledge: Exploring Qualitative Methodologies. Sage Publications.
Honorable Mention: Andrea Dyrness. 2011. Mothers United: An Immigrant Struggle for Socially Just Education. University of Minnesota Press.
West, Donna. 2012. Signs of hope: Deafhearing family life. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Honorable Mention: Gergen, Mary M, and Kenneth J. Gergen. 2012. Playing with purpose: Adventures in performative social science. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Packer, Martin. 2011. The Science of qualitative research. New York, NY: Cam- bridge University Press.
Boylorn, R. (2013) Sweetwater: Black Women and Narratives of Resistance. New York, Peter Lang.
Honorable mentions:
Richardson, L. (2013) After a Fall: A Sociomedical Sojurn. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press.
Castro-Salazar, R. & Bagley, C. (2012) Navigating Borders: Critical Race Theory Research and Counter History of Undocumented Americans. New York: Peter Lang
Bochner, A. (2014) Coming to Narrative: A Personal History of Paradigm Change in the Human Sciences. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press
Honorable Mentions:
Munoz, K. (2014) Transcribing Silence: Culture, Relationships, and Communica-
tions. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press
Chawla, D. (2014) Home, Uprooted: Oral Histories of India’s Partition. New York,
Fordham University Press
Davies, B. (2014) Listening to Children: Being and Becoming. London, Routledge
General information 23
2012 Inaugural Award for Outstanding Book in Spanish or Por- tuguese:
Fernando Peñaranda Correa et al.(2011). Educación para la salud: una mirada alternativa al modelo biomédico. La praxis como fundamento de una educación dialógica. Medellín, Colombia: La Carreta Editores.
2014 Outstanding Book in Spanish or Portuguese
Maria do Mar Pereira. ‘FazendoGénero no Recreio. A negociaçao do géneroemespaço escolar (Making Gender at playtime. Negotiating gender in school space.) Lisboa: Imprensa de CiênciasSociais, 2012.
24 General information
Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
May 17-20, 2017
The Future of Critical Arts-based Research: Creating Political Spaces for Resis-
tance Politics, Susan Finley, Washington State University
This talk addresses the political and theoretical implications of critical arts-based inquiry. Critical arts-based research is a performative research methodology that is structured on the notion of possibility, the what might be, of a research tradition that is postcolonial, pluralistic, ethical, and transformative in positive ways. Exemplars of social and political resistance to post-09/11/01 neoliberalism and its propaganda will be used to demonstrate theoretical practices and research imaginaries made possible by arts-and-research political action. I will address some of the key questions for critical arts-based research: What is the future of arts-based research in a post-qualitative world? What are the implications for resistance politics in bioarts, biopoetics, and ecoaesthetics? What are the practices of imagi- nation in performances of arts, research, and social justice?
‘I can see, but do I live?’: ‘Transforming Research’ as an Issue of Social Justice and Human Rights for Indigenous Peoples, Graham Hingangaroa Smith, University of Waikato
The term ‘transforming research’ is deliberately used ambiguously. Both meanings are intended. Given the persistent situation of high and disproportionate levels of social, economic and cultural underdevelopment debilitating most indigenous communities there is a need to be more vigilant about ensuring effective, transforming research. In this regard there is a need to challenge both the processes (how we research) as well as the outcomes (what changes?) as a result of our qualitative research approaches. In this paper I examine a number of issues that arise out of the Māori Education struggle in New Zealand that have potential to inform other indigenous jurisdictions seeking more equitable and socially just outcomes. Implicit in these arguments are ‘teachings’ for the development of qualitative research inquiry that more effectively confronts and engages with social justice and human rights concerns.
The theme of the 2017 Congress is “Qualitative Inquiry in the Public Sphere.” There has never been a greater need for a critical qualitative inquiry that matters in the public sphere. We live in the audit cultures of global neoliberalism. The politics of evidence that define the audit culture marginalize critical inquiry. Our challenge is to push back, to resist, to redefine the place of the academy, indig- enous epistemologies and the public intellectual in these public spaces. This is a call for interpretive, critical, performative qualitative research that matters in the lives of those who daily experience social injustice. This us a call for inquiry that addresses inequities in the economy, education, employment, the environment, health, housing, food, water; inquiry that embraces the global cry for peace and justice.
There is a need to unsettle traditional concepts of what counts as research, as
General information 25
evidence, as legitimate inquiry. How can such work become part of the public conversation? Who can speak for whom? How are voices to be represented. Can we forge new models of performance, representation, intervention and praxis. Can rethink what we mean by ethical inquiry? Can we train a new generation of engaged scholars and community leaders. What counts as scholarship in the neo- liberal public sphere. Can we imagine new models of accountability, how do we talk about impact, change, change for whom?
The age of social media has erased traditional understandings of the public sphere, private life, personal troubles, and civil society. The 2017 Congress offers scholars the opportunity to foreground, interrogate, imagine and engage new ways of doing qualitative inquiry in the neoliberal public sphere. Sessions will take up such topics as: redefinitions of the public university, preoccupations with neoliberal accountability metrics, attacks on freedom of speech, threats to shared governance, the politics of advocacy, value-free inquiry, partisanship, the politics of evidence, alternatives to evidence-based models, public policy discourse, indig- enous research ethics, decolonizing inquiry.
Scholars come to the Congress to resist, to celebrate community, to experiment with traditional and new methodologies, with new technologies of representa- tion. Together we seek to develop guidelines and exemplars concerning advocacy, inquiry and social justice concerns. We share a commitment to change the world, to engage in ethical work what makes a positive difference. As critical scholars our task is to bring the past and the future into the present, allowing us to engage realistic utopian pedagogies of hope.
Scholars from around the world have accepted the challenge to gather together in common purpose to collectively imagine creative and critical responses to a global community in crisis. The Thirteenth International Congress offers us an opportunity to experiment, take risks, explore new presentational forms, share experiences, problems and hopes concerning the conduct of critical qualitative inquiry in this time of global uncertainty.
We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time (T. S. Elliot, No 4 of Four
Quartets, 1942, p.59).
26 General information
Thursday workshops Morning, 8:30–11:30am
1. Dewey’s Principles of Arts-Based Inquiry: Richard Siegesmund, Union 314 A
2. The Critical Use of Focus Groups: George Kamberelis, Lincoln 1092
3. Writing Qualitative Inquiry: Embracing the Mystery: Christopher N. Poulos, Union 403
4. Doing Discourse Research: Reiner Keller, Gregory 205
5. Coding Qualitative Data: Beyond Indexing and Toward Insight: Johnny Saldaña, Union 210
6. ‘Between the two’: Using Deleuzian Thought in Collaborative Writing: Ken Gale and Jonathan Wyatt, Gregory 213
7. Publishing a Qualitative Study: Mitch Allen (Publisher, Left Coast Press, Inc.) & C. Deb Laughton (Publisher Guilford Publishing Company, Methodology & Statistics), Lincoln 1000
8. Mixed Methods Research and the Next Generation Qualitative on-line Research Tools—Mobile Technologies, Research Apps and the Rise of “Big Data.”: Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Gregory 223
9. Decolonizing Classrooms and Epistemologies: Claudio Moreira & Marcelo Diversi, Lincoln 1090
10. Narrative Representations in Qualitative Research: Beyond Authenticity to Transformative Cultural Action: Jerry Rosiek, Lincoln 1027
11. Foucault’s Methodologies for Qualitative Research on the Body, the Self, and Health: Pirkko Markula, Gregory 215
12. Poetic sensibilities in representation: Evoking the sensory in neoliberal times: : Robert Rinehart, Lincoln 1066
13. Doing Situational Maps and Analysis: Adele E. Clarke, Union 314 B
14. “Extend your d…a…t…a…”:Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure, Jas- mine Ulmer, Lincoln 1002
15. Writing Autoethnography and Narrative in Qualitative Research: Arthur Bochner & Carolyn Ellis, Union Illini Room C
General information 27
Afternoon, 12:30–3:30pm
16. Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research 2.0: The Ontological Turn and New Empiricisms: Alecia Jackson & Lisa Mazzei, Lincoln 1002
17. Three Little Words: Laurel Richardson, Union 314 A
18. Grounded Theory Methodologies for Social Justice Projects: Kathy Charmaz, Union 314 B
19. Oral History in the Digital Era: Valerie Janesick, Lincoln 1000
20. From Body to Paper to Stage: A Methodology for Writing and Performing Autoethnography: Tami Spry, Union 210
21. Performative Writing: Ron Pelias, Lincoln 1090
22. Aspects and Ethics of Indigenous Methodologies: Roe Bubar, Margaret Kovach, Warren Linds, Virginie Magnat, Heather Ritenburg, Mere Skerrett, Shawn Wilson, Elizabeth Fast, Lincoln 1092
23. Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) – enhanced outcome by software support. A hands-on introduction to MAXQDA: Anne Kuckartz, Union 403
24. Working with memory in collaborative research groups: Bronwyn Davies, Gregory 213
25. Designing Qualitative Research and the Use of Triangulation: Uwe Flick, Gregory 223
26. Qualitatively-driven mixed and multiple method designs: Janice M. Morse and Julianne Cheek, Gregory 215
27. Storytelling as Research/Research as Storytelling: Patrick Lewis, Karen Wal- lace and Joseph Naytowhow, Union Illini Room C
28. Qualitative Inquiry in and from the Periphery: Ping-Chun Hsiung and César A. Cisneros Puebla, Gregory 205
29. Taking Hermeneutic and Phenomenology’s Influence into the 9th Moment: Political, Post, and Arts-Based Possibilities: Melissa Freeman. and Mark D. Vagle, Lincoln 1066
30. Researching the Poor. The Contribution of Cultural Studies to a Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Elisabeth Niederer/ Rainer Winter, Lincoln 1027
Late Afternoon, 4:00–5:00pm
31. The Moving Body: Problematizing Knowledge and Practice: Jim Denison
28 General information
Keynote Addresses
Thursday, 5:30-7:00 200 Ballroom Union
Qualitative methodology and the new materialisms: do we need a new conceptual vocabulary?, Maggie MacLure, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
All I Really Need to Know About Qualitative Research I Learned in High School, Johnny Saldaña, Arizona State University
General information 29
General information
Wednesday 8:20-9:00
Union210 Wed001 Health:KeynoteAddress
Wednesday 9:00-9:40
Union210 Wed002 Health:TheConsequencesofConductingCritical Qualitative Health Researnder Neoliberal Institutional
Wednesday 9:30-10:50
IlliniRoomA Wed003 Arts-BasedResearch:RespectforChildren/Governingthe Child: Intergenerational Interactions in the Classroom
Wednesday 9:50-11:10
Union210 Wed004 Health:ClinicalapplicationsofQualitativeinquiry
Wednesday 11:00-12:20
IlliniRoomA Wed005 Arts-BasedResearch:ArtsBasedResearchandDominant Scholarly Traditions
Wednesday 11:10-12:15
Union210 Wed006 Health:TeachingQualitativeHealthResearch
Wednesday 1:00-2:20
Union210 Wed007 Health:QualitativeHealthResearchMethods
Wednesday 2:20-3:40
Union210 Wed008 Health:Clinicalissues
Wednesday 2:30-3:50
IlliniRoomA Wed009 Arts-BasedResearch:CriticalPlace-BasedA/r/tography: An Autoethnographic Video/Performance Study on Place,
Identity and Time
Wednesday 3:50-5:30
Union210 Wed010 Health:CriticalIssuesinTheoryforQualitiveHealth Research
Wednesday 5:00-6:20
Gregory213 Wed011 Psychology:PlenaryoftheSIGinQualitativePsychology: Critical and Post-Structural Inquiries
Thursday All Day
Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B Illini Room B
Thu 001 Thu 002 Thu 003 Thu 004 Thu 005 Thu 006 Thu 007 Thu 008 Thu 009 Thu 010
Poster Session 01 Poster Session 02 Poster Session 03 Poster Session 04 Poster Session 05 Poster Session 06 Poster Session 07 Poster Session 08 Poster Session 09 Poster Session 10
SocialWork:OpeningPlenaryRoundtable:The Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Grand Challenges of Social Work
Thursday 8:00-9:20
IlliniRoomA Thu011
Thursday 9:30-10:50
Union211 Union215 Union217
Thu012 SocialWork:JournalEditorsReviewSubmission-Ready Articles
Thu013 SocialWork:ConstructionsofSelf
Thu014 SocialWork:CaringforOlderAdults
Thu015 SocialWork:CroatianResponsetoRefugeeCrisis
Thursday 11:00-12:20
Noyes217 Union209 Union211 Union215 Union217
Thu016 SocialWork:InSearchofEpistemologies
Thursday 1:00-2:20
Noyes217 Union209 Union211 Union215 Union217
Thu021 Thu022 Thu023 Thu024 Thu025
Thursday 2:30-3:50
Noyes217 Thu026
General information
Thu017 Thu018 Thu019 Thu020
SocialWork:TeachingQualitativeResearch:Part1 SocialWork:EthicsinResearchandPractice SocialWork:HealthandSocialDevelopment SocialWork:ParticipatoryActionResearch
SocialWork:DiscoveredEpistemologies SocialWork:QualitativeProgramEvaluation SocialWork:ResearchonSocialWorkEducation SocialWork:ResearchonYoungPeopleandLearning SocialWork:RevisitingRelationships:AnExplorationof Dynamics between Researchers and Participants
SocialWork:OurReflexiveEpistemologicalJourneysofHow We Have Come to Know; So Far
Union209 Union211 Union215 Union217
Thu027 Thu028 Thu029 Thu030
SocialWork:ResearcherReflexivity SocialWork:MeaningsofViolenceAgainstPersons SocialWork:ResearchonTeachingandLearning SocialWork:Racingresearch:Usingconstructionist grounded theory while holding race and racism at the center instead of the margins
Autoethnography: The Religious
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Validity in Qualitative Research: Looking Back and Moving Ahead Directions In Cross-Disciplinary Methodologies
Putting Posthumanist Theories to Work in Early Childhood Literacies
Digital Tools: The construction and use of digital tools for qualitative research: Challenges on the horizon
Arts-Based Research: (Queer) Arts-Based Research and Art Methodologies in Practice
Education: Student Issues
Indigenous Research: Global Indigenous Discourse
Thrilling Little Things: A series of images Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography I Directions in Arts-Based Research I
Psychology: Clinical & Health Psychology
Starting Somewhere Else
Autoethnography: Postcolonial Critique
Psychology: Narrative
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Neoliberal Institutions
Academic Exiles: Anxiously Working-Magic at the Verge of the Unknown [???]
Autoethnography: Resourcing, Teaming, and Margining: Worlding: A Family Studies Theory
Discourses On Education I
Education And The Neoliberal
Qualitative Case Studies In Education I
Autoethnography: Using Autoethnography to Address Higher Education Challenges
Exploring The Online I
Autoethnography: Examining Illness I
Feminist Inquiry and Violence Against Women International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: African Nations
General information
Thursday 4:00-5:20
IlliniRoomA Thu031
Friday 8:00-9:20
Lincoln 1022 Lincoln 1092
Noyes 100 Noyes 161
Noyes 217
Union 405
Union 406 Illini Room C
Fri 001 Fri 002
Fri 003 Fri 004
Fri 005 Fri 006
Fri 007 Fri 008
Friday 9:30-10:50
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 213 Gregory 215 Gregory 221 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1002 Lincoln 1022
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1026 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028
Lincoln 1051 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066
Fri 009 Fri 010 Fri 011 Fri 012 Fri 013 Fri 014 Fri 015 Fri 016
Fri 017 Fri 018
Fri 019 Fri 020 Fri 021 Fri 022
Fri 023 Fri 024 Fri 025 Fri 026
Lincoln 1090
Lincoln 1092
Fri 027 Fri 028 Fri 029 Fri 030
Fri 031 Fri 032 Fri 033 Fri 034 Fri 035
Fri 036
Fri 037 Fri 038
Fri 039 Fri 040 Fri 041
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Session I Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Transformative Inquiry
Digital Tools: Exploring Identity and Gender in Digital Spaces
The relationship between stress and the ownership of a pet animal among university students
Critical Ethnography As Performance Decolonizing Classrooms
Beyond The Neoliberal
Plenary: The History of Qualitative Research in Four Generations
Plenary: Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry
Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Research I Plenary: Disability and Qualitative Inquiry: Rethinking an Ableist World
Arts-Based Research: Voices in and through the Arts, Education, and Qualitative Inquiry
Arts-Based Research: Methodological lineage in arts-based inquiry
Indigenous Research: Place as Methodology
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methodologies in Health
Visual Studies I
Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography II Directions in Arts-Based Research II
The Family
Reflexive Inquiry. Developing methods of inquiring into practice research
Autoethnography: Race I
Psychology: Community-Based Participatory Research Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Discourse Awakenings: Ed.D. Students Encounter-and Enact- Qualitative Research for the First Time
Autoethnography: Celebrating Autoethnography in Neoliberal Times: Stories of Resilience, Resistance, and Remembrance
Discourses On Education II
Education: STEM
Qualitative Case Studies In Education II
Making Sense of Stories: Putting Theory to work in Narrative Inquiry
Exploring The Online II
Noyes 217
Union 209
Union 210 Union 211 Union 215 Union 217 Union 314
Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405 Union 406 Illini Room C
Friday 11:00-12:00
Illini Room C Fri 042
Friday 11:00-12:20
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 215 Gregory 219
Gregory 221 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000 Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1022
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1026 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028
Lincoln 1051
Fri 043 Fri 044 Fri 045 Fri 046 Fri 047
Fri 048 Fri 049 Fri 050 Fri 051
Fri 052
Fri 053 Fri 054 Fri 055 Fri 056
Fri 057
General information
Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066
Lincoln 1090
Lincoln 1092
Fri 058 Fri 059 Fri 060
Fri 061 Fri 062
Fri 063 Fri 064
Fri 065
Fri 066 Fri 067 Fri 068 Fri 069
Fri 070 Fri 071 Fri 072 Fri 073
Fri 074 Fri 075
Fri 076 Fri 077 Fri 078
Autoethnography: Examining Illness II
Feminist Qualitative Research I
International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: European Nations
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Session II
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Pragmatic Rhizomatic Inquiries: Unlearning the False Binary of Modern/Post-Modern Thought in Education
Directions In Grounded Theory I
Reflections on Qualitative Inquiry: Theoretical and Practical Challenges
Digital Tools: Negotiating Digital Tools on Complex Research Teams: Dilemmas for Qualitative Research and QDA Software
Health: Qualitative Research In Practice I
Directions in Performance Ethnography
Decolonizing Neocolonial Methodologies I
Disability and qualitative research: Disrupting methods and methodologies
Challenging the Neoliberal
Deleuze I
Plenary: Women Who Write
Plenary: Feminist Projects Against Neoliberalism and Neopositivism
Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Research II Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood and Its Research I
Arts-Based Research: Arts-Based Narrative, Performance, and Photos in Qualitative Research
Arts-Based Research: Beyond Methods: Lessons from the arts to qualitative research
Arts-Based Research: Transformative Theatre: Engaging Image Theatre as Theory, Practice, and Research
Visual Studies II
Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography III Directions in Arts-Based Research III
Psychology: Exploration of Self and Other: New Paradigms in Heuristic Inquiry
The Vignette
Spotlight: The Unfolding and Blossoming of Feeling, Energy, and Understanding of the world and “Self-in-the-world” in Children: Case Studies and Issues
Autoethnography: Race II
Psychology: Post(s)
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Equity and Inclusion
General information
Noyes 100 Noyes 161
Noyes 217
Union 209 Union 210 Union 211 Union 213
Union 215 Union 217 Union 314 Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405 Union 406 Union 407
Friday 1:00-2:20
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 213
Gregory 215 Gregory 219
Gregory 221 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000
Fri 079 Fri 080 Fri 081 Fri 082
Fri 083 Fri 084
Fri 085 Fri 086 Fri 087
Lincoln 1002 Lincoln 1022
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1026
Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1051
Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066
Lincoln 1090
Lincoln 1092
Fri 088 Fri 089
Fri 090 Fri 091
Fri 092 Fri 093 Fri 094
Fri 095 Fri 096 Fri 097
Fri 098
Fri 099
Fri 100 Fri 101 Fri 102
Fri 103 Fri 104
Fri 105 Fri 106 Fri 107 Fri 108 Fri 109 Fri 110
Fri 111 Fri 112 Fri 113 Fri 114 Fri 115
Becoming-Academic in the Neoliberal Academy: A Collective Biography
Autoethnography: Oral Histories Listening Event: Stories of People’s Lives
Education: Reflections on Teaching I
Qualitative Research in STEM: Studies of Equity, Access & Innovation
Qualitative Case Studies In Education III
Narrative Perfromance
Negotiating Identity and Community with Medical Technologies
Autoethnography: Methodology I
Feminist Qualitative Research II
International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: The Americas
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Session III
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Feminist Perspectives
Directions In Grounded Theory II
Situational Analysis in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Panel Digital Tools: Working with Digital Data Sources: Challenges and Solutions
Health: Qualitative Research In Practice II
Plenary Performance: Recovering Notes on Aging: A Musical Performance Autoethnography of Surviving Wisdom in 60s Songs
Decolonizing Neocolonial Methodologies II
Disability I
Critical Educational Inquiry in Neoliberal Times
Deleuze II
Plenary: Writing from the Heart
Plenary: Putting the Work to Work: Getting Smart, Getting Messy, and Getting Lost with the Work of Patti Lather Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Research III
Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood and Its Research II
Arts-Based Research: Visual, Video, and Photo-Based Arts Research
Arts-Based Research: Food Mapping: Awareness, Art, and Activism
Indigenous Research: Decolonization
Forces of encounter: visceral bodies in qualitative inquiry Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography IV Directions in Arts-Based Research IV
Noyes 100 Noyes 161 Noyes 217
Union 209 Union 210
Union 211 Union 213 Union 215 Union 217 Union 314 Union 314
Union 403 Union 404 Union 405 Union 407 Illini Room C
Friday 2:30-3:50
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46
Fri 116 Fri 117 Fri 118
General information
Gregory 215
Gregory 219
Gregory 221
Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000 Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1022
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1051 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090 Lincoln 1092
Fri 119 Fri 120 Fri 121
Fri 122 Fri 123 Fri 124
Fri 125
Fri 126 Fri 127 Fri 128 Fri 129 Fri 130 Fri 131 Fri 132 Fri 133
Fri 134 Fri 135 Fri 136
Fri 137 Fri 138
Fri 139
Fri 140 Fri 141 Fri 142 Fri 143
Fri 144
Fri 145 Fri 146
Fri 147 Fri 148 Fri 149 Fri 150
Toward Anti-Foundationalist Sport Studies: Qualitative Inquiry and the Challenge of Paradigmatic Hysteresis The Politics of Academic Advancement: Doubting the Illusion of Rigor
Autoethnography: Auto-Ethnography as Method in the First Year Composition Classroom
Psychology: Applied Phenomenology
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Reflections Considering Critical Multicultural Feminist Research Mentorship in Neoliberal Capitalist Academia Autoethnography: Practicing What We Preach…Or Not: Negotiating Personal Desires and Critical Agendas in Autoethnographic Inquiry
Education: Reflections on Teaching II Narratives Of Gendered Identities Uses Of Technology Autoethnography: Methodology II Feminist Qualitative Research III Music
Animating Disability Differently
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Agency and Activism in Critical Research
Directions in Mixed-Method Designs
Strenghtening the qualitative research agenda in Europe Digital Tools: Adopting New Tools: Expectations, Use and Effective Training
Health: Qualitative Research In Practice III
Performance and Ethnographic Praxis: Potential, Perils, and Ethics of Collaboration
Towards Strong Reflexivity – European Contributions to an International Debate
Disability II
Enfolding Difference in Neoliberal Times
Plenary: Writing Lives and Telling Stories: A Response
to Arthur P. Bochner and Carolyn Ellis’s Evocative Autoethnography
Plenary: The Concepts of Data: Challenges in Neo-Liberal Times, Part I
New Methods In Qualitative Research I
Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood and Its Research III
Arts-Based Research: Autoethnographies and Reflections in Art and Education
Autoethnography: Pieces of my Heart: A film on intercommunal cultural spaces of Chicago gang epidemic Arts-Based Research: Data May Be “Dead” But Stories Are Not: Four Narrative Inquiries in an Interdisciplinary Context Indigenous Research: Decolonizing Methodologies: Cultural Interface, Place, History, and Reciprocity
General information
Noyes 100 Noyes 161 Noyes 217
Union 209 Union 210
Union 211
Union 213 Union 215 Union 217 Union 314
Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405 Union 406 Union 407 Illini Room C
Illini Room C Fri 151
Friday 4:00-5:20
Educational clashes and emergent methodologies in Canadian contexts: Taking up neoliberalism while pursuing antiracist and decolonizing research
Visual Studies III
Autoethnography: American-Crafted Autoethnographic Female Narratives
Psychology: Critical Considerations of the Hoffman Report: Consequences, lessons learned and the work ahead
Varieties of Validity
Autoethnography: Conflict and Violence
Psychology: (re)Interpreting Differences, Boundaries, and Conflicts in International Contexts
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Research in Carceral Institutions
Navigating an Equity-minded, Qualitatively-rich Doctoral Program in Neoliberal Times
Education: Reflections on Teaching III
Pedagogical Sensations: Using the Senses to Affect Learning Setting in Motion A Cacophonous Ecology: Posthumanist Research Practices for Education
Narratives Of Higher Education
Using Social Media as Data in Qualitative Research Autoethnography: Methodology III
Feminist Qualitative Research IV
On Language
Impersonal Posthuman Inquiries: From Wonderment and Yearning for a Sustainable Future
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Negativity as Self- Care (or) The Grass Is Never Greener
Focus Group Methodology
Digital Tools: Reflections on QDA Software Use in Specific Research Projects
The Modern School Counselor and the Power of PAR Plenary Performance: Seeing Epiphanies in Qualitative Inquiry
Confronting/Breaking Silences
Disability Studies and Belonging
Methodological Underpinnings and Implications of the Concept of Empowerment
Plenary: Autoethnography, Bullying, and Youth Identity Negotiation: A Response to Keith Berry’s Bullied: Tales of Torment, Identity, and Youth
Plenary: The Concepts of Data: Challenges in Neo-Liberal Times, Part II
New Methods In Qualitative Research II
Plenary: The history and epistemic cultures of qualitative research in Germany and France
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36
Gregory 213
Gregory 215 Gregory 221 Gregory 223
Lincoln 1000 Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1026 Lincoln 1027
Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1051 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090
Lincoln 1092
Fri 152 Fri 153
Fri 154
Fri 155 Fri 156 Fri 157
Fri 158 Fri 159
Fri 160 Fri 161 Fri 162
Fri 163 Fri 164 Fri 165 Fri 166 Fri 167 Fri 168
Fri 169
Fri 170 Fri 171
Fri 172 Fri 173
Fri 174 Fri 175 Fri 176
Fri 177
Fri 178
Fri 179 Fri 180
Noyes 100 Noyes 217
Union 209 Union 210
Union 211 Union 213 Union 215
Union 314
Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
General information
Union 405 Union 406 Union 407 Illini Room C
Fri 181 Fri 182 Fri 183 Fri 184
Arts-Based Research: Performance, Narrative, and Movement in the Arts
Foucault’s Tools: Provoking Themes of Power and Knowledge in Qualitative Inquiry
Arts-Based Research: Ontologies of becoming: Mapping encounters through art
Indigenous Research: Success and Challenges in Implementing Indigenous Methodologies
Arts-Based Research for Social Change
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Researching for and with Participants
Teaching Post-qualitative Inquiry Upward: How to Educate Your Doctoral Committee Methodologically
Teaching Anti-Racism in Charleston, South Carolina Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Colorizing Research: Qualitatively Diverse Paths and Professional Portraits
Digital Tools: Examining the Learning and Teaching of Qualitative Research Methodology in On-Line Contexts Plenary: The Work of Writing
Arts-Based Research: Art-Making, Museums, and Interdisciplinary Research
Indigenous Research: Pimosayta (learning to walk together)
Saturday 8:00-9:20
Gregory 219 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1092
Noyes 217
Union 314 B Union 405
Illini Room C
Sat 001 Sat 002
Sat 003
Sat 004 Sat 005
Sat 006
Sat 007 Sat 008
Sat 009
Saturday 9:30-10:50
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 213 Gregory 215 Gregory 219 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1002 Lincoln 1022
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090
Sat 010 Sat 011 Sat 012 Sat 013 Sat 014 Sat 015 Sat 016 Sat 017
Sat 018 Sat 019
Sat 020 Sat 021 Sat 022 Sat 023 Sat 024 Sat 025 Sat 026
Deschool the ICQI
Autoethnography: Education I
Directions in Digital Tools I
Psychology: Home & Belonging
Water Epistemology: An Ecology of Knowledge? Duoethnography
Psychology: Family, Children and Education
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Innovative Inquiries: Sounds, Constellations, and Mappings
Recently published methodological guidance (suggestion for panel, needs co-presenters)
Autoethnography: PreService Teacher Outsiders: Cisgender Latina, Cisgender Gay White Male, and Cisgender Black Gay Male Autoethnographies
Education: Reflections on Teaching IV
The International In Education I
Narratives Of Professional Identities
Autoethnography: Technology
Autoethnography: Dissertation Research
Reconceptualizing Collaboration
Negotiating Contested Identities Through Shame Guilt and Stigma
General information
Lincoln 1092
Sat 027
Sat 028
Sat 029 Sat 030
Sat 031
Sat 032 Sat 033
Sat 034 Sat 035
Sat 036
Sat 037 Sat 038
Sat 039
Sat 040 Sat 041
Sat 042
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Developing Radical Empathy and Dignity-based Practice for Educators of African American Students
Collaboration Is as Collaboration Does: Initial Musing on Traces Across the Collaborative Sites Network
Digital Tools: Visual Data and Visualizing Data
Working it Out – Participatory Inquiry Fleshed-Out: Theatre of the Oppressed
Commodification of Identities: Gender, Race and Educational Leadership
(dis)Connections with/between/within bodies in (e)motion Neoliberal Disruptions: Qualitative Encounters with Sites of Social Struggle
International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy I
Plenary: New Empiricisms/New Materialisms in Social Science Inquiry #1
Plenary: Celebrating 50 Years of “Social Construction of Reality”
Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments I: Curations
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies for the 21st.century plenary symposium I
Arts-Based Research: Uses of Music, Performance, and Tech in Arts-Based Research
Phenomenological Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry I Arts-Based Research: Social Semiotic Approach Towards Meaning-Making Between Art-making and Writing for Dyslexic College Art Students
Indigenous Research: Research as Ceremony
Noyes 100
Noyes 217 Union 210
Union 211
Union 213 Union 215
Union 217 Union 314
Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405
Union 406 Union 407
Illini Room C
Saturday 11:00-12:20
Foreign L. G32
Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 215 Gregory 219 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066
Sat 043
Sat 044 Sat 045 Sat 046 Sat 047 Sat 048 Sat 049
Sat 050
Sat 051 Sat 052 Sat 053 Sat 054 Sat 055 Sat 056
Farming and More: What Animals Can Teach Us About Qualitative Research
Autoethnography: Family II
Directions in Digital Tools II
Ethnographic Developments I
Psychology: Gender and Relationships
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Studies in Education
Revealing Transgressive Spaces: Acts of Resistance to Socially Constructed Realities in Academic Spaces
Education: Reflections on Teaching V
The International In Education II
Transforming Narratives of Oppression and Resistance Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering I Autoethnography: Spaces
Post 9/11: Reconceptualizing Identities, Methodologies, and Concepts
General information
Lincoln 1090
Sat 057
Sat 058 Sat 059 Sat 060
Sat 061
Sat 062 Sat 063 Sat 064
Sat 065
Sat 066 Sat 067
Sat 068
Sat 069 Sat 070
Sat 071
Sat 072 Sat 073
Plenary: Neoliberalism and Efforts to Silence Dissent
and Academic Freedom: Case Studies Inside/Outside the University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Pedagogies Criticism of Thinking for Specific Quantitative Methods Digital Tools: Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG Mashup: A Working Meeting
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: Chinese Sandwich Quali
These Times: an exploration of performance
LGBTQ Issues I
Humanities Initiative: Body-Chair: The entangled relationship between a girl, wheelchair and the environment Neoliberalism, Inquiry, and the Ethico-Aesthetic Turn in Children’s Creative Practices
International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy II
Plenary: New Empiricisms/New Materialisms in Social Science Inquiry # 2
Plenary: The marketisation of research: Implications for Qualitative Inquiry
Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments II: Creations
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies for the 21st.century II
Arts-Based Research: Creative Collaborative Experiences in the Arts
Phenomenological Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry II Indigenous Research: Arts-Based Research
Autoethnography: Family I
The Humanities and Qualitative Research I
Psychology: Deconstructing Self-Destruction through Ethnography of Improv for Social Anxiety Classes Directions In Indigenous Research I
Ethnographic Developments II
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Approaches to Language
Student Experiences of Qualitative Inquiry in a Community Psychology Graduate Program: Opportunities, Challenges, and Resources
Education: Reflections on Teaching VI
Conceptualizing Race
Uses Of The Narrative I
Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering II Autoethnography: Sport
Spotlighted Papers I
Radical Excavations of Narratives: A Post-Oppositional, Liminal, Arts-Based Analytical Approach to Qualitative Inquiry
General information
Lincoln 1092 Noyes 100 Noyes 217
Union 209
Union 210 Union 211 Union 213
Union 215
Union 217 Union 314
Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405
Union 406 Illini Room C
Saturday 1:00-2:20
Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 213
Gregory 215 Gregory 219 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1002
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090
Sat 074 Sat 075 Sat 076
Sat 077 Sat 078 Sat 079
Sat 080
Sat 081 Sat 082 Sat 083 Sat 084 Sat 085 Sat 086 Sat 087
Lincoln 1092
Sat 088
Sat 089 Sat 090 Sat 091
Sat 092 Sat 093 Sat 094 Sat 095 Sat 096
Sat 097 Sat 098 Sat 099
Sat 100 Sat 101 Sat 102
Sat 103
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Why PSAs Matter: Translating Research and Digital Media Production in Social Justice Education
Decentering “Self-Reflexivity:” Autobiography and Challenges of Posthumanism in Qualitative Research
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: A Study Of Intrinsic Case Study With Democratic Evaluative Tradition Autoethnography: Taking Care: Stories of Sibling Caregiving in the Thick of, and Aftermath of Familial Trauma
Researching in and through embodied encounters Rethinking Qualitative Inquiry as Social Justice Activism International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy III Autoethnography: Plenary: Constructing a Post-University Life
Plenary: Secular Schools in a Religiously Saturated Era Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments III: Writings
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies for the 21st.century III
Arts-Based Research: Identity, Disability, and Poetry
Reality, Realism, And The Real
Arts-Based Research: Performative Dissertations: Arts-based Research in the Academy
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methologies in Education
Autoethnography: Education II
The Humanities and Qualitative Research II
Psychology: Discourse Analysis
Directions In Indigenous Research II
Psychology: Nature and Mindfulness
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Ethnographies
Education: Reflections on Teaching VII
Critical Race Theory
Uses Of The Narrative II
Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography I Autoethnography: The Bodily
Spotlighted Papers II
Spotlight: Recognizing a Canadian West
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical & Phenomenological Purview of the Social Reintegration of Combat Veterans into American Society
Spotlight: New Methods: Analysis Of Empirical Materials I Autoethnography: Sibling Identities: Narrativizing the Creation, Maintenance, and Disintegration of Sibling (Dis) Connection and Attempts at (Re)Defining What it Means to be Sisters and Brothers.
New feminist poststructuralisms and the neoliberal university
Noyes 100
Union 209
Union 210
Union 211 Union 213 Union 215 Union 217 Union 314
Union 314 Union 403 Union 404
Union 405 Union 406 Union 407
Illini Room C
Saturday 2:30-3:50
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Foreign L. G46 Gregory 213 Gregory 215 Gregory 223 Lincoln 1000
Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1027 Lincoln 1028 Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090 Lincoln 1092
Noyes 100 Union 210
Union 211
Sat 104 Sat 105 Sat 106 Sat 107 Sat 108 Sat 109 Sat 110
Sat 111 Sat 112 Sat 113 Sat 114 Sat 115 Sat 116 Sat 117 Sat 118
Sat 119 Sat 120
Sat 121
General information
Union 213 Union 215 Union 217
Union 314 Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Union 405 Union 406 Illini Room C
Sat 122 Sat 123 Sat 124
Sat 125 Sat 126
Sat 127 Sat 128
Sat 129 Sat 130 Sat 131
Directions In Active Interviews
Rethinking the Global and Neoliberalism
Pedagogies and Performances of Friendship: Foucault, Ascesis and Qualitative Inquiry
Autoethnography: Plenary: Moving, Tracing, and Tracking: Micro-Making in a Multi-Sited Autoethnography
Plenary: Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario
Post-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments IV: Doings
Methodsfestivals and moments of realisms; pedagogies for the 21st.century IV
Arts-Based Research: Art Methods and Methodologies in Practice
Thinking with Theory: Thinking with Bell, Butler, Foucault, and Spivak
Indigenous Research: Reclaiming Place through Indigenous Methodologies
Investigating the Interpretive Journey
Autoethnography: Education III
Psychology: Reflecting on & Difracting This Year’s and Future SIGs in Qualitative Psychology
Directions in Arts-Based Research
Education: Reflections on Teaching VIII
Using Thick, Rich Description of Narrative Inquiry in Research
Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography II Autoethnography: The Gentrification (K)not
Spotlighted Papers III
The emergent intracorporeal subjects of writing
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Findings New Methods: Analysis Of Empirical Materials II
Plenary: The Ghetto Genius Paradigm: Uncovering tools in Critical Qualitative Research Methods for new knowledge production and evaluation in Hip Hop STEM Education Autoethnography: The Upside of Radical Negativity Directions in Institutional Ethnography
Riffing off Acts of Activism
Pedagogy in the Basic Course: Instructor narratives of positive and negative teaching experiences
Plenary: Qualitative Inquiry: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Plenary: Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times
Grounded Theory In Practice
Ka-blam! Sound Possibilities in Qualitative Theory and Practice
General information
Foreign L. G32 Foreign L. G36 Gregory 213
Gregory 219 Lincoln 1024 Lincoln 1028
Lincoln 1057 Lincoln 1062 Lincoln 1066 Lincoln 1090 Lincoln 1092 Noyes 100 Union 209
Union 210 Union 213 Union 215 Union 217
Union 314 Union 314
Union 403 Union 404
Sat 132 Sat 133 Sat 134
Sat 135 Sat 136 Sat 137
Sat 138 Sat 139 Sat 140 Sat 141 Sat 142 Sat 143 Sat 144
Sat 145 Sat 146 Sat 147 Sat 148
Sat 149 Sat 150
Sat 151 Sat 152
Saturday 4:00-5:20
Illini Room C Sat 153
Saturday 5:30-7:00
200 Ballroom Sat 154
Indigenous Research: Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan
General information
IAQI Meeting and Award Ceremony
A Day In Turkish (ADIT)
Illini Union Illini Room A
“Qualitative Inquiry, Community Empowerment and Educational Research in Turkey.”
Organized by
Turkish Educational Research Association & Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Sponsored by
International Association of Educators, International Association of Qualitative Inquiry & Canakkale Dusunce Platformu
General ADIT Schedule Friday, May 20th, 2016
Time |
ADIT Opening Ceremony Activity – Presenter |
09:00-09:10 |
Welcoming Remarks: Qualitative Inquiry, Community Empowerment and Educational Research in Turkey by Dr. Mustafa Yunus Eryaman: President of Turkish Educational Research Association (EAB) |
09:10-09:15 |
The Impact of Turkish Educational Research Association on Educational Research in Turkey, by Dr. Enver Yolcu: Vice President of EAB & Dr. Necati Cerrahoglu: General Secretary of EAB |
09:15-09:20 |
The Role of Canakkale Think-Tank Platform(CADUP) in Community Empowerment by Dr. Metehan Uzun: General Coordinator of Canakkale Dusunce Platformu |
09:20-9:35 |
The Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Turkey: The COMU Case by Dr. Yucel Acer: Rector of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University |
9:35 – 9:50 |
Activities of Turkish Parliament on Community Empowerment and Education in Turkey by Bulent Turan: Member of the Parliament of Turkey |
9:50 – 10:00 |
A case-based evaluation of the educational policies of Canakkale, Turkey by Hamza Erkal, Governor of Canakkale, Turkey |
10:00 – 15:00 |
ADIT Panel Sessions |
ADIT Panel Sessions
10:00 – 11:15: ADIT Panel Session-1
Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Istanbul Beloved: Becoming Research in the Bound Unity of Others
Sonya Turkman, University of Georgia
Gathering Qualitative Data from Young Children: Theory to Practice
Senil Unlu Cetin, Baskent University
Preservice Primary Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching for Length Measurement
Sumeyra Dogan Coskun, Gazi University & Mine Isiksal, Middle East Technical University
Cognitive process and knowledge dimensions in classroom practices of English language teachers
Mehmet Kanık, Mevlana University, and Seyat Polat, Mevlana University
A Mixed Method Analysis of the Effects of a Multiple-Discipline Art Education Management on 7th Grade Students’ Art Creativity
Enver Yolcu, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
11:15 – 12:30 ADIT Panel Session-2 Chair: Berrin Akman, Hacettepe University
Determining the preschool children’s pre-knowledge about “light” concept
Gonca Uludag,Hacettepe University & Cigdem Sahin,
Comparison of Preschool Education Programs in Turkey
Fethi Turan, Mevlana University & Seyat Polat, Mevlana University
Turkish 45
The Effect of Inquiry Based Activities about Health Topics on Preschool Children
Elif Celebi Oncu, Kocaeli University
Body image perception and body dissatisfaction of preschool children
Esra Ünlüer, University of Kocaeli, and Hande Usbaş, University of Arel
The Metaphor Study About Anti-Bias Education Programs
Berrin Akman, Hacettepe University, Nilufer Kuru, Hacettepe University, Yekta Koşan, Hacettepe University, Aysel Korkmaz, Hacettepe University, and Abdulhamit Karademir, Hacettepe University
12:30 – 13:45 ADIT Panel Session-3 Chair: Hakan Dedeoğlu, Hacettepe University
What can Analogical Cases Spectrums Tell Us? Identifying the Properties
Serkan Yilmaz, Hacettepe University
Is qualitative research ever theory free?
Serife Akbogur, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Yazılı Anlatım Dersini Alan Öğrencilerin Söz Varlığı
Mahir Kalfa, Education
Investigation of Preservice Teachers’ Speech Anxiety with Different Points of View
Fatih Kana, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Developing Critical and Creative Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students’ Using Children’s Books about War
Hakan Dedeoglu & Duygu Sarmusak Selçuk
46 Turkish
“Herkes İçin Spor” Bağlamında Yerel Yönetimler
Huseyin Gumus, Afyon Kocatepe University; Omur F. Karakullukcu, Ministry of National Education & Bilal Okudan, Ministry of Youth and Sport
13:45 – 15:00 ADIT Panel Session-4
Chair: Salih Zeki Genc, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Examination of the Swimming Exercises According to the Effect of Physically Disabled Individuals’ Life Satisfaction Levels
Unal Turkcapar, Sutcu Imam University & Mehmet Gunay, Gazi University
A Participatory Action Research Study of a Community-based Museum Education Program
Martina Riedler, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
A critical evaluation of evidence informed educational research in Turkey
Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Primary School Teachers’ Views Towards Lifelong Learning
Salih Zeki Genc, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Turkish aspect of developing UEFA criteria against racist and discriminative approaches Necati Cerrahoglu, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Turkish 47
SIG in Spanish and Portuguese (ADISP)
11a edición de ADISP, del 18 al 19 de mayo de 2016
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, EE.UU.
Lo nuevo y lo viejo en investigación cualitativa: hacia una mirada cualitativa en tiempos neoliberales.
8.00 Acreditaciones – Hall Central 8.45 Conferencia inaugural – Aula No
“La trayectoria histórica de la sociología cualitativa en España (la influencia de Ibañez) y una aplicación del análisis de discurso a la realidad de los partidos emergentes en el nuevo escenario político español.” Prof. María Antonia Arias. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)
María Antonia Arias es Doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Univer- sidad Complutense de Madrid (1986). Tesis dirigida por el Dr. Manuel Martin Serrano y que recibió la máxima calificación del tribunal: cum laude por unanimidad. Comenzó su carrera docente e investigadora en la Uni- versidad Complutense(UCM). Perteneció al Deptarmento de Técnicas de investigación social y metodología, Sociología IV de la UCM, donde obtuvo la plaza de prof. Titular de universidad en 1988. En este departamento fue la sec- retaria del programa de BECA para investigadores latinoamericanos. En 1990 cuando se funda la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de San- tiago, obtiene, mediante concurso de traslados, una plaza y se incorpora desde su inicio al claustro de profesores. Actualmente y desde 2014 es la Decana del Centro al ganar las elecciones en febrero de ese año. Ha sido becada por las principales instituciones españolas,CICYT, Fundación March, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
Sus líneas de investigación son la metodología de la investigación social y de modo especial la metodología cualitativa. Así sus trabajos versan sobre Análisis Crítico del Discurso y Grupos de Discusión: 1999 “Análisis Crítico del Discurso y su aplicación en la investigación social”. IV Congreso Internacional de semiótica. 2000 “Prácticas discursivas de lo femenino en la comunicación publicita- ria” UCM Fundación El Escorial. 2001 “Análisis Crítico del Discurso y globalización” VII Congreso FES 2007 “Investigación social cualitativa y mediación”.Revista de mediaciones de la UC,M. Asimismo pertenece a comi- tés cientificos de las revistas de investigación publicadas en Galicia. Forma parte del comité de evaluadores externos de ACSUG y como tal participó en el pro- ceso de evaluación del Instituto de Gestión Politica de la Universidad Martin Porres de Perú.
48 Spanish & Portuguese
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
Coordinadora: Oriana Rivera
Paper ID Number: 1112331
“A origem social do ato de adoecer”: registros emocionais portugueses sobre o
Cícero Alves Neto, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1130780
El dolor del cuerpo, la incertidumbre y los servicios de salud
Addis-Abeba Salinas-Urbina, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112498
Aproximaciones culturales a la enfermedad social del VIH-SIDA
Abdiel Eugenio Morales, Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamachalco SEP-Puebla [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112514
Significados socioculturales del VIH desde las representaciones sociales Ismael Genis Catalán, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113185
Situacion de la adherencia al tratamiento antituberculosis en Lima y Callao-
PERU 2014
Oriana Rivera, César Vallejo University at Lima Peru, and César Antonio Boni-
illa, Sna Martín de Porras University at Lima Peru [email protected];[email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 2. Investigación cualitativa en ámbitos organizacionales –
Spanish & Portuguese 49
Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Isabel Cristina Rivera
Paper ID Number: 1112290
Corazonando la economia. Reflexiones en torno a los aprendizajes para una nueva
Isabel Cristina Rivera Lozada, teacher [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112087
Las comunidades interpretativas en el trabajo de campo de la etnometodología
Nicolás Exequel Gómez, Escuela de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
Universidad Central de Chile [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113704
Contabilidad Pública ¿instrumento de gobierno neoliberal de las poblaciones? Carmen Alejandra Ocampo Salazar, Asistente
[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1110915
La relevancia de la percepción social en los grandes proyectos: la visión ciudadana
del Proyecto Navegabilidad del Río Uruguay (Uruguay) Alejandro Noboa, Universidad de la República (Uruguay) [email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Raúl Collazos
Paper ID Number: 1113418
De beneficiarios a jovenes protagonistas, transito en la construcción de una edu-
cacion rural incluyente. Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia
Addis Raúl Collazos, Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, Comite
Cauca [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1111181
Educación y género: desafíos en tiempos neoliberales
50 Spanish & Portuguese
Juliana Arboleda Penagos, estudiante [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113492
Diagnóstico de las Brechas de Género de las hijas e hijos de jornaleros agrícolas
Esteban García Hernández, Unidad para la Igualdad de Género. SECyD, and
Ricardo García Ramírez, Unidad para la Igualdad de Género [email protected]; [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1130261
Entrevista Narrativa y Fotovoz como Herramientas Metodológicas para la Inves-
tigación Social desde una Perspectiva Feminista Antar Martínez Guzmán, Universidad de Colima [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1099891
La función educativa de la mujer menonita hacia una trasformación social Patricia Islas Salinas, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez División Cuauh-
témoc, and Claudia Teresa Dominguez Chavira, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez División Cuauhtémoc. [email protected];claudia.domin- [email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 4. Investigación cualitativa e interdisciplinariedad – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Elizabeth Aguirre Armendáriz
Paper ID Number: 1112388
La investigacion cualitativa y la comprension de sentido jose ruben c, Universidad Autonoma de Manizales [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112596
Estudio de Caso: el estándar de oro de investigación evaluativa Saville Ian Kushner, University of Auckland [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113886
Investigacion Cualitativa y el Otro. Didascalos, Phronesis, Poiesis, y Cambio
Spanish & Portuguese 51
Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113209
Manipulación ambiental, temática poco visibilizada en las agendas ambientales:
Una autoetnografía
Elizabeth Aguirre-Armendariz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez [email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Josue Eugenio Pérez
Paper ID Number: 1112500
Dimensiones semánticas de la calidad de vida en pacientes con Parkinson Josue Eugenio Pérez, Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamachalco, SEP-Puebla [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112570
Los significados familiares de la enfermedad crónica en los niños
Jorge Francisco Franco Rocha, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos,
México. [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112589
Las dimensiones del funcionamiento familiar ante la enfermedad crónica Alex Geovani Villarreal Flores, Universidad Stratford [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112880
Estigma e preconceito em relatos de pessoas acometidas pela tuberculose em uma
favela no Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
Marcio Luiz Mello, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, Anna Cristina Carvalho,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Lúcia Maria Oliveira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Marisa Augusta Oliveira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Valeria Trajano, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, and Tania Cremonini Araújo-Jorge, Laboratório de Inovações em Terapia, Ensino e Bioprodutos (LITEB) – Instituto Oswaldo Cruz – Fio- cruz.
52 Spanish & Portuguese
[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];marisa. [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112903
Exclusión Social por Enfermedad Crónica Terminal
Veronica Teresa Guerra Guerrero, Universidad Catolica del Maule [email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 2. Investigación cualitativa en ámbitos organizacionales – Aula No :
Paper ID Number: 1112237
Estudio de caso: Análisis de la gestión de una organización desde la Reputación
Corporativa – Liderazgo manuel peña zevallos, no [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112473
El hombre duro: narrativas del cuerpo en el trabajo en cerveceros de la frontera
norte mexicana Monica Ayala, UABC [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113073
Trayectoria y familia. Relatos biográficos de trabajadores en la Provincia de Bue-
nos Aires. Argentina.
Guillermina Alejandra Comas, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani.
Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Juan Ignacio Bonfiglio, Observatorio de la
Deuda Social. Universidad Católica Argentina [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112887
Cuando emprender (no) es una opción. Factores de género en los procesos de
emprendimiento femenino.
Magdalena Suárez – Ortega, UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112795
Spanish & Portuguese 53
Discursividad Hegemonica de los Candidatos Electos en Quito y Guayaquil durante el 2014 en Ecuador
Estefanía Luzuriaga, Universidad Casa Grande, and Ingrid Rios, Universidad Casa Grande. [email protected];[email protected]
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Francisco Mendoza
Paper ID Number: 1112527
Universidad y conducta suicida: El valor de la consulta a la memoria
Magnolia del Pilar Ballesteros, Universidad Santo Tomás, and Saúl Franco, Uni-
versidad Santo Tomás. [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112588
Necesidades de convivencia y articulación en los Establecimientos Educativos
Urbanos y Rurales del departamento del Tolima Colombia María Elena Rivas, Ponente, and Lourdes Regina Díaz, Ponente [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112818
Prácticas Educativas de Escuelas ubicadas en Contextos Vulnerables: El caso de
Chihuahua en México
Ramón Leonardo Hernández Collazo, Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Pos-
grado, Sara Torres-Hernández, Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado,
and Pedro Rubio Molina, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Chihuahua [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1122722
Construcción del sentido de los datos cualitativos en investigaciones educativas Francisco Samuel Mendoza Moreira, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112832
Estigmatización: factores que construyen una identidad negativa en Niños, Niñas
y Adolescentes de las Instituciones de Educación Básica y Media del Ecuador Isabel Amarilis Leal Maridueña, UNEMI, and Patricia Viloeta Gavilanes Yanes,
54 Spanish & Portuguese
MIERCOLES 18 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 4. Investigación cualitativa e interdisciplinariedad – Aula No :
Paper ID Number: 1112686
Uma metodologia de rastreamento de processo alinhada ao modelo de gramáticas
e à filosofia realista crítica
Bruno Da Rocha Braga, Brasília’s Federal Institute of Education, Science, and
Technology [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1111861
Aplicaciones de Sensibilidades Chicana/os a una Metodología Indígena, Poscolo-
nial, y Anti-Neocolonial
Sarah Amira de la Garza, Arizona State University [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131156
La vida cotidiana, más allá de la etnografía, más acá de la historia. Reflexiones
desde el hacer antropológico
Andrea Avaria, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Chile [email protected]
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: María-Eugenia Chávez-Arellano
Paper ID Number: 1113351
Accesibilidad y prácticas alimentarias de personas con enfermedad renal crónica
que acuden a hemodiálisis en San Luis Potosí
Spanish & Portuguese 55
Nahivi Raquel Torres Briones, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, and Eduardo Hernández-Ibarra, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113347
La alimentación en la enfermedad renal crónica. La voz de quienes padecen y sus
Eduardo Hernández-Ibarra, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Nahivi
Raquel Torres Briones, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Maribel Cruz-Ortiz, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, and Juliana Vestena- Zillmer, Universidade Federal de Pelotas
[email protected];[email protected];eduardo.ibarra@uaslp. mx;[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112370
Experiencias de investigación cualitativa en el estudio de la cultura alimentaria en
una comunidad indígena.
Maria Eugenia Chavez-Arellano, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo [email protected]
Experiencias de investigación cualitativa en el estudio de la cultura alimentaria en
una comunidad indígena. María-Eugenia Chávez-Arellano Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México
Mesa 2. Investigación cualitativa en ámbitos organizacionales – Aula No :
Paper ID Number: 1112960
Una aproximación semiótica a los discursos de campaña de Mauricio Rodas en el
año 2014
Estefanía Luzuriaga, Universidad Casa Grande, Ingrid Rios, Universidad Casa
Grande, and Claudio Tomas Lobo, Universidad Nacional de San Luis [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113198
Representaciones sociales en el discurso de Rafael Correa durante la campana
electoral 2013.
Ingrid Cristina Rios, Universidad Casa Grande, and Estefanía Luzuriaga, Univer-
56 Spanish & Portuguese
sidad Casa Grande [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113154
Periodismo de investigación en Chile: Una propuesta metodológica a la luz de la
teoría de campo Claudia Lagos, UIUC [email protected]
Mesa 3 A. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Silvia Marcela Bernard
Paper ID Number: 1112588
Necesidades de convivencia y articulación en los Establecimientos Educativos
Urbanos y Rurales del departamento del Tolima Colombia María Elena Rivas, Ponente, and Lourdes Regina Díaz, Ponente [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112849
La autoetnografía como una estrategia pedagógica para dar voz a los estudiantes
de sociología
Silvia Marcela Benard, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112972
‘Representaciones’ de la Indianidad y Paisaje Lingüístico. Efectos educativos
Ana Maria Benton Zavala, Te Puna Wananga, Faculty of Education, University of
Auckland. [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113041
Sobredeterminacion curricular en paises de latinoamerica. ¿Proyectos, contornos Alicia De Alba, UNAM-IISUE
[email protected]
Mesa 3B. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y
Spanish & Portuguese 57
educativos – Aula No:
COORDINADORA: Esteban García
Paper ID Number: 1113646
Reflexiones epistemológicas y metodológicas sobre el acompañamiento y la recon-
strucción de trayectorias en comunidades rurales
Karla Yanin Rivera Flores, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, and Olivia María
Garrafa Torres, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1110657
Formación intercultural para la diversidad en tiempo neoliberal Nestor Ivan Cortez Ochoa, Estudiante [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1111014
La construcción de significados en torno a la investigación: la experiencia de estu-
diantes de Pedagogía y Comunicación Ligia Garcia-Bejar, Universidad Panamericana [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113328
Cambiando paradigmas: proyectos de investigación con estudiantes subgraduados Samuel Colon, Psychology
[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1111299
Retrato de una ‘Conferencia’ Quetzalteca: Una Exploración de la Flexibilidad
Metodológica en Contextos de Investigación Latinoamericanos. Phiona Stanley, UNSW Australia
[email protected]
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Patricia Mastache-Villalobos
58 Spanish & Portuguese
Paper ID Number: 1112733
Gestion en Salud Publica: aportes desde Latinoamerica
Deisy Jeannette Arrubla, Maestria de Salud Publica, Universidad Santo Tomas,
Magnolia del Pilar Ballesteros, Universidad Santo Tomás, and Esneider Pesca
Polanco, Facultad de Economía, Universidad Santo Tomas [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112941
Contexto Historico en el Analisis de las Politicas para el Envejecimiento Deisy Jeannette Arrubla, Maestria de Salud Publica, Universidad Santo Tomas [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131161
Incentivos a la productividad y efectos en la salud en académicos(as) universitarias María Patricia Reséndiz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113642
Pluralismo Terapéutico entre Biomédicos de la Ciudad de Querétaro, México Patricia Mastache-Villalobos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and
Javier Eduardo García de Alba-García, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1115834
Proceso de atención de enfermería en fractura de cadera sometida a reducción
interna con fijadores externos
Karla Isabel Zerna, Universidad de Guayaquil, Evelyn Adriana Rugel, Univer-
sidad de Guayaquil, and Jessenia Stefania Zerna Leal, Universidad Estatal de
Guayaquil [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Luis Felipe González Gutiérrez
Paper ID Number: 1112975
Experiencia de sí y dispositivos pedagógicos para comprender las prácticas docen-
Patricia Judith Moreno, Universidad de la Salle [email protected]
Spanish & Portuguese 59
Paper ID Number: 1113344
Los maestros de enseñanza básica en México y su práctica pedagógica Magda Garcia, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113142
Constitución de Subjetividad y Educación matemática: una mirada arqueológica Carlos Alberto Garzón, Docente investigador
[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112451
Ser Criança través da Música: Caminhos e Possibilidades na Ação Criativa em
sala de aula
Ana Veloso, CIPEM/INET-md – Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, Instituto
Politécnico do Porto [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113381
Narrativas transmedia y construccionismo social: experiencias para la construc-
ción de nuevas subjetividades
Luis F Gonzalez, Universidad Santo Tomás [email protected]
HORA 2.30 a 3.50
Aula No
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number: 1131098
El contexto empresarial y su relación con el perfil de los administradores for- mados en instituciones de educación superior. ies, región sabana del caribe colombiano
(Session Organizer) Francia Helena Prieto Baldovino, Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe. [email protected]
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1131107
Aula No
La práctica docente en los programas de administración de empresas: caso institu-
ciones de educación superior, ciudad de sincelejo, caribe colombiano
(Session Organizer) Francia Helena Prieto Baldovino, Corporacion Universitaria
del Caribe. [email protected]
60 Spanish & Portuguese
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Margarita Poblete
Paper ID Number: 1130836
Percepción de Duelo y Muerte en estudiantes de Enfermería Margarita Carmen Poblete Troncoso, Universidad Catolica del Maule [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131195
Vitalidad emocional en cuidadores familiares de niños con enfermedades crónicas Filiberto Toledano-Toledano, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, and
Laurie D. McCubbin, University of Louisville, KY, USA [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131207
Dimensiones semánticas del funcionamiento familiar ante la enfermedad crónica Filiberto Toledano-Toledano, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, and
Laurie D. McCubbin, University of Louisville, KY, USA [email protected];[email protected]
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Edith Cohernour
Paper ID Number: 1113571
The MOOCs as emerging shape of learning in Knowledge societies. Hermeneu-
tic analysis on two digital tools: and ResearchGate. Julio Rojas, Universidad Santo Tomás
Spanish & Portuguese 61
Paper ID Number: 1113477
Infoentretenimiento Transmedia para la Movilización Social Aplicados al Acuerdo
de Paz Colombiano
Luis Eduardo Gomez, Universidad de Antioquia – Universidad Eafit, and Juan
David Correa, Universidad Eafit [email protected];[email protected]
Juan Correa Maestría en Comunicacion Transmedia, Universidad Eafit.
Luis Gomez Facultad de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Antioquia, Maestria
en Comunicacion Transmedia, Universidad Eafit.
Paper ID Number: 1113479
Educar para el mercado en tiempos de neoliberalismo. Las apuestas de desarrollo
en el siglo XXI en la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia) John Fernando Macias-Prada, Universidad Eafit [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113458
Concepciones sobre la calidad educativa en una universidad privada en el sureste mexicano
Rys May-Canul, Universidad Privada de la Península, and Edith J. Cisneros-Cohernour, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan [email protected];[email protected]
HORA 4.00 a 5.20
Aula No
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number: 1103129
Barreras para atencion a signos y sintomas de cancer gastrico Santander, Colom- bia 2015
(Discussant) Andres Felipe Vasquez, UNAB; (Session Organizer) Maria Camila Gomez, UNAB; (Discussant) David Leonardo Reyes, UNAB; (Discussant) Claudia Janeth Uribe, UNAB; (Discussant) Angelica Maria Amado, Universi- dad Industrial de Santander, Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Aula No
62 Spanish & Portuguese
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1103144
Barreras para el diagnóstico y tratamiento percibidas por adultos con cancer gas-
trico, cuidadores y medicos Santander, Colombia
(Session Organizer) Leydi Yurani Mantilla, UNAB; (Session Organizer) Dely
Maria Maturana, UNAB; (Discussant) Diana Carolina Ospina, UNAB; (Dis- cussant) Claudia Janeth Uribe, UNAB; (Discussant) Angelica Maria Amado, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. co, [email protected], [email protected]
HORA 8.00 a 9.20
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number: 1131190
Pedagogía crítica e investigación cualitativa en tiempos neoliberales
(Session Organizer) Sandra Vega Villarreal, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional del
Estado de Chihuahua. [email protected] Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1112476
Biografía y Discurso en Investigación Curricular en Latinoamérica
(Session Organizer) Silvia Teresa Morelli Gasó, Universidad Nacional de Rosario [email protected]
Aula No:
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1112815
Curriculum latinoamericano: la unidad en la dispersión y la diferencia
(Session Organizer) Bertha Orozco-Fuentes, UNAM-IISUE; (Chair) Bertha
Orozco-Fuentes, UNAM-IISUE; (Discussant) Ana Laura Gallardo, UNAM- IISUE; (Discussant) Alicia De Alba, UNAM-IISUE; (Discussant) David Pérez-Arenas, ISCEEM
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], aliciadealba@, [email protected]
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1131330
Investigación social crítica y violencia en contextos latinoamericanos. ¿crisis de
representación o futuro fracturado? Las dos caras del presente en la Investig- ación cualitativa.
Spanish & Portuguese 63
(Session Organizer) Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá; (Dis- cussant) SARAH AMIRA DE LA GARZA, Arizona State University; (Discussant) Luis Felipe González, Universidad Santo Tomás; (Discussant) Mirliana Ramírez, Departamento de Enfermería, Facultad de Medicina, Uni- versidad de Chile; (Discussant) Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; (Discussant) Norman Denzin, Univ of Illinois; (Discus- sant) Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Alina Marín Cárdenas
Paper ID Number: 1131008
“Percepciones Sociales sobre desnutrición infantil en un grupo de madres bil-
ingües maya hablantes en el estado de Yucatán”
Alina Marín Cárdenas, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Victor Escalante
Hernandez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Carlos Castro Sansores, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Zulema Cabrera Araujo, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, and Andres Santana Carvajal, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]. mx;[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131210
Resiliencia familiar en contextos de enfermedad crónica
Carmen De La Cruz Nava, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, and
Filiberto Toledano-Toledano, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131213
Bienestar subjetivo en familias con enfermedades crónicas
Diego Villarreal Flores, Universidad Azteca Plantel Chalco, and Filiberto Tole-
dano-Toledano, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez [email protected];[email protected]
64 Spanish & Portuguese
Paper ID Number: 1131216
Resiliencia ante la enfermedad: una revisión de la literatura científica
Raúl Peña Martínez, Centro de Información en Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, and Gustavo Adolfo Gonzalez Reyes, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131217
Desarrollando Resiliencia familiar ante la enfermedad
Carlos Hugo Hernández Bueno, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected]
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Omer Calderón
Paper ID Number: 1113536
La logica neoliberal en habitus del campo universitario colombiano OMER CALDERON, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1114208
Analyses of curriculum discourse and genealogical interpretation Rita Angulo Villanueva, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1127551
Teatro y pedagogia en el aprendizaje del frances como lengua extranjera Ernesto Nieto-Pidghirnay, Universidad Libre [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1116490
Enseñanza de un segundo lenguaje a estudiantes de nivel superior con deficiencia
visual. Caso Estudio UNEMI
Ketty Zoraida Vergara Mendoza, UNEMI, Soledad Puma, UNEMI, and ISA-
BEL AMARILIS LEAL MARIDUEÑA, UNEMI [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1127526
Estrategias interactivas- pedagógicas y el aporte a los estudiantes con discapaci-
Spanish & Portuguese 65
dad auditiva
Gladys Angélica González, Escuela José Antonino García Cando, Rosita Vil-
laroel, Unidad Educativa Rubira, Piedad Rosaura Freire Garzón, Escuela José Antonino García Cando, and Edison Solano, Escuela José Antonino García Cando
[email protected];[email protected];piedadfreire9@hotmail. com;[email protected]
HORA 9.30 a 10.50
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number: 1131162
Las fronteras de las voces femeninas en la academia actual (Session Organizer) Monica Ayala, UABC [email protected]
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1129865
Entrevista individual como tecnica de investigacion en el contexto educativo:
Revision de literatura
(Discussant) Milyaneth Laureano Vidal, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de
Río Piedras; (Discussant) Ismabel Milagros Colon, University of Puerto Rico; (Session Organizer) Maria Elena Santos, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus
[email protected], [email protected], m.santosnieves@gmail. com
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Claudia Domínguez
66 Spanish & Portuguese
Paper ID Number: 1131218
Perspectivas de la adversidad ante la enfermedad
Gustavo Adolfo Gonzalez Reyes, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131219
Resiliencia en cuidadores familiares de niños con enfermedades crónicas
María Xóchitl Santos Vega, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Fili-
berto Toledano-Toledano, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, and
Laurie D. McCubbin, University of Louisville, KY, USA [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1099888
El discurso mítico de la discapacidad desde el enfoque estructural propuesto por
Levi Strauss
Claudia Teresa Dominguez Chavira, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
División Cuauhtémoc, and Patricia Islas Salinas, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez División Cuauhtémoc claudiadominguezch@gmail. com;[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112938
La reintegración familiar luego de una movilización militar, la percepción de los
Natasha Ramos-Ayala, Psychology, and Samuel Colon, Psychology [email protected];[email protected]
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADOR: Rodrigo Fernández
Paper ID Number: 1128074
Practicas de crianza en ninos , su influencia en la generacion de violencia analisis
critico del discurso.
Roberto Vladimir Carbajal, Universidad Francisco Gavidia [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1130611
Políticas y gestión de la investigación y profesionalización de los académicos desde
una perspectiva cualitativa
Spanish & Portuguese 67
Ricardo Perez Mora, Universidad de Guadalajara, and José Alberto Castellanos Gutiérrez, Universidad de Guadalajara
[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131142
The reform in public schools Normal Yucatan issue approaches
Hebelth Hamlet Lizama Estrada, Escuela Normal de Dzidzantun, Yucatan, Mex-
Paper ID Number: 1130738
Education and culture: challenges of teaching a multicultural society Rodrigo Fernández Cerda, Universidad de Tarapacá [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1130748
Estudio de la política universitaria de preservación de la cultura
Jorge N. España-Novelo, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Geovany
Rodríguez-Solís, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, and Edith J. Cisneros-
Cohernour, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
HORA 11.00 a 12.20
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number: 1113478
Educación Superior y procesos educativos vinculados a TIC
(Chair) Luis F Gonzalez, Universidad Santo Tomás; (Session Organizer) Julio
Rojas, Universidad Santo Tomás; (Discussant) Norma Scagnoli, University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1114819
Incidencia del desempeño del docente, en el logro de resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes
(Session Organizer) Isabel Amarilis Leal Maridueña, UENEMI
68 Spanish & Portuguese
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 1.00 a 2.20
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Yennesit Palacios Valencia
Paper ID Number: 1112822
Maiz criollo e identidad cultural de los productores en la region Texcoco Amanda Diaz, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo
[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1114197
La identidad cultural y la diversidad de género
Jocelyn Valeria Arévalo Rugel, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA, and Kathya
Lorena Rugel Zerna, UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113097
Gender, violence and forró: a social study in the brazilian northeast
Aline Veras Brilhante, Universidade de Fortaleza, Juliana Guimarães e Silva, UNI-
FOR, Lidia Andrade Lourinho, Universidade de Fortaleza, and Ana Maria
Fontenelle Catrib, Universidade de Fortaleza [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1097086
Estado de cosas inconstitucional y Grupos Vulnerables en Colombia Yennesit Palacios Valencia, Universidad Autónoma de Medellín [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113614
Subjetividad y precariedad en Jovenes
Laura Palomino, UNAM-FESI, and Rocio Tron, UNAM-FESI [email protected];[email protected]
Spanish & Portuguese 69
Paper ID Number: 1112356
Narratives productions: the agency of participating subjects and the transforma-
tion in the dynamic of research
Caterine Joanna Galaz, University of Chile, and Maria Gabriela Rubilar, Univer-
sidad de Chile [email protected];[email protected]
HORA 1.00 a 2.20
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1110596
Aplicabilidad de las técnicas de entrevista en el escenario escolar en Puerto Rico (Session Organizer) Maria Elena Santos, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Campus; (Discussant) Ismabel Milagros Colon, University of Puerto Rico; (Discussant) Milyaneth Laureano Vidal, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras
[email protected], [email protected], milyaneth.laureano@upr. edu
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1123366
Autoetnografias: por qué investigo lo que investigo, viejas y nuevas preguntas de
investigación (parte 1)
(Session Organizer) Marcela Cornejo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile [email protected] (Discussant) Claudia Lagos Lira, Daniel Johnson Mardones y
Phiona Stanley.
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1114820
La creatividad en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés estudi-
antes de nivel superior
(Session Organizer) Ketty Zoraida Vergara Mendoza, UNEMI; (Session Orga-
nizer) Soledad Puma, UNEMI; (Session Organizer) ISABEL AMARILIS
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
70 Spanish & Portuguese
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 2.30 a 3.50
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
Paper ID Number: 1112357
The narrative as a form of professional reflexivity. Autotnography anda teaching
Maria Gabriela Rubilar, Universidad de Chile, and Caterine Joanna Galaz, Uni-
versity of Chile. [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113149
Periodistas como informantes clave en la construcción de una memoria cultural.
Problemas epistemológicos y metodológicos Claudia Lagos, UIUC
[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1112516
Cambios familiares ante la migración internacional
Brisa Lizeth Tirado Fuentes de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México,
Paper ID Number: 1119572
Familias migrantes y sus significados culturales
Ramón Espinoza Hernández, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1127490
La distancia no es el olvido: ¿cómo construyen las relaciones familiares los inmi-
grantes latinoamericanos en España?
Vicente Rodriguez, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) [email protected]
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 2.30 a 3.50 Aula No :
Spanish & Portuguese 71
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1131296
Autoetnografias: por qué investigo lo que investigo, viejas y nuevas preguntas de
investigación (parte 2)
(Session Organizer) Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá; (Discus-
sant) Gabriela Rubilar, Luis Felipe González y Marilina Ramírez Pereira. [email protected]
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions
Panel ID Number: 1114250
Qué y Cómo aprenden los estudiantes en contextos de vulnerabilidad
(Session Organizer) Ramón Leonardo Hernández Collazo, Centro Chihuahuense
de Estudios de Posgrado; (Chair) Maria Luisa Gonzalez, UTEP; (Discus- sant) Sara Torres-Hernández, Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado; (Discussant) Beverley Argus-Calvo, UTEP; (Discussant) Gerónimo Mendoza- Meraz, UACH
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], bcalvo@, [email protected]
JUEVES 19 DE MAYO HORA 4.00 a 5.20
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos – Aula No :
COORDINADORA: Silvia Marcela Bernard
Paper ID Number: 1127743
Dimensiones cualitativas de las familias migrantes
Juan Daniel Velazquez Machado, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1131247
Archivo de La Villita: Hablado sobre realidades de ser immigrante y contexto comunitario
Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Dolores
Maria Castañeda, Padres Angeles [email protected];[email protected]
72 Spanish & Portuguese
Paper ID Number: 1130786
Dificultades iniciales de una autoetnografía colaborativa: compartiendo miradas
como docentes y estudiantes universitarios
Elda M Monetti, Universidad Nacional del Sur, and Elizabeth Aguirre-Arm-
endariz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113040
Las contradicciones socioculturales del amor en pareja: una aproximación autoet-
Maria de la Luz Luevano, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, and Silvia
Marcela Benard, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes [email protected];[email protected]
Paper ID Number: 1113627
Autoetnografia: elegiste ser entrenado en una Western Institution – Southern Illi-
nois University Carbondale
Manuel Alejandro Sánchez Cabrera, Southern Illinois University [email protected]
HORA 4.00 a 5.20
Aula No :
Panel: Spanish or Portuguese Submissions Panel ID Number:
Violencia, guerra e IC en América Latina ¿cambio en las estrategias neoliberales? (Session Organizer) César Cisneros Puebla, Computación Cualitativa Consul- tores; (Chair) César Cisneros [email protected] (Discussant) Luis Felipe González [email protected] , Universidad de Santo Tomás; (Discussant) Marcela Cornejo, [email protected]; (Discussant) Alejandro Noboa, Uni-
versidad de la República, [email protected]
Spanish & Portuguese 73
Arts-Based Research
Arts-Based Research: Respect for Children/Governing
the Child: Intergenerational Interactions in the Wed 003 Classroom
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Kristine E. Sunday, Old Dominion University
Precarious Children: Recognizing Young Children as Citizens in their Learning Communities, Kristine E. Sunday, Old Dominion University
“You’re Giving Me a Headache!” A Story about Playing School at Home,
Christopher Mark Schulte, Penn State University
Discerning a Pedagogy of Interruption, Daniel Kent Thompson, Penn State University
With Strings Attached: The Image of the Child in Contemporary Proposals for School Reform, Christine Marmé Thompson, Penn State University
Arts-Based Research: Arts Based Research and Wed 005 Dominant Scholarly Traditions
11:00-12:20 Union Illini Room A
(Session Organizer) Nancy Gerber, Drexel University; (Discussant) NIsha Sajnani, Lesley University / New York University; (Discussant) Jacelyn Biondo, Drexel University; (Discussant) Bronwen Landless, Drexel University,
Arts-Based Research: Critical Place-Based A/r/
tography: An Autoethnographic Video/Performance Wed 009 Study on Place, Identity and Time
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room A
(Session Organizer) Misha Burstein, University of Arizona,
74 Arts-Based Research
Arts-Based Research: (Queer) Arts-Based Research and Fri 006 Art Methodologies in Practice
8:00-9:20 Union 405
Chair: Lisbeth A. Berbary, University of Waterloo
Analytic Comics: Creative Engagements with Bisexual Community Experiences,
Lisbeth A. Berbary, University of Waterloo
Turning (and Turning): Kiki and Herb and the Case for Queer Camp as Transformative Aesthetic, Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Home is where the Camp is: An inquiry into camp as Queer refuge, Allyson Dean, University of Oregon, and Jeff Kenney, Clemson University
Some Theoretical Implications of Classical Ex Voto Practices for Artistic and Philosophical Methodologies, Viola Timm, UNIFOR
Arts-Based Research: Voices in and through the Arts, Fri 039 Education, and Qualitative Inquiry
9:30-10:50 Union 405
Chair: Ruth M Smith, The Ohio State University
New Arrivals, New Voices: Discovering Narrative Participatory Photography within Somali Diaspora, Ruth M Smith, The Ohio State University
Kiefer and I: Stories from an installation, Laura Formenti, Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Milano Italy
Normalizing Discourses of Upward Mobility: Working Class Roots, Motherhood, and Idealized White Femininity, Colleen Clements, University of Minnesota
“Locating ‘good food’ through our voices, in our stories”, Stephanie R Lim, University of British Columbia
The Story is the Source: Fictional Characters as Research Participants., Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Arts-Based Research 75
Arts-Based Research: Methodological lineage in arts- Fri 040 based inquiry
9:30-10:50 Union 406
Chair: Judy Davidson, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Layering connoisseurship with a beginners mind, Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Pilgrimage as a method of ethnography: Music and spirituality, Koji Matsunobu, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Interlacing traditions: Visual, curricular, qualitative, Donna Murray-Tiedge, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Expressive arts and self-referential awareness, Tawnya Smith, Boston University Embodied methods: The dance of teaching, Andrews Kimber, University of
Arts-Based Research: Arts-Based Narrative,
Fri 076 Performance, and Photos in Qualitative Research
11:00-12:20 Union 405
Chair: Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
A Definition of Difference: A Visual Storying of Cultural Identity, Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
Using Photo-elicitation, Video Interviews, and Narrative to Explore Adult Learners’ MOOC Experiences, Jamie Loizzo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Peggy A. Ertmer, Purdue University
Images not only ‘illustrate’ the spoken word, they also ‘speak’ for themselves: reconsidering symbolic analysis in photo voice research., Karin Hannes, Faculty of Social Sciences
An educational play: The lives of speech & debate coaches, Joseph Scott Baker, Texas A&M University/UW-La Crosse
Examining Embodiment in Process Drama with the Semiotic Photo Response Protocol, James S. Chisholm, University of Louisville, and Kathryn F. Whitmore, University of Louisville
76 Arts-Based Research
Arts-Based Research: Beyond Methods: Lessons from Fri 077 the arts to qualitative research
11:00-12:20 Union 406
Chair: Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Cultivating aesthetic sensitivity in qualitative inquiry, Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Exploring musical research sensibilities, Eva Saether, Malmo Academy of Music, Lund University
Lessons from artists for educational ethnography, Tyler Denmead, University of Illinois
Freedom from the rubric, Robert E Stake, University of Illinois
Musical reflections on time, silence and listening in qualitative research, Koji
Matsunobu, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Arts-Based Research: Transformative Theatre:
Engaging Image Theatre as Theory, Practice, and Fri 078 Research
11:00-12:20 Union 407
Chair: Tara Nkrumah, University of South Florida
(Session Organizer) Vonzell Agosto, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Andrew Bratspis, University of South Florida; (Chair) Tara Nkrumah, University of South Florida; (Session Organizer) Edwin Reynolds, University of South Florida,
Arts-Based Research: Visual, Video, and Photo-Based Fri 113 Arts Research
1:00-2:20 Union 405
Chair: zhuomin huang, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester
Through the Eye of Visual-Creative-Arts: Exploring Intercultural Personhood,
zhuomin huang, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester
Arts-Based Research 77
Confessions of a “like” addict: What members of online social media sites teach about photography, Lorrie Blair, Concordia University
Rethinking Representation: Video Composition in Qualitative Research, Leslie Rech, University of Georgia, and Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
Arts-Based Research: Food Mapping: Awareness, Art, Fri 114 and Activism
1:00-2:20 Union 407
Chair: Peggy Shannon-Baker, University of Cincinnati
(Session Organizer) Robert Alan Wight, University of Cincinnati; (Chair) Peggy Shannon-Baker, University of Cincinnati,
Arts-Based Research: Autoethnographies and Fri 147 Reflections in Art and Education
2:30-3:50 Union 405
Chair: Kathleen M. Goodyear, The Ohio State University
Using Arts-Based Research and Autoethnography to Support Undergraduates’ Identity Development: A Research Study Progress Report, Kathleen M. Goodyear, The Ohio State University
Critical Reflection(s) within University Community-Based (Art) Experiences,
Amanda Alexander, UT-Arlington
Reflecting on Students’ Identities, Communities and Social Issues through Visual Artmaking, Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
M/othering as Inter-relational in Transnational Space, Yeorim Ana Hwang, Oklahoma State University
Public’s Perception of Art through Abandoned Laundries, Sohee Koo, Teachers College, Columbia University
78 Arts-Based Research
Arts-Based Research: Data May Be “Dead” But Stories
Are Not: Four Narrative Inquiries in an Interdisciplinary Fri 149 Context
2:30-3:50 Union 407
Chair: Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University
“You Deserve Every Bad Thing That Happens to You!”: Understanding the Literacy of Survivors of Sexual Assault Trauma through Dolores’s Story, Charity Embley, Texas Tech University
Female Minority Experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: An Autoethnographic Juxtapose, Audrey Meadow, Texas Tech University
Stories of First Year Teachers in a Rural Texas, Matthew Birdwell, Texas Tech University
Stories of Surviving Spouses: Understanding Legal Challenges of Life and Death,
Cheryl A Brewer, Texas Tech University
Arts-Based Research: Performance, Narrative, and Fri 181 Movement in the Arts
4:00-5:20 Union 405
Chair: Anita Valkeemaki, University of the Arts Helsinki
“I” PERFORM! Moving in Relation to an Unsteady Landscape, Anita Valkeemaki, University of the Arts Helsinki
Visualising the invisible, hearing the inaudible. Working with Social Haunting and its Implications for Critical Performance Ethnography., Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity, and Steve Pool, Film maker working with the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council
The matters of Quality in Autoethnodrama, Amir Hedayati, University of Illinois
Utilizing Social Somatic Inquiry Approaches and Laban Movement Analysis As Tools in Qualitative Research, Becky Dyer, Arizona State University, Emily May, Arizona State University, Grace Gallagher, Arizona State University, and See Cha, Arizona State University
Arts-Based Research 79
Walls have ears; and they have voices too: positioning narratives in an art institution, Karen Lesley Tobias-Green, Leeds College of Art and Sheffield Hallam University
Arts-Based Research: Ontologies of becoming: Mapping Fri 183 encounters through art
4:00-5:20 Union 407
Chair: Ross Schlemmer, Edinboro Univeristy of Pennsylvania
Co-creating the smooth spaces of art and pedagogy at Lynden Sculpture Garden,
Laura Trafi-Prats, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Walking as an Artful Trajectory of Thinking-in-Movement, Kimberly Powell, The Pennsylvania State University
Artful Engagements, Ross Schlemmer, Edinboro Univeristy of Pennsylvania A Community Collects: Sharing Stories Through the Senses, Sue Uhlig, The
Pennsylvania State University
Arts-Based Research: Art-Making, Museums, and Sat 008 Interdisciplinary Research
8:00-9:20 Union 405
Chair: Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education
Teaching Science through Drawing: Engaging the Student Who Lags Behind in Language and Literacy Development, Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education
Discovering Phenomenological Understandings Through Art-Making As a Form of Phenomenological Reflection, Erika Goble, NorQuest College
Multimodal Literacy Design: Portraits of Three Secondary Teachers at a Performing Arts School. Cecelia J. Price, University of North Texas, Cecelia Joyce Price, University of North Texas
Arts-Based Historical Inquiry: Museum Education and Curriculum Development, Lori M. West, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
80 Arts-Based Research
Arts-Based Research: Uses of Music, Performance, and Sat 039 Tech in Arts-Based Research
9:30-10:50 Union 405
Chair: Wenche Bruun Lien, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway
Music and Me: A Study of Self in Musical Performance and Education, Wenche Bruun Lien, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway, and Magne Espeland, Stord Haugesund University College
Provoking paradigmatic polyphony, Kathryn Ann Ricketts, University of Regina, and Vicki Lynn Kelly, Simon Fraser University
High and low tech tools for 21st century art education, Sohee Koo, Teachers College, Columbia University
Arts-Based Research: Social Semiotic Approach
Towards Meaning-Making Between Art-making and Sat 041 Writing for Dyslexic College Art Students
(Session Organizer) Brian Bulfer, Teachers College,
Arts-Based Research: Creative Collaborative Sat 071 Experiences in the Arts
Chair: Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity
Union 407
Union 405
Working in ‘Ghost Labs’: Developing a collaborative process/event space of communal knowledge activism, Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity, and Sarah McNicol, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University
Finding Ourselves/Finding Each Other: The Potential for Visual Duoethnography in Developing Academic Relationships, Jennifer Hamrock, Florida State University, and Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
The Producer and the Researcher, Sunniva Skjoestad Hovde, DMMH Arts-Based Research 81
Perspectives from Behind the Mask: The embodiment of duoenthnograhpy to deconstruct academic subjectivities , Erica Sponberg, Kansas State University, and Alexander Wimmer, Kansas State University
RE- Tweeting Citizenship, Savneet Kaur Talwar, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Sat 100 Arts-Based Research: Identity, Disability, and Poetry
1:00-2:20 Union 405
Chair: Jillian Ford, Kennesaw State University
“Mental Illness” as a Diasporic Response to Contemporary Colonialism, Jillian Ford, Kennesaw State University
Hidden Disabilities that Affect: Affect Theory, Poetry and Oral History Interviews that (Un)Hide Disability, Nicole Eugene, Ohio University
“Lies for Learning”: The Poetics of Teaching with a Hidden Disability., Nicole Eugene, Ohio University
Concrete Research Poetry, elisabeth lowenstein, midsized midwestern state university
Power in Poetry: A Journey to Creative Representation of Qualitative Findings,
Jessie A Barnett, Center for Learning Innovation, University of Minnesota Rochester, and Jessica L Muilenburg, The University of Georgia
Arts-Based Research: Performative Dissertations: Arts- Sat 102 based Research in the Academy
1:00-2:20 Union 407
Chair: Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Giving Voice to the Fear, Eniola T. L. Burton Smith, National Louis University
“Estrellas Fugaces”: Using Performance Text to Encourage Latinas to Persist in Gaining Higher Education., Maribel Lopez, National Louis University, and Joan Richards, National Louis University
82 Arts-Based Research
Storycatchers Theatre: An Investigation of Arts Educational Programming as Social Change Agent, Wilson Cain III, National Louis University
Mentoring Arts Based Dissertations: Joys and Challenges, Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Arts-Based Research: Art Methods and Methodologies Sat 129 in Practice
2:30-3:50 Union 405
Chair: Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Arts Based Methods and the New Materialisms: Why they Need One Another,
Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Appropriation Revisited: Remixing Creative Analytic Practices, Brian Kumm, The University of Georgia, and Joseph A. Pate, Young Harris College
Improvisational Philosophies and Strategies to Promote Individual and Social Change, Nicole Buras, Triton Community College, and Matt Elwell, CSz Worldwide
Teaching Qualitative Research Through Pop Culture: An Arts-Based Activity,
Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Valencia College
Qualitative Research Techniques in Design Studio, Meltem Anay, Anadolu University
Arts-Based Research 83
Manifesting the Future of Autoethnography
Keeping in mind the theme of this year’s ICQI gathering and the challenge to “experiment, take risks, explore new presentational forms, share experiences, problems and hopes concerning the conduct of critical qualitative inquiry in this time of global uncertainty,” the 2016 Autoethnography SIG focuses on creating and sharing manifestos for the future of autoethnography. Drawing on the tra- dition of the manifesto to make public the intentions, goals, and motives of a collective, this SIG gathering will do/show/make manifest how autoethnography enables us to live more reflective, more meaningful, and more just lives. In the current moment, autoethnographers are seeking ways of:
Engaging deeply and explicitly with existing critical qualitative research and the- ory.
Linking the concreteness and poetry of autoethnographic stories with the intel- lectual and political commitments of critical argument.
Working collaboratively to create work that improves the lives of others and embodies the change we seek to make in the world.
Seeking new and nuanced ways to ethically engage in autoethnographic research.
We envision this SIG as an opportunity to not only make public our goals and desired ways of working but to also come together during the Congress to do work that addresses these issues. To facilitate a focus on doing and making, we invite you to participate in the following events and activities:
Events and Activities
Wednesday, May 18: Manifesto Sessions and Collaborative Workshops
Manifesto Sessions 8:00-10:00 and 10:15-12:15: Lincoln 1092
We will begin with two panels that make public the intentions, goals, and motives of autoethnography in/to the future in the form of manifestos prepared and presented by new and seasoned autoethnographers. Participants include: Norman Denzin, Art Bochner, Carolyn Ellis, Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Chris Poulos, Tami Spry, Tony Adams, Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Kitrina Douglas, Sophie Tamas, Stacy Holman Jones, Lesa Lockford, Karen Werner, Aisha Dur- ham, Durell Callier, Dominique Hill, David Purnell, Ashley Beard
84 Autoethnography
Collaborative Workshops 1:30-2:00
Following the manifesto sessions, we will convene three collaborative workshops focusing on the following approaches/issues/topics:
Audio Autoethnography led by Karen Werner: Lincoln 1092
Memory and Autoethnography led by Chris Poulos: Lincoln 1090
Rhythm, Music and Autoethnography led by Kitrina Douglas: Lincoln 1002
Autoethnography 85
Fri 001 Autoethnography: The Religious
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Matt Adamson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Still) Speaking in Silences: Decolonizing Performances of Resistance and Rage,
hari stephen kumar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“How Canst Thou Weep?”: Religion, Uncertainty, and Coming to Know God,
Matt Adamson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Magi of Juana Diaz: Performing Identity in a Time of Crisis, Liza Ann Acosta, North Park University
The Transformational Power of Place: Celebrate Recovery, David R Fisher, The University of South Florida
Fri 010 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Addis-Abeba Salinas-Urbina, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Critical Storytelling: From Classroom to Book, Nicholas D. Hartlep, Illinois State University, and Brandon Oglesby Hensley, Millikin University
Talking about barriers to implement a sexual program at a public university,
Addis-Abeba Salinas-Urbina, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Finding Newsiness in the Newsroom: An Autoethnography of a Participant Observation, Theodora Ruhs, University of Maine
Tracing the Path: Telling Stories Finding Voices From Researching Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Remote Area of Indonesia, Yulida Pangastuti, University of Auckland
Autoethnography: Creating an Inclusive Community for Change, Rachel Lewandowski, Eastern Michigan University
86 Autoethnography
Fri 014 Autoethnography: Postcolonial Critique
9:30-10:50 Gregory 221
Chair: Sophie Tamas, Carleton University
How to deal with the researchers’ eurocentric knowledge: Autoethnographical thoughts, Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Navigating the PhD: DESTROYing the “underrepresented”, Jacob B Chacko, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Autumn West, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Dorian Harrison, University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign, and Kia Alexander, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The (Im)possibility of Writing Happiness, Sophie Tamas, Carleton University
Mature Black British/Caribbean women’s lived experiences of an ‘equitable’ education provision: Widening Participation’s exploitation, Peggy Warren, Student
A Postcolonial Literary Scholar Encounters Autoethnography, Jessika O. Griffin, Ball State University
Autoethnography: Resourcing, Teaming, and Margining: Fri 018 Worlding: A Family Studies Theory
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1022
(Discussant) Darolyn “Lyn” Jones, Ball State University; (Session Organizer) James Jones, Ball State University,
Autoethnography: Using Autoethnography to Address Fri 022 Higher Education Challenges
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Meg Akehi, Michigan State University
Autoethnography as a Transformative Learning Experience, Meg Akehi, Michigan State University, and Emiko Blalock, Michigan State University
Autoethnography 87
Examining Experiences of Women of Color Student Affairs Teacher- Practitioners, Aliya Beavers, Michigan State University, Ginny Jones, Michigan State University, Nadeeka Karunaratne, University of California Irvine, and Carol Huang, Michigan State University
The Intersection of Sexism and Racism: A Critical Autoethnographic Perspective of Black Women Doctoral Students at a Predominantly White Institution, Chastity Gaither, Michigan State University, and Aliya Beavers, Michigan State University
Surviving Domestic Violence in a U.S. Higher Education Context: An Autoethnography, Rob L Hill, Michigan State University
Fri 024 Autoethnography: Examining Illness I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Noah Lelek, Texas Woman’s University
Journey(ing) through Jaundice: An Autoethnographic Examination of Illness,
Noah Lelek, Texas Woman’s University
Beyond the Clinical Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar II Disorder, Reagan Mason, Texas Tech Univeristy
Inquiry, Illness, & Identity: Sick Scholars and Autoethnographies, Leslie A Rowland, Indiana University – Bloomington
Gender-Queering linkage to HIV care: an autoethnographic assessment of a novel Peer Guide training program, Donna Jo Smith, Georgia State University
Contested genetic identities and health diagnostics, Katherine Gregory, CUNY/ New York City College of Technology
Fri 044 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elizabeth Wetzler, Northcentral University
Immersion in and Emergence from Media Representations of Ebola: An Autoethnography of Researcher Saturation, Elizabeth Wetzler, Northcentral University
88 Autoethnography
Tourism as Development: One Researcher’s Journey in Lao PDR through Photographs and Conversations, Laura Marie LaBelle, Vang Pao Peace Institute
Environmental manipulation, more subject to visible environmental agendas: An auto-ethnography, Elizabeth Aguirre-Armendariz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Dark Clouds On the Horizon, Karen Nicole Barbour, The University of Waikato
On teaching autoethnography: different countries, disciplinary backgrounds, and formal education levels, Silvia Marcela Benard, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Fri 048 Autoethnography: Race I
11:00-12:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Dyanis Popova, Virginia Tech
Radicalizing Black Male Achievement Work, Monique Liston, UW-Milwaukee The Invisible Me: Mixed Racial Identity in a Black and White World, Dyanis
Popova, Virginia Tech
What I Didn’t See and What I Couldn’t: An Autoethnography on Researching Race with Superintendents, Rachel Roegman, Purdue University
Owning White Privilege, fine. What Do You Know About Blackness?: Being White Doing CRT, Complexities, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
Overcoming bigoted mentoring and informal learning in the workplace., Jeremy Bohonos, illinois
Autoethnography 89
Autoethnography: Celebrating Autoethnography in
Neoliberal Times: Stories of Resilience, Resistance, and Fri 052 Remembrance
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1022
(Session Organizer) Christopher N Poulos, University of North Carolina- Greensboro; (Discussant) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Lesa Lockford, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Donna Henson, Bond University-Australia; (Discussant) Elissa Foster, DePaul University,
Fri 058 Autoethnography: Examining Illness II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Audre Lorde and Grandma Betty: The Cancer Journals, Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Fighting Against Forgetting: Remembering Places Where My Relationship with My Father Came into Being, Daniel Wade Clarke, School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee
Duoethnography as Method in Mental Illness Research, Ren VanderLind, Texas State University, Steven Aragon, Texas State University, and Anjali Forber- Pratt, Vanderbilt University
Fri 080 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography III
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: myrdene anderson, purdue university
Vignettes in autoethnographic accounts of working lives, Michael Humphreys, Durham University Business School, Mark Learmonth, Durham University Business School, and Robert McMurray, Durham University Business School
Ethics revisited, Myrdene Anderson, Purdue University
This Bridge Feels Like a Tightrope: Engaging in Qualitative Research for Policy
Audiences, Sosanya Jones, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 90 Autoethnography
My Time Behind Bars: An Autoethnography of Correctional Social Work,
Rachel C Casey, Virginia Commonwealth University
Fri 085 Autoethnography: Race II
1:00-2:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University
“You are not there yet to think creatively”: An interpretive autoethnography on the academic experiences in a mid-south urban city in the U.S., Lu Liu, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
An auto-ethnography of an Asian ice hockey player, Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University, and Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
In-Depth Interviewing and Intersectionality, dilek cindoglu, abdullah gul university
Reading and Writing White Femininity: Critical Autoethnography in Education,
Angela C Coffee, University of Minnesota
Troubling Whiteness: Voice, Silence, Resistance, and Pedagogy, Dalia Rodriguez, Syracuse University, and Camilla Bell, Syracuse University
Autoethnography: Oral Histories Listening Event: Stories Fri 089 of People’s Lives
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Chair) Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; (Session Organizer) Jennifer Felner, University of Illinois at Chicago; (Session Organizer) Dolores Maria Castañeda, Padres Angeles; (Session Organizer) Jennifer Hebert-Beirne, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Autoethnography 91
Fri 095 Autoethnography: Methodology I
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Katrina Plato, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Gifting Artistic Reverberations: Another Source of Data, Katrina Plato, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Liminal Lives, Living: An Co-Autoethnography of Per(forming) and Em(bracing) Liminality, Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and Shelby Swafford, Southern Illinois University
Gonzo and I: On Autoethnographic Journalism, Anna Denejkina, University of Technology Sydney
Strange Accounting: Secrets and Risk in Play, Carol Rambo, University of Memphis
Fri 117 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography IV
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Duoethnography and Music Education: East and West Agentive Lenses,
miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar, and Shinko Kondo, Oakland University
Problems with the Poststructural Autoethnography, Tessa Bishop, Tennessee Tech University
Fun-loving-blue-eyed, golden-haired damsel-in-distress, GSOH, currently imprisoned in tower, seeks VGL FS Prince Charming ISO happy-ever-after., Jan Bradford, The University of Edinburgh
Autoethnography: Auto-Ethnography as Method in the Fri 121 First Year Composition Classroom
2:30-3:50 Gregory 221
Chair: Christy Mesaros-Winckles, Adrian College
A WASP Teaches Auto-Ethnography: Students’ Lived Experiences and the Problem of Academic Privilege, Andrew Winckles, Adrian College
92 Autoethnography
Auto-Ethnography and “Practical” Degrees in the Neo-Liberal Academy, Lisa Kaplan, Adrian College
Introducing the Academic Research Paper through Autoethnography, Eric Hood, Adrian College
Adrian College Students Present Their Auto-Ethnographies, Adrian College Undergraduates, Adrian College
Autoethnography: Practicing What We Preach…Or Not:
Negotiating Personal Desires and Critical Agendas in Fri 125 Autoethnographic Inquiry
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1022
Chair: W. Benjamin Myers, University of South Carolina Upstate
Queering Monogamy and Critically Destablizing Personal Stability: Negotiating Critical Obligation and Personal Desire, W. Benjamin Myers, University of South Carolina Upstate
Giving in to What I Want to Give up: The Quandary of Critiquing Class Stratification, Tasha Rennels, Augustana University
The Reflexive Life, Keith Berry, University of South Florida
Sharing is Caring: Desiring a Pedagogy of Personal Storytelling?, Kristen Blinne,
SUNY Oneonta
What Do I Really Want?, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida
Fri 129 Autoethnography: Methodology II
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Sherry Marx, Utah State University
Difference as Strength: Promoting Autoethnography by Seeing It as Distinct from Narrative Ethnography, William M Sughrua, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
Use of Autoethnographical Reflection for Discovery of Self as a Writer, Anita Nigam, Texas Texh University
Autoethnography 93
Collective Autoethnography as a Possibility for Post-qualitative Research: The Challenges and Rewards of Our International Education – Stories of Living, Teaching and Parenting Abroad, Sherry Marx, Utah State University
Negotiating Control: Misadventures in Case Study, Karen CG Hale, University of Auckland
“Giving an account of myself ”: Reflecting on a participatory video practice with immigrant youth in Japan, Masayuki Iwase, University of British Columbia
Autoethnography: Pieces of my Heart: A film on
intercommunal cultural spaces of Chicago gang Fri 148 epidemic
2:30-3:50 Union 406
(Session Organizer) Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign,
Autoethnography: American-Crafted Autoethnographic Fri 153 Female Narratives
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elissa Foster, DePaul Univiersity
(Session Organizer) Jacqueline E. Adams, American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Alesa McGregor, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Rebekah Sinewe, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University; (Chair) Tessa Vaschel, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University,
Fri 156 Autoethnography: Conflict and Violence
4:00-5:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Stephanie L. Ezell, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing and School of Public Health
If You Could Hear the Blood: Defining the Impact of War at the End of Life,
Stephanie L. Ezell, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing and School of Public Health
94 Autoethnography
How to be a Patriot: Exploring Nationalist Curriculum in the U.S. Education System through Autoethnography, Scott Jarmon, Louisiana State University, and Shelby Swafford, Southern Illinois University
Last among Equals: Engaging with Violence as Victim and as Krav Maga Practitioner, Jelena Nolan- Roll, Artful Narrative Inquiry Network, University of Bristol
We get to define ourselves: autoethnography in two or more voices., Gary J, Krug, Eastern Washington University, and Maggie Krug, Spokane Falls Community College
Fri 165 Autoethnography: Methodology III
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: geraldine gorman, University of Illinois @ Chicago
Teaching qualitative research methods to pharmacists: an autoethnography,
Djenane Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Georgiane de Castro Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Isabela Viana Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), and Kirla Barbosa Detoni, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
The interpretative autoethnography as a methodology for the design of entrepreneurial careers. The power of heart., Magdalena Suárez-Ortega, Universidad de Sevilla
On the outside, observing within: collaborative cultural enquiries into America,
Emma Louise Jordan, South Devon College, UK, and Kathy Fox, Plymouth University
Redefing intellectual rigor in neoliberal times: has humility become archaic?,
geraldine gorman, University of Illinois @ Chicago
Navigate towards Communication: An Ethnographic Account of Engaging International Students, Kang Sun, Greenville College
Autoethnography 95
Sat 011 Autoethnography: Education I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Habits Inside Music Education: An Arts-Based and Autoethnographic Inquiry,
miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Children as Outliers: School Bullying in an Audit Culture, Genevieve Harris, Linfield College
Avatar as place of education, Janet Handwerk, Oklahoma State University
The Limitations of Love, Niceness and Care: Teaching Whiteness in High School
Intervention Programs, Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon
Autoethnography: PreService Teacher Outsiders:
Cisgender Latina, Cisgender Gay White Male, and Sat 019 Cisgender Black Gay Male Autoethnographies
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Ana Rivera-Delgado, Central Connecticut State University
“This is the First Book I Have Read by a Non-White Person”: Experiences of a Latina in Majority White Teacher Preparation Program, Ana Rivera-Delgado, Central Connecticut State University
“But You are So Fun!”: Microaggressions of Being Gay in a Female Dominated Program, Michael Anthony Iarrapino, Central Connecticut State University
“I’m Black and Gay, How Do I Handle Questions of My Sexuality with Students and Parents?”: Questions Not Addressed in Straight Dominated Teacher Preparation Program, Christopher Jones, Friend
As a Gay Man, I Empathize With You: Autoethnography of a Former Elementary School Teacher Turned Professor Working Closely with Subaltern Preservice Teachers, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
96 Autoethnography
Sat 023 Autoethnography: Technology
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Angela J Stefanski, Ball State University
Marking Our Journeys: A Multi-genre, Digital Duoethnography of Early Career Teacher Educators, Angela J Stefanski, Ball State University, Amy Leitze, Ball State University, and Veronica Fife-Demski, Ball State University
Wireless (Dis)connections: The Leaky World of Internet Pornography, Fiona Murray, University of Edinburgh
El Marie’s Love Notes: What We Can Learn About Persistence in a Gaming Environment, Karen M Hansen-Morgan, Ball State University
Auto-Archaeology and Computer-Mediated Relationships, Jimmie Manning, Northern Illinois University
Changing Perspectives: Can E-Learning Teach Classroom Instruction?, Dian Walster, Wayne State University
Sat 024 Autoethnography: Dissertation Research
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
The dilemmas of doing and writing an autoethnography, Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
ICQI, I’m your #1 Fan!, Genevieve Harris, Linfield College
Preparing for Impact: An Autoethnographic Examination of Preparation for
Inquiry into Campus Tragedy, Nathaniel Cradit, Michigan State University
Duality, Positionality, and Stance: Workplace Dissertation Research as Preparation for Practice-based Research, Robin Throne, Northcentral University, Linda K. Bowlin, Southeastern University, and Steven A. Buckner, Northcentral University
Constructively Confused (?): A Doctoral Student’s Narrative in Search of Theory,
Liaquat Channa, BUITEMS, Quetta
Autoethnography 97
Sat 044 Autoethnography: Family II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Bailige Aodong, Sociology
Brothers Writing the Body Disordered OR How to be Brothers with Disorderly Bodies, Derek Bolen, Angelo State University, and Zack Bolen, Saginaw Valley State University
Track 2: Musical Reflections on the Post-Autoethnographic Experience, Jessica Hennenfent, University of Georgia
Filial Piety, Act Humanity and Virtue: Significance of the Structure of Social Action- Social Studies of Conducting Oneself, Bailige Aodong, Sociology
Sat 054 Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering I
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Could Single Motherhood be a Lifestyle Choice?, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Mothering and the Politics of Food, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan Crying in Public: Disrupted Boundaries in the Experience of My Mother’s Illness
and Death, Gertrude J Fraser, University of Virginia Sat 055 Autoethnography: Spaces
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Francisco Vivoni, Worcester State University
Travelling the Third Place: Conferences as Third Places, David Purnell, Mercer University, and Deb Breede, Coastal Carolina University
The Space Between: A Ruminarrative, Donna Henson, Bond University- Australia
A Journey Across Space: Texas, Ohio, and Places In-Between, John Marc Cuellar, Ohio University
98 Autoethnography
Wandering in the Neoliberal City: Autoethnographic Interventions on the Regulation of Public Life, Francisco Vivoni, Worcester State University
Tide Line, Dagmar Johanna Alexander, University of Edinburgh Sat 074 Autoethnography: Family I
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Grace Ann Giorgio, UIUC
Singing Back the Gift of Refraction: Reflecting on the Results Given Back to Community after Ethnographic Fieldwork, Laurelann Porter, Arizona State University
Performing patriarchal family and its resistance in a neoliberal time, Tin-yuet Ting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Genres We Live By: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Family in Transition, Grace Ann Giorgio, UIUC
The Migration of a Smile, Devika Chawla, Ohio University
Sat 084 Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering II
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Voices from within the Adoption Triangle, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan, and Kerri Kearney, Oklahoma State University
Living a Family-Life with Neurofibromatosis Type1: An Autoethnographic Report from a Mother, Irene Caubo-Damen, VU medical center, Tineke Abma, VU medical center, Geert Van Hove, VUmc, Karen Schipper, VUmc, and Alice Schippers, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN)
Reconstructing Identity: The Everyday Management of Career and Non-Parent Identities, Caryn Euting Medved, Baruch College
Autoethnography 99
Sat 085 Autoethnography: Sport
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lost in Translation, Matthew Haugen, University of Illinois
Sport, politics, and the US-South Korea relations in the neoliberal ground: A self-narrative approach, Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, and Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University
Have You Met Fran? On Becoming a Member of a Crossfit Box, Shaun Edmonds, University of Maryland College Park
Continually Arriving at the Starting Point, Anne Merrem, University of Alabama
Intersectionality, Microaggressions, and Microaffirmations: Towards a Cultural Praxis of Sport Coaching, Brian Gearity, University of Denver, and Lynett HendersonMetzger, University of Denver
Autoethnography: Taking Care: Stories of Sibling
Caregiving in the Thick of, and Aftermath of Familial Sat 091 Trauma
1:00-2:20 Union 210
Chair: Amber Klee, University of South Florida
‘Till Death Do Us Together: A Systemic Approach to Sibling Relationships in the Aftermath of Parental Loss, Tasha Rennels, Augustana University
Mothering My Siblings, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida Children, caregivers, and embodied, vulnerable beings., Ashley Martinez,
University of South Florida
What Makes Me So Special?: A Story of Sibling Guilt and Undeserved Happiness, Amber Klee, University of South Florida
100 Autoethnography
Autoethnography: Plenary: Constructing a Post- Sat 096 University Life
1:00-2:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida
(Chair) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida; (Session Organizer) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida; (Chair) Art Bochner, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Ken Gergen, Swarthmore College; (Discussant) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Mary Gergen, Penn State University; (Discussant) Mitch Allen, Mills College; (Discussant) Laurel Richardson, The Ohio State University,
Sat 105 Autoethnography: Education II
Chair: Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech
A Diagram of a Fragmented Mind, Sungyong Ahn, Institute of Communications Research at UIUC
Foreign L. G36
They Killed Off Jay Gatsby and Kurt Cobain: Exploring Disposable Identities in an In[Ex]clusive Society, Jacqueline Pruder St. Antoine, Eastern Michigan University
If I Knew Then. . . ., Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech
(Re)learning to be. An autoethnography of studying abroad during the PhD,
Qiana Green, Michigan State University
Sat 114 Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography I
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Ed Check, Texas Tech University
Written Out of Our Own Art Exhibition Catalog Essay: A Performance/A Response, Ed Check, Texas Tech University, and Andres Peralta, Texas Tech University
Physical marks of a “homossexualist” speech, Gustavo Antonio Raimondi, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), Nelson Filice de Barros, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), and Flávia do Bonsucesso Teixeira, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)
Autoethnography 101
“I Gave All My Money to the Drag Queens”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Gender and Drag, Emily Vajjala, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bona Polari as an Omi-Polone: An Autoethnography of Hidden Queer Lexicon,
Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Sat 115 Autoethnography: The Bodily
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Sophie Smailes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Fat woman seeks space to flounder and flow, Sophie Smailes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Branded by the nation: how Chavez got under our skin, Ezequiel Korin, University of Georgia
It Got Better: An Autoethnography of an (un)wounded, bullied body, Sean Swenson, University of South Florida
Caught Between Striving for and Resisting Cultural Standards of Beauty: An Autoethnographic Journey, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida
Autoethnography: Sibling Identities: Narrativizing the Creation, Maintenance, and Disintegration of Sibling (Dis)Connection and Attempts at (Re)Defining What it
Sat 120 Means to be Sisters and Brothers.
2:30-3:50 Union 210
Chair: Amber Klee, University of South Florida
Breeching our sibling code: A narrative of finally saying “I love you” for the first time to my sister as adults, Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida
(Un)Defining Sibling Identities Through Silence, Hannah Prince, University of South Florida
Dead or Alive: Sibling Maintenance of a Deceased and an Absent Sibling, David Purnell, Mercer University
Wholly-Struggling: Searching for Half-Sibling Identity Long After Trauma,
Amber Klee, University of South Florida
102 Autoethnography
Autoethnography: Plenary: Moving, Tracing,
and Tracking: Micro-Making in a Multi-Sited Sat 125 Autoethnography
2:30-3:50 Union 314 A
(Session Organizer) Stacy L Holman Jones, Monash University, Melbourne; (Discussant) Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh; (Discussant) Anne Harris, Monash University,
Sat 133 Autoethnography: Education III
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Georgia State University
The “Annihilation” of New Orleans Teachers: A Teacher’s Story, Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Georgia State University
Harnessing Students’ Critical Stories: A Cautionary Tale of University Funding for Pedagogy, Carmella Braniger, Millikin University, and Brandon Oglesby Hensley, Millikin University
Like a Phoenix Rising: The Pedagogy of Critically Reclaiming Education,
Margaret Ann Price, Texas Tech University, Sally Ann McMillan, Texas Tech University, and Reese Todd, Texas Tech
Sat 138 Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography II
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Mollie Tinney, University of Alabama
A Ballad of Love and Liquor, Mollie Tinney, University of Alabama
Why Subjectivity Matters: Case Studies of Using Queer Autoethnography in
Educational Research, James Sheldon, University of Arizona
“In Transit”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Surveillance of Genderqueer
Bodies, Kerri Mesner, Arcadia University
Autoethnography 103
The Autoethnography of Sex Partying: Revisiting My Online Sex Party Diaries as a Researcher, Pamela Pui Kwan Tsui, The University of Hong Kong
Queering the Bible Belt: Duoethnography of Growing up Trans* and Lesbian in the Rural South, Stephanie Anne Shelton, The University of Georgia, and Aryah O. S. Lester, Trans Miami
Sat 139 Autoethnography: The Gentrification (K)not
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: judith lombardi, Gentrification (k)NOT Project
The Gentrification (K)not Movie and Conversation, judith lombardi, Gentrification (k)NOT Project
Sat 145 Autoethnography: The Upside of Radical Negativity
4:00-5:20 Union 210
Chair: Desiree D Rowe, Towson University
(Chair) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Session Organizer) Alison Fisher Bodkin, James Madison University; (Discussant) Alex Davenport, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; (Discussant) Jackie Carroll, Boston College,
104 Autoethnography
Autoethnography 105
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: Chinese Sat 061 ‘Sandwich’ Qualitative Research: How is it done?
11:00-12:20 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Xiudi Zhang, The University of Auckland,
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: A Study
Of Intrinsic Case Study With Democratic Evaluative Sat 090 Tradition
1:00-2:20 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Yanming Ren, The Faculty of Education and Social Work, Unoversity of Auckland,
106 Critical Chinese Qualitative Research
Critical Chinese Qualitative Research 107
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Lincoln 1000
8:25 am WELCOME AND INTRODUCTONS, Gaile S. Cannella
8:30 – 10:00 am
Mathias Urban, University of Roehampton, Chairperson
How Not to Run Out of Steam: Critical Qualitative Inquiry, Research Activism and Collective Attempts at Making a Difference
Responding to Bruno Latour’s (2004) wake up call – that we urgently need to turn our attention to matters of concern – we want to offer a space for exploration of, and action towards, critical activism. Pick- ing up on previous CCQI sessions we want to explore possibilities for establishing more systematic connections between our individual and local research experiences/‘findings’ and a global political discourse with/out compromising our ethical and onto-epistemological stance(s). Can we imagine coming together, from our various locations and posi- tions, to build a global qualitative research knowledge(s) base that can stand up to the large-scale quantitative research initiatives that tend to be seen as the only acceptable way to provide ‘evidence’ for policy mak- ing? Matters of fact require radical pluralisation of perspectives in order to work out matters of concern. This, paradoxically, requires collective action. We are challenged to position ourselves, as researchers, global citizens and human beings. The session aims at creating a space for a joint exploration of these issues and related questions. The discussion will be informed by initial positionings from three different geo-graphi- cal-political perspectives:
The Art of Muddling Through: How do we distil policy-making or the act of policy from critical qualitative research?
Carlos Pavao, Texas A&M University-College Station, USA
Transforming the Communication Gap between Indigenous and Western Worldviews: Opportunities, Challenges & Pathways Forward
Petra Buergelt, Lawurrpa Maypilma, Galathi Dhurrkay, Julia McPhee, Simon Moss, Anne Lowell, & Janet Helmer, Charles Darwin University, AUS
From Evidence-based Policy Making to Radical Social Invention –
108 Coalition for Critical QI
What role for critical qualitative inquiry?
Mathias Urban, University of Roehampton, UK 10:00 – 10:15 am BREAK
10:15 – 11:45 am
David Carlson, Arizona State University, Chairperson
Live from the Margins: Critical Qualitative Science in Motion
The purpose of this session is to explore the relationship between critical qualitative inquiry and the ontologies, epistemologies, and axiologies of marginalized populations. Papers explore the question, “What are the basic revolutionary changes to beliefs regarding reality, conceptualizations of research as construct, and roles and purposes of the researcher that make possible diverse forms, and even contestations, of critical qualitative inquiry?” (Cannella, 2015, p. 13). Papers employ methodological and theoretical approaches that expand our current and historical notions of qualitative research and ones that put forth the voices, experiences, and ways of knowing of marginalized people.
Undocuqueer: Sociopolitical identity at the Margins of LGBTQ and Undocumented
Jesus Cisneros, Central Arkansas University, USA
Beyond the Trappings of Consciousness: Contemplative, Post-Oppo- sitional Methodological Possibilities In Qualitative Inquiry
Kakali Bhattacharya, Kansas State University, USA
Sounding Social Justice: The Politics and Possibilities for Sensuous Methodologies
Walter Gershon, Kent State University, USA
Theorizing twisted normativity (through flash mobs)
Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona Station University, Teija Loy- tonen, Aalto University, Joshua Cruz, Arizona State University, USA and NOR
11:45 – 1:00 LUNCH Break
Coalition for Critical QI 109
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona State University, Chairperson Seeking Justice in the Critical
Critical qualitative scholarship offers humble grounds and many unforeseen possibilities to seek and promote justice, critical global engagement, and diverse epistemologies. This dialogical and interac- tive panel session highlights four important areas of critical qualitative inquiry namely decentering the human, rethinking methodologies, working through the philosophical, and meeting the other as a question of ethics. Presenters will share their critical qualitative research practices and provide examples of how justice can be addressed through research foci, methods, theories, and ethics.
Rethinking the Methodological
Maggie MacLure, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Philosophy as a Method for Justice and Critical Qualitative Inquiry
Marek Tesar, University of Auckland, NZ
Decentering the Human with Children of the Anthropocene
Margaret Somerville, Western Sydney University, AUS 2:30 – 3:15 Business Meeting, Planning for 2017
110 Coalition for Critical QI
Coalition for Critical QI 111
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Validity in
Fri 002 Qualitative Research: Looking Back and Moving Ahead
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Historical and contemporary perspectives on validity in qualitative research,
Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University, and Francesca White, Indiana University
Defining and pursuing validity in discourse analysis research, Jessica Lester, Indiana University, Michelle O’Reilly, University of Leicester, and Nikki Kiyimba, University of Chester
Validity as Research Praxis, Barbara Dennis, Indiana University Establishing Communicative Validity: Lessons from Participatory Action
Research, Meagan Call-Cummings, Indiana University Discussant, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Neoliberal Fri 016 Institutions
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1000
A qualitative case study of a once progressive university under threat, Marianne N Bloch, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Fighting Irish Commodity: Neoliberalism and the University of Notre Dame, Neal Ternes, Florida State University
The Discovery Institute’s Misapplication of Social Scientific Research, Issac O Akande, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: College of Education
Exploring the Complexity of Critical Activist Leadership and Fear through “Leadership Assemblages”, Lauren Hoffman, Lewis University
A Criticality of Experience: Chaos and Complexity in American Public Schools,
Janet Tipton Hindman, West Texas A&M University
112 Coalition for Critical QI
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Transformative Fri 028 Inquiry
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Erich N. Pitcher, Michigan State University
Yearning for a Trans*formative Methodology: Engaging Contradictory Methods to Critically Produce Knowledge with Trans* Academics, Erich N. Pitcher, Michigan State University
Decolonizing Inquiry: Merits of Critical Qualitative Research and Critical Autoethnography in Examining Multicultural/Transnational Identities, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Sexual Assault Survivor Silence: Finding Comfort in Spirals of Silence, Lauran Schaefer, Southern Illinois University
“Dedicated to Making a Positive Change”: Developing Critical Inquiry Through Youth-Led Research, Robin Lindquist-Grantz, University of Cincinnati, Cassie Lampe, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and Lisa M. Vaughn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Fri 050 Discourse
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Lyrica Layag Lucas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Writing for Human Capital: Economic Discourse and the Dominance of Quantitative Research Publications., Theodora Ann Lightfoot-Rueda, IISSE (Interdisciplinary Institute for research in Social Science and Education, and Ruth Peah, IISSE and National Louis UNiversity
Countering Colorism: Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Skin Lightening Advertisements in the Philippines, Lyrica Layag Lucas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Consulting Companies’ New Discourse of Work And Learning, Timo Nevalainen, University of Tampere
Constructing Casual Encounters: News Discourse About Sex on,
Chelsea Julian Reynolds, University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Coalition for Critical QI 113
Reporting the Drone Wars, Kevin Howley, DePauw University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Pragmatic
Rhizomatic Inquiries: Unlearning the False Binary of Fri 062 Modern/Post-Modern Thought in Education
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Aaron Kuntz, University of Alabama
Learning Beyond Representative Systems: Deleuze, Dewey, & The Work of Inquiry, Aaron Kuntz, University of Alabama
On Materiality, Abstraction, Onto-epistemologies, and Playing Golf: Points of (Dis)connection between Deweyan and Deleuzian Perspectives, Austin Pickup, Aurora University
Enduring Thought: Dewey, Deleuze, and the Rhizomatic Nature of Felt Difficulties, Jessica Heybach, Aurora University
William James and Pragmatic Truth: The Compost from which Postmodernism Grows, Eric C Sheffield, Missouri State University
Deleuze on Foucault on Theory: Making Critical Thinking Truly Critical, Andre Meeks, Aurora University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Equity and Fri 087 Inclusion
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Jobi Martinez, Texas Tech University
Seeking Stability: A Qualitative Inquiry into Neoliberal Policies, McKinney- Vento, and Chicago’s School Closings, Ann Aviles, Northeastern Illinois University, Jessica Heybach, Aurora University, and Andre Meeks, Aurora University
Homeless Individuals in Today’s Mobile Media Environment: An Examination of the Digital Divide Continuum, Jobi Martinez, Texas Tech University, and Robert Peaslee, Texas Tech University
Achieving Education for All – Hearing Minority Parent Voice, Barbara Wilson, Independent Researcher
114 Coalition for Critical QI
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Feminist Fri 099 Perspectives
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Neila Miled, Department of Educational Studies .The University of British Columbia . Vancouver. Canada
Feminist and Activist Research: Epistemologies and Methodologies at the Borders, Alejandra Araiza, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, and Robert Gonzalez, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo
(Trans)Formative Friendship and Amateur Feminism, Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Oakland University
Researcher’s Feminist activist agenda: Critical ethnography and resistance,
Neila Miled, Department of Educational Studies .The University of British Columbia . Vancouver. Canada
(f )atherhood as Leadership: Re-Awakening the Black Father, David Aguayo, University of Missouri
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Fri 123 Reflections
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Ana Mercedes Martinez
Documentary Club and Show-and-Tell with Critical Friends: A Teacher Study Group Across School Contexts, Christy Wessel Powell, Indiana University
A cyclic methodology as a way of strengthening self-study research, Young Ah Lee, The Ohio State University, Lima
A cyclic methodology as a way of strengthening self-study research, Young Ah Lee, The Ohio State University, Lima
Beyond the Confession: Critical Reflexivity, Representation, and Interpretation,
Dalia Rodriguez, Syracuse University
Coalition for Critical QI 115
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Agency and Fri 133 Activism in Critical Research
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Penny A Pasque, University of Oklahoma
Critical Race Theory, Agential Realism, and Curriculum Studies: Lessons from Studying Resegregation as Hidden Curriculum, Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Critical Case Study: An Imperative for Organizational Activism and Institutional Change in Neoliberal Times, Penny A Pasque, University of Oklahoma, and Corey Still, University of Oklahoma
Neoliberal Accountability Apparatuses and the Intra-acting Agency of University Lecturers, Jonas Jakob Thiel, ESRI,Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
A ‘Data Carnival’ as a participatory data analysis approach to urban youth socio- environmental experiences, Marissa E Bellino, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Fri 158 Research in Carceral Institutions
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1000
(Session Organizer) Gwendelyn Ballew, University of Georgia,
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Negativity as Fri 169 Self-Care (or) The Grass Is Never Greener
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1092
(Session Organizer) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Discussant) Derek Bolen, Angelo State University; (Discussant) Benny LeMaster, California State University Fullerton; (Discussant) Gregory Hummel, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; (Discussant) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Discussant) Bolton Morales, Angelo State University,
116 Coalition for Critical QI
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Researching Sat 002 for and with Participants
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Iccha Basnyat, National University of Singapore
Respecting their power and story: Using Photovoice to privilege participants as co-researchers, Ann M Bennett, Kennesaw State University
Collaborative Practices and Co-Production of Research Narratives, Luciana Kind, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – Brazil, and Rosineide Cordeiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Accessing low-income migrant workers in a difficult context: Ethical, moral, and practical challenges, Lisa Reber, Arizona State University
Whose knowledge matters?: The challenges of speaking for the marginalized as neoliberal forms of knowledge, Iccha Basnyat, National University of Singapore
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Colorizing
Research: Qualitatively Diverse Paths and Professional Sat 005 Portraits
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1092
(Session Organizer) Bennyce Edna Hamilton, Miami University Regionals; (Discussant) Vonzell Agosto, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Ysaye Maria Barnwell, Retired Faculty Howard University, singer, composer, author; (Discussant) Jolene A. Lane, Teachers College Columbia University; (Discussant) Amanda Schear, Withrow High School; Capella University,
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Innovative Sat 017 Inquiries: Sounds, Constellations, and Mappings
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Margaret Sylvia Barrett, The University of Queensland
Ethical and ecologically valid approaches to assessing music participation and engagement in early learning and development, Margaret Sylvia Barrett, The University of Queensland
Coalition for Critical QI 117
Reclaiming the Constellation of Inquiry; Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methods as Not-Yet Become and Not-Yet Consciousness, Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Metaphors of Mapping for Qualitative Inquiry, Shannon C Gleason, Washington State University, and Nicole C Ferry, Washington State University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Developing
Radical Empathy and Dignity-based Practice for Sat 027 Educators of African American Students
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Danielle Apugo, UW-Milwaukee
Examining Urban School Ethics of Care, Danielle Apugo, UW-Milwaukee Developing Dignity-Based Outcomes for Urban Education, Monique Liston,
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Studies Sat 049 in Education
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Oona Fontanella-Nothom, University of Missouri
“Critical Race Turning Points” Early childhood educators striving to de-center whiteness in their teaching., Oona Fontanella-Nothom, University of Missouri
Black Middle School Males and their Perceptions of a Suburban Community,
Corrie L. Theriault, Kennesaw State University
Literacies and Racial Ideology in an Urban School in Cali-Colombia, Beatriz Eugenia Guerrero Arias, Universidad del Valle
118 Coalition for Critical QI
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 058 Pedagogies
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Esther Taj Clark, Tennessee Technological University
Pedagogies of sacrifices: A developmental engagement model to validate storytelling in higher education research, Janet Rocha, UCLA
It’s not about Me. It’s about We: Cultural Responsiveness through Literature,
Esther Taj Clark, Tennessee Technological University
Teaching Without Borders: Active Centralized Empowerment. Janice Marie Collins, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Janice Collins, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Teaching Tough Topics, Joy Marie Anderson, Arizona State University Curricularizing Hurricane Katrina, David R Fisher, The University of South
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 079 Approaches to Language
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Language of Classroom Instruction: A Case of How and Why Codeswitching Persist During Instruction, Dr. Uju C Ukwuoma, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, and Lone Ketsitlile, Botswana International University of Science & Technology
Democracy in the Classroom: Qualitative Inquiry into the Challenges of Teaching Adults Beginners ESL Class, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Oral History as an Ethnography of How Violence and Fear Have Changed Culture, Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Coalition for Critical QI 119
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Why PSAs
Matter: Translating Research and Digital Media Sat 088 Production in Social Justice Education
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Korina Jocson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Toward New Texts and New Conversations: Digital Media Production in Social Justice Education, Korina Jocson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Settler Colonialism in K-12 Curriculum, Talia London, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Critical Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Approaches in Urban Education,
Joel Ariel Arce, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Alternative Schooling and Supporting Racially Minoritized Youth, Alberto Guerrero, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 110 Ethnographies
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Susan Linda Street, CIESAS-Occidente
Dual-sited Critical Ethnography: Neoliberal Constraints and Decolonial Possibilities in Education Research, dinorah sánchez loza, University of California, Berkeley
An Autoethnographic Approach to Emergent Participatory Epistemologies ‘on the Ground’; Convivial Activist Spirals and Community Networking in Mexico’s Urban Periphery, Susan Linda Street, CIESAS-Occidente
Breaking Even and Breaking Out: Life on the Professional Tennis Tour, Matthew Haugen, University of Illinois, Edward Horne, University of Illinois, David Chung, University of Illinois, and Nuno Filipe Ribeiro, Department of Recreation, Sport & Tourism; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Learning to Think Critically in the Healthcare Field: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Erika Lourenco de Freitas, Regis University School of Pharmacy, and Djenane Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
120 Coalition for Critical QI
What’s the Lived Reality? Global Health through Ethnography: Realizing Narratives of Being and Lived Experiences, Understanding Global Struggles, Peter Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical &
Phenomenological Purview of the Social Reintegration Sat 118 of Combat Veterans into American Society
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: MaryCatherine McDonald, College of the Holy Cross
From Skill Set to Symptoms – The Trauma of Diagnosis, MaryCatherine McDonald, College of the Holy Cross
Moral Injury: Inquisition of the unseen trauma of ‘invisible wounds’, Richard LaFleur, The College of the Holy Cross
Violence and Solidarity: The Cathartic Release of Archetypal Drives in Combat,
Gary Senecal, The College of the Holy Cross
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 142 Findings
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Rajni Hira,
Experiences of Iranian Immigrant Women in the US: A Critical Qualitative Study, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Exploring Notion of Spirituality Using Grounded Theory : A Student’s Perspective, Reetesh Kumar Singh, University of Delhi, and Rajni Hira, University of Delhi
An African Centered Approach to Evaluation Capacity Building, Monique Liston, UW-Milwaukee
Can Management Accounting be Meaningful in the Margins? A Proposal to Advance Interpretive and Critical Approaches in Management Accounting Research in Brazil, Rosenery Loureiro Lourenço, UFRJ, and Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn, UFRJ
Coalition for Critical QI 121
Digital Tools
Digital Tools: The construction and use of digital tools Fri 005 for qualitative research: Challenges on the horizon
8:00-9:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Accidentally Naked: Ethical Issues When Conducting Virtual Ethnographic Research, Kakali Bhattarachya, Kansas State University
Digital Humanities and Qualitative Inquiry: Digging into Data on a Large Scale, Harriett Green, University of Illinois
Operationalising our responsibilities: equipping university teachers to embed CAQDAS into curricula, Christina Silver, University of Surrey
Determinism vs. Constructivism: The Polarizing Discourse Regarding Digital Tools for Qualitative Research and how it Threatens our Scholarship, Kristi Jackson, Queri
Discussant, Trena M. Paulus
Digital Tools: Exploring Identity and Gender in Digital
Fri 029 Spaces
9:30-10:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Vladimir Santiago Arias, Texas Tech University
Using digital tools and arts-informed methods to construct a third-space research diary and reconstruct identity., Rosemary C. Reilly, Concordia University
More Data, More Problems: Examining Neoliberal Institutional Challenges to Online Research, Jasmine R. Linabary, Purdue University, Danielle J. Corple, Purdue University, Cheryl Cooky, Purdue University, and Emily Fogle, Purdue University
First Impression Formation and Online Dating: an exploratory study of Tinder,
Vladimir Santiago Arias, Texas Tech University
It’s Not a Woman Problem: Challenging Neoliberal Approaches to Online Community Research, Danielle J. Corple, Purdue University
122 Digital Tools
Digital Tools: Negotiating Digital Tools on Complex
Research Teams: Dilemmas for Qualitative Research Fri 065 and QDA Software
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Sexting Times Three and NVivo: The Complexities of Team Research in the Digital Age and the Implications for Qualitative Research, Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Shanna Rose Thompson, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Andrew Harris, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Strategies and Tools for Complex Collaborative Projects: Emergent Literacy Research as Exemplar, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
When worlds unite: Creating a complex team process across two QDAS programs, three disciplines, four researchers and 15 time zones, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Megan Woods, University of Tasmania, David Atkins, Univesity of Tennessee, and Rob Macklin, University of Tasmania
Crossing Geographical and Cultural Boundaries : International Collaboration with Culturally-Specific Media Data using Transana, David K. Woods, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research
Digital Tools: Working with Digital Data Sources: Fri 102 Challenges and Solutions
1:00-2:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Anna Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Changing CMC into “Data”: What Comes Before QDAS?, Amber Warren, Indiana University, and Jay Pfaffman, University of South Alabama
Anonymous Social Media and Qualitative Inquiry: Methodological Considerations/Implications for Using YikYak as a Data Source, Caitlin Byrne, University of Alabama
Methods for Tracing Mobile Literacy Practices: A Transliteracies Approach,
Anna Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Nathan C Phillips, University of Illinois, Chicago, and Amy Stornaiuolo, University of Pennsylvania
Digital Tools 123
Digital Tools for Focus Group Analysis, Anne Kuckartz, VERBI
Inter-view on an inter-face: Using Skype to conduct a qualitative interview, Yin Yin, University of Alberta, Erika Goble, NorQuest College, Catherine Adams, University of Alberta, and Francisco Vargas Madriz, University of Alberta
Digital Tools: Adopting New Tools: Expectations, Use Fri 136 and Effective Training
2:30-3:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles
Magical thinking and QDA software expectations: uncovering coding, analysis and data management issues, Katherine Gregory, CUNY/New York City College of Technology, and Sarah DeMott, NYU
Using simple QDA software with participants: Results from a pilot study, Daniel Turner, Quirkos Software
International Survey Results on How Technological Tools are used in Qualitative Research, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
Five-level QDA: A pedagogy for improving analysis quality when using CAQDAS , Nicholas H Woolf, Woolf Consulting, and Christina Silver, University of Surrey
All about That Case: Using Phenomenology to Examine Instructional Technology Trainer Beliefs and Perceptions, Leslie Pourreau, Kennesaw State University
Digital Tools: Reflections on QDA Software Use in Fri 171 Specific Research Projects
4:00-5:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Denise St Clair, Westat
Analyzing the Analysis: Using Consumer Feedback as the Impetus for Change,
Andrew Hinzman, Westat
124 Digital Tools
Digital Analytic Design In Focus: Shaping and Implementing a Mixed- Methods Secondary Analysis of Archival Material using the CAQDAS Package MAXQDA, Christina Silver, University of Surrey, and Rose Lindsey, University of Southampton
How Digital Tools Saved My Life: Dedoose and the Anatomy of a Dissertation,
Denise St Clair, Westat
Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software in Education Policy Research, Chad R Lochmiller, Indiana University
The Process of Applying Qualitative Coding Strategies into Asynchronous Discussions, Funda Ergulec, Indiana University, and Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Digital Tools: Examining the Learning and Teaching of Sat 006 Qualitative Research Methodology in On-Line Contexts
8:00-9:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Trena Paulus, University of Georgia
1. Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research at a Distance, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia, and Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia
2. Learning about Qualitative Research Online: Students’ Perspectives,
Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, and Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia
3. Learning to Teach Qualitative Methods Online: Faculty Perspectives,
Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia, and Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia
Learning On-Line: Student Voices, Sabrina Tindal Cherry, University of Georgia – College of Public Health, Steacy Chad, University of Geography, Department of Geography, and Iris Michele Saltiel, Columbus State University
Digital Tools 125
Sat 029 Digital Tools: Visual Data and Visualizing Data
9:30-10:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Christian McKay, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing
Attempting to Understand Role, Position, and Significance of Visuals Within Multimodal Ensembles, OLGA GOULD, SUNY, University at Buffalo
Getting the Most Out Of Qualitative Data : Techniques for managing analytic complexity using media data, David K. Woods, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research
End Effector: Post-Human Actors and Materiality in the Network of Educational Technocracy, Christian McKay, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing
It is More than One Beautiful Quote: Building a Visual Web of Meaning,
Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
What is the visualization QDA Software is looking for?, cesar antonio cisneros- puebla, UAM Iztapalapa
Digital Tools: Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG Sat 060 Mashup: A Working Meeting
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Kristi Jackson, Queri
Join our “town hall” style meeting designed to leverage the strengths of our diversities. We will review our activities since ICQI 2015, determine our priorities for the upcoming year, and identify a concrete, collaborative activity
for the SIG. After this 45-minute meeting, we will begin working on our activity while getting to know one another better. Whether you are a longstanding contributor to this community or new to the field of Digital Tools for Qualitative Research, we welcome your perspectives and are here to help you find resources that further your interests.,
126 Digital Tools
Digital Tools 127
5th Annual Indigenous Inquiries Circle Pre-Conference Day
May 18th, 2016
(Silent Auction All Day)
Everyone Welcomed
The Circle is always Open, but never Broken
Illini Room C
Pipe Ceremony 8:30 a.m.
Joseph Naytowhow, Pipe Ceremony in the morning prior to the commencement of the pre-conference day, all invited to the green space Quad by Illini Union
Prayers and offering to the spirit of Dr. Jo-Ann Episkenew Welcome Song with Wayne Silas 10:00 a.m. Acknowledging the Land 10:20 a.m.
Jamie Singson, Director Native American House, University of Illinois
We wish to acknowledge the land upon which we gather here today for the 10th Qi Congress. These lands were the traditional territory of a number of First Nations bands prior to European contact, with the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Piankashaw, Wea, Miami, Mascoutin, Odawa, Sauk, Mesquakie, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Chippewa people being some of the last bands forcibly removed. This land witnessed many First Peoples resistance against the pressures of colonization manifested through war, disease, and Diaspora. These lands carry that memory, through the sto- ries of the people and the struggle for survival and identity in the face of overwhelming colonizing power. We all need to become aware of what Haig-Brown and Dannenmann (2002) have called the “pedagogy of the land” and begin to watch and listen to the stories of the land. It is through this process that we may begin to heal the ruptures of the past. As scholar Mary Young has suggested through the Anishinaabe language and the term, pimosayta—“let us walk together”, and in that walking together we may learn and heal from the memory of the land so that we
128 Indigenous Research
may realize pimatisiwin—“walking in a good way”.
Haig-Brown, C. & Dannenmann, K. (2002). A pedagogy of the land: Dreams of respectful relations. McGill Journal of Education, 37(3), 451-468.
Young, M. (2012) Personal communication with Patrick Lewis and Janice Huber September 18th via telephone.
Honor/Memorial Song with Wayne Silas 10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Dr. Rose E. Cameron, Assistant Professor, Social Work, Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie Ontario, Canada
The transformative powers of Manitoumanasuc: Anishinabeg discuss the Ontario child welfare system
My presentation highlights the salient features of a qualitative study entitled, “What are you in the dark? The transformation powers of manitouminasuc upon the identities of Anishinabeg in the Ontario Child Welfare system.” The purpose of this study was to provide a space for Aboriginal women and men to enable them to critically explore and speak of their child welfare experiences since no mechanism presently exists. The experiences of these 27 Aboriginal women and men were gathered using sharing circles and semi-structured interviews. Grounded theory coding procedures were utilized to accentuate the meanings that emerged and to support the perceived needs of this group. How the ‘Anishi- nabe Identity Circle’ can be used to understand and support the identities of Aboriginal women and men through a set of responsibilities at the micro, meso and macro levels is also described. It is hoped that an outcome of this study will produce improved due process and positive social change for Native parents, vis- à-vis social workers and policy makers within the child welfare system.
Indigenous Research 129
Lunch 11:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Afternoon Welcome
1:40 p.m.
Dr. Marcelo Diversi, Associate Professor of Human Devel- opment, Prevention Science Graduate Faculty, Washington State University Vancouver
The Belo Monte Dam: A narrative analysis of justification for and resistance against the construction of a monster dam in the middle of the Amazon
Brazil has become an emerging economic power in the initial years of the 21st century. This economic growth has increased the demand for domestic and com- mercial electricity, and the federal government has responded by reviving plans to develop hydroelectric plants across the Amazon basin first conceptualized by the military regime in the 1960s and 1970s. The Belo Monte, started in June of 2011 and on its way to becoming the third largest hydropower plant in the world upon completion in 2018, is the first large-scale dam in this renewed turn toward the Amazon rainforest as a source of energy and industrial raw material. The Belo Monte Dam will have severe direct and indirect impact on the Xingu River, a major tributary of the Amazon River, home to several indigenous tribes still liv- ing off the land and who consider the river its lifeline. The Belo Monte Dam will affect an area of over 900 square miles of Brazilian rainforest while resulting in the forced displacement of thousands of people, many of them indigenous tribes that have been living off the Xingu River for thousands of years and have been fighting against the dam’s construction since the 1980s. Given that over 40 more dams are being planned for the entire Amazon basin within Brazilian territory for the coming decades, it is crucial to examine and understand the social and environmental impact that this first large-scale hydropower plant is exerting on the affected indigenous populations and on the environment they depend on for food, trade, historic memory, and identity.
Break 2:40 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Song and Drum Whole Indigenous Inquiries Circle
130 Indigenous Research
3:30 p.m.
Dr Virginie Magnat, Associate Professor,
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, University of Brit- ish Columbia.
The Performative Power of Vocality (book project contracted by Routledge for their new Voice Studies Series)
Title of Video: Sharing Traditional Songs: A Cross-Cultural Encounter
In 2014, Syilx Elder Delphine Derickson and UBC Performance Professor Vir- ginie Magnat co-facilitated a cross-cultural exchange of traditional songs hosted at the En’owkin Centre, a postsecondary institution delivering the National Aboriginal Professional Arts Training Program. This event, funded by a Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Research Development Grant, brought together the NAPAT Program singers and musicians and a group of UBC undergraduate stu- dents enrolled in Performance courses, and was documented on video by doctoral student Ozgul Akinci.
Closing: Drum, Song, Round dance Joseph Naytowhow
Gathering 6:30 p.m.
Evening meal Asian American Cultural Centre
Indigenous Inquiries Organising Circle
Heather Ritenburg, H. Monty Montgomery, Rose Cam-
eron, Kryssi Staikidis, Mere Skerrett, Roe Bubar, Damara Paris, Elizabeth Fast, Anjali Helferty, Craig Campbell, Jamie Singson, Margaret Kovach, Virginie Magnat, Shawn Wilson, Marcelo Diversi, Amy Prorock-Ernest, Jenny Ritchie, Warren Linds,
Nuno da Costa Cardoso Dantas Ribeiro, M.J. Barrett, Patrick Lewis.
Indigenous Research 131
Bios: Joseph Naytowhow
Joseph Naytowhow is a gifted Plains/Woodland Cree (Nēhiyaw) singer/songwriter, storyteller and voice, stage and film actor from the Sturgeon Lake First Nation Band in Saskatchewan. He is renowned for his unique style of Cree/ English storytelling, combined with original hybrid and tra- ditional First Nations drum, flute and rattle songs. Joseph is the recipient of the 2006 Canadian Aboriginal Music Award’s Keeper of the Tradition Award and the 2005 Commemora- tive Medal for Saskatchewan’s Centennial. In 2009 Joseph also received a Gemini Award for Best Individual or Ensemble Per- formance in an Animated Program or Series for his role in the Wapos Bay Series. That same year he was also awarded Best Emerging Male Actor at the Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festi- val for his role in Run and won Best Traditional Male Dancer at John Arcand’s Fiddlefest in Saskatchewan.
Joseph’s generosity and compassion for sharing cultural knowl- edge makes him a much sought after speaker, performer and educator for children and adults alike. As a child he was influ- enced by his grandfather’s traditional and ceremonial chants as well as the sounds of the fiddle and guitar. From 1995 to 2000 he served as the Storyteller-In- Residence for Meadow Lake Tribal Council. He has performed for the Prince of Wales, the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan and many other notables. His demanding schedule continues to take him to conferences, symposia, forums, festivals and film sets across Canada, North America and around the world. He holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Saskatch- ewan.
Wayne Silas Jr.
Born in 1973 in Chicago, Wayne Silas, Jr. is from the Gri- gnon family of the Menominee and the Silas family of the Oneida. He belongs to the Bear Clan. Raised in “Chica- goland”, Wayne has been singing and dancing in the Pow- Wow circle since he was a young child. His earliest experi- ences of singing and dancing occurred while living amongst the Native American community of Chicago at the A.I.C. (American Indian Center of Chicago).
132 Indigenous Research
Wayne’s father first taught him all about singing and showed him the rules, regulations, respect and etiquette that go along with that responsibility. His first singing experiences were with a local drum group known as Chi-Town Boys. He learned the basic ways of the drum from his father and other singers notably Carlos Peynetsa (Zuni), George Garvin (Meskwaki/Ho-Chunk), Ben Bearskin, Sr. and Ben Bearskin, Jr. (both of the Winnebago/Dakota Sioux), Herman Logan (Winnebago), and Myron Pyawasit (Menominee/Potowa- tomi). These lessons, teachings and “ways” have brought him tremendous life, strength, beauty, and respect for his Native American culture through song and dance! While studying at the Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kan- sas, Wayne co-founded a successful drum group known as Tha Tribe and went on to become their head singer. Since January of 1997, Tha Tribe has been singing together and continues to do so to this day. Wayne earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Teacher Education at Haskell.
Wayne is a Fancy Feather War Dancer, and has been blessed with many awards and achievements on the competitive Pow-Wow circuit. As a Fancy Dancer he has won five Title Championship from the Gathering of Nations, and the 2009 World Class Title from the United Tribes Technical College Pow-Wow in Bismarck, North Dakota. In addition, he has been blessed with many singing titles while singing with various drum groups including eight Title Champion- ships from the Schemitzun World Championship Festival and the 2004 World Class Title Championship from Gath- ering of Nations.
Wayne currently resides in Oneida, Wisconsin with his wife Rose and their family. He has four children: Floyd III, Mic- ayla, Kitahna, and Jaxten. He also has two dogs, Ladybug and Wookie McChewster. He continues to be a life-long die- hard Chicago Cub’s fan and will be forever.
Wayne sums up his singing and dancing philosophy simply stating: “I love to sing and dance and I don’t know what my life would be like without it!”
Indigenous Research 133
Fri 008 Indigenous Research: Global Indigenous Discourse
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Amy Prorock-Ernest,
Opportunities in tourism: different stories of two generations, Xiaotao Yang, University of Waterloo
The Colonial Legacy: Narrative from Pakistan, Amina Obaid Khawaja, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
The border of village and the urban Uyghur social net, Hade Abudu, North West Minorities University Lanzhou Gansu China
Reasonable(?) Comparability: the 2016 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision on First Nations child welfare inequities, H. Monty Montgomery, University of Regina
Fri 041 Indigenous Research: Place as Methodology
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Warren Linds,
Place as Methodology for Inquiry in the Coast Salish Territory, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia
Art, Activism and Place: an Indigenous Metissage, Vicki Lynn Kelly, Simon Fraser University
Indigenous Knowledge and Rangeland Management in Contemporary Eastern Tibet, Tao Zhou, University of Waterloo
134 Indigenous Research
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methodologies in Fri 042 Health
11:00-12:00 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Roe Bubar, Colorado State University
Culture Matters: Evidence of Hope, Health Resiliency, and Cultural Competence from a 5-Year Project with First Nations Youth, Nuno Filipe Ribeiro, Department of Recreation, Sport & Tourism; University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Shannon Arnason, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services,
Tim Cyr, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, Curtis Delorme, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, Shane Quewezance, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, and Allison Whiteman, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services
Bone Deep, Boiling Blood, and Fried Nerves: Modeling Chronic Pain from a Mixed Methods Study of Urban American Indians, Elise Ann Geist Duwe, UIUC
The Earth is our Teacher and Food is our Medicine: Stories from Arikara Farm,
Roe Bubar, Colorado State University
Fri 115 Indigenous Research: Decolonization
1:00-2:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: MJ Barrett
Starting from Somewhere: Decolonization through Cultural Portals among Second Generation Filipino Americans, Maria Joy Ferrera, DePaul University
“My story is the only thing I own”: Decolonizing the ‘self ’ using critical and indigenous methodologies. A Mestiza-Latina perspective, Nancy Emilce Carvajal Medina, Washington State University
Solidarity through Research: Relying on Our Good Intentions vs. De-colonizing the Researcher’s Mind, Ebru Cayir, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University of South Carolina, and Mindi Spencer, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University of South Carolina
Indigenous Research 135
Indigenous Research: Decolonizing Methodologies: Fri 150 Cultural Interface, Place, History, and Reciprocity
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia
“Two sides to the two sides”: (Re)considering decolonizing methodologies for and at the cultural interface, Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia
Place as Methodology for Inquiry in the Coast Salish Territory, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia
Decolonizing historical consciousness… and still using Gadamer?, Heather E. McGregor, University of Ottawa
Reciprocity in decolonizing research methodologies: Relationships and inquiry in Indigenous education, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia, and Heather E. McGregor, University of Ottawa
Indigenous Research: Success and Challenges in Fri 184 Implementing Indigenous Methodologies
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Patrick Lewis,
Methodological reflections on an indigenous mental health literature review in Colombia, Sergio Cristancho, Universidad de Antioquia, Dora María Hernández, Universidad de Antioquia, Eliana Montoya, Universidad de Antioquia, Marcela López, Universidad de Antioquia, Marcela Valencia, Universidad CES, and Oscar Montero, ONIC
Collaborative Creation: A Joint Journal Tracing a Qualitative Inquiry into Violence against Native Women, Rebecca Morrow, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Wading through the Murky Waters: A Doctoral Student’s Reflection on Research Engagement in Indian Country, Amy Jule Prorock-Ernest, Virginia Commonwealth University
136 Indigenous Research
Mite Achimowin (Heart-Talk): Decolonizing research methods and knowledge through Indigenous, community-based digital storytelling, Lorena Sekwan Fontaine, University of Winnipeg, Annette Schultz, University of Manitoba, Roberta Stout, National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health,
Kathi Avery-Kinew, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM,, Wendy McNab, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM, Mary Jane McCallum, University of Winnipeg, and Lisa Forbes, University of Winnipeg
Indigenous Research: Pimosayta (learning to walk Sat 009 together)
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Joseph Naytowhow, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Karen Wallace, Art Therapy & Counselling Private Practice
Sat 042 Indigenous Research: Research as Ceremony
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: H. Monty Montgomery,
Yarning is far more than a Research Method, Stuart Allan Barlo, Southern Cross University
Bringing spirit into method: nahiykohk-pimohtewin (walking in balance just right), Joseph Naytowhow, Independent Artist & University of Saskatchewan, M.J. Barrett, University of Saskatchewan, and Marie Lovrod, University of Saskatchewan
Developing a Doctorate in Indigenous Philosophies, Shawn Wilson, Southern Cross University
The treasures of Indigenous knowledges: Voices living through our words,
Alfonso Montero, Jr., Lewis University, and Abunya Msughter Moses, Lewis University
Indigenous Research 137
Sat 073 Indigenous Research: Arts-Based Research
11:00-12:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Jamie Singson,
Indigenous Painting and Print Portfolios: Collaborative Arts-Based Research,
Kryssi L Staikidis, Northern Illinois University
Imagining Wellness with Indigenous Youth through Art-based Research, Felice Yuen, Concordia University, Warren Linds, Concordia University, and Patti Ranahan, Concordia University
Broken Windows, Broken Promises: Grief, Privilege, and Hope in the Mythical Post Racial, A Call and Response, Martina Sharp-Grier, Stark State College, and Jennifer Martin, University of Mount Union
Engaging Indigenous Youth through a Popular Theatre Activity to Mobilize Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples’ Perspectives on Access to Healthcare Services, Brenda L Cameron, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Maria del Pilar Camargo Plazas, Queen’s University, Lindsey Ruth Hunt, Doctoral Candidate University of Alberta, Krista Hungler, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Anna Santos Salas, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, and R. Lisa Bourque Bearskin, Thompson Rivers University
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methologies in Sat 103 Education
1:00-2:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Joseph Naytowhow,
Māori Undergraduate Qualitative Research Experience, Pania Una Elizabeth Matthews, Te Wānanga o Āotearoa
Examining the Positive effects of Culturally rich experiences of Initial Teacher Training student, Pania Una Elizabeth Matthews, Te Wānanga o Āotearoa
A Research Capacity Building Model for Pushing Indigenous Methodologies forward in Academia and in Practice, Jennifer Nutton, School of Social Work, McGill University, Elizabeth Fast, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, and Mireille De La Sablonnière-Griffin, School of Social Work, McGill University
Flying with and beyond words: Learning and be(com)ing Sámi, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Sámi University College, Kautokeino
138 Indigenous Research
Indigenous Research: Reclaiming Place through Sat 131 Indigenous Methodologies
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: ashley martinez, Colorado State University
Testimonio in the Prison Industrial Complex: Reclaiming Chicano Fathering,
ashley martinez, Colorado State University
Somali Refugee Women: An Ubuntu Perspective on Power and Culture in Fort Morgan, Namuyaba Temanju, Colorado State University
Sense of Place: Towards An Indigenous African Methodology in Community- based Conservation, Octavius Jones, Colorado State University
Exploring Relational Ways of Presenting Indigenous Research, Caridad Souza, Colorado State University
Indigenous Research: Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in
Sat 153 Saskatchewan
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Warren LInds, Concordia University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Warren LInds, Concordia University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Dustin Brass, First Nations University of Canada
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Linda Goulet, First Nations University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Cassandra Wajuntah, Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC)
Indigenous Research 139
Critical and Post-Structural Psychology
02:00 PM – 02:15 PM
02:15 PM –03:00 PM
03:00 PM – 03:30 PM
03:30 PM – 03:50 PM
03:50 PM – 04:45 PM
05:00 PM – 6:20 PM
7:00 pm
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Gregory 213
Welcome by Marco Gemignani and Angelo Benozzo KEYNOTE SPEECH
Prof. Bruno Mazzara, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Discursive practices, automaticity and culture. Figurative language as a bridge between cognition and social construc- tion
Q&A and dialogue with Bruno Mazzara
Coffee break
1. Searching for figurative language in media dis-
course, with Bruno Mazzara: Gregory 213
2. Action Research, with Heather Adams and Michael
Kral: Gregory 223
3. Disturbing data: Data-movement in qualitative
research, with Angelo Benozzo: Gregory 215 PLENARY
What critical and post-structural theories do in qualitative research? Angelo Benozzo, Svend Brinkman, Gale Cannella, Neil Carey, Marco Gemignani, Kenneth Gergen, Mirka Koro- Ljungberg, and Michael Kral: Gregory 213
Psychology 141
Psychology: Plenary of the SIG in Qualitative
Wed 011 Psychology: Critical and Post-Structural Inquiries
5:00-6:20 Gregory 213
Critical and Post-Structural Inquiries,
Fri 012 Psychology: Clinical & Health Psychology
9:30-10:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Heather Adams,
Listening To Darkness: Why we need stories of people living with severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (SE-AN), Janet Elizabeth Conti, Western Sydney University, paul rhodes, University of Sydney, and Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
The Emotional Psychologist – A critical account of the psychologist’s emotion in the therapeutic relationship, Helen Van Der Merwe, The University of Auckland
Moral Injury: Phenomenological Inquisition within the phenomenon of reintegration, Dr. Richard La Fleur, College of The Holy Cross
Fri 015 Psychology: Narrative
9:30-10:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Do I Have a Case? Narratives about the law, the justice, and moral principles in a legal aid center in Bogotá (Colombia), Juan López, Universidad de los Andes
Visiting Chinese grandparents and their families in the U.S., Hao-Min Chen, Alliant International University, and Denise Lewis, University of Georgia
Conducting Ethnic Identity Research Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens,
Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
142 Psychology
Fri 049 Psychology: Community-Based Participatory Research
11:00-12:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Michael Kral, Wayne State University
Towards Schools as Spaces for Dialog and Consensus. A Case-Study, Henar Rodriguez, Department of Pedagogy, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, Sergio Sánchez, School of Education, Universidad de Burgos, Spain, and Ignacio Montero, School of Psychology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
In Our Voices: Experiences Described by Self-Identified Chicana/o Undergraduates, Daniel Meza, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Melissa Morgan Consoli, University of California, Santa Barbara
My Story Matters: A thematic analysis of youth’s lives who are identified as high- risk, Michael Frazier, University of West Georgia
Stories of Community-Based Participatory Action Research, Michael Kral, Wayne State University, and James Allen, University of Minnesota
Psychology: Exploration of Self and Other: New Fri 082 Paradigms in Heuristic Inquiry
1:00-2:20 Gregory 213
(Session Organizer) Diane Sklar Blau, Michigan Schol of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Frances Brown, Michigan School of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Lee G Bach, Michigan School of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Megan Meade-Higgins, Michigan School of Professional Psychology,
Fri 086 Psychology: Post(s)
1:00-2:20 Gregory 223
Chair: April Irwin, The University of Alabama
Toward a post-human reflexivity: The possibilities of an oxymoron, Marco Gemignani, Duquesne University
Psychology 143
Using Neuroscience in Educational Research: A Qualitative Inquiry of Ethics, Power, and Participation, April Irwin, The University of Alabama, Kelly Guyotte, University of Alabama, Firat Soylu, The University of Alabama, Educational Psychology, and Rick Houser, The University of Alabama
The Defense of Qualitative Research for Psychology, Michael Zhang, University of Sydney
Challenges of teaching critical qualitative inquiry in APA accredited graduate programs, Nicole Velez Agosto, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus
Fri 122 Psychology: Applied Phenomenology
2:30-3:50 Gregory 223
Student counselors’ constructions of ethical client referrals, Jessica Lloyd- Hazlett, University of Texas at San Antonio
Psychology: Critical Considerations of the Hoffman
Report: Consequences, lessons learned and the work Fri 154 ahead
4:00-5:20 Gregory 213
Chair: Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
APA’s Ethic Crisis, Guantanamo Bay and the Tuskegee Experiments, Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
How Small Groups of Psychologists have Challenged Moral Drift in the Corporate Giant, APA, Mary Pelton-Cooper, Northern Michigan University
Concerns and suggestions offered by the American Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Psychological Network, Mona Ibrahim, Concordia College
An Alternative Orientation for Decision Making Processes within APA, ken gergen, Swarthmore College
Implications for Training our Next Generation of Psychologists, Cynthia Langtiw, Chicago Professional Scool of Psychology
144 Psychology
Reflections on Unfolding Emotional Turmoil and Questioning, Mary Gergen, Penn State University
Psychology: (re)Interpreting Differences, Boundaries, Fri 157 and Conflicts in International Contexts
4:00-5:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Noomi Linde Matthiesen, Aalborg University
Mom, Dad and research object: The ethics of conducting research based on your own children’s everyday life, Noomi Linde Matthiesen, Aalborg University, and Thomas Szulevicz, Aalborg University
“Aging is about being a child again!” Exploring Undergraduates’ Attitudes on Aging through Drawing, Chih-ling Liou, Kent State University at Stark
Conflict Mediation as a World of Sense, Maria Elisa Hernandez, Universidad Simon Bolivar / Universidad de Cadiz
Confidentiality and Representation in the Study of Political Action: Ethical Reflections in Times of Hyper-productivity, Carolina Muñoz-Proto, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, and Stephanie M. Anderson, City University of New York
Sat 013 Psychology: Home & Belonging
9:30-10:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Jane Elizabeth Mary Callaghan, University of Northampton
Children’s accounts of domestic violence: Agency, Resistance, Resilience, Jane Elizabeth Mary Callaghan, University of Northampton, Joanne Helen Alexander, University of Northampton, and Lisa Chiara Fellin, University of East London
Voices of Belonging, Voices of Alienation: Listening for Home, Lori E Koelsch, Duquesne University, Elizabeth Brown, Duquesne University, and Susan G Goldberg, Duquesne University
Evaluating the Homeless Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, Emogene Elizabeth Hennick, University of Utah and Utah Department of Corrections
Psychology 145
The Category “Belonging” in Qualitative Research with Groups in Crisis and Social Conflict Situations, Susana Kramer de Mesquita Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará – Brazil
Sat 016 Psychology: Family, Children and Education
9:30-10:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Shakira Shanese Thomas, University of Memphis
Family Reintegration After Parent Military Deployment: The Child Dependents Perspectives, Natasha Ramos-Ayala, University of Puerto Rico, and Samuel Colon, University of Puerto Rico
Language Learning in Different Social Milieus. A mixed methods psychological investigation., Mechthild Kiegelmann, Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany
Let Them Play, Let Them Learn?: The Beginning of the Educational Divide,
Shakira Shanese Thomas, University of Memphis
Sat 048 Psychology: Gender and Relationships
11:00-12:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Zeinab Tavakol, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences
Impact of Integrated Care on Individuals Struggling with Infertility and Pregnancy Loss, Bridget Asempapa, Ohio University
We Need To Talk: The Disclosure Process of Sexual Assault in Supportive Romantic Relationships, Nicole M. Lozano, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Perception of the marital satisfaction among Iranian women: A Qualitative Study, Zeinab Tavakol, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences
Throwing Like a Girl and Playing Like a Man: Performing Gender in Sport,
Jennifer R Hurst, Truman State University, and Nancy Daley-Moore, Truman State University
146 Psychology
Psychology: Deconstructing Self-Destruction through Sat 076 Ethnography of Improv for Social Anxiety Classes
1:00-2:20 Gregory 213
Chair: ken gergen, Swarthmore College
(Session Organizer) Marianna Staroselsky, University of Chicago; (Discussant) Kevin Sparrow, Nothing Without a Company; (Chair) ken gergen, Swarthmore College,
Sat 107 Psychology: Discourse Analysis
2:30-3:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Satu Venäläinen, University of Helsinki
Happiness and Resilience as Psychological Technologies for the Government of Subjectivity in the Mexican Context, Antar Martínez Guzmán, Universidad de Colima
Se faire soi. The construction of professional identity of young people in Valle d’Aosta Region in Italy, Angelo Benozzo, Università della Valle d’Aosta, and Federico Sofritti, Università della Valle d’Aosta
Affective-Discursive Analyzing of Negotiations of Womanhood with Women Imprisoned for Violent Crimes, Satu Venäläinen, University of Helsinki
Positioning Theory and Social Justice: Understanding How Individuals Hold Complex and Competing Perspectives around Sexual Orientation, Christina Wright, University of Michigan Health Systems
Sat 109 Psychology: Nature and Mindfulness
2:30-3:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Rachel Arianna Leipow, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Save the Humans: Rehabilitating Reductionist, Anthropocentric Views of Petkeeping With Ecopsychology. Kay Chai, Duquesne University, Kay Yu Yuan Chai, Duquesne University
Psychology 147
Understanding Experiences of Individuals Engaging in Buddhist Practices,
Rachel Arianna Leipow, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Nathan Todd, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Wendy Heller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Michael Kral, Wayne State University
Qualitative Research and the Preservation of Meaning, James M Nelson, Valparaiso University, and Brent Slife, Brigham Young University
Similarities between ‘Flawless Consulting’ and Ancient Eastern Philosophies,
Julian Laboy, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Psychology: Reflecting on & Difracting This Year’s and Sat 134 Future SIGs in Qualitative Psychology
4:00-5:20 Gregory 213
148 Psychology
Psychology 149
Social Work
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Theme: Constructing A New Critical Qualitative Inquiry.
Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Organizer
8:00-8:30 Union Illini Room A
Social Work: Opening Plenary Roundtable: The
Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Grand Thu 011 Challenges of Social Work
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Opening Plenary Roundtable: The Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Grand Challenges of Social Work, Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Willa Casstevens, North Carolina State University, David Camacho, Columbia University, Guy Enosh, University of Haifa, and Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
The Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, a US organization, recently launched 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work. In this session, we will show the contributions that qualitative social work can make to meeting these challenges. Still to be worked are the feasibility of of accomplishing the challenges in ten years and how to further develop, implement, and evaluate responses to the grand challenges. We hope to have an open-ended dialogue where multiple perspectives are welcome. The grand chal- lenges initiative is at the beginning stages, a time where qualitative social workers have opportunities to make significant contributions.
Social Work: Journal Editors Review Submission-Ready Thu 012 Articles
9:30-10:50 Union 209
Journal Editors Review Submission-Ready Articles, Karen Staller, University of Michigan, and Roy Ruckdeschel, St. Louis University
150 Social Work
Karen Staller and Roy Ruckdeschel will review two papers as if they had been submitted for publication to Qualitative Social Work. The papers must be ready for submission. The papers will also be sent to all participants in Social Work Day. Karen and Roy will review the papers and send their reviews to the authors ahead of time. At the session, Karen and Roy will present their reviews, authors will respond to the reviews, and then there will be a general discussion. The reviews are to be constructive. The general structure of the reviews is what works well and suggestions for clarifications, elaborations, and edits.
Thu 013 Social Work: Constructions of Self
9:30-10:50 Union 211
Chair: Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work
“Since I am pregnant, I am wrong.” – The construction of bad young girl subjectivity, Kittikorn Sankatiprapa, Development Education Program,Graduate School, Srinakharinwirot University
Maneuvers in Body Fluidity and Negotiations with Differences among Hong Kong Chinese Lesbians, Iris Po Yee Lo, The University of Hong Kong
I don’t think of you as a transgender, Pops. I think of you as a transformer.,
Elijah C. Nealy, University of Saint Joseph
Counterstorytelling as a method for weaving new narrative(s) for LGBTQ youth,
Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work
Thu 014 Social Work: Caring for Older Adults
9:30-10:50 Union 215
Chair: Kelly Munly, Penn State Altoona
Palabras Fuertes: Voices of Older Latino Gay Men, David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
Is a church more than a church? An exploration of Chinese elders’ social support and their church participation in the United States, Chih-ling Liou, Kent State University at Stark
Social Work 151
Caregiving: Exploring Familial Obligation, LIsa K Jennings, Cal State Long Beach, School of Social Work
Understanding Adult Foster Care through Provider Experience, Kelly Munly, Penn State Altoona
Thu 015 Social Work: Croatian Response to Refugee Crisis
9:30-10:50 Union 217
(Session Organizer) Sherry Warren, University Of Kansas; (Discussant) Terry Koenig, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare; (Discussant) Richard Spano, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare,
Thu 016 Social Work: In Search of Epistemologies
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
(Session Organizer) David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Anindita Bhattacharya, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Kiara Moore, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Laura Vargas, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Vanessa Deborah Wells, Columbia University; (Discussant) Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Wen Juan (Helen) Song, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Karun Karki, WIlfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Bibi S. Baksh, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Iona Sky, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Aaron P. B. Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University ,
Thu 017 Social Work: Teaching Qualitative Research: Part 1
11:00-12:20 Union 209
Chair: Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
“Not just another apple:” Using fictions to teach social work theories and epistemologies for qualitative research, Patricia Joyce, Adelphi University, Laura Quiros, Adelphi University, Joseph DeGearo, Adelphi University, and Dena Gassner, Adelphi University
152 Social Work
Project-Based Learning in Social Work Doctoral Education: Key Attributes for Research Skill Attainment, Quentin Robert Maynard, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Fan Yang, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Sarah Young, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, and Debra Nelson-Gardell, University of Alabama
Place, Power, and Pedagogy: Immersive Learning Techniques in Qualitative Inquiry, Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
Photovoice with Social Work Students Service Learning in Jamaica, Renee Romer, Eastern Michigan University, and Marilyn Wedenoja, Eastern Michigan University
Thu 018 Social Work: Ethics in Research and Practice
11:00-12:20 Union 211
Chair: Tina Kimberly Sacks, University of California, Berkeley
Neoliberal dis-ease: Private technologies colonizing social welfare, Tyler M Arguello, California State University, Sacramento
Moving to the Peripheries of Child-Centered Practice: Systemic Barriers
to Addressing Well-Being in Child Welfare, Katherine Ariel Gibson, The University of Chicago, Gina M. Samuels, The University of Chicago, Julia Pryce, Loyola University – Chicago, and Meagan Cook, Loyola University – Chicago
The Politics of Evidence and Erosion of the Qualitative Brand, Minnie Bluhm, Eastern Michigan University
Tuskegee Then and Now: An Exploration of Historical Trauma in the Life of a Direct Descendant, Tina Kimberly Sacks, University of California, Berkeley
Thu 019 Social Work: Health and Social Development
11:00-12:20 Union 215
Chair: Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, University of Kansas
Impact of Value Added Tax on Expectations of Government in Relation to the Tax and its Perceived Benefits, Josko Vukusic, Western Michigan University, and Dee Ann Sherwood, Western Michigan University
Social Work 153
Crossing thresholds as a parent of a disabled child, Elisabeth DeSchauwer, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
Using Strengths-based Collaborative Pathway Maps to Understand Community Inclusion of People with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness, John Bomhoff, University of Kansas Center for Mental Health Research and Innovation, and Jennifer Marie Chappell Deckert, University of Kansas
Parenting across different Family Structures: Experiences of Women in a Township Area in Botswana, Poloko Nuggert Ntshwarang, Social Work, University of Botswana
Social Network Mapping as a Tool for Exploring Linkages between the Neighborhood Environment and Health among Pregnant Mexican-origin Women in Los Angeles, Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, University of Kansas, and Jennifer Marie Chappell Deckert, University of Kansas
Thu 020 Social Work: Participatory Action Research
11:00-12:20 Union 217
Chair: D. Crystal Coles, Virginia Commonwealth University
Social Work and Participatory Action Research: Why Action and Power Matter,
Kimberly S. Compton, Virginia Commonwealth University
Activism in community-based research, Jason Brown, Western University
Exploring the Utility of Youth Participatory Action Research with LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Amanda Michelle Jones, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Family, Photo-Voice, and Empowerment: A Mixed-methods Community-based Program Evaluation, Jason M Sawyer, Norfolk State University, and Tina Abrefa-Gyan, Norfolk State University
When All Hell Breaks Loose: The Complexity of Community Partnerships Within Funded Social Work Research, D. Crystal Coles, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
154 Social Work
Thu 021 Social Work: Discovered Epistemologies
1:00-2:20 Noyes 217
Chair: David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
Blurring Boundaries: An Emotionally Aware Caregiver, Social Worker AND Researcher, David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
The Many Ways of Knowing: Embracing Multiplicity in Narrative Research,
Anindita Bhattacharya, Columbia University School of Social Work
Living Liminal: Reflexive Epistemological Positioning at the Intersection of Marginalized Identities, Kiara Moore, Columbia University School of Social Work
Violence, Silence and Health Service Provision in Mexico: An Arrangement in Parts, Laura Vargas, Columbia University School of Social Work
Falling Through the U.S. Safety Net: Alice’s Adventures in Social Services,
Vanessa Deborah Wells, Columbia University
Thu 022 Social Work: Qualitative Program Evaluation
1:00-2:20 Union 209
Chair: Magnus Mfoafo-M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University
Using Qualitative Interviews in State-level Child Welfare Evaluation Research,
Kori R Bloomquist, Winthrop University, James A Hall, Indiana University, Barbara Pierce, Indiana University, Tracy Imburgia, Indiana University, Marie Danh, Indiana University, Jeramiah Jaggers, Indiana University, and Jangmin Kim, Indiana University
Describing the Homeless Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, Emogene Elizabeth Hennick, University of Utah and Utah Department of Corrections
Understanding the Impact of Regulatory Changes on the Implementation of a Community-Based Mental Health Program, Angie Mann-Williams, Eastern Michigan University
2. Community Treatment Orders / Mandated Outpatient Mental Health Program and Ethnic Minority Individuals in Toronto., Magnus Mfoafo- M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University
Social Work 155
Thu 023 Social Work: Research on Social Work Education
1:00-2:20 Union 211
Chair: Vanessa Jara-Labarthe, University of Tarapaca
Cultural HumilityThrough Respectful Partnership: The Applied Use of Qualitative Method in Social Work Education, Heather Murphy Sloane, University of Toledo, and Meredith Kay Cleary, University of Toledo
Social work faculty perceptions on Academic Citizenship and “Service”, Gordon MacNeil, The University of Alabama
Professional and Cultural Identities of Immigrant Child Welfare Social Workers,
Ching-Hsuan Lin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Pamela Pei-Ling Chiang, Eastern Connecticut State University
Immigrant Social Worker Practice: An Ecological Perspective on Strengths and Challenges, Pamela Pei-Ling Chiang, Eastern Connecticut State University, and Ching-Hsuan Lin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The significance of the qualitative. Reflections of the first accreditation process of Social Work at the University of Tarapaca – Chile, Vanessa Jara-Labarthe, University of Tarapaca, Viviana Villarroel, University of Tarapaca, Alicia Moreno, University of Tarapaca, and Luis Le-Blanc, University of Tarapaca
Thu 024 Social Work: Research on Young People and Learning
1:00-2:20 Union 215
Chair: Jill C. Schreiber, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Slow Cooking with Support Systems: Navigating College as a Single Parent,
Tamara Harper Shetron, Texas State University, and Nina Stearns Harper, Bunker Hill Community College
School, Family and Community, and their Impact on English-Language Learner Performance, Eder A Intriago, University of Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
The Effects of Using Dictionary Notebook in Native Language Education on Students’ Social Lives, Gamze Celik, -, Burcu Celik, Co-author, and Zeynep Yucebas, Co-author
Students with sight impairments in Vietnam: Perceptions of challenges and barriers experienced at universities, Tuyen Thi Thanh Bui, UIUC – School of Social Work
156 Social Work
Teaching Practice Skills to Undergraduates Utilizing Simulated Clients, Jill C. Schreiber, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Stephanie Taylor, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and Jessica Stonich, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Social Work: Revisiting Relationships: An Exploration of Thu 025 Dynamics between Researchers and Participants
1:00-2:20 Union 217
(Session Organizer) Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work; (Discussant) Amy Jule Prorock-Ernest, Virginia Commonwealth University; (Discussant) Megan Lindsay Brown, Arizona State University; (Discussant) Jonel Thaller, Ball State University,
Social Work: Our Reflexive Epistemological Journeys of Thu 026 How We Have Come to Know; So Far
2:30-3:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University
Indigenous Knowledge? Listening for the Drumbeat and Searching for How I Know, Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University
Searching for my Palm Tree: Epistemological Journeying of a Doctoral Student,
Iona Sky, Wilfrid Laurier University
Redeeming the Rejected: Curious George and Evidence-Based Approaches,
Aaron P. B. Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University
Clarity and confusion: A Muslim Student’s Struggle with Identity and Epistemology in Academia, Bibi S. Baksh, Wilfrid Laurier University
A New Face of Homelessness? Researching the Experience of ‘Home’ with Chinese High School Students in Canadian Homes, Wen Juan (Helen) Song, Wilfrid Laurier University
Walking the Complexities between two Worlds: A Personal Story of Epistemological Tensions in Knowledge Production, Karun Karki, WIlfrid Laurier University
From Diagnosis to Research: My Epistemological Journey towards Wholistic Qualitative Methods, Julia Read, Wilfrid Laurier University
Social Work 157
Thu 027 Social Work: Researcher Reflexivity
2:30-3:50 Union 209
Chair: Samantha Virginia Clarke, Wilfrid Lauier University
A Journey to Hearing Voiceless Girls: A Qualitative Study on the Factors Contributing to Girls with Behavioural Problems in Courts in Trinidad & Tobago, Jolene Asha Romain, Graduate of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine and The Family Court of Trinidad & Tobago
Photovoice and Co-producing Knowledge: Experiences with Photovoice as a Knowledge Producing Method in Collaborative Research and Social Work, Tine Laurine Rosenthal Johansen, Roskilde University
Memória e reconstrução: narrativas da vivencia do desastre, Simone Santos Oliveira, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and Sergio Luiz Dias Portella, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Shrouded in privilege: exploring a troubling experience in team research,
Samantha Virginia Clarke, Wilfrid Lauier University
Thu 028 Social Work: Meanings of Violence Against Persons
2:30-3:50 Union 211
Chair: Guy Enosh, University of Haifa
The Logic of Moving From Meanings to Interventions, Jane Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and Tina Simms, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
“They treat us like animals for a little bit of money:” Human smuggling and spatial practices of brutality, Carol Cleaveland, George Mason University
Client aggression towards social workers and its systemic-ecological impacts, Guy Enosh, University of Haifa, and Shay Tzafrir, University of Haifa
158 Social Work
Thu 029 Social Work: Research on Teaching and Learning
2:30-3:50 Union 215
Chair: Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
Neoliberalism and Study Abroad Pedagogy, Edita Milanovic, Michigan State University, and Pilar Horner, Michigan State University
‘Teaching-Service-Reasearch’ Shuttle Action Research Mode Exploring, Min Ren, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Testing and Explaining a Social Emotional Learning Program and the Intersection of Trauma in Urban, Low-Income Students: A Mixed Methods Study, Johanna Creswell Baez, The University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work
Effects of School Closure/Consolidation on Local Students Enrolled in a Mentorship Program, Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
Social Work: Racing research: Using constructionist
grounded theory while holding race and racism at the Thu 030 center instead of the margins
2:30-3:50 Union 217
Chair: V.C. Rhonda Hackett, University of Toronto
(Chair) V.C. Rhonda Hackett, University of Toronto; (Session Organizer) Billie Allan, Ryerson University,
Thu 031 Social Work: Town Hall Meeting
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Reflections on Social Work Day and What’s Next, Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Dinner at on Friday, May 20, 5:30
Dinner for Qualitative Social Work Researchers A Chance to Mingle. All are Welcome.
Social Work 159
Wednesday Schedule
Wed 001 Health: Keynote Address
8:20-9:00 Union 210
Chair: Julianne Cheek, Ostfold University College
New forms of connoisseurs in the research marketplace: why this matters for qualitative health research., Julianne Cheek, Ostfold University College
Health: The Consequences of Conducting Critical
Qualitative Health Research under Neoliberal Wed 002 Institutional Policies
9:00-9:40 Union 210
Chair: Martyna A. Janjua, University of Toronto
The Consequences of Conducting Critical Qualitative Health Research under Neoliberal Institutional Policies, Martyna A. Janjua, University of Toronto, Denise Gastaldo, University of Toronto, and Amy Bender, University of Toronto
Arts-Based Research: Respect for Children/Governing
the Child: Intergenerational Interactions in the Wed 003 Classroom
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Kristine E. Sunday, Old Dominion University
Precarious Children: Recognizing Young Children as Citizens in their Learning Communities, Kristine E. Sunday, Old Dominion University
“You’re Giving Me a Headache!” A Story about Playing School at Home,
Christopher Mark Schulte, Penn State University
Discerning a Pedagogy of Interruption, Daniel Kent Thompson, Penn State University
With Strings Attached: The Image of the Child in Contemporary Proposals for School Reform, Christine Marmé Thompson, Penn State University
Wed 004 Health: Clinical applications of Qualitative inquiry
9:50-11:10 Union 210
Chair: Lauren Clark
Tracing the Discourse on Incidental Findings in Modern Medicine. A Situational Analysis, John-Arne Skolbekken, Department of Social Work and Health Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
What changes when our focus is the patient and not us?, Djenane Ramalho- de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, and Linda Strand, Medication Management Systems
A Case Study of a Child with Autism: Promoting Social Engagement in an Inclusive Setting, Emine Yildirim, Indiana University, and Hannah Schertz, Indiana University
Unwrinkling barriers to aging in the community: Using focus groups to find what is causing the stress wrinkles, Constance Carole Milbourne, Rhode Island College, and Marianne Raimondo, Rhode Island College
Arts-Based Research: Arts Based Research and Wed 005 Dominant Scholarly Traditions
11:00-12:20 Union Illini Room A
(Session Organizer) Nancy Gerber, Drexel University; (Discussant) NIsha Sajnani, Lesley University / New York University; (Discussant) Jacelyn Biondo, Drexel University; (Discussant) Bronwen Landless, Drexel University,
Wed 006 Health: Teaching Qualitative Health Research
11:10-12:15 Union 210
Chair: Massimiliano Tarozzi
The Qualitative Cafe: An open forum for qualitative discourse, Jennifer Averill, University of New Mexico
Teaching Qualitative Research to health professionals, Luca Ghirotto, University of Bologna
Teaching Qualitative Methods in International Contexts, Francesca Rapanà, University of Trento, and Massimiliano Tarozzi, University of Bologna
An Ethical Framework for Qualitative Health Inquiry, Lyusyena Kirakosyan, Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance
Wed 007 Health: Qualitative Health Research Methods
1:00-2:20 Union 210
Chair: Jennifer Avril
Use of Meta-Synthesis Research to Generate Theory for Practice, Deborah Finfgeld-Connett, Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri
Framework For Model Case Development: The Albertina Sisulu Way, Marie Hastings-Tolsma, Baylor University, and Charlene Downing, University of Johannesburg
Using the framework method in typology development and grounded theory refinement in health services research, Laurie Goldsmith, Simon Fraser University
Using Photos to Explore Leisure among People with COPD, Rebecca Genoe, University of Regina
Wed 008 Health: Clinical issues
2:20-3:40 Union 210
Chair: Denise Gastaldo
Different role players experiences of aggression in Youth Centers in the Western Cape, South Africa, Marie Poggenpoel, University of Johannesburg, and CPH Myburgh, University of Johannesburg
Nursing Theory – meeting patients’ or economical needs?, Bente Hoeck, University of Southern Denmark, and Charlotte Delmar, University of Aarhus
Arts-Based Research: Critical Place-Based A/r/
tography: An Autoethnographic Video/Performance Wed 009 Study on Place, Identity and Time
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room A
(Session Organizer) Misha Burstein, University of Arizona,
Health: Critical Issues in Theory for Qualitive Health Wed 010 Research
3:50-5:30 Union 210
Chair: Marie Poggenpoel, University of Johannesburgh
Medication as a Social Prosthesis, Terrie Vann-Ward, University of Utah The Characteristics and Components of Apologizing for Error in Healthcare,
Marie Prothero, University of Utah
Where has all the Culture Gone?, Janice Morse, University of Utah
Respect as a Critical Issue for Qualitative Researchers Working across the Ability Spectrum using Community-Based Participatory Research, Lauren Clark, University of Utah
Psychology: Plenary of the SIG in Qualitative
Wed 011 Psychology: Critical and Post-Structural Inquiries
5:00-6:20 Gregory 213
Critical and Post-Structural Inquiries,
Thursday Schedule
Thu 001 Poster Session 01
A critical perspective towards culturally inclusive classrooms in South Africa,
Sonti Zelma Mokobane, University of Free State
Dimensiones culturales del concepto de felicidad en adultos mayores en edad
de retiro laboral, Maria de los Angeles Aguilera-Velasco, Universidad de Guadalajara, Martin Acosta-Fernández, Universidad de Guadalajara, Teresa Margarita Torres-Lopez, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Sergio Adalberto Franco-Chavez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Hacking Dominance: A grassroots court watch in New Jersey, Amy E Meckeler, Alliance for Racial and Social Justice
Rewards Along the Journey for Parents of Adult Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christina Noel Marsack, Wayne State University
An Examination of Low-Income Adult Students’ Experiences in the Clemente Course in the Humanities, Charity Anderson, The University of Chicago
Navigating La Frontera: Mestizaje, power and politics of helping in a tuition-free private school, Autumn Marie Chilcote, Independent Scholar
Restorative Justice As An Alternative To Punitive Discipline And Juvenile Detention: A Case Study of Chicago Public High Schools, Aditi Das, University of Chicago
Thu 002 Poster Session 02
Union Illini Room B
Active Learning in the Undergraduate STEM Classroom: Faculty Attitudes,
Sheva Guy, University of Cincinnati
“Power to the People”: Privileging Participant Voices through Photo Elicitation,
Kimberly A. Hile, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Robin L Jarrett, Department of Human Development and Family Studies/ Department of African American Studies
Union Illini Room B
Social Work’s Role Educating Staff of Assisted Living to Support Resident Intimacy and Sexuality, James R. Carter, Wright State University, and Nytasia M Hicks, Wright State University
Are there only four sources of self-efficacy? Eliciting self-efficacy sources through qualitative methodology, Sara Katz, Shaanan academic College, Haifa, Israel
Pesquisas qualitativas em enfermagem: avanços e desafios or Qualitative research in nursing: progress and challenges, amanda márcia dos santos reinaldo, universidade federal de minas gerais
The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as a Leadership Formative Experience: A Personal Narrative, Mitchell Friedman, Independent Researcher; University of San Francisco
Inestabilidad en el empleo y repercusiones psicosociales en la salud. Estudio fenomenologico en trabajadores universitarios, Martin Acosta-Fernández, Universidad de Guadalajara, Maria de los Angeles Aguilera-Velasco, Universidad de Guadalajara, Teresa Margarita Torres-Lopez, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Liliana Parra-Osorio, Universidad Libre, Seccional Cali. Colombia
Thu 003 Poster Session 03
Union Illini Room B
The presence of children: opportunity or threat to marital satisfaction, Zeinab Tavakol, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences
Social Work’s Role Advocating for Safe Intimate and Sexual Expression in Assisted Living Populations, James R. Carter, Wright State University, and Diamond C Williams, Wright State University
Iterative, Reflective, Intersectional: Implications for Integrating Qualitative
Data into Contraceptive Counseling Protocols, Margaret Mary Downey, University of California, Berkeley, and Anu Manchikanti Gomez, University of California, Berkeley
The Meaning of integrality for nurses of primary health care in Brazil, Wilza Carla Spiri, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, and Suyane Souza Lemos, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP
Género, medicina y epistemologia social: Un analisis de mi experiencia como investigador., Alan Irving Vicenteño León, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Comprehension of the influencing factors of the working environment from the perspective of nurse managers, Wilza Carla Spiri, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, and Priscila Braga Oliveira, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP
He Said, She Said: Supportive Interactions Among Married Couples during Diabetes Appointments, Mary Marshall, Purdue University, Jill Walsh, Purdue University, Kelly Peterson, Purdue University, Melissa Franks, Purdue University, and Shannon Oates, Indiana University Health
Thu 004 Poster Session 04
Union Illini Room B
Freedom, violence, racism and discrimination: Analysis of discourse of black and quilombola women of Southwest Bahia/Brazil (2010- 2014), RAQUEL SOUZAS, UFBA
Empowerment: Daily Strategies & Commitments for Sustained Weight Loss. James Doster RN, Texas A&M University, James Howell Doster, Texas A&M University, and Idethia Shevon Harvey, Texas A&M University
Assessing health-related quality of life in food insecure children: use of qualitative methodology, Archontoula Dalma, Prolepsis Institute, Athanasios Petralias, Prolepsis Institute, and Athena Linos, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Trayectorias Laborales de Medicos Residentes en Mexico: Dilema Neoliberal de la Precariedad en el Trabajo., Martin Acosta-Fernández, Universidad
de Guadalajara, Maria de los Angeles Aguilera-Velasco, Universidad de Guadalajara, Teresa Margarita Torres-Lopez, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Liliana Parra-Osorio, Universidad Libre, Seccional Cali. Colombia
O desafio de formar profissionais na Saúde Coletiva: Percepções dos Discentes do Curso de Fonoaudiologia, Lidia Andrade Lourinho, Universidade de Fortaleza, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib, Universidade de Fortaleza, Claudio Moreira, UMass Amherst, and Aline Veras Brilhante, Universidade de Fortaleza
An Investigation of Preschool Children’s Affinity towards Nature (Biophilia): A Turkish Sample, Simge Yilmaz, Mersin University, and Refika Olgan, Middle East Technical University
Guiding Future Public Relations Professionals: How Faculty Perceive Their Advising Styles for Student-Run Agencies, Deborah Davis, Ball State University
Thu 005 Poster Session 05
Training process to improve pedagogical skills among Chilean Health sciences degrees teachers, Cristhian Perez, Universidad de Concepcion
Introducing Reflection to Professional Health Science Students – facilitating qualitative assessment in a quantitative culture., Gwen Essex, University of California, San Francisco
Early Acquaintance with Profession: Internship, Gokcen Abali, Anadolu University School for the Handicapped Instructor, Zehranur Kaya, Anadolu University School for the Handicapped Instructor, Meltem Anay, Anadolu University, Yildiz Uzuner, Anadolu University, and Guzin Karasu, Anadolu University
Identifying Preservice Teacher Beliefs Through the Use of Metaphors, Casey Dianna Gilewski, University of Memphis
Does Course Format Matter When Learning About Diversity? Exploring Student Evaluations in Online Versus Hybrid Classroom Structure, Mary Marshall, Purdue University, Heather Fedesco, Purdue University, and Natasha Watkins, Purdue University
Enhancing children’s art appreciation and critical thinking through art intervention program based on visual literacy theory, Kyoung Jin Kim, Ball State University, Su-Jeong Wee, Purdue University at Calumet, and Carolyn Hitchens, Ball State University
Looking Inward and Outward: Pre-service Teachers’ Cultural Iceberg, Kyoung Jin Kim, Ball State University
Thu 006 Poster Session 06
Union Illini Room B
“It is not like I am not trying”: Promoting Home-School Partnerships with African-American Families, Robin L Jarrett, Department of Human Development and Family Studies/ Department of African American Studies, and Sarai Coba Rodriguez, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Union Illini Room B
Exploring the Role of Peers and Peer Culture in Literacy-related Activities in Toddlerhood., Boh Young Lee, Western Illinois University
Deconstructing Activity Expectations in Neoliberal Unemployment Policy Discourses: Implications for Participation in Everyday Life, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, School of Occupational Therapy, The University of Western Ontario, Rebecca Aldrich, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Saint Louis University, Suzanne Huot, School of Occupational Therapy, The University of Western Ontario, John Grundy, York University, Kathryn Whiting, St. Louis University, and Awish Aslam, The University of Western Ontario
Non-Traditional Preservice Students’ Beliefs About Teaching and Learning,
Casey Dianna Gilewski, University of Memphis
Drug Trafficking culture. A discourse critical analysis of narco corrido lyrics,
Sarah Margarita Chávez, individual
Augmented Reality Games for Qualitative Research on Learner Interactions,
Fariha Hayat Salman, Pennsylvania State University
Factional stories: Creating a methodological space for collaboration, reflection and inquiry, Alexis Anja Kallio, Sibelius Academy, University
Thu 007 Poster Session 07
Union Illini Room B
Engaging in Science Practices and Language as Bodily and Affective Intra-Action,
Shakhnoza Kayumova, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
A Sociocultural Perspective of ELLs’ Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language, Xiang Shen, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Exploring Self-Compassion Among School Counselors in Ohio, Michelle Lynn Shinaberry, Ohio University, and Yuchun Zhou, Ohio University
Standpoint Theory: Building a Frame for Qualitative Social Work Research and Social Change, Lisa A. Henshaw, Adelphi University, School of Social Work
Movements scores and Verbatim theatre: performing thoughts and words,
Marilia Velardi, University of Sao Paulo
Forum theatre as a tool for change in the workplace- Conversation Roundtable,
Chinedu Anumudu, Texas State University
O Processo Criativo e a Pesquisa Em Dança: como dar vida ao processo?,
Renata Frazão Matsuo, Universidade Paulista UNIP, and Marilia Velardi, University of Sao Paulo
Thu 008 Poster Session 08
Union Illini Room B
The Inclusive Potentials of Narrative Techniques in Activist Music Education,
Tuulikki Elisa Laes, Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki
The dichotomous relationship between teaching and learning in the visual arts: A neoliberal perspective, Chyrese Stephanie Wolf, Chicago State University, and Joanna Rea, Bolingbrook
Autoethnography on the scene: stage performance as process in qualitative inquiry, Paulo Sergio Maron, University of Sao Paulo, Marilia Velardi, University of Sao Paulo, and Diósnio Machado Neto, University of Sao Paulo
The Heteronormative Speech and The Egalitarian Access, Danilo Borges Paulino, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), and Emerson Fernando Rasera, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)
Autoethnography: Addiction in a Family Context, Courtney Allison Becker, Penn State Altoona
Autoethnography: A Sickle Cell Anemic Kid, Chisomebi Anastasia Emeh, Penn State Altoona
What is gained and at what cost: A critical autoethnographic study examining the effects of learning abroad, Stephanie McCutcheon, Kansas State University
Thu 009 Poster Session 09
Union Illini Room B
Interprofessional theoretical and methodological Frames used in a Qualitative Study Related to Cultural Safety, Lida Dekker, Washington State University, and Dawn Doutrich, Washington State University
Defining Student Engagement in an Online Course through Interaction Analysis, Merve Basdogan, Indiana University Bloomington
The Experiences of Education Sojourners in Language and Sociocultural Navigations, Sary Silvhiany, Indiana University Bloomington & Sriwijaya University
Interactive Narratives and the Collective Imaginary about Motherhood, Tania Mara Marques Granato, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil., and Tania Maria José Aiello-Vaisberg, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
cARTography of Food Access Within the Campus Food Environment, Allison Ray, Texas Woman’s University
Exploring Experiences of Low Income Single Mothers in Botswana using an Africana Feminist Framework, Tumani Malinga, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Using Focus Groups to Gain understanding of the Needs of Students in STEM Disciplines, Mona Ibrahim, Concordia College, and Heidi Manning, Concordia College
Thu 010 Poster Session 10
Union Illini Room B
The Thin Miskowaa (Red) Line: Exploring the Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Support Services for First Nations Police Officers in a Northern Ontario Community, Ma’iingan Lisa Corbiere, Algoma University
Nuevos relatos de yagé. Etnografía sobre producción cultural entre neo yageceros en Colombia, Paloma David Velásquez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Community-Based Arts: Learning with Communities, Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
Indicadores cualitativos para el manejo ambiental en el sector floricultor en Colombia, Laity Alvinzy Velásquez Fandiño, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, and Carlos Arturo Uribe Vargas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
“Made in China” Art Inquiry + Travel-study + Social-economic Responsibilities,
Koon-Hwee Kan, Kent State University
Rebraiding Qualitiative Diagrams Through Chicana Feminist Tenets, Maria Elena Cecilia Salazar, New Mexico State University
Re-imagining Aging and Mobility Through Qualitative Inquiry, Thea Franke, Interdisciplinary Studies – University of British Columbia, Habib Chaudhury, Department of Gerontology – Simon Fraser University, and Joanie Sims-Gould, Faculty of Medicine – University of British Columbia
Social Work: Opening Plenary Roundtable: The
Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Grand Thu 011 Challenges of Social Work
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Opening Plenary Roundtable: The Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Grand Challenges of Social Work, Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Willa Casstevens, North Carolina State University, David Camacho, Columbia University, Guy Enosh, University of Haifa, and Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
Social Work: Journal Editors Review Submission-Ready Thu 012 Articles
9:30-10:50 Union 209
Journal Editors Review Submission-Ready Articles, Karen Staller, University of Michigan, and Roy Ruckdeschel, St. Louis University
Thu 013 Social Work: Constructions of Self
9:30-10:50 Union 211
Chair: Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work
“Since I am pregnant, I am wrong.” – The construction of bad young girl subjectivity, Kittikorn Sankatiprapa, Development Education Program,Graduate School, Srinakharinwirot University
Maneuvers in Body Fluidity and Negotiations with Differences among Hong Kong Chinese Lesbians, Iris Po Yee Lo, The University of Hong Kong
I don’t think of you as a transgender, Pops. I think of you as a transformer.,
Elijah C. Nealy, University of Saint Joseph
Counterstorytelling as a method for weaving new narrative(s) for LGBTQ youth,
Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work
Thu 014 Social Work: Caring for Older Adults
9:30-10:50 Union 215
Chair: Kelly Munly, Penn State Altoona
Palabras Fuertes: Voices of Older Latino Gay Men, David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
Is a church more than a church? An exploration of Chinese elders’ social support and their church participation in the United States, Chih-ling Liou, Kent State University at Stark
Caregiving: Exploring Familial Obligation, LIsa K Jennings, Cal State Long Beach, School of Social Work
Understanding Adult Foster Care through Provider Experience, Kelly Munly, Penn State Altoona
Thu 015 Social Work: Croatian Response to Refugee Crisis
9:30-10:50 Union 217
(Session Organizer) Sherry Warren, University Of Kansas; (Discussant) Terry Koenig, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare; (Discussant) Richard Spano, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare,
Thu 016 Social Work: In Search of Epistemologies
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
(Session Organizer) David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Anindita Bhattacharya, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Kiara Moore, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Laura Vargas, Columbia University School of Social Work; (Discussant) Vanessa Deborah Wells, Columbia University; (Discussant) Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Wen Juan (Helen) Song, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Karun Karki, WIlfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Bibi S. Baksh, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Iona Sky, Wilfrid Laurier University; (Discussant) Aaron P. B. Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University
Thu 017 Social Work: Teaching Qualitative Research: Part 1
11:00-12:20 Union 209
Chair: Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
“Not just another apple:” Using fictions to teach social work theories and epistemologies for qualitative research, Patricia Joyce, Adelphi University, Laura Quiros, Adelphi University, Joseph DeGearo, Adelphi University, and Dena Gassner, Adelphi University
Project-Based Learning in Social Work Doctoral Education: Key Attributes for Research Skill Attainment, Quentin Robert Maynard, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Fan Yang, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Sarah Young, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, and Debra Nelson-Gardell, University of Alabama
Place, Power, and Pedagogy: Immersive Learning Techniques in Qualitative Inquiry, Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
Photovoice with Social Work Students Service Learning in Jamaica, Renee Romer, Eastern Michigan University, and Marilyn Wedenoja, Eastern Michigan University
Thu 018 Social Work: Ethics in Research and Practice
11:00-12:20 Union 211
Chair: Tina Kimberly Sacks, University of California, Berkeley
Neoliberal dis-ease: Private technologies colonizing social welfare, Tyler M Arguello, California State University, Sacramento
Moving to the Peripheries of Child-Centered Practice: Systemic Barriers
to Addressing Well-Being in Child Welfare, Katherine Ariel Gibson, The University of Chicago, Gina M. Samuels, The University of Chicago, Julia Pryce, Loyola University – Chicago, and Meagan Cook, Loyola University – Chicago
The Politics of Evidence and Erosion of the Qualitative Brand, Minnie Bluhm, Eastern Michigan University
Tuskegee Then and Now: An Exploration of Historical Trauma in the Life of a Direct Descendant, Tina Kimberly Sacks, University of California, Berkeley
Thu 019 Social Work: Health and Social Development
11:00-12:20 Union 215
Chair: Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, University of Kansas
Impact of Value Added Tax on Expectations of Government in Relation to the Tax and its Perceived Benefits, Josko Vukusic, Western Michigan University, and Dee Ann Sherwood, Western Michigan University
Crossing thresholds as a parent of a disabled child, Elisabeth DeSchauwer, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
Using Strengths-based Collaborative Pathway Maps to Understand Community Inclusion of People with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness, John Bomhoff, University of Kansas Center for Mental Health Research and Innovation, and Jennifer Marie Chappell Deckert, University of Kansas
Parenting across different Family Structures: Experiences of Women in a Township Area in Botswana, Poloko Nuggert Ntshwarang, Social Work, University of Botswana
Social Network Mapping as a Tool for Exploring Linkages between the Neighborhood Environment and Health among Pregnant Mexican-origin Women in Los Angeles, Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, University of Kansas, and Jennifer Marie Chappell Deckert, University of Kansas
Thu 020 Social Work: Participatory Action Research
11:00-12:20 Union 217
Chair: D. Crystal Coles, Virginia Commonwealth University
Social Work and Participatory Action Research: Why Action and Power Matter,
Kimberly S. Compton, Virginia Commonwealth University
Activism in community-based research, Jason Brown, Western University
Exploring the Utility of Youth Participatory Action Research with LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Amanda Michelle Jones, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Family, Photo-Voice, and Empowerment: A Mixed-methods Community-based Program Evaluation, Jason M Sawyer, Norfolk State University, and Tina Abrefa-Gyan, Norfolk State University
When All Hell Breaks Loose: The Complexity of Community Partnerships Within Funded Social Work Research, D. Crystal Coles, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Sarah Kye Price, Virginia Commonwealth University
Thu 021 Social Work: Discovered Epistemologies
1:00-2:20 Noyes 217
Chair: David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
Blurring Boundaries: An Emotionally Aware Caregiver, Social Worker AND Researcher, David Camacho, Columbia University School of Social Work
The Many Ways of Knowing: Embracing Multiplicity in Narrative Research,
Anindita Bhattacharya, Columbia University School of Social Work
Living Liminal: Reflexive Epistemological Positioning at the Intersection of Marginalized Identities, Kiara Moore, Columbia University School of Social Work
Violence, Silence and Health Service Provision in Mexico: An Arrangement in Parts, Laura Vargas, Columbia University School of Social Work
Falling Through the U.S. Safety Net: Alice’s Adventures in Social Services,
Vanessa Deborah Wells, Columbia University
Thu 022 Social Work: Qualitative Program Evaluation
1:00-2:20 Union 209
Chair: Magnus Mfoafo-M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University
Using Qualitative Interviews in State-level Child Welfare Evaluation Research,
Kori R Bloomquist, Winthrop University, James A Hall, Indiana University, Barbara Pierce, Indiana University, Tracy Imburgia, Indiana University, Marie Danh, Indiana University, Jeramiah Jaggers, Indiana University, and Jangmin Kim, Indiana University
Describing the Homeless Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, Emogene Elizabeth Hennick, University of Utah and Utah Department of Corrections
Understanding the Impact of Regulatory Changes on the Implementation of a Community-Based Mental Health Program, Angie Mann-Williams, Eastern Michigan University
2. Community Treatment Orders / Mandated Outpatient Mental Health Program and Ethnic Minority Individuals in Toronto., Magnus Mfoafo- M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University
Thu 023 Social Work: Research on Social Work Education
1:00-2:20 Union 211
Chair: Vanessa Jara-Labarthe, University of Tarapaca
Cultural HumilityThrough Respectful Partnership: The Applied Use of Qualitative Method in Social Work Education, Heather Murphy Sloane, University of Toledo, and Meredith Kay Cleary, University of Toledo
Social work faculty perceptions on Academic Citizenship and “Service”, Gordon MacNeil, The University of Alabama
Professional and Cultural Identities of Immigrant Child Welfare Social Workers,
Ching-Hsuan Lin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Pamela Pei-Ling Chiang, Eastern Connecticut State University
Immigrant Social Worker Practice: An Ecological Perspective on Strengths and Challenges, Pamela Pei-Ling Chiang, Eastern Connecticut State University, and Ching-Hsuan Lin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The significance of the qualitative. Reflections of the first accreditation process of Social Work at the University of Tarapaca – Chile, Vanessa Jara-Labarthe, University of Tarapaca, Viviana Villarroel, University of Tarapaca, Alicia Moreno, University of Tarapaca, and Luis Le-Blanc, University of Tarapaca
Thu 024 Social Work: Research on Young People and Learning
1:00-2:20 Union 215
Chair: Jill C. Schreiber, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Slow Cooking with Support Systems: Navigating College as a Single Parent,
Tamara Harper Shetron, Texas State University, and Nina Stearns Harper, Bunker Hill Community College
School, Family and Community, and their Impact on English-Language Learner Performance, Eder A Intriago, University of Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
The Effects of Using Dictionary Notebook in Native Language Education on Students’ Social Lives, Gamze Celik, -, Burcu Celik, Co-author, and Zeynep Yucebas, Co-author
Students with sight impairments in Vietnam: Perceptions of challenges and barriers experienced at universities, Tuyen Thi Thanh Bui, UIUC – School of Social Work
Teaching Practice Skills to Undergraduates Utilizing Simulated Clients, Jill C. Schreiber, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Stephanie Taylor, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and Jessica Stonich, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Social Work: Revisiting Relationships: An Exploration of Thu 025 Dynamics between Researchers and Participants
1:00-2:20 Union 217
(Session Organizer) Alex Wagaman, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work; (Discussant) Amy Jule Prorock-Ernest, Virginia Commonwealth University; (Discussant) Megan Lindsay Brown, Arizona State University; (Discussant) Jonel Thaller, Ball State University,
Social Work: Our Reflexive Epistemological Journeys of Thu 026 How We Have Come to Know; So Far
2:30-3:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University
Indigenous Knowledge? Listening for the Drumbeat and Searching for How I Know, Kelly Laurila, Wilfrid Laurier University
Searching for my Palm Tree: Epistemological Journeying of a Doctoral Student,
Iona Sky, Wilfrid Laurier University
Redeeming the Rejected: Curious George and Evidence-Based Approaches,
Aaron P. B. Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University
Clarity and confusion: A Muslim Student’s Struggle with Identity and Epistemology in Academia, Bibi S. Baksh, Wilfrid Laurier University
A New Face of Homelessness? Researching the Experience of ‘Home’ with Chinese High School Students in Canadian Homes, Wen Juan (Helen) Song, Wilfrid Laurier University
Walking the Complexities between two Worlds: A Personal Story of Epistemological Tensions in Knowledge Production, Karun Karki, WIlfrid Laurier University
From Diagnosis to Research: My Epistemological Journey towards Wholistic Qualitative Methods, Julia Read, Wilfrid Laurier University
Thu 027 Social Work: Researcher Reflexivity
2:30-3:50 Union 209
Chair: Samantha Virginia Clarke, Wilfrid Lauier University
A Journey to Hearing Voiceless Girls: A Qualitative Study on the Factors Contributing to Girls with Behavioural Problems in Courts in Trinidad & Tobago, Jolene Asha Romain, Graduate of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine and The Family Court of Trinidad & Tobago
Photovoice and Co-producing Knowledge: Experiences with Photovoice as a Knowledge Producing Method in Collaborative Research and Social Work, Tine Laurine Rosenthal Johansen, Roskilde University
Memória e reconstrução: narrativas da vivencia do desastre, Simone Santos Oliveira, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and Sergio Luiz Dias Portella, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Shrouded in privilege: exploring a troubling experience in team research,
Samantha Virginia Clarke, Wilfrid Lauier University
Thu 028 Social Work: Meanings of Violence Against Persons
2:30-3:50 Union 211
Chair: Guy Enosh, University of Haifa
The Logic of Moving From Meanings to Interventions, Jane Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and Tina Simms, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
“They treat us like animals for a little bit of money:” Human smuggling and spatial practices of brutality, Carol Cleaveland, George Mason University
Client aggression towards social workers and its systemic-ecological impacts, Guy Enosh, University of Haifa, and Shay Tzafrir, University of Haifa
Thu 029 Social Work: Research on Teaching and Learning
2:30-3:50 Union 215
Chair: Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
Neoliberalism and Study Abroad Pedagogy, Edita Milanovic, Michigan State University, and Pilar Horner, Michigan State University
‘Teaching-Service-Reasearch’ Shuttle Action Research Mode Exploring, Min Ren, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Testing and Explaining a Social Emotional Learning Program and the Intersection of Trauma in Urban, Low-Income Students: A Mixed Methods Study, Johanna Creswell Baez, The University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work
Effects of School Closure/Consolidation on Local Students Enrolled in a Mentorship Program, Ken Saldanha, Eastern Michigan University
Social Work: Racing research: Using constructionist
grounded theory while holding race and racism at the Thu 030 center instead of the margins
2:30-3:50 Union 217
Chair: V.C. Rhonda Hackett, University of Toronto
(Chair) V.C. Rhonda Hackett, University of Toronto; (Session Organizer) Billie Allan, Ryerson University,
Social Work: Town Hall Meeting Thu 031
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room A
Chair: Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Reflections on Social Work Day and What’s Next, Jane F. Gilgun, University of Minnesota
Friday Schedule
Fri 001 Autoethnography: The Religious
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Matt Adamson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Still) Speaking in Silences: Decolonizing Performances of Resistance and Rage,
hari stephen kumar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“How Canst Thou Weep?”: Religion, Uncertainty, and Coming to Know God,
Matt Adamson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Magi of Juana Diaz: Performing Identity in a Time of Crisis, Liza Ann Acosta, North Park University
The Transformational Power of Place: Celebrate Recovery, David R Fisher, The University of South Florida
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Validity in
Fri 002 Qualitative Research: Looking Back and Moving Ahead
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Historical and contemporary perspectives on validity in qualitative research,
Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University, and Francesca White, Indiana University
Defining and pursuing validity in discourse analysis research, Jessica Lester, Indiana University, Michelle O’Reilly, University of Leicester, and Nikki Kiyimba, University of Chester
Validity as Research Praxis, Barbara Dennis, Indiana University Establishing Communicative Validity: Lessons from Participatory Action
Research, Meagan Call-Cummings, Indiana University Discussant, Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Fri 003 Directions In Cross-Disciplinary Methodologies
8:00-9:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Raji Swaminathan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
A Process-Oriented Inquiry into an Emergent Community Dialogue Praxis, N. Banu Ibaoglu Vaughn, Georgia Conflict Center
In/appropriate Methodologies in a Time of Mass Extinction: A Tale of Hermeneutic Becoming, Susan F. Reed, Appalachian State University
Extending the Concept of Translanguaging to Research in Multilingual Contexts,
Lilian Cibils, New Mexico State University, and Koomi Kim, New Mexico State University
Sense-making and Place-Making as theories to inform reflexivity: Interrogating sites and settings in Qualitative Research, Raji Swaminathan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Thalia Mulvihill, Ball State University
Clash of Epistemologies: A Critical Review of Design Research Tradition,
Hakan Anay, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, and Ulku Ozten, Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Putting Posthumanist Theories to Work in Early Fri 004 Childhood Literacies
8:00-9:20 Noyes 161
Chair: Candace Kuby, University of Missouri
timespacemattering: Reconfiguring early literacies of race and class through material change, Jaye Thiel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Matter matters: Exploring the intra-activity of students and materials in Writers’ Studio, Candace Kuby, University of Missouri
Writing posthumanism, qualitative inquiry, and early literacy, Jessica Van Cleave, Mars Hill University, and Sarah Catherine Bridges-Rhoads, Georgia State University
Digital Tools: The construction and use of digital tools Fri 005 for qualitative research: Challenges on the horizon
8:00-9:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Accidentally Naked: Ethical Issues When Conducting Virtual Ethnographic Research, Kakali Bhattarachya, Kansas State University
Digital Humanities and Qualitative Inquiry: Digging into Data on a Large Scale, Harriett Green, University of Illinois
Operationalising our responsibilities: equipping university teachers to embed CAQDAS into curricula, Christina Silver, University of Surrey
Determinism vs. Constructivism: The Polarizing Discourse Regarding Digital Tools for Qualitative Research and how it Threatens our Scholarship, Kristi Jackson, Queri
Discussant, Trena M. Paulus
Arts-Based Research: (Queer) Arts-Based Research and
Fri 006 Art Methodologies in Practice
8:00-9:20 Union 405
Chair: Lisbeth A. Berbary, University of Waterloo
Analytic Comics: Creative Engagements with Bisexual Community Experiences,
Lisbeth A. Berbary, University of Waterloo
Turning (and Turning): Kiki and Herb and the Case for Queer Camp as Transformative Aesthetic, Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Home is where the Camp is: An inquiry into camp as Queer refuge, Allyson Dean, University of Oregon, and Jeff Kenney, Clemson University
Some Theoretical Implications of Classical Ex Voto Practices for Artistic and Philosophical Methodologies, Viola Timm, UNIFOR
Fri 007 Education: Student Issues
8:00-9:20 Union 406
Chair: Jeffrey A. Hoyle, Central Michigan University
Significant comments and non-significant averages: Are there any meaningful effects of teaching evaluations?, Geoffrey A Meek, Bowling Green State University, and Nancy E. Spencer, Bowling Green State University
The Institutional Body and Will: Catching glimpses of the Institutionalized Racism Monster, Nichole Grant, University of Ottawa, and Pamela Rogers, University of Ottawa
Student Engagement during Close Reading: A Mixed Methods Study, Colleen Pennell, Carroll University
The Vocabulary of The Student’s Who Had Writing Skills Course, Mahir Kalfa, Education
An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Collegiate Internships: Requirements for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Jeffrey A. Hoyle, Central Michigan University
Fri 008 Indigenous Research: Global Indigenous Discourse
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Amy Prorock-Ernest,
Opportunities in tourism: different stories of two generations, Xiaotao Yang, University of Waterloo
The Colonial Legacy: Narrative from Pakistan, Amina Obaid Khawaja, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
The border of village and the urban Uyghur social net, Hade Abudu, North West Minorities University Lanzhou Gansu China
Reasonable(?) Comparability: the 2016 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision on First Nations child welfare inequities, H. Monty Montgomery, University of Regina
Fri 009 Thrilling Little Things: A series of images
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Teija Loytonen, Aalto University
Movement-moving or Thinking-feeling with Images, Teija Loytonen, Aalto University
Data Holes, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona state university
Religious Imagery Production at ‘Play’, Teija Tuulikki Rantala, University of
Helsinki, Faculty of Arts
[Imag[e]inary] Circuits, Justin Hendricks, University of Florida
Fri 010 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Addis-Abeba Salinas-Urbina, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Critical Storytelling: From Classroom to Book, Nicholas D. Hartlep, Illinois State University, and Brandon Oglesby Hensley, Millikin University
Talking about barriers to implement a sexual program at a public university,
Addis-Abeba Salinas-Urbina, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Finding Newsiness in the Newsroom: An Autoethnography of a Participant Observation, Theodora Ruhs, University of Maine
Tracing the Path: Telling Stories Finding Voices From Researching Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Remote Area of Indonesia, Yulida Pangastuti, University of Auckland
Autoethnography: Creating an Inclusive Community for Change, Rachel Lewandowski, Eastern Michigan University
Fri 011 Directions in Arts-Based Research I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G46
Chair: Beverlyne Asiko Ambuyo, Department of Kiswahili and other African Languages, Maseno University, Kenya
Beyond Qualitative Inquiry: A Neoliberal Society and Power Relations in Action Research by Higher Learning Institutions, Beverlyne Asiko Ambuyo, Department of Kiswahili and other African Languages, Maseno University, Kenya
Dancers’ Stories: Finding a Way to Survive, Ra-Yuan Tseng, University of Taipei Uaque, School Cohabitation and Performed Ethnography, Jorge Tadeo Arcila,
IDEP (Institute for Educational Research and Pedagogical Development)
The Interaction and the Cultural Understanding of American and Taiwanese Cultures— 1952 Black Cat Song and Dance Ensemble, Yu-Ling Chao, University of Taipei, Ra-Yuan Tseng, University of Taipei, and Wei-Lun Li, Tungnan University
Fri 012 Psychology: Clinical & Health Psychology
9:30-10:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Heather Adams,
Listening To Darkness: Why we need stories of people living with severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (SE-AN), Janet Elizabeth Conti, Western Sydney University, paul rhodes, University of Sydney, and Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
The Emotional Psychologist – A critical account of the psychologist’s emotion in the therapeutic relationship, Helen Van Der Merwe, The University of Auckland
Moral Injury: Phenomenological Inquisition within the phenomenon of reintegration, Dr. Richard La Fleur, College of The Holy Cross
Fri 013 Starting Somewhere Else
9:30-10:50 Gregory 215
Chair: Carol A Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University
Doing time and motion differently: Academic life everywhere and all the time,
Carol A Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University, and Susanne Gannon, Western Sydney University
Starting elsewhere: exploring Deleuze’s refrain and body memory to write what cannot be spoken, Margaret Somerville, Western Sydney University
Starting in the middle: citationality and collaborative writing, Dagmar Johanna Alexander, University of Edinburgh, Jan Bradford, The University of Edinburgh, Susanne Gannon, Western Sydney University, Fiona Murray, University of Edinburgh, Naomi Partridge, University of Edinburgh, and Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh
Poetry and Post humanism, Jocey Quinn, Plymouth University Fri 014 Autoethnography: Postcolonial Critique
9:30-10:50 Gregory 221
Chair: Sophie Tamas, Carleton University
How to deal with the researchers’ eurocentric knowledge: Autoethnographical thoughts, Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Navigating the PhD: DESTROYing the “underrepresented”, Jacob B Chacko, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Autumn West, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Dorian Harrison, University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign, and Kia Alexander, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The (Im)possibility of Writing Happiness, Sophie Tamas, Carleton University
Mature Black British/Caribbean women’s lived experiences of an ‘equitable’ education provision: Widening Participation’s exploitation, Peggy Warren, Student
A Postcolonial Literary Scholar Encounters Autoethnography, Jessika O. Griffin, Ball State University
Fri 015 Psychology: Narrative
9:30-10:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Do I Have a Case? Narratives about the law, the justice, and moral principles in a legal aid center in Bogotá (Colombia), Juan López, Universidad de los Andes
Visiting Chinese grandparents and their families in the U.S., Hao-Min Chen, Alliant International University, and Denise Lewis, University of Georgia
Conducting Ethnic Identity Research Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens,
Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Neoliberal Fri 016 Institutions
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1000
A qualitative case study of a once progressive university under threat, Marianne N Bloch, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Fighting Irish Commodity: Neoliberalism and the University of Notre Dame, Neal Ternes, Florida State University
The Discovery Institute’s Misapplication of Social Scientific Research, Issac O Akande, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: College of Education
Exploring the Complexity of Critical Activist Leadership and Fear through “Leadership Assemblages”, Lauren Hoffman, Lewis University
A Criticality of Experience: Chaos and Complexity in American Public Schools,
Janet Tipton Hindman, West Texas A&M University
Academic Exiles: Anxiously Working-Magic at the Verge Fri 017 of the Unknown [???]
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Kelly Clark/Keefe, The University of Vermont
Becoming Academic Exile: Leaving Academe, Living the Event of the Return, and (Art)ticulating Precarity’s Form, Kelly Clark/Keefe, The University of Vermont
Intensity, Endurance, & Sustainability: Evocations Emerging from the Experience of Educational Exile, Jessica Gilway, Appalachian State University
Inventing the Beyond: Clinging to Compassion in the Age of Competency-Based Education, Lisa McNeal, College of Costal Georgia
Something Else is More Important than Fear: Becoming-In/appropriate in a Time of Mass Extinction and Climate Catastrophe, Susan F. Reed, Appalachian State University
Expressive Arts Offer Creative and Sustainable Practices in Higher Education,
Katrina Plato, Appalachian State University
Autoethnography: Resourcing, Teaming, and Margining: Fri 018 Worlding: A Family Studies Theory
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1022
(Discussant) Darolyn “Lyn” Jones, Ball State University; (Session Organizer) James Jones, Ball State University,
Fri 019 Discourses On Education I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Chad R Lochmiller, Indiana University
Discursive Perspectives on the Analysis of Policy in Education and Social Fields: Implications for the Future, Chad R Lochmiller, Indiana University, Jessica Lester, Indiana University, and Rachael Gabriel, University of Conneticut
Critical discourse analysis of parental involvement policies in selected English- speaking countries, Max Antony-Newman, OISE/University of Toronto
Legitimation Strategies of Jesuit Colleges and Universities: An Analysis of the AJCU Presidents’ Consensus Statement, Christine Billings, Colorado State University
How our cohorts have used social media to build stronger bonds, Stacey J. Fisher, East Tennessee State University
Fighting Against the School as a Factory Metaphor: Researching in the Peripheries of Educational Worlds, Ana Veloso, CIPEM/INET-md – Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
Schooled encounters with the material., Katrine Giaver, Oslo University College of Applied Science, and Hege Katrine Løberg, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
Fri 020 Education And The Neoliberal
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1026
Chair: Susan Finley, Washington State University
Practicing Democracy: Contesting Neoliberalisms Through Political Education of Children and Youth, Susan Finley, Washington State University
Student Success as Becoming: An Alternative to Neoliberal Assessments of Success in Higher Education, Emily Mathis, University of Oregon, Laura Elizabeth Smithers, University of Oregon, and Maggie Newton
A Narrative Tale: Sliding from Teaching to Teaching for the Test, Stephanie Cronenberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dori Harrison, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Stacey Korson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alexis Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Natasha Murray, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Michael Parrish, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Marilyn Johnston-Parsons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Approaching Critical Social Problems in an Era of Neoliberal Education:An Epistemological Dialogue, Jessica Preston Kerr, Kansas State University, and Jessica Holloway-Libell, Kansas State University
Fri 021 Qualitative Case Studies In Education I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Nosisi Nellie Feza, University of South Africa
South Africa’s educators’ mathematics teaching journey: A case of 5-6 year old educator practices, Nosisi Nellie Feza, University of South Africa
Fifth Grade Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of Writing in Mathematics,
Perihan Fidan, Tennessee Tech University, and Ciara Pittman, TTU
Taiwanese students’ multilingual education, Chien-Yu Wu, Purdue University
Inquiry into Language Use and Ethnic Identity of Chinese immigrants, Yuwen Deng, Purdue University
From the Steppes of Central Asia: How a Multilingual Azerbaijani Graduate Student Negotiates Language, Jennifer Lund, Indiana University
Autoethnography: Using Autoethnography to Address Fri 022 Higher Education Challenges
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Meg Akehi, Michigan State University
Autoethnography as a Transformative Learning Experience, Meg Akehi, Michigan State University, and Emiko Blalock, Michigan State University
Examining Experiences of Women of Color Student Affairs Teacher- Practitioners, Aliya Beavers, Michigan State University, Ginny Jones, Michigan State University, Nadeeka Karunaratne, University of California Irvine, and Carol Huang, Michigan State University
The Intersection of Sexism and Racism: A Critical Autoethnographic Perspective of Black Women Doctoral Students at a Predominantly White Institution, Chastity Gaither, Michigan State University, and Aliya Beavers, Michigan State University
Surviving Domestic Violence in a U.S. Higher Education Context: An Autoethnography, Rob L Hill, Michigan State University
Fri 023 Exploring The Online I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1051
Chair: Heather Stewart, Griffith University
The Perfect Storm: Reflections on developing a collaborative student centred approach in a large online first year management course, Heather Stewart, Griffith University, and Rod Gapp, Griffith University
Studying the Production of ESL Teachers’ Beliefs in an Online Teacher Education Classroom, Amber Warren, Indiana University
Beginning a Journey: Reflection on Establishment of Community to Enhance Online Learning, Heather A. Rudolph, University of Northern Colorado
Fri 024 Autoethnography: Examining Illness I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Noah Lelek, Texas Woman’s University
Journey(ing) through Jaundice: An Autoethnographic Examination of Illness,
Noah Lelek, Texas Woman’s University
Beyond the Clinical Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar II Disorder, Reagan Mason, Texas Tech Univeristy
Inquiry, Illness, & Identity: Sick Scholars and Autoethnographies, Leslie A Rowland, Indiana University – Bloomington
Gender-Queering linkage to HIV care: an autoethnographic assessment of a novel Peer Guide training program, Donna Jo Smith, Georgia State University
Contested genetic identities and health diagnostics, Katherine Gregory, CUNY/ New York City College of Technology
Fri 025 Feminist Inquiry and Violence Against Women
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Anne Namatsi Lutomia, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Ecriture Féminine: Writing Violence Against Women in Kenya “Diary of A Mad Kenyan Woman” Blog, Anne Namatsi Lutomia, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Carichina Women: Performative Activism in Addressing Violence Against Women in Ecuador, Rachel Lauren Storm, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Naming the Unknowable, Or the Personal is Still Political, Meadow Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: Fri 026 African Nations
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Magnus Mfoafo-M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University
Stigma: Portrayal of Mental Illness in Print Media in Ghana – A Ten Year Evaluation (2003-2012), Magnus Mfoafo-M’Carthy, Wilfrid Laurier University, Cynthia A. Sottie, University of Ghana, and Charles Gyan, Wilfrid Laurier University
Food Insecurity within Nouveau Affluence: The Meaning –Making of South African University Cleaning Women, Jacqueline Hanoman, Ross Community Center
The Promise of Participation, Hanne Jensen Haricharan, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Does the International Criminal Court Deter? Evidence from Kenya, Yvonne Marie Dutton, IU McKinney Law School, and Tessa Alleblas, The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge
with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Fri 027 Session I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Reiner Keller, Augsburg University and Peter Stücheli-Herlach, Zurich University for Applied Sciences
Analyzing Discourse and Foucauldian Regimes of Power/Knowledge with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse, Reiner Keller, University of Augsburg, Germany
SKAD, Resilience, and the Transformation of Energy Systems towards Renewables, Steffen Hamborg, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Diachronic, synchronic and actor-related perspectives on discourses of Career Guidance Services, Christian Schröder, University of Luxembourg, Ute Karl, University of Luxembourg, Claudia Muche, University of Hildesheim, and Inga Truschkat, University of Hildesheim
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Transformative Fri 028 Inquiry
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Erich N. Pitcher, Michigan State University
Yearning for a Trans*formative Methodology: Engaging Contradictory Methods to Critically Produce Knowledge with Trans* Academics, Erich N. Pitcher, Michigan State University
Decolonizing Inquiry: Merits of Critical Qualitative Research and Critical Autoethnography in Examining Multicultural/Transnational Identities, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Sexual Assault Survivor Silence: Finding Comfort in Spirals of Silence, Lauran Schaefer, Southern Illinois University
“Dedicated to Making a Positive Change”: Developing Critical Inquiry Through Youth-Led Research, Robin Lindquist-Grantz, University of Cincinnati, Cassie Lampe, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and Lisa M. Vaughn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Digital Tools: Exploring Identity and Gender in Digital Fri 029 Spaces
9:30-10:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Vladimir Santiago Arias, Texas Tech University
Using digital tools and arts-informed methods to construct a third-space research diary and reconstruct identity., Rosemary C. Reilly, Concordia University
More Data, More Problems: Examining Neoliberal Institutional Challenges to Online Research, Jasmine R. Linabary, Purdue University, Danielle J. Corple, Purdue University, Cheryl Cooky, Purdue University, and Emily Fogle, Purdue University
First Impression Formation and Online Dating: an exploratory study of Tinder,
Vladimir Santiago Arias, Texas Tech University
It’s Not a Woman Problem: Challenging Neoliberal Approaches to Online Community Research, Danielle J. Corple, Purdue University
The relationship between stress and the ownership of a Fri 030 pet animal among university students
9:30-10:50 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Stephanie Marie López, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus,
Fri 031 Critical Ethnography As Performance
9:30-10:50 Union 210
Chair: Ana Cristina Aguirre-Calleja, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Psychology Department
Mentoring, Juvenile Delinquency and The American Dream, Teresa Whiting, University of Alabama
Embodiment and the Public Intellectual, Gary J, Krug, Eastern Washington University
Performance of collective action as a cultural jamming: the case of “el Chaman del Raval”, Ana Cristina Aguirre-Calleja, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Psychology Department
“We Don’t Want Students Like Him Here!”, Della R. Leavitt, Independent
Qualitative Research Design and Analysis: Finding the Axis of Interpretation so That Your Study Spins True, Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education
Fri 032 Decolonizing Classrooms
9:30-10:50 Union 211
Chair: Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
That Who Has Never Had Louse may Throw Now the First Stone. Leaning and De-Construction of Revulsion towards the Pauper Other, Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Sounds Unparalleled: An Exploration of the Power of Words in an Adolescent After-School Program, Khahlia Sanders, University of Cincinnati, Susan Watts-Taffe, University of Cincinnati, and Amy Bottomley, University of Cincinnati
“The whole day they never opened their mouths”: Teaching English in Post- colonial African Contexts, Rosemary N Nduati, Syracuse University
Boas & Bias: Burlesquing Borders & Boundaries in Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms, Julia Persky, Texas A&M University – College Station
Fri 033 Beyond The Neoliberal
9:30-10:50 Union 215
Chair: Natasha E Whiteman, University of Leicester, UK
Transformation of Social Justice in a Transition Society, Gordana Jovanovic, University of Belgrade
Beyond Neoliberal and Compassionate Ethics: A Manifesto for Alienation in Relation to Ethical Authority., Natasha E Whiteman, University of Leicester, UK
The Ray Rice Domestic Violence Case: Constructing Neoliberal Black Masculinity through Newspaper Reports, M. Candace Christensen, University of Texas San Antonio
Batman as transmedial discourse to understand anarchy, order, and today’s social dynamics in the city, Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Polina Golovátina-Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Fri 034 Barad
9:30-10:50 Union 217
Chair: Jodi Kaufmann, Georgia State University
Imagining Service Learning as Post-humanist Pedagogy, Megan Snider Bailey, The University of Alabama
Admitting that Racism Exceeds Descriptive Methods: Studying Racism as an Ontological Agent, Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Meaning and the Measuring Apparatus, Jodi Kaufmann, Georgia State University
From Bourdieu to Barad: Methodological choices and liabilities in educational technology research, Patience Melius, The University of Alabama
Productive Aporias of Paradigm Proliferations: spacetimematterings in an Introductory Qualitative Research Course, Candace Kuby, University of Missouri, and Rebecca C. Aguayo, University of Missouri
Plenary: The History of Qualitative Research in Four Fri 035 Generations
9:30-10:50 Union 314 A
Chair: Elizabeth St.Pierre, The University of Georgia
The Research Act, 2.01, circa 1966, Norman Denzin, Univ of Illinois
From field biology to interpretation: Beginnings and development of approaches
to ethnography in qualitative inquiry, Frederick Erickson, UCLA
Feminist (Post)Critical, (Post)Modern and (Post)Qualitative: The Science Possible After the Critiques, Patti Lather, Ohio State University
Post Qualitative Inquiry: Ruined From the Start, Elizabeth St.Pierre, The University of Georgia
Thinking without Method, Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University
Plenary: Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech Fri 036 through Qualitative Inquiry
9:30-10:50 Union 314 B
Chair: Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Norman Denzin, Univ of Illinois
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Stacy Holman Jones, Monash University
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Jane Gilgun, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, James Haywood Rolling Jr., Syracuse University
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Angelo Benozzo, Università della Valle d’Aosta
Overcoming attacks on freedom of speech through Qualitative Inquiry, Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Fri 037 Research I
9:30-10:50 Union 403
Chair: Mark Learmonth, Durham University Business School
The Eyes of Wolves, Sonya Turkman, The University of Georgia
The politics of evidence in business schools, Mark Learmonth, Durham University Business School, Kevin Morrell, Warwick Universtiy, Michael Humphreys, Durham University Business School, and Robert McMurray, Durham University Business School
Navigating the Barriers to Qualitative Inquiry as a Graduate Student, Dessie Clark, Vanderbilt University, and Leah Samples, Vanderbilt University
Finishing the job: Why quantitative endeavors alone are like a coloring book without crayons., Christopher Pondish, Independent, and Charles Secolsky, Independent
Quantifying the Unquantifiable: A Review and Critique of Present Positivist Influence on Architectural Design Doctorates, Ulku Ozten, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Hakan Anay, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meltem Anay, Anadolu University, and Yigit Acar, Middle East Technical University
Plenary: Disability and Qualitative Inquiry: Rethinking Fri 038 an Ableist World
9:30-10:50 Union 404
Chair: Ronald Berger, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and Loren Wilbers, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Life Story Research with People Aging with Intellectual Disabilities: An Application of the Life Line Interview Method, Lieke van Heumen, University of Illinois at Chicago
Our Siblinghood is Like a Mental Health Community in Itself: A Duoethnography, Hailee Gibbons, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Caitlin Gibbons, Hennepin County Medical Center
The Experience of Chronic Pain: Bridging the Medical and Social Models of Disability, Loren Wilbers, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Life History Research with People with Disabilities: An Autoethnography,
Ronald J. Berger, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Arts-Based Research: Voices in and through the Arts, Fri 039 Education, and Qualitative Inquiry
9:30-10:50 Union 405
Chair: Ruth M Smith, The Ohio State University
New Arrivals, New Voices: Discovering Narrative Participatory Photography within Somali Diaspora, Ruth M Smith, The Ohio State University
Kiefer and I: Stories from an installation, Laura Formenti, Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Milano Italy
Normalizing Discourses of Upward Mobility: Working Class Roots, Motherhood, and Idealized White Femininity, Colleen Clements, University of Minnesota
“Locating ‘good food’ through our voices, in our stories”, Stephanie R Lim, University of British Columbia
The Story is the Source: Fictional Characters as Research Participants., Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Arts-Based Research: Methodological lineage in arts- Fri 040 based inquiry
9:30-10:50 Union 406
Chair: Judy Davidson, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Layering connoisseurship with a beginners mind, Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Pilgrimage as a method of ethnography: Music and spirituality, Koji Matsunobu, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Interlacing traditions: Visual, curricular, qualitative, Donna Murray-Tiedge, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Expressive arts and self-referential awareness, Tawnya Smith, Boston University Friday OFFICIAL PROGRAM 201
Embodied methods: The dance of teaching, Andrews Kimber, University of Illinois
Fri 041 Indigenous Research: Place as Methodology
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Warren Linds,
Place as Methodology for Inquiry in the Coast Salish Territory, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia
Art, Activism and Place: an Indigenous Metissage, Vicki Lynn Kelly, Simon Fraser University
Indigenous Knowledge and Rangeland Management in Contemporary Eastern Tibet, Tao Zhou, University of Waterloo
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methodologies in Fri 042 Health
11:00-12:00 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Roe Bubar, Colorado State University
Culture Matters: Evidence of Hope, Health Resiliency, and Cultural Competence from a 5-Year Project with First Nations Youth, Nuno Filipe Ribeiro, Department of Recreation, Sport & Tourism; University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Shannon Arnason, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services,
Tim Cyr, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, Curtis Delorme, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, Shane Quewezance, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services, and Allison Whiteman, File Hills Qu’Appelle Health Services
Bone Deep, Boiling Blood, and Fried Nerves: Modeling Chronic Pain from a Mixed Methods Study of Urban American Indians, Elise Ann Geist Duwe, UIUC
The Earth is our Teacher and Food is our Medicine: Stories from Arikara Farm,
Roe Bubar, Colorado State University
Fri 043 Visual Studies I
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Jasmine Ulmer, Wayne State University
Mapping Contested Visual Space: Street Art, Democracy, and Critical Photographic Cartography, Jasmine Ulmer, Wayne State University
What I’m Still Learning about Photovoice, Amanda O. Latz, Ball State University
Family photographs and preservice teachers’ notions of family, Kyle Miller, Illinois State University
Using Photo Elicitation to Reframe the Student Experience, Gwendolyn Schimek, Colorado State University
The critical qualitativism as a meeting and learning place for social and personal change., Ana Mercedes Martínez, Universidad de las Américas, Quito, Ecuador, and Victoriano Camas, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Fri 044 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elizabeth Wetzler, Northcentral University
Immersion in and Emergence from Media Representations of Ebola: An Autoethnography of Researcher Saturation, Elizabeth Wetzler, Northcentral University
Tourism as Development: One Researcher’s Journey in Lao PDR through Photographs and Conversations, Laura Marie LaBelle, Vang Pao Peace Institute
Environmental manipulation, more subject to visible environmental agendas: An auto-ethnography, Elizabeth Aguirre-Armendariz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Dark Clouds On the Horizon, Karen Nicole Barbour, The University of Waikato
On teaching autoethnography: different countries, disciplinary backgrounds, and formal education levels, Silvia Marcela Benard, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Fri 045 Directions in Arts-Based Research II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G46
Chair: Margaret Ann Robbins, The University of Georgia
The New Face: A Social Fiction Project on Disability, Critical Media Literacy, and Feminism, Margaret Ann Robbins, The University of Georgia
Ordinary Narratives with Poetry and with Schools, Priscila Correia Fernandes, PPEDU UFSJ
The Climate of Change: Interdisciplinary Arts-Based Research, Abram W Kaplan, Denison University
Arts-Based Research: Experiences of a Graduate Art Student with a Learning Disability, Betsy L Crawford-Leeds, Kansas State University, Fort Hays State University
Deterritorializing Habits of Method: Somatographic Observations as Experimental Ground and Force in Posthumanist Qualitative Inquiry, Kelly Clark/Keefe, The University of Vermont
Fri 046 The Family
11:00-12:20 Gregory 215
Chair: Amy Marie Funk, Methodist College
Smudged Windows: Attempting to Understand Sibling Grief as a Child, Amy Marie Funk, Methodist College
Ancestors, Archives, and Affect: Working ‘with and on’ Family Letters, lucy bailey, oklahoma state university
Understanding Favoritism in Families: The Use of Multiadic Interviews, Jimmie Manning, Northern Illinois University
Exploring Family Factors Influencing Eating Habits of Chilean Women from Low-Socioeconomic Status, Marcela Cecilia Vizcarra-Catalan, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Patricia Galvez, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and Andiara Schwingel, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Reflexive Inquiry. Developing methods of inquiring into Fri 047 practice research
11:00-12:20 Gregory 219
Cultivating dialogical opportunities in relationally sensitive research, Julia Jude, University of Bedfordshire
Supporting relationships in reflexive movements in leadership and organisational research, Ann Rubens Mortensen, University of Bedfordshire
Leadership – keeping it real! Developing the self reflexive leaders of faith,
Maureen Taylor, University of Bedfordshire
Local and global reflexivity in research practice, Gail Simon, University of Bedfordshire
Fri 048 Autoethnography: Race I
11:00-12:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Dyanis Popova, Virginia Tech
Radicalizing Black Male Achievement Work, Monique Liston, UW-Milwaukee The Invisible Me: Mixed Racial Identity in a Black and White World, Dyanis
Popova, Virginia Tech
What I Didn’t See and What I Couldn’t: An Autoethnography on Researching Race with Superintendents, Rachel Roegman, Purdue University
Owning White Privilege, fine. What Do You Know About Blackness?: Being White Doing CRT, Complexities, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
Overcoming bigoted mentoring and informal learning in the workplace., Jeremy Bohonos, illinois
Fri 049 Psychology: Community-Based Participatory Research
11:00-12:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Michael Kral, Wayne State University
Towards Schools as Spaces for Dialog and Consensus. A Case-Study, Henar Rodriguez, Department of Pedagogy, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, Sergio Sánchez, School of Education, Universidad de Burgos, Spain, and Ignacio Montero, School of Psychology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
In Our Voices: Experiences Described by Self-Identified Chicana/o Undergraduates, Daniel Meza, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Melissa Morgan Consoli, University of California, Santa Barbara
My Story Matters: A thematic analysis of youth’s lives who are identified as high- risk, Michael Frazier, University of West Georgia
Stories of Community-Based Participatory Action Research, Michael Kral, Wayne State University, and James Allen, University of Minnesota
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Fri 050 Discourse
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Lyrica Layag Lucas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Writing for Human Capital: Economic Discourse and the Dominance of Quantitative Research Publications., Theodora Ann Lightfoot-Rueda, IISSE (Interdisciplinary Institute for research in Social Science and Education, and Ruth Peah, IISSE and National Louis UNiversity
Countering Colorism: Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Skin Lightening Advertisements in the Philippines, Lyrica Layag Lucas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Consulting Companies’ New Discourse of Work And Learning, Timo Nevalainen, University of Tampere
Constructing Casual Encounters: News Discourse About Sex on,
Chelsea Julian Reynolds, University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Reporting the Drone Wars, Kevin Howley, DePauw University
Awakenings: Ed.D. Students Encounter—and Enact— Fri 051 Qualitative Research for the First Time
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Kelli LeAnn Epling, Marshall University / Stonewall Jackson Middle School
If You Fall In Love With The Challenge, You Are Inspired Every Day, Kelli LeAnn Epling, Marshall University / Stonewall Jackson Middle School
Reflexivity: One Student’s Adventure, Casie McGee, Marshall University
Research Another Way: An Autoethnographic Look at an Ed. D. Student’s First Journey through Qualitative Research, Joshua Cooper, Marshall University / Waverly High School
Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me?: Discovering Qualitative Research at the End of Doctoral Coursework, Mollie Ferguson, Marshall University / Glenville State College
Autoethnography: Celebrating Autoethnography in
Neoliberal Times: Stories of Resilience, Resistance, and Fri 052 Remembrance
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1022
(Session Organizer) Christopher N Poulos, University of North Carolina- Greensboro; (Discussant) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Lesa Lockford, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Donna Henson, Bond University-Australia; (Discussant) Elissa Foster, DePaul University,
Fri 053 Discourses On Education II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Stephanie Lynn Abraham, Rowan University
Citizen Qualitative Research: When Parents do Research and Start a Social Movement, Stephanie Lynn Abraham, Rowan University
Exploring the Ruptures: When Leading Undergraduate Research Resembles Transference. Jason Ware, Honors College, Purdue University, Jason Ware, Purdue University
Working together: An example of a caring relation between a teacher and a mathematics educator, Elizabeth Suazo Flores, Purdue University, and Lisa Roetker, Tecumseh Junior High School
Lived experiences of foreign trained teachers in Saskatchewan: A narrative and anti-colonial approach, James Alan Oloo, University of Regina, Canada
Discourse and Logic of Educational Reform: Crisis Narratives in Kansas, Jessica Preston Kerr, Kansas State University
“Making spaces and time for exploring and learning within Norwegian early years education”, Hege Katrine Løberg, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, and Katrine Giaver, Oslo University College of Applied Science
Fri 054 Education: STEM
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1026
Chair: Hope Antoinette Mayne, University of Technology, Jamaica
Family, Choice and god’s will: Women’s Troubling of STEM retention initiatives,
lucy bailey, oklahoma state university
Using the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Methodology: A Critical Reflection of the Jamaican Teacher Educator, Hope Antoinette Mayne, University of Technology, Jamaica
Scientific Argumentation in the Kindergarten Classroom: Supporting Understanding of Scientific Knowledge Using Outstanding Children’s Literature, Amber Spears, Tennessee Technological University, and Stephanie Wendt, Tennessee Technological University
Fri 055 Qualitative Case Studies In Education II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Julie C Baker, Tennessee Technological University
From the Sticks to Stick-with-it-ness: The Complexity of Persistence in Rural College Students, Julie C Baker, Tennessee Technological University, and Laura Ezell, Tennessee Technological University
Qualitative Research and your PhD: Two Students Perspectives on Navigating the Research Journey, M. Beth Page, University of Victoria, and Jennifer McDaniel, Virginia Commonwealth University
The Role of Faculty in The Era of Neoliberal Globalization, Evelyn Morales Vázquez, University of California, Riverside, Virginia Montero Hernández, California State University, Stanislaus, and Omar García Ponce de León, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Seeking the Right Balance: The Role of University Trustees in a Shared Governance Environment, Kathleen M. Wilbur, Central Michigan University, Michael Zeig, Michigan State University, and Roger G. Baldwin, Michigan State University
Nutcase, Saville Ian Kushner, University of Auckland
Making Sense of Stories: Putting Theory to work in
Fri 056 Narrative Inquiry
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Janet Miller, Teachers College Columbia University
Toward an Ethic of Relationality in Narrative Research, Janet Miller, Teachers College Columbia University
Magical Realism as Post-Qualitative Narrative Research, Cathy Coulter, University of Alaska-Anchorage
Purposive and Ecstatic Writing: Foucault’s Craft of Narrative Sense Making,
David Lee Carlson, Arizona State University
Narrative Inquiry and the New Materialism, Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Positive Prejudice: Rethinking Prejudice through Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics in an Age of “Post” Qua楬楬楬楬楬楬楬楬$楬楬楬楬楬楬楬, Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University
Sound Theory, Sound Narratives: Listening Past Post-Qualitative Methodologies, Walter S. Gershon, Kent State University
Fri 057 Exploring The Online II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1051
Chair: Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Fan Fiction: Expanding the boundaries of gaming culture and identity, Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Sebastián Castaño, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Daniel Ramírez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Sara Uribe, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Anonymous Whispers: Theorizing the Visual Rhetoric of Online Secrets, L. Shelley Rawlins, Southern Illinois University- Carbondale
Factional Conservatism Revisited, Amirhossein Teimourigerdeh, UIUC-Dept of Sociology
Fri 058 Autoethnography: Examining Illness II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Audre Lorde and Grandma Betty: The Cancer Journals, Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Fighting Against Forgetting: Remembering Places Where My Relationship with My Father Came into Being, Daniel Wade Clarke, School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee
Duoethnography as Method in Mental Illness Research, Ren VanderLind, Texas State University, Steven Aragon, Texas State University, and Anjali Forber- Pratt, Vanderbilt University
Fri 059 Feminist Qualitative Research I
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Feminist Sensibilities in Queer Ethnography: Limitations and Opportunities,
Justin J Rudnick, Ohio University
And I wonder, who’s loving us: Black Women’s Love Narratives, Qiana Cutts, University of Georgia
Hits, Hair, and Hegemony: Finding Acceptance in Feminist Spaces, Jessika O. Griffin, Ball State University, and Robin Phelps-Ward, Clemson University
Letters back home: Negotiating gendered subjectivity as immigrant adolescent girls, Bronwen L. Valtchanov, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, LIsbeth A. Berbary, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, and Diana C. Parry, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
“Men and Women of Truth”: An Approach to the Category of Gender in College Students., John Harold Estrada-Montoya, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Lindsay Vanesa Pinto, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: Fri 060 European Nations
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Arif Yilmaz, Hacettepe University
Capturing Learning through Pedagogical Documentation: An Exploration of Turkish Early Childhood Teachers’ Assessment Practices, Arif Yilmaz, Hacettepe University, Figen Sahin, Gazi University, and Mehmet Buldu, UNICEF Turkey
Children’s construction of inclusive and healthy spaces in day-care-centers: emanicipatory, participatory or inclusive?, Borgunn Ytterhus, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Police-Academic Partnerships in the UK and the Politics of ‘Evidence-Based Policing, Jackie Goode, Loughborough University, and Karen Lumsden, Loughborough University
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge
with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Fri 061 Session II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Reiner Keller, Augsburg University and Peter Stücheli-Herlach, Zurich University for Applied Sciences
Human Rights and Cosmopolitan Solidarities, Angelika Poferl, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Empowerment of Women Household Heads in Iran A Case Study of Social Construction of a Category and a Concept in Social Policy, Homa Maddah, University of Bonn
‘Awash In Seas of Discourses’ – Analyzing Subjectivity and Identity with SKAD,
Saša Bosančić, University of Augsburg
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Pragmatic
Rhizomatic Inquiries: Unlearning the False Binary of Fri 062 Modern/Post-Modern Thought in Education
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Aaron Kuntz, University of Alabama
Learning Beyond Representative Systems: Deleuze, Dewey, & The Work of Inquiry, Aaron Kuntz, University of Alabama
On Materiality, Abstraction, Onto-epistemologies, and Playing Golf: Points of (Dis)connection between Deweyan and Deleuzian Perspectives, Austin Pickup, Aurora University
Enduring Thought: Dewey, Deleuze, and the Rhizomatic Nature of Felt Difficulties, Jessica Heybach, Aurora University
William James and Pragmatic Truth: The Compost from which Postmodernism Grows, Eric C Sheffield, Missouri State University
Deleuze on Foucault on Theory: Making Critical Thinking Truly Critical, Andre Meeks, Aurora University
Fri 063 Directions In Grounded Theory I
11:00-12:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Todd Haydon, University of Cincinnati
A Grounded Theory Analysis of Special Education Teacher Stress Factors, Todd Haydon, University of Cincinnati, and Douglas M Stevens, University of Cincinnati
Sensory Grounded Theory, Amanda Elizabeth Brunson, The University of Alabama
Using Constructivist Grounded Theory to Explore Teacher Identity Development in Early College, Krystal Golding-Ross, The University of Oklahoma
Exploring the Challenges Experienced during the Transition to Retirement,
Rebecca Genoe, University of Regina, Toni Liechty, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Hannah Marston, The Open University
Reflections on Qualitative Inquiry: Theoretical and Fri 064 Practical Challenges
11:00-12:20 Noyes 161
Chair: Sophy Cai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative Research as Praxis and for Praxis, Sophy Cai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative Research as Resistance, Ga Young Chung, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaiang
Writing in English as a Topic of Neoliberal Inquiry, Lisa Chason, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Second Language Issues in Qualitative Inquiry, Natalie Mullen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative Inquiry as a Worldwide Field, Daniel F Johnson Mardones, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Digital Tools: Negotiating Digital Tools on Complex
Research Teams: Dilemmas for Qualitative Research Fri 065 and QDA Software
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Sexting Times Three and NVivo: The Complexities of Team Research in the Digital Age and the Implications for Qualitative Research, Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Shanna Rose Thompson, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Andrew Harris, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Strategies and Tools for Complex Collaborative Projects: Emergent Literacy Research as Exemplar, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
When worlds unite: Creating a complex team process across two QDAS programs, three disciplines, four researchers and 15 time zones, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Megan Woods, University of Tasmania, David Atkins, Univesity of Tennessee, and Rob Macklin, University of Tasmania
Crossing Geographical and Cultural Boundaries : International Collaboration with Culturally-Specific Media Data using Transana, David K. Woods, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research
Fri 066 Health: Qualitative Research In Practice I
11:00-12:20 Union 209
Chair: Deborah Finfgeld-Connett,
The best and worst of times: Reflections from a qualitative health services researcher, Laurie Goldsmith, Simon Fraser University
Learning from the letters: how can we create school-based programs that cultivate mindfulness in children?, Julianne Cheek, Ostfold University College, David Lipschitz, University of Utah, Elizabeth Abrams, Sonoma State University, David Vago, Harvard Medical School, and Yoshio Nakamura, University of Utah
How clerks are professionally socialized: Visual ethnography in operation rooms,
Sheila Shu-Ling Huang, Kaohsiung Medical University
The challenges that qualitative research evidence to the medical team: when you really undestand Chagas disease from those that are affected., Andrea Avaria, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Chile
Knowledge Moves across Borders: How Migrant Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioners Contextualize Their Practices in Canada, Yixi Lu, University of Saskatchewan, and Louise Racine, University of Saskatchewan
Fri 067 Directions in Performance Ethnography
11:00-12:20 Union 210
Chair: Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta
Glinting in the Sun: A Dramatic Exploration, Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Change the Dance, Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta, and Desiree Rachel Yomtoob, Syracuse University
Conducting Qualitative Research on Vocal Cultural Traditions and Practices,
Virginie Magnat, University of British Columbia
Performing the “As If ” of Ambiguous Loss: Liminalities of Grief, Dianah McGreehan, Southern Illinois University
Insomnia: A Cathartic Performance on Marriage and Work in Times of Neoliberal Decimation, Carmen Ocón, Worcester State University, and Francisco Vivoni, Worcester State University
Fri 068 Decolonizing Neocolonial Methodologies I
11:00-12:20 Union 211
Chair: Devika Chawla, Ohio University
Thinking with Spivak: Within, against, and beyond (self-)reflexivity in participatory visual research with transnational youth, Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia, and Masayuki Iwase, University of British Columbia
Reading Spivak in the Heartland, Devika Chawla, Ohio University
Neo-Liberal Forms of Othering the Global South in the Global Health Education, Laila Rahman, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
The subaltern of the urban public spaces and urban practices of (in)visibility,
Polina Golovátina-Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, María Camila Rendón Fernandez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Laura Cristina Castrillón Valencia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Santiago Mejia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Juan Camilo Madrigal Benítez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
“Postcolonial Situational Analysis”, Adele Clarke, UC San Francisco Disability and qualitative research: Disrupting methods
Fri 069 and methodologies
11:00-12:20 Union 213
Chair: Jessica Lester, Indiana University
The possibilities and tensions of applying conversation analysis from a critical disability studies perspective, Jessica Lester, Indiana University
Intellectual disability and able-bodied normativity: Positionality in collaborative, participatory methods, Emily Nusbaum, University of San Francisco
How “participatory” is participatory research? Exploring the facilitators and barriers of participatory video, Kathleen Sitter, Memorial University
An immoderate maaaaadness: Beyond qualitative research and/in disability,
Phil Smith, Eastern Michigan University, Kira Dallaire, Eastern Michigan University, Rachel Lewandowski, Eastern Michigan University, and Jacqueline Pruder St. Antoine, Eastern Michigan University
Fri 070 Challenging the Neoliberal
11:00-12:20 Union 215
Chair: Gordana Jovanovic, University of Belgrade
Qualitative Inquiry – Facing and Responding to Challenges of Neoliberalismsm,
Gordana Jovanovic, University of Belgrade
Neoliberalism, money scarcity and the criminalization of poverty, Timothy David Newman, Bowling Green State University
Epistemological oppression and the road to awakening: A call to action, Victoria Frances Burns, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Mary Ellen MacDonald, McGill University, and Franco Carnevale, McGill University
Through the lens of local perspectives: Engaging lived experience and disparity under American neoliberalization, Ronald Mower, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Adramein Lopez, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Jason Skiba, The College at Brockport, SUNY, and Felix Morales, The College at Brockport, SUNY
Fri 071 Deleuze I
11:00-12:20 Union 217
Chair: Mark Vagle, The University of Minnesota
A Map Not A Tracing: (re)Thinking as (Non)Method, David Robinson–- Morris, Educational Leadership, Research, & Counseling Louisiana State University
Thinking with Theories, Tissue Paper, Scissors, and Glue: Intra-Activity in an Introductory Qualitative Research Course, Candace Kuby, University of Missouri, and Rebecca C. Aguayo, University of Missouri
Rethinking Agency as an Assemblage, Inge Van de Putte, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
Beginning with Philosophical Concept in Qualitative Research, Mark Vagle, The University of Minnesota
The Rhizomatic Identity of a Korean International Adoptee, Lisa Gaskill, The University of Alabama
Fri 072 Plenary: Women Who Write
11:00-12:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Patricia Leavy,
Nobody’s Life is ‘Perfect’: The Personal Journey behind Secret Books, Patricia Leavy,
Utopian Performatives: The Willful Embodiment of ‘We’, Tami Spry, St. Cloud State University
Waiting for Queer/Performing The Not-Yet Queer Family: Keywords, Stacy Holman Jones, Monash University
Excerpts from seven minutes from home: an American story, Laurel Richardson, The Ohio State University
Plenary: Feminist Projects Against Neoliberalism and Fri 073 Neopositivism
11:00-12:20 Union 314 B
Chair: Elizabeth St.Pierre, The University of Georgia
Neopositivist Qualitative Research in the Service of Neoliberalism, Elizabeth St.Pierre, The University of Georgia
Not My Mother: Trickle Down Feminism, Cindy Blair, The University of Georgia
“Leaning In” or “Pushing Back”? Examining the Difference Between Women and Men Teachers’ Responses to the Neoliberal Accountability Regime in “Public” Education, Hilary E. Hughes, Universiity of Georgia
The Pedagogy of Public Feminity, Mardi Schmeichel, Universiity of Georgia
A Pedagogy of Presence: Resisting What Counts as Good Teaching in Neoliberal
Discourses in Education, Elizabeth Ann Pittard, Georgia State University
Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Fri 074 Research II
11:00-12:20 Union 403
Chair: Jill Bucklaschuk, University of Guelph
Methodological Considerations for Researching Migrants with Precarious Legal Status, Jill Bucklaschuk, University of Guelph
Balance is a Myth: You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, Ashley Michelle Yopp, Texas A&M University, Billy Ray McKim, Texas A&M University, and Breanne Marie Warhol, Texas A&M University
Examining the Uses of Qualitative Research for Socially Just Public Policy,
Randall F. Clemens, St. John’s University
Learning to Teach: Qualitative Course Syllabi Analysis, Glenn Allen Phillips, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Sosanya Jones, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and Yvonna S Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Mining Bad Data (OR) An Argument for Tales of Revision in Qualitative Research, Rebecca Murphy Keith, Arizona State University
Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood Fri 075 and Its Research I
11:00-12:20 Union 404
Chair: Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo State
Hayao Miyazaki’s shōjo heroines:The double production of gender and common worlds, Laura Trafi-Prats, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
The School-to-coffin Pipeline: Queer Youth, Suicide, and Living the In-between,
Boni Wozolek, Kent State University
Girlhood Unscripted: Homeless Black Girls’ Video Narratives and the New Terrain of Representation, Olga Ivashkevich, University of South Carolina
Animating boundaries: Refugee girls, Reterritorialization, and New Landscape,
Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo State
Arts-Based Research: Arts-Based Narrative,
Fri 076 Performance, and Photos in Qualitative Research
11:00-12:20 Union 405
Chair: Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
A Definition of Difference: A Visual Storying of Cultural Identity, Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
Using Photo-elicitation, Video Interviews, and Narrative to Explore Adult Learners’ MOOC Experiences, Jamie Loizzo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Peggy A. Ertmer, Purdue University
Images not only ‘illustrate’ the spoken word, they also ‘speak’ for themselves: reconsidering symbolic analysis in photo voice research., Karin Hannes, Faculty of Social Sciences
An educational play: The lives of speech & debate coaches, Joseph Scott Baker, Texas A&M University/UW-La Crosse
Examining Embodiment in Process Drama with the Semiotic Photo Response Protocol, James S. Chisholm, University of Louisville, and Kathryn F. Whitmore, University of Louisville
Arts-Based Research: Beyond Methods: Lessons from Fri 077 the arts to qualitative research
11:00-12:20 Union 406
Chair: Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Cultivating aesthetic sensitivity in qualitative inquiry, Liora Bresler, University of Illinois
Exploring musical research sensibilities, Eva Saether, Malmo Academy of Music, Lund University
Lessons from artists for educational ethnography, Tyler Denmead, University of Illinois
Freedom from the rubric, Robert E Stake, University of Illinois
Musical reflections on time, silence and listening in qualitative research, Koji
Matsunobu, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Arts-Based Research: Transformative Theatre:
Engaging Image Theatre as Theory, Practice, and Fri 078 Research
11:00-12:20 Union 407
Chair: Tara Nkrumah, University of South Florida
(Session Organizer) Vonzell Agosto, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Andrew Bratspis, University of South Florida; (Chair) Tara Nkrumah, University of South Florida; (Session Organizer) Edwin Reynolds, University of South Florida,
Fri 079 Visual Studies II
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Serife Sevis, Indiana University & Middle East Technical University
Word Clouds: Not Only to Visualize But Also to Analyze, Serife Sevis, Indiana University & Middle East Technical University
Glimpses of Peace in the Shadow of War: How drawings can be used in researching young people’s experiences of violence in Afghanistan, Phil Langer, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, and Aisha-Nusrat Ahmad, Goethe-University
Presenting the Unpresentable in Surrealist Art, Alexander Brett Lockwood, Southern Illinois University
Visual Nosing Around. On the Theoretical Grounding of Communicating Visual Knowledge, Katharina Miko, Center for Empirical Research Methods
Fri 080 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography III
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Myrdene Anderson, Purdue University
Vignettes in autoethnographic accounts of working lives, Michael Humphreys, Durham University Business School, Mark Learmonth, Durham University Business School, and Robert McMurray, Durham University Business School
Ethics revisited, Myrdene Anderson, Purdue University
This Bridge Feels Like a Tightrope: Engaging in Qualitative Research for Policy Audiences, Sosanya Jones, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
My Time Behind Bars: An Autoethnography of Correctional Social Work,
Rachel C Casey, Virginia Commonwealth University
Fri 081 Directions in Arts-Based Research III
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G46
Chair: Charles Vanover, University of South Florida
My Sister’s Classroom: Uptown, Charles Vanover, University of South Florida Performing Jill: Research and Healing, April Munson, Kennesaw State
Wicked problems; the adventure of researching children in an arts setting, Vicky Grube, Appalachian State University
Confluence: Exploring the Merging of Deduction and Intuition within Arts- Based Research., Brad Eilering, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Psychology: Exploration of Self and Other: New Fri 082 Paradigms in Heuristic Inquiry
1:00-2:20 Gregory 213
(Session Organizer) Diane Sklar Blau, Michigan Schol of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Frances Brown, Michigan School of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Lee G Bach, Michigan School of Professional Psychology; (Discussant) Megan Meade-Higgins, Michigan School of Professional Psychology,
Fri 083 The Vignette
Chair: Jodi Kaufmann, Georgia State University
Slow Ontology, Jasmine Ulmer, Wayne State University 222 OFFICIAL PROGRAM
Gregory 215
Theory is Dead, Jodi Kaufmann, Georgia State University, and Sarah Catherine Bridges-Rhoads, Georgia State University
“As Long as He Didn’t Harm Me:” Saudi Women International Students’ Experiences in a Post-9/11 U.S., Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Getting closer: Degrees of anonymity when re-presenting participants using different text forms., Kerry Earl, Faculty of Education, University of Waikato
The Research Vignette: An Interpretative Method of Reflective Writing, Phil Langer, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
Spotlight: The Unfolding and Blossoming of Feeling,
Energy, and Understanding of the world and “Self-in- Fri 084 the-world” in Children: Case Studies and Issues
1:00-2:20 Gregory 219
Chair: Klaus Gerhard Witz, Uniiversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Exploration of elementary students’ subjective experience in STEM-related Inquiry Activity and Learning, David Goodwin, Missouri State University
Wonder, Love and then Trauma during a Science Project in an Elementary Classroom: What Happened to Schools as Moral Communities?, Brinda Jegatheesan, University of Washington
A Korean boy’s drawing activities over 1 1⁄2 years: “higher aspects” (moral feelings, ideals), communion with the mother, streams of energy, spontaneous invention (artistic, Youngcook Jun, Sunchon National University, s. korea, yongsock Chang, Jukam Elementary School, S. Korea, and SungAh Bae, Hoseo University, S. Korea
The unfolding of the child as a whole person: case studies and issues., Klaus Gerhard Witz, Uniiversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fri 085 Autoethnography: Race II
1:00-2:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University
“You are not there yet to think creatively”: An interpretive autoethnography on the academic experiences in a mid-south urban city in the U.S., Lu Liu, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
An auto-ethnography of an Asian ice hockey player, Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University, and Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
In-Depth Interviewing and Intersectionality, dilek cindoglu, abdullah gul university
Reading and Writing White Femininity: Critical Autoethnography in Education,
Angela C Coffee, University of Minnesota
Troubling Whiteness: Voice, Silence, Resistance, and Pedagogy, Dalia Rodriguez, Syracuse University, and Camilla Bell, Syracuse University
Fri 086 Psychology: Post(s)
1:00-2:20 Gregory 223
Chair: April Irwin, The University of Alabama
Toward a post-human reflexivity: The possibilities of an oxymoron, Marco Gemignani, Duquesne University
Using Neuroscience in Educational Research: A Qualitative Inquiry of Ethics, Power, and Participation, April Irwin, The University of Alabama, Kelly Guyotte, University of Alabama, Firat Soylu, The University of Alabama, Educational Psychology, and Rick Houser, The University of Alabama
The Defense of Qualitative Research for Psychology, Michael Zhang, University of Sydney
Challenges of teaching critical qualitative inquiry in APA accredited graduate programs, Nicole Velez Agosto, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Equity and Fri 087 Inclusion
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Jobi Martinez, Texas Tech University
Seeking Stability: A Qualitative Inquiry into Neoliberal Policies, McKinney- Vento, and Chicago’s School Closings, Ann Aviles, Northeastern Illinois University, Jessica Heybach, Aurora University, and Andre Meeks, Aurora University
Homeless Individuals in Today’s Mobile Media Environment: An Examination of the Digital Divide Continuum, Jobi Martinez, Texas Tech University, and Robert Peaslee, Texas Tech University
Achieving Education for All – Hearing Minority Parent Voice, Barbara Wilson, Independent Researcher
Becoming-Academic in the Neoliberal Academy: A Fri 088 Collective Biography
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon
Digital Collectives: Method, Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon, and Courtney L. Rath, University of Oregon
Data-Collage: Queer Accessories, Allyson Dean, University of Oregon, and Laura Elizabeth Smithers, University of Oregon
Collective Biography as Body Without Organs, Asilia Franklin, University of Oregon, and Emily Mathis, University of Oregon
Data-Collage: Neoliberal Figurations, Courtney L. Rath, University of Oregon, and Nadia Raza, University of Oregon
Collective Biography as Resistance, Nadia Raza, University of Oregon, and Krystal Sundstrom, University of Oregon
Discissuant, Susanne Gannon
Autoethnography: Oral Histories Listening Event: Stories Fri 089 of People’s Lives
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Chair) Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; (Session Organizer) Jennifer Felner, University of Illinois at Chicago; (Session Organizer) Dolores Maria Castañeda, Padres Angeles; (Session Organizer) Jennifer Hebert-Beirne, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Fri 090 Education: Reflections on Teaching I
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Phyllis Jones, University of South Florida
Teachers’ Talking about Pedagogical Decision Making, Phyllis Jones, University of South Florida, and Hazel Lawson, University of Exeter, England
Stories about Creative Experiential Approaches to Teaching and Learning
about Epistemology and Social Work Knowledge, Cheryl-Anne Cait, Wilfrid Laurier University, Bronwyn Dickson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Rachel Ewan, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ravi Gokani, Wilfrid Laurier University, Festus Moasun, Wilfrid Laurier University, Stewart Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University, Jennifer Scarborough, Wilfrid Laurier University, James Woodstock, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Aza Razbani-Tehrani, Wilfrid Laurier University
Voice, Praxis, and Discovery: The Importance of Critical Pedagogy in Teaching (of ) Methods, Emily Noelle Sanchez Ignacio, University of Washington Tacoma, Douglas Avella-Castro, University of Washington, and Victoria A Hill, University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
Negotiating teaching identities and the boundary of formal/informal science learning in the classroom, Jennifer D Adams, Brooklyn College, and LaToya Strong, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Pre- and In-service Early Childhood Teachers’ Views about Education of Children with Special Needs, Elif Kaya Buldu, Middle East Tehnical University, H. Ayca Alan, Middle East Tehnical University, and Refika Olgan, Middle East Technical University
Qualitative Research in STEM: Studies of Equity, Access Fri 091 & Innovation
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1026
Chair: Sherry Marx, Utah State University
Introduction to the Possibilities of Qualitative Research in STEM, Sherry Marx, Utah State University
From Ambivalences toward Self-Efficacy: Bilingual Teacher Candidates’ Shifting Sense of Knowing as Conocimiento with STEM, Anita Bright, Portland State University, and Sue Kasun, Utah State University
Examining Academic Integrity in the Postmodern: Undergraduates’ Use of Solutions to Complete Textbook-based Engineering Coursework, Angela Minichiello, Utah State University
Bruised But Not Broken: African American Women Persistence in Engineering Degree Programs in Spite of Stereotype Threat, Stacie Gregory, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Sociocultural Analysis of Engineering Design: Latino High School Students’ Funds of Knowledge and Implications for Culturally Responsive Engineering Education, Joel Alejandro Mejia, Angelo State University, and Amy Wilson, Utah State University
nitâcimowinis: A research story in Indigenous Science Education, Jeff Baker, University of Saskatchewan
Seven Types of Subitizing Activity Characterizing Young Children’s Mental Activity, Beth L. MacDonald, Utah State University
Fri 092 Qualitative Case Studies In Education III
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Evan Mooney, Montclair State University
The Formation of Purpose: How Experiences of Social Studies Education Contribute to Purposes for Teaching, Evan Mooney, Montclair State University
School Readiness In Turkey: Are Bilingual Children Ready or Not?, Yekta Koşan, Hacettepe University, and nefise semra erkan, hacette university
Case Study About Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions about Multiculturalism In Their Science Classes, İlke Çalışkan, Hacettepe University
The Elite Label: Two Gifted Education Teachers’ Challenges with Neoliberalism Changes in the Classroom, Lee Sapp, Tennessee Technological University
Fri 093 Narrative Perfromance
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Only narrative: Dwelling in singular points of story, Lace Marie Brogden, University of Regina
Remington climbs into a book, Kathryn Ricketts, University of Regina
Drive-through research or something more? A story about collaborative storytelling, witnessing and soldiers returning from war, Kitrina Douglas, Leeds Beckett University, and David Carless, Leeds Beckett University
The Story Curriculum and Play Pedagogy, Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina Negotiating Identity and Community with Medical
Fri 094 Technologies
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1051
Chair: David Haldane Lee, NYC College of Technology
(Chair) Katherine Gregory, CUNY/New York City College of Technology, Judith Pintar (UIUC) and Sarah DeMott (NYU),
Fri 095 Autoethnography: Methodology I
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Katrina Plato, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Gifting Artistic Reverberations: Another Source of Data, Katrina Plato, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Liminal Lives, Living: An Co-Autoethnography of Per(forming) and Em(bracing) Liminality, Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and Shelby Swafford, Southern Illinois University
Gonzo and I: On Autoethnographic Journalism, Anna Denejkina, University of Technology Sydney
Strange Accounting: Secrets and Risk in Play, Carol Rambo, University of Memphis
Fri 096 Feminist Qualitative Research II
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Assata Zerai, University of Illinois
Narrativity and intertextuality as reflexive tools in feminist research. The case of pain and gender., Nicolas Schongut, Universidad Gabriela Mistral
The Struggle for LGBTQ Inclusivity in a Campus Presbyterian Church, Assata Zerai, University of Illinois
Privileged Intersections in the Field: investigating positionality in an ethnography of a global factory., Claire Oueslati-Porter, University of Miami, Women’s and Gender Studies
Younger Women with Breast Cancer and Treatment Decision-Making: Rethinking Patient Involvement and Empowerment, Karrie Snyder, Northwestern, and Alexandra Tate, UCLA
International Perspectives On Qualitative Research: The Fri 097 Americas
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Vanessa A. Klein, Montclair State University
Redefining Wilderness: Critical Geography on the Appalachian Trail, Vanessa A. Klein, Montclair State University
Understanding the Current Epidemic of Heroin Addiction in America through a Content Analysis Approach, Gabriel Ferreyra, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
Grassroots Competent Systems and the Corridors of Power, Mathias Urban, University of Roehampton, Early Childhood Reearch Centre
Analyzing Discourse and Regimes of Power/Knowledge
with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Fri 098 Session III
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Reiner Keller, Augsburg University and Peter Stücheli-Herlach, Zurich University for Applied Sciences
The Stigma of Stress and the Absence of Agency, Martin Mølholm, Aalborg University, and Mikael Vetner, Aalborg University
The Politics of Discourse: A strategic perspective, Peter Stücheli-Herlach, Zurich University for Applied Sciences
“There ́S Nothing So Practical As Good Theory” – SKAD as an Action Research Approach for an accompanying scientific Research?!, Miriam Sitter, University of Hildesheim, Svea Korff, University of Hildesheim, Luisa Peters, University of Hildesheim, and Inga Truschkat, University of Hildesheim
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Feminist Fri 099 Perspectives
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Neila Miled, Department of Educational Studies .The University of British Columbia . Vancouver. Canada
Feminist and Activist Research: Epistemologies and Methodologies at the Borders, Alejandra Araiza, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, and Robert Gonzalez, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo
(Trans)Formative Friendship and Amateur Feminism, Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Oakland University
Researcher’s Feminist activist agenda: Critical ethnography and resistance,
Neila Miled, Department of Educational Studies .The University of British Columbia . Vancouver. Canada
(f )atherhood as Leadership: Re-Awakening the Black Father, David Aguayo, University of Missouri
Fri 100 Directions In Grounded Theory II
1:00-2:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Amanda Elizabeth Brunson, The University of Alabama
Build me a monument: Issues of donor power, Geoffrey Bartlett, Central Michigan University
With a Little Help from Their Friends: Friendship Formation among Chinese International and Domestic Students, Amanda Elizabeth Brunson, The University of Alabama
Dramaturgy of a Brand: The Advertising Agency Process as a Theatrical Production, Heather M. Meyer, University of Nebraska at Kearney, and Steven A. Schulz, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Grounded Theory: The Chimera of Qualitative Research?, Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Situational Analysis in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Fri 101 Panel
1:00-2:20 Noyes 161
Chair: Jared French, Western University
Using Situational Analysis to Inform Emergent Research Design: Wanderings with/in Initial Inquiry Engagement, Michelle Salazar Perez, New Mexico State University
Doing Situational Analysis as a Collaborative Research Process: A Relational and Dialogical Journey, Monica Sesma-Vazquez, University of Calgary, Alana Ireland, University of Calgary, and Shelly Russell-Mayhew, University of Calgary
Exploring Biodiversity Conservation: Lessons for Science Education, Gabriela Alonso-Yanez, University of Calgary
Managing Minds: Mapping the Ethopolitics of a Mental Illness Awareness Campaign, Jean Daniel Jacob, University of Ottawa
Taking Care of the Worlds We Constitute: Using SA to Tactfully Situate Neoliberalism, Jared French, Western University
Tracing Tensions in Discourse Debating HIV Self-Testing: A Situational Analysis, Martin French, Concordia University, and Marilou Gagnon, University of Ottawa
Discussant, Adele Clarke, University of California San Francisco Digital Tools: Working with Digital Data Sources:
Fri 102 Challenges and Solutions
1:00-2:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Anna Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Changing CMC into “Data”: What Comes Before QDAS?, Amber Warren, Indiana University, and Jay Pfaffman, University of South Alabama
Anonymous Social Media and Qualitative Inquiry: Methodological Considerations/Implications for Using YikYak as a Data Source, Caitlin Byrne, University of Alabama
Methods for Tracing Mobile Literacy Practices: A Transliteracies Approach,
Anna Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Nathan C Phillips, University of Illinois, Chicago, and Amy Stornaiuolo, University of Pennsylvania
Digital Tools for Focus Group Analysis, Anne Kuckartz, VERBI
Inter-view on an inter-face: Using Skype to conduct a qualitative interview, Yin Yin, University of Alberta, Erika Goble, NorQuest College, Catherine Adams, University of Alberta, and Francisco Vargas Madriz, University of Alberta
Fri 103 Health: Qualitative Research In Practice II
1:00-2:20 Union 209
Chair: Jennifer Avril,
Women’s Experiences of Depression in India: A Meta-Synthesis, Anindita Bhattacharya, Columbia University School of Social Work
Gluten, Iridology and Wellness, Debra K Askelson, Dr. Karyn Mitchell PhD, ND
Internalized Stigma of Dentistry Students Against HIV/AIDS, John Harold Estrada-Montoya, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Andrés Leonardo Pantoja-Neira, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Luis Alberto Sánchez-Alfaro, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana
Discovering the Essence of Early Pregnancy Loss Narratives Through Poetic Transcription, Jennifer Hawkins, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Narratives of Racial Microaggressions, Health Attributions and Political Implications for Research and Practice, Joanne M Hall, University of Tennessee Knoxville, and Becky Fields, Roane State College
Plenary Performance: Recovering Notes on Aging: A
Musical Performance Autoethnography of Surviving Fri 104 Wisdom in 60s Songs
1:00-2:20 Union 210
Chair: William K Rawlins, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University
Recovering Notes on Aging: A Musical Performance Autoethnography of Surviving Wisdom in 60s Songs, William K Rawlins, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University
Fri 105 Decolonizing Neocolonial Methodologies II
1:00-2:20 Union 211
Chair: Maguemati Wabgou, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Discourses from the Perspectives of African Studies, Maguemati Wabgou, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Critical reflections on and in “the field”: The Study of ‘Religion’ and the methodology of true (reflexive) praxis in Puerto Rico, Douglas Avella-Castro, University of Washington
Animating Processes of Decolonization: Writing and Running as Practices of Self-Care, Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Independent Scholar
Visions of Africa: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the New York Times’ Coverage of Africa, Denise St Clair, Westat
Literacies and Tensions, Lydiah Kananu Kiramba, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Fri 106 Disability I
1:00-2:20 Union 213
Chair: Elaine B Jenks, West Chester University
The Ethics of Studying “Different” Others: Ethnographers Who Are Sighted Observing Individuals Who Are Blind, Elaine B Jenks, West Chester University
Identity Development and Progressive Vision Loss: Analysis of One Person’s Narrative of Becoming Visually Impaired, Michael Munro, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Heather Munro, Texas Tech University / Stephen F. Austin State University
Respect across the Ability Spectrum using Community Based Participatory Research, Lauren Clark, University of Utah, Marjorie Pett, University of Utah, Beth Cardell, University of Utah, Erin Johnson, University of Utah, and Jia-Wen Guo, University of Utah
“Don’t Be Disappointed, I Don’t Consider Myself a Reader”: Teacher Candidates with Learning Struggles, Karen Kleppe Graham, The University of Georgia
‘It’s Like a Learning Curve’: Health SMSes Improve Knowledge and Motivates Behaviour Change for Deaf, Hanne Jensen Haricharan, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Marion Heap, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Damian Hacking, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Yan Kwan Lau, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Fri 107 Critical Educational Inquiry in Neoliberal Times
1:00-2:20 Union 215
Chair: Cindy Blair, The University of Georgia
Countering the Neos: (Re)-Democratizing Education utilizing Critical Qualitative Studies in Teacher Preparation, Jamie C Atkinson, The University of Georgia
The Counter-Narrative, Jemelleh Coes, The University of Georgia
A neoliberal (dis) investment in youth: The potential for one-to-one devices to
perpetuate the war on youth, Matthew Moulton, The University of Georgia Hip Hop Pedagogy for Humanity: Embracing Pedagogies of Healing and Reality,
Ashley Love, The University of Georgia
Making Sense of “Comparative Education Research Design” to Study Teacher Education Spaces in India and USA, Kajal Sinha, The University of Georgia
Fri 108 Deleuze II
1:00-2:20 Union 217
Chair: Mark Vagle, The University of Minnesota
At/tuning in with maternal, Teija Tuulikki Rantala, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts
Post-Intentional Phenomenology as Social Activism and Insurrection, Mark Vagle, The University of Minnesota
Becoming-Aberrant: A Deluezian Conception of Quantification for Post- Paradigmatic Research, Matthew C Graham, University of Oregon
Deconstruction of Identity: A Woman’s Journey in Poststructuralist Becoming,
Sonia Sharmin, University of Georgia
Fri 109 Plenary: Writing from the Heart
1:00-2:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Patricia Leavy,
Linger in the Scene: Writing Evocative Ethnography, Jessica Smartt Gullion, Texas Woman’s University
Writing the Personal: How to Begin and Maintain a Writing Practice, Sandra Faulkner, Bowling Green State University
Shades of Blue: ‘No, I am not a character in my novel Blue but yes; it is my most personal book’, Patricia Leavy,
How We Endure: Writing as Remembering, Recreating, and Reclaiming, Jarod Rosello, University of South Florida
Telling the Truth in Fictional and Nonfictional Forms, Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Plenary: Putting the Work to Work: Getting Smart,
Getting Messy, and Getting Lost with the Work of Patti Fri 110 Lather
1:00-2:20 Union 314 B
Chair: lucy bailey, oklahoma state university
The Politics of Knowledge Production: Tracking and Troubling Readings of Lather, lucy bailey, oklahoma state university
Productive Disorientations, Sara Childers, Walden University
What does data matter? Putting the work to work in policy futurities, Wanda
PIllow, University of Utah
The Power of the Preposition: Researching With/For/About Young Women of Color, Lisa Weems, Miami University of Ohio
Overcoming Challenges To Practicing Qualitative Fri 111 Research III
1:00-2:20 Union 403
Chair: Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Promoting Critical Reflection Research for Institutional Change, Theresa Ronquillo, University of Washington, and Katie Malcolm, University of Washington
Qualitative Methodologies and Researchers in Times of War, Dead, and Sorrow,
Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Structured Ethical Reflection: A Guiding Process to Strengthen Individual and Group-level Ethical Decision-making, Douglas M Stevens, University of Cincinnati, and Amy Rector-Aranda, University of Cincinnati
‘A Bridge Over Troubled Water:’ Using Critical Reflexivity for Performing Qualitative Research on Sensitive Topics, Tova Band-WInterstein, University of Haifa, Department if gerontology
Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood Fri 112 and Its Research II
1:00-2:20 Union 404
Chair: Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo State
The Commodification of the Black Girl Narrative: Moral and Ethical Ponderings, Venus Evans-Winters, Illinois State University
Transgressive Grooves, A Mixtape: On Art, Method, and Pleasure in Practicing Research with Girls, Ruth Nichole Brown, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jillian Hernandez, University of California, San Diego, and Anya M. Wallace, The Pennsylvania State University
Blackgirl, One Word: Necessary Transgressions in the Name of Imagining Black Girlhood, Dominique Hill, Miami University
Scenes of Objection: Decolonizing Black Girlhood Embodiment in Inner & Outer Spaces, Fahima Indigo Ife, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Arts-Based Research: Visual, Video, and Photo-Based Fri 113 Arts Research
1:00-2:20 Union 405
Chair: zhuomin huang, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester
Through the Eye of Visual-Creative-Arts: Exploring Intercultural Personhood,
zhuomin huang, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester
Confessions of a “like” addict: What members of online social media sites teach about photography, Lorrie Blair, Concordia University
Rethinking Representation: Video Composition in Qualitative Research, Leslie Rech, University of Georgia, and Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
Arts-Based Research: Food Mapping: Awareness, Art, Fri 114 and Activism
1:00-2:20 Union 407
Chair: Peggy Shannon-Baker, University of Cincinnati
(Session Organizer) Robert Alan Wight, University of Cincinnati; (Chair) Peggy Shannon-Baker, University of Cincinnati,
Fri 115 Indigenous Research: Decolonization
1:00-2:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: MJ Barrett
Starting from Somewhere: Decolonization through Cultural Portals among Second Generation Filipino Americans, Maria Joy Ferrera, DePaul University
“My story is the only thing I own”: Decolonizing the ‘self ’ using critical and indigenous methodologies. A Mestiza-Latina perspective, Nancy Emilce Carvajal Medina, Washington State University
Solidarity through Research: Relying on Our Good Intentions vs. De-colonizing the Researcher’s Mind, Ebru Cayir, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University of South Carolina, and Mindi Spencer, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University of South Carolina
Forces of encounter: visceral bodies in qualitative Fri 116 inquiry
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Karen Charman, Victoria University
Psychoanalytic readings of the body and the text in neo-liberal discourse, Karen Charman, Victoria University
A practice in materialized refiguration: a modest attempt in making a difference,
Liz Jones, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Artful impulses in more-than-qualitative research: dark fragments of the otherworldly, Rachel Holmes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Bodies and Bathrooms: the transgender child and the work of mourning, Lisa Farley, York University, Canada
Fri 117 Autoethnography: Directions in Autoethnography IV
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Duoethnography and Music Education: East and West Agentive Lenses,
miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar, and Shinko Kondo, Oakland University
Problems with the Poststructural Autoethnography, Tessa Bishop, Tennessee Tech University
Fun-loving-blue-eyed, golden-haired damsel-in-distress, GSOH, currently imprisoned in tower, seeks VGL FS Prince Charming ISO happy-ever-after., Jan Bradford, The University of Edinburgh
Fri 118 Directions in Arts-Based Research IV
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G46
Chair: elizaBeth Simpson, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Bodies of Knowledge, elizaBeth Simpson, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Photo-Elicitation, Visual Representation, and Literacy: Unlocking the Potentials of Research, Teaching, and Learning, Veronica Richard, Concordia University Chicago
“What’s your Dot?”: Disruption and Passion in Arts-Based Approaches to Defending Proposals and Reimagining Academia, Lisa Ortiz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Using the Journey Metaphor to Explore Routes to Empowerment in Research and Design Processes, prunella bramwell-davis, Royal College of Art, London
Toward Anti-Foundationalist Sport Studies: Qualitative Fri 119 Inquiry and the Challenge of Paradigmatic Hysteresis
2:30-3:50 Gregory 215
(Session Organizer) Kyle Bunds, North Carolina State University; (Discussant) Jim Denison, University of Alberta; (Discussant) Brian Gearity, University of Denver; (Discussant) Michael Giardina, Florida State University; (Discussant) Montserrat Martín Horcajo, University de Vic; (Discussant) Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta; (Discussant) Joshua Newman, Florida State University; (Discussant) Gary Senecal, The College of the Holy Cross,
The Politics of Academic Advancement: Doubting the Fri 120 Illusion of Rigor
2:30-3:50 Gregory 219
Chair: Janet Kesterson Isbell, Tennessee Technological University
Bedazzled by Illusion: Advancing Despite the Distractions, Janet Kesterson Isbell, Tennessee Technological University
A Double-Edged Sword: The Risks & Rights of an Untenured Administrator,
Julie C Baker, Tennessee Technological University
Illusion or Delusion: Advancement via Higher Education Hiring Practices, Lee Sapp, Tennessee Technological University
Advancing in Academia: Coming Together to Outmaneuver Neoliberal Shifts,
Lisa Zagumny, Tennessee Technological University
Dismantling the Illusion of Rigor in Tenure and Promotion, Holly Anthony, Tennessee Tech University
Autoethnography: Auto-Ethnography as Method in the Fri 121 First Year Composition Classroom
2:30-3:50 Gregory 221
Chair: Christy Mesaros-Winckles, Adrian College
A WASP Teaches Auto-Ethnography: Students’ Lived Experiences and the Problem of Academic Privilege, Andrew Winckles, Adrian College
Auto-Ethnography and “Practical” Degrees in the Neo-Liberal Academy, Lisa Kaplan, Adrian College
Introducing the Academic Research Paper through Autoethnography, Eric Hood, Adrian College
Adrian College Students Present Their Auto-Ethnographies, Adrian College Undergraduates, Adrian College
Fri 122 Psychology: Applied Phenomenology
2:30-3:50 Gregory 223
Student counselors’ constructions of ethical client referrals, Jessica Lloyd- Hazlett, University of Texas at San Antonio
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Fri 123 Reflections
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Ana Mercedes Martinez
Documentary Club and Show-and-Tell with Critical Friends: A Teacher Study Group Across School Contexts, Christy Wessel Powell, Indiana University
A cyclic methodology as a way of strengthening self-study research, Young Ah Lee, The Ohio State University, Lima
A cyclic methodology as a way of strengthening self-study research, Young Ah Lee, The Ohio State University, Lima
Beyond the Confession: Critical Reflexivity, Representation, and Interpretation,
Dalia Rodriguez, Syracuse University
Considering Critical Multicultural Feminist Research Fri 124 Mentorship in Neoliberal Capitalist Academia
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1002
(Session Organizer) Alexis Arczynski, University of Oklahoma; (Session Organizer) Stephanie Hoover, Western Oregon University; (Session Organizer) M. Candace Christensen, University of Texas San Antonio,
Autoethnography: Practicing What We Preach…Or Not:
Negotiating Personal Desires and Critical Agendas in Fri 125 Autoethnographic Inquiry
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1022
Chair: W. Benjamin Myers, University of South Carolina Upstate
Queering Monogamy and Critically Destablizing Personal Stability: Negotiating Critical Obligation and Personal Desire, W. Benjamin Myers, University of South Carolina Upstate
Giving in to What I Want to Give up: The Quandary of Critiquing Class Stratification, Tasha Rennels, Augustana University
The Reflexive Life, Keith Berry, University of South Florida
Sharing is Caring: Desiring a Pedagogy of Personal Storytelling?, Kristen Blinne, SUNY Oneonta
What Do I Really Want?, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida Fri 126 Education: Reflections on Teaching II
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Stephanie Zywicki, Purdue University
Teaching Critical Qualitative Research: Lessons from the Field, Stephanie Zywicki, Purdue University
Exploring the Teaching of Diversity Courses: The Experiences of Graduate Faculty, Patricia Marin, Michigan State University, and Melissa Morgan Consoli, University of California, Santa Barbara
Beyond method? Teaching qualitative inquiry to enable critical reflection on care, Merel Visse, University of Humanistic Studies, and Alistair Niemeijer, University of Humanistic Studies
Teaching ATLAS.ti in South Africa: Developmental Issues, Brigitte Smit, University of South Africa
International Student Teaching Experiences as Transpositional Learning Spaces that Affirm the Process of Becoming Educator, Jessica Gilway, Appalachian State University
Fri 127 Narratives Of Gendered Identities
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Natalie Drozda, Slippery Rock University
She Said, She Said: Interruptive Narratives of Actualized and Desired Childbirth Experiences, Alison Happel-Parkins, University of Memphis, and Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Women and Success: What’s the Word? An Investigation of Gendered Reality Constructs, Natalie Drozda, Slippery Rock University
Master narratives and negotiated positionalities: Women’s experiences with/ in a family homeless shelter, Laurie MacGillivray, University of Memphis, Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis, and Donalyn Heise, AdvanceLearning, Inc.
Feminist Poststructuralism Supports Difficult Discussions About Intellectual Disabilities, Megan Lorraine Aston, Dalhousie University, Lynn Breau, Glenrose Rehabilitation Centre Edmonton Alberta, and Emily MacLeod, IWK Health Centre
Adolescent girls and internet cafés in China: Media representations of “the other” in a contested public space, Janice Hua Xu, Holy Family University
Fri 128 Uses Of Technology
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1051
Chair: Glenn Allen Phillips, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
From Transcription to Spreadsheet: A Simple Tech-Infused Analysis Technique,
Dustin De Felice, Michigan State University, and Valerie J. Janesick, University of South Florida
Making sense of technology adoption. Information Systems and Technology Production in one industrial organization in Medellin, Colombia, Juliana Tabares, Universidad Eafit, and Santiago Correa, Universidad Eafit
How Do You Read Second Life: Analyzing Virtual Reality, Glenn Allen Phillips, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and Trina Davis, Texas A&M University
“Tasty Cupcakes Make You Happy”: Exploring the Role of Virtual Food in Digital Spaces, Natalie K DeWitt, Western Oregon University
Current “State” of Research in Architecture: a Map of Methodologies, Hakan Anay, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Ulku Ozten, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, and Melih Emre Acar, Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Fri 129 Autoethnography: Methodology II
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Sherry Marx, Utah State University
Difference as Strength: Promoting Autoethnography by Seeing It as Distinct from Narrative Ethnography, William M Sughrua, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
Use of Autoethnographical Reflection for Discovery of Self as a Writer, Anita Nigam, Texas Texh University
Collective Autoethnography as a Possibility for Post-qualitative Research: The Challenges and Rewards of Our International Education – Stories of Living, Teaching and Parenting Abroad, Sherry Marx, Utah State University
Negotiating Control: Misadventures in Case Study, Karen CG Hale, University of Auckland
“Giving an account of myself ”: Reflecting on a participatory video practice with immigrant youth in Japan, Masayuki Iwase, University of British Columbia
Fri 130 Feminist Qualitative Research III
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Meredith K Reeves, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Glass Ceiling Effect: Higher Education Women Administrators and Mentorship,
Meredith K Reeves, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Participation and Meaning: Graduate Student Feminist Praxis in Qualitative Research, Alycia M Elfreich, Indiana University– Indianapolis, and Leah Peck, Indiana University- Bloomington
Mentoring Expectations and Experiences of Latina STEM Students, Is this a product of Neoliberal times?, Elsa Gonzalez, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Joenie Myers, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, and Yvonna S Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Fri 131 Music
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Vernita Pearl Fort, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Everyone I know goes away in the end…”: Looking for a life legacies in Cash’s “Hurt” music video, Radion Svynarenko, University of Kentucky
The Teacher as Co-musician: Exploring Improvisational Practices in Music Teaching, Åsmund Espeland, Stord/Haugesund University College
Latin America’s First Opera, La Púrpura de la Rosa: A Critical Analysis and
a Collaborative Contemporary Repurposing, Vernita Pearl Fort, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ethical Considerations of Collaborative Cross-Cultural Research: A Case of Finland and Israel, Laura Miettinen, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki
The Voice Athlete: from interview to intervention and back to interview, André Azevedo Marques Estevez, Universidade de São Paulo, and Marilia Velardi, University of Sao Paulo
Fri 132 Animating Disability Differently
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne
A Collective Biography of Heterotopic Imaginings, Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne, Elisabeth DeSchauwer, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University, Inge Van de Putte, Disability
Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University, Inge Griet Emy Blockmans, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences
– Ghent University, Marieke Vandecasteele, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University, and Leni Van Goidsenhoven, Cultural Studies KU Leuven
From the Red Pyramid to the Stairs in the King’s Street: An Emergent Heterotopia, Inge Griet Emy Blockmans, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
My family: an animated film, Marieke Vandecasteele, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
The life of Kobe through storytelling and art, Elisabeth DeSchauwer, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University, and Inge Van de Putte, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Agency and Fri 133 Activism in Critical Research
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Penny A Pasque, University of Oklahoma
Critical Race Theory, Agential Realism, and Curriculum Studies: Lessons from Studying Resegregation as Hidden Curriculum, Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Critical Case Study: An Imperative for Organizational Activism and Institutional Change in Neoliberal Times, Penny A Pasque, University of Oklahoma, and Corey Still, University of Oklahoma
Neoliberal Accountability Apparatuses and the Intra-acting Agency of University Lecturers, Jonas Jakob Thiel, ESRI,Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
A ‘Data Carnival’ as a participatory data analysis approach to urban youth socio- environmental experiences, Marissa E Bellino, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Fri 134 Directions in Mixed-Method Designs
2:30-3:50 Noyes 100
Chair: Carol Isaac, Mercer University
The effect of values affirmations in introductory college chemistry among women and URMs, Carol Isaac, Mercer University, and Barbara Lee, Keiser University
The Culture of Brand Prominence: A Mixed Methods Approach, Heather M. Meyer, University of Nebraska at Kearney, and Danae Manika, Queen Mary University of London
Tatemae and Honne: Social Face in Japan, Jared Joseph, Valparaiso University Friday OFFICIAL PROGRAM 247
Integrality in the Primary Health Care: a study with mixed methods, João Leite Ferreira Neto, Pontifical Catholic University
Situating and Constructing Diversity in Semi-Structured Interviews, Michele Janet McIntosh, Trent University, and Janice Morse, University of Utah
Strenghtening the qualitative research agenda in Fri 135 Europe
2:30-3:50 Noyes 161
(Session Organizer) Karin Hannes, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Digital Tools: Adopting New Tools: Expectations, Use Fri 136 and Effective Training
2:30-3:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles
Magical thinking and QDA software expectations: uncovering coding, analysis and data management issues, Katherine Gregory, CUNY/New York City College of Technology, and Sarah DeMott, NYU
Using simple QDA software with participants: Results from a pilot study, Daniel Turner, Quirkos Software
International Survey Results on How Technological Tools are used in Qualitative Research, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
Five-level QDA: A pedagogy for improving analysis quality when using CAQDAS , Nicholas H Woolf, Woolf Consulting, and Christina Silver, University of Surrey
All about That Case: Using Phenomenology to Examine Instructional Technology Trainer Beliefs and Perceptions, Leslie Pourreau, Kennesaw State University
Fri 137 Health: Qualitative Research In Practice III
2:30-3:50 Union 209
Chair: Bente Hoeck
Symbolic Capital of Colombian Dentistry Students: Analysis from the Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu., John Harold Estrada-Montoya, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Gelver Andrés Loaiza- Sierra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Why are we doing this? Social Work practice with Indigenous peoples in the North of Chile, Vanessa Jara-Labarthe, University of Tarapaca, and Viviana Villarroel, University of Tarapaca
Newborn Screening Ethics and Technologies Through the Lens of Biomedicalization: A Situational Analysis, Sarah Beth Evans-Jordan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Social Work and Health Science
Stigma Against People Living with HIV/AIDS by Health Workers: a Systematic Literature Review., John Harold Estrada-Montoya, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Luis Alberto Sánchez-Alfaro, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana
Performance and Ethnographic Praxis: Potential, Perils, Fri 138 and Ethics of Collaboration
2:30-3:50 Union 210
Chair: Rebecca Murphy Keith, Arizona State University
(Session Organizer) Rebecca Murphy Keith, Arizona State University; (Discussant) David Purnell, Mercer University; (Chair) Rebecca Murphy Keith, Arizona State University; (Discussant) Rebecca Murphy Keith, Arizona State University; (Discussant) Jay Baglia, DePaul University; (Discussant) Julianna Kirschner, Claremont Graduate Unicersity,
Towards Strong Reflexivity – European Contributions to Fri 139 an International Debate
2:30-3:50 Union 211
Chair: Claudia Lapping, UCL Institute of Education
Reflexivity and fantasy: surprising encounters from interpretation to interruption, Claudia Lapping, UCL Institute of Education
Social research as a painful (but rewarding) self-examination – re-reading Georges Devereux’s psychoanalytical notion of radical subjectivity, Angela Kuehner, Goethe University Frankfurt
Strong Reflexivity and Its Critics: Responses to Autoethnography in the German- speaking Cultural and Social Sciences, Andrea Ploder, Department of Legal Philosophy
The Research Vignette: Reflective Writing As an Interpretative Method in Qualitative Research, Phil Langer, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
Fri 140 Disability II
2:30-3:50 Union 213
Chair: Alan B Larson, Stephen F. Austin State University
Disability Pride Parades: A Qualitative Inquiry into a New Expression of Social Justice, Alan B Larson, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Miranda Sue Terry, Murray State University
Contextual Analysis of Disability Labeling with Children who have Experienced Trauma, Kathleen M Hulgin, University of Cincinnati, Education Program
Young Adults with Disabilities and Recollections of Bullying Victimization,
Caroline McNicholas, Towson University
Disability, mobility, and opportunity: State policymaker perspectives, Brian R. Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Ashley Volion, University of Illinois at Chicago
How Multiple Sclerosis Challenges and Informs the Social Model of Disability,
Brynn Adamson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fri 141 Enfolding Difference in Neoliberal Times
2:30-3:50 Union 215
Chair: Cindy Blair, The University of Georgia
Reading Bodies through Clothes: A Feminist Study of Racism by the Second Skin, Rouhollah Aghasaleh, The University of Georgia
Regulation of Self in Neoliberal Times: Abstinence-Only Sexuality Education,
Cindy Blair, The University of Georgia
Can we go out of the dilemma: A tension in an alternative school’s pedagogy, Lin Chen, The University of Georgia
Has God Left the (School) Building?, Vicki Scullion, The University of Georgia Too Small AND Foreign to Count: Asian Americans’ Absence on the
Sociopolitical Platform, Jia Liang, Kansas State University Fri 142 Foucault
2:30-3:50 Union 217
Chair: Pierre Pariseau-Legault, University of Ottawa
From Regulatory Ethics to Care of Self & Other in Qualitative Enquiry, Robert McMurray, Durham University Business School, Mark Learmonth, Durham University Business School, and Michael Humphreys, Durham University Business School
Building a Genealogical Ethnography of the Great Depression: Exploring the Use of Visual and Archival Data in an Ethnographic Context, Christina D. Weber, North Dakota State University
Subjectivation as Lived Experience: A Critical Phenomenological Analysis, Pierre Pariseau-Legault, University of Ottawa, and Dave Holmes, University of Ottawa
Expanding Ethnohistoriographic Research Credibility through Foucaultian Genealogy, Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Experimenting with Foucault’s subjectivation. A media qualitative analysis of Fernando Torres Baena’s sexually abused “victims”, Montserrat Martín Horcajo, University de Vic
Plenary: Writing Lives and Telling Stories: A Response
to Arthur P. Bochner and Carolyn Ellis’s Evocative Fri 143 Autoethnography
2:30-3:50 Union 314 A
Chair: Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University
(Session Organizer) Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University; (Chair) Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University; (Discussant) Derek Bolen, Angelo State University; (Discussant) Nathan Hodges, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech; (Discussant) Elissa Foster, DePaul University; (Discussant) Art Bochner, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida,
Plenary: The Concepts of Data: Challenges in Neo- Fri 144 Liberal Times, Part I
2:30-3:50 Union 314 B
Chair: Uwe Flick, Free University Berlin, Germany
Introduction to the Panels, part 1, Uwe Flick, Free University Berlin, Germany What Counts as Data in Educational Research, Policy and Neo-liberal
Governance?, Harry Torrance, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Datafication and Qualitative Methods: Working with/in the Paradox, Annette
Markham, Aarhus University
New Data and Old Dilemmas: Changes and Continuities in Online Social Research, Nigel Fielding, University of Surrey, UK
Thinking about Data the Grounded Theory Way, Kathy Charmaz, Sonoma State University
Fri 145 New Methods In Qualitative Research I
2:30-3:50 Union 403
Chair: Wade Tillett, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
The Soma in Qualitative Research: exploration and implications, Desiree Rachel Yomtoob, Syracuse University
Practice of Interpretive Interactionism in Consumer Research, Joao Felipe Rammelt Sauerbronn, Unigranrio
Mentoring in Qualitative Research: Using Sista Circle Methodology to Support Black Women Teachers, Latoya Johnson, University of North Georgia
Students respond to the meeting house – a material-discursive account, Elmarie Kotze, University of Waikato, Kathie Crocket, University of Waikato, and CheriWaititi,UniversityofWaikato,Hamilton, AotearoaNewZealand
A Thousand Modes of Creating and Learning: (Re)Constructing What Matters with New Materialisms, Wade Tillett, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Plenary: From Outer Space: Reterritorializing Girlhood Fri 146 and Its Research III
2:30-3:50 Union 404
Chair: Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo State
Domestic Violence and Reterritorializing Girlhood, Tracey Pyscher, Metropolitan State University
Interrupting the Gaze: Participatory Action Research as Intervention, Venus Evans-Winters, Illinois State University
(Un)compromising the Promise of Happiness: Autobiography, Refugee Girlhood, and Visual Narratives, Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo State
Entangled Bodies: Black Girls Are From Outer Space, Asilia Franklin, University of Oregon
Arts-Based Research: Autoethnographies and Fri 147 Reflections in Art and Education
2:30-3:50 Union 405
Chair: Kathleen M. Goodyear, The Ohio State University
Using Arts-Based Research and Autoethnography to Support Undergraduates’ Identity Development: A Research Study Progress Report, Kathleen M. Goodyear, The Ohio State University
Critical Reflection(s) within University Community-Based (Art) Experiences,
Amanda Alexander, UT-Arlington
Reflecting on Students’ Identities, Communities and Social Issues through Visual Artmaking, Ahran Koo, The Ohio State University
M/othering as Inter-relational in Transnational Space, Yeorim Ana Hwang, Oklahoma State University
Public’s Perception of Art through Abandoned Laundries, Sohee Koo, Teachers College, Columbia University
Autoethnography: Pieces of my Heart: A film on
intercommunal cultural spaces of Chicago gang Fri 148 epidemic
2:30-3:50 Union 406
(Session Organizer) Yvette D Castañeda, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign,
Arts-Based Research: Data May Be “Dead” But Stories
Are Not: Four Narrative Inquiries in an Interdisciplinary Fri 149 Context
2:30-3:50 Union 407
Chair: Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University
“You Deserve Every Bad Thing That Happens to You!”: Understanding the Literacy of Survivors of Sexual Assault Trauma through Dolores’s Story, Charity Embley, Texas Tech University
Female Minority Experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: An Autoethnographic Juxtapose, Audrey Meadow, Texas Tech University
Stories of First Year Teachers in a Rural Texas, Matthew Birdwell, Texas Tech University
Stories of Surviving Spouses: Understanding Legal Challenges of Life and Death,
Cheryl A Brewer, Texas Tech University
Indigenous Research: Decolonizing Methodologies: Fri 150 Cultural Interface, Place, History, and Reciprocity
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia
“Two sides to the two sides”: (Re)considering decolonizing methodologies for and at the cultural interface, Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia
Place as Methodology for Inquiry in the Coast Salish Territory, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia
Decolonizing historical consciousness… and still using Gadamer?, Heather E. McGregor, University of Ottawa
Reciprocity in decolonizing research methodologies: Relationships and inquiry in Indigenous education, Michael Marker, University of British Columbia, and Heather E. McGregor, University of Ottawa
Educational clashes and emergent methodologies in
Canadian contexts: Taking up neoliberalism while Fri 151 pursuing antiracist and decolonizing research
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Nichole Grant, University of Ottawa
The ‘fruitful union’ of the cyborg: Thinking through methodological possibilities of assemblages and junctures for radical anti-racist contextuality, Nichole Grant, University of Ottawa
Resisting the temptation to become a reformist: Reflections from an aspiring antiracist researcher, Christiana Fizet, University of Edinburgh
A balancing act: Navigating critique and hope in teachers’ neoliberal narratives,
Pamela Rogers, University of Ottawa
Watch as the present moment slips away: Policy changes and methodological pivots in Nunavut education research with decolonizing aims, Heather E. McGregor, University of Ottawa
Fri 152 Visual Studies III
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Gwendolyn Schimek, Colorado State University
The University Environment: #LoveWins, Gwendolyn Schimek, Colorado State University
¡ Lights, Camera…… Action! How the Movie Industry Send us the HIV Pandemia., John Harold Estrada-Montoya, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Juan David Correa-Arias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Using Image to capture meaning: A videography of an artist creating artists and a supportive female community, Rod Gapp, Griffith University, Isobelle Gapp, Elanora State High School, and Heather Stewart, Griffith University
Autoethnography: American-Crafted Autoethnographic Fri 153 Female Narratives
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elissa Foster, DePaul Univiersity
(Session Organizer) Jacqueline E. Adams, American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Alesa McGregor, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Rebekah Sinewe, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University; (Chair) Tessa Vaschel, Department of Theatre & Film, Bowling Green State University,
Psychology: Critical Considerations of the Hoffman
Report: Consequences, lessons learned and the work Fri 154 ahead
4:00-5:20 Gregory 213
Chair: Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
APA’s Ethic Crisis, Guantanamo Bay and the Tuskegee Experiments, Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA
How Small Groups of Psychologists have Challenged Moral Drift in the Corporate Giant, APA, Mary Pelton-Cooper, Northern Michigan University
Concerns and suggestions offered by the American Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Psychological Network, Mona Ibrahim, Concordia College
An Alternative Orientation for Decision Making Processes within APA, ken gergen, Swarthmore College
Implications for Training our Next Generation of Psychologists, Cynthia Langtiw, Chicago Professional Scool of Psychology
Reflections on Unfolding Emotional Turmoil and Questioning, Mary Gergen, Penn State University
Fri 155 Varieties of Validity
4:00-5:20 Gregory 215
Chair: Krystal Golding-Ross, The University of Oklahoma
Including Every Voice: Fairness and Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research,
Krystal Golding-Ross, The University of Oklahoma
Triangulation: Who are the Actors behind the Scenes?, Serife Sevis, Indiana University & Middle East Technical University, Semanur Kandil, Middle East Technical University, Esra Eliustaoglu, Kent State University, and Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Data as Simulacra: Truth, Ethics, and Inquiry, Matthew C Graham, University of Oregon
Teasing Transcription: Iterations in the Liminal Space Between Voice and Text.,
Susan Ophelia Cannon, Georgia State University
Fri 156 Autoethnography: Conflict and Violence
4:00-5:20 Gregory 221
Chair: Stephanie L. Ezell, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing and School of Public Health
If You Could Hear the Blood: Defining the Impact of War at the End of Life,
Stephanie L. Ezell, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing and School of Public Health
How to be a Patriot: Exploring Nationalist Curriculum in the U.S. Education System through Autoethnography, Scott Jarmon, Louisiana State University, and Shelby Swafford, Southern Illinois University
Last among Equals: Engaging with Violence as Victim and as Krav Maga Practitioner, Jelena Nolan- Roll, Artful Narrative Inquiry Network, University of Bristol
We get to define ourselves: autoethnography in two or more voices., Gary J, Krug, Eastern Washington University, and Maggie Krug, Spokane Falls Community College
Psychology: (re)Interpreting Differences, Boundaries, Fri 157 and Conflicts in International Contexts
4:00-5:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Noomi Linde Matthiesen, Aalborg University
Mom, Dad and research object: The ethics of conducting research based on your own children’s everyday life, Noomi Linde Matthiesen, Aalborg University, and Thomas Szulevicz, Aalborg University
“Aging is about being a child again!” Exploring Undergraduates’ Attitudes on Aging through Drawing, Chih-ling Liou, Kent State University at Stark
Conflict Mediation as a World of Sense, Maria Elisa Hernandez, Universidad Simon Bolivar / Universidad de Cadiz
Confidentiality and Representation in the Study of Political Action: Ethical Reflections in Times of Hyper-productivity, Carolina Muñoz-Proto, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, and Stephanie M. Anderson, City University of New York
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Fri 158 Research in Carceral Institutions
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1000
(Session Organizer) Gwendelyn Ballew, University of Georgia,
Navigating an Equity-minded, Qualitatively-rich Doctoral Fri 159 Program in Neoliberal Times
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Lisa Zagumny, Tennessee Technological University
A Slap in the Face: My First Year as a PhD Student, Amanda Ellis, Tennessee Technological University
Challenging Basic Truths: Perceptions of Ability as a PhD Student, Amy Callender, Tennessee Technological University
Troubling Meritocracy: My First Year as a PhD Student, Elizabeth McMillan, Tennessee Technological University
Somatic Poststructuralism: Experiences of an International PhD Student, Dorota Silber-Furman, Tennessee Technological University
Fri 160 Education: Reflections on Teaching III
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
City as Literacy: Our call for a new pedagogy of and in the city, Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Natalia Ramírez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, María Camila Mejía-Vélez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Michael Hernandez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Counter-narratives of school literacies research: A multivocal meta-analysis,
Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Claudia Cañas, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Gloria Gutiérrez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Giselle Isaza, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Ángela Patricia Ocampo, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Natalia Salazar, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Julián Esteban Zapata Gómez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Preservice teachers growing understanding of Emergent literacy through Read Alouds for pre-k students, Anita Nigam, Texas Texh University
Counter Narratives in Science Education Under the Clout of Neoliberal Paper Tiger, Xia Ji, University of Regina
“I know more stuff ”: Three Mothers Re-story their Literacy Identities, Heidi Regina Bacon, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and Jean Kaya, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
A mixed methods analysis of assessment literacy teaching practices in America and China, Delwyn L Harnisch, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Ying Zhang, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Xianquan CHrystal Liu, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, and Yage Guo, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Pedagogical Sensations: Using the Senses to Affect Fri 161 Learning
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1026
Chair: Samantha Nolte-Yupari, Nazareth College
“Perceiving Art Through Blindness: A Relational Palimpsest Tracing”, Eunjung Choi, The Pennsylvania State University
Getting under our skin: Affective vitality in the elementary school deadlands,
Cala Coats, Stephen F. Austin State University
“I Feel Dizzy”: Making Sense of Movement and Place in Art On-A-Cart Pedagogy, Samantha Nolte-Yupari, Nazareth College
Sensory Ethnography in a Box: Collecting Relational Encounters Through the Senses, Sue Uhlig, The Pennsylvania State University
Setting in Motion A Cacophonous Ecology:
Fri 162 Posthumanist Research Practices for Education
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Susanne Gannon, Western Sydney University
“Local Girl Befriends Vicious Bear”: Unleashing Educational Aspiration through a Pedagogy of Material-Semiotic Entanglement, Susanne Gannon, Western Sydney University
Flickering Alchemy: Curating Noisy Transgenic Empirical Creatures, Rachel Holmes, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Liz Jones, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Edu-crafting an Experimental Research Intra-vention in Student Participation and Engagement, Carol A Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University
Graphic Moves: attuning to the materialities of arts based practices as a basis for social resistance, Gabrielle Ivinson, Aberdeen University, and Emma Renold, Cardiff University
Fri 163 Narratives Of Higher Education
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Tuere Bowles, North Carolina State University
Existing in it: Using a Scholarly Personal Narrative Approach to discuss the challenges of being a Black Woman within Student Affairs, Valerie Thompson, University of Oklahoma
The Art of Facilitation: Co-creating a Practitioner Inquiry Community, Annie Straka, University of Cincinnati, and Kevin Geiger, University of Cincinnati
Extended Apprenticeship Learning in Doctoral Training and Supervision – Moving Beyond ‘Cookbook Recipes’, Charlotte Wegener, Aalborg University, and Lene Tanggaard, Aalborg University
Engineering Mentoring Trajectories Utilizing a Narrative Case Study Approach,
Tuere Bowles, North Carolina State University
Fri 164 Using Social Media as Data in Qualitative Research
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1051
Chair: Hilary E. Hughes, Universiity of Georgia
Can’t beat them, own them: The ecologies of YouTube and youth as consumers,
Matthew Moulton, The University of Georgia
Sharing is Caring: Twitter as Medium for Educator Idea Exchanges, Stacey Kerr, University of Georgia
Creating Classroom Couture: Performing Postfeminism on Pinterest, Elizabeth Ann Pittard, Georgia State University
Analyzing Instagram Images and Meddling with Methods, Mardi Schmeichel, Universiity of Georgia
Fri 165 Autoethnography: Methodology III
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: geraldine gorman, University of Illinois @ Chicago
Teaching qualitative research methods to pharmacists: an autoethnography,
Djenane Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Georgiane de Castro Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Isabela Viana Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), and Kirla Barbosa Detoni, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
The interpretative autoethnography as a methodology for the design of entrepreneurial careers. The power of heart., Magdalena Suárez-Ortega, Universidad de Sevilla
On the outside, observing within: collaborative cultural enquiries into America,
Emma Louise Jordan, South Devon College, UK, and Kathy Fox, Plymouth University
Redefing intellectual rigor in neoliberal times: has humility become archaic?,
geraldine gorman, University of Illinois @ Chicago
Navigate towards Communication: An Ethnographic Account of Engaging International Students, Kang Sun, Greenville College
Fri 166 Feminist Qualitative Research IV
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Mick Brewer, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Perceptions of Gender Identity among Undergraduate Students in the Midwest,
Ashleigh N. Bingham, Ball State University
Case Study Method in Chinese Women’s Studies, Qiu Jifang, Nanjing University
Transgender Eminence: Caitlyn Jenner and the Effects of Mass-Media Representations of Trans Embodiment, Mick Brewer, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Heroines in everyday life, Debra K Askelson, Dr. Karyn Mitchell PhD, ND Fri 167 On Language
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Rejane Dias, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Translingual practice and negotiated identities of plural language users in Korean contexts., Yejin Esther Seo, Chung-Ang University, Yoorim Shin, Chung-Ang University, and Dongil Shin, Chung-Ang University
Translanguaging in Writing of Emergent Multilinguals, Lydiah Kananu Kiramba, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
What did you today in your school: Play or Learning?, Sibel Sönmez, Turkish, and Gamze Bilir Seyhan, Turkish
A tale of three Midwestern high school foreign language teachers, Rejane Dias, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Organizing for Languages Preservation, Community Enhancement, and
Social Transformation in Kham Tibet: A Dialogical/Bakhtinian Ethnography, William K Rawlins, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University, and Dongjing Kang, University of Colorado Denver
Impersonal Posthuman Inquiries: From Wonderment Fri 168 and Yearning for a Sustainable Future
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Alezandra Melendrez, Rutgers University-Newark
Performing Possibilities: Black and Latino Court Involved Special Education Youth Creating New Life Trajectories, Alezandra Melendrez, Rutgers University-Newark
Religious Tolerance, a Category of Analysis or An Access to Freedom, Masoud (Ahmad) Ariankhoo, Stony Brook University
Students as Posthuman Ethical Subjects for Intra-Active Worlding: A Post Inquiry, Carolyne J. White, Rutgers University-Newark, and Fatemeh Moghadam, Rutgers University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Negativity as Fri 169 Self-Care (or) The Grass Is Never Greener
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1092
(Session Organizer) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Discussant) Derek Bolen, Angelo State University; (Discussant) Benny LeMaster, California State University Fullerton; (Discussant) Gregory Hummel, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; (Discussant) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Discussant) Bolton Morales, Angelo State University,
Fri 170 Focus Group Methodology
4:00-5:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Natalie Currie-Patterson, The University of Western Ontario
Focus Groups in Education Research: An Opportunity for Professional Development, Natalie Currie-Patterson, The University of Western Ontario
An Analysis of Citizenship Perceptions in Ethnically and Culturally Diverse Societies: The case of Turkey, Bulent Tarman, Gazi University, and Mehmet Fatih Yigit, Suleyman Sah University
Teaching Anti-Bias Multicultural Curriculum in Teacher Education Programs: Focus Group Interviews of Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions About Goals of Anti-Bias Education, Inna Nickole Dolzhenko, University of North Texas, and Jemimah Young, University of North Texas
Digital Tools: Reflections on QDA Software Use in Fri 171 Specific Research Projects
4:00-5:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Denise St Clair, Westat
Analyzing the Analysis: Using Consumer Feedback as the Impetus for Change,
Andrew Hinzman, Westat
Digital Analytic Design In Focus: Shaping and Implementing a Mixed- Methods Secondary Analysis of Archival Material using the CAQDAS Package MAXQDA, Christina Silver, University of Surrey, and Rose Lindsey, University of Southampton
How Digital Tools Saved My Life: Dedoose and the Anatomy of a Dissertation,
Denise St Clair, Westat
Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software in Education Policy Research, Chad R Lochmiller, Indiana University
The Process of Applying Qualitative Coding Strategies into Asynchronous Discussions, Funda Ergulec, Indiana University, and Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Fri 172 The Modern School Counselor and the Power of PAR
4:00-5:20 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Eric Roland Witherell, University of Cincinnati,
Plenary Performance: Seeing Epiphanies in Qualitative Fri 173 Inquiry
4:00-5:20 Union 210
Chair: Jim Deegan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
Seeing Epiphanies in Qualitative Inquiry, Jim Deegan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
Fri 174 Confronting/Breaking Silences
4:00-5:20 Union 211
(Session Organizer) Claudio Moreira, UMass Amherst; (Chair) Claudio Moreira, UMass Amherst,
Fri 175 Disability Studies and Belonging
4:00-5:20 Union 213
Chair: Alice Schippers, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN)
Disability Studies, Quality of Life and Belonging: an introduction, Alice Schippers, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN)
Employment and Belonging, Minne Bakker, VU medical center, and Lieke Kuiper, VU medical center
Portraiture and Family Quality of Life, Femke Boelsma, VU medical center, Irene Caubo-Damen, VU medical center, Alice Schippers, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN), Menco Dane, VU medical center, and Tineke Abma, VU medical center
Exploring quality of life in a Participatory Drawing Lab Research, Sofie Sergeant, Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN)
Methodological Underpinnings and Implications of the Fri 176 Concept of Empowerment
4:00-5:20 Union 215
Chair: Karen Ross, University of Massachussetts, Boston
Making empowering choices: how methodology matters for empowering research participants, Karen Ross, University of Massachussetts, Boston
Lenses on Narrative & Audience: Documentary Filmmaking & Educational Research as Methodologies of Empowerment, Alexandra Panos, Indiana University
Claiming Power by Producing Knowledge: the empowering potential of PAR in the classroom, Meagan Call-Cummings, Indiana University
Becoming post-critical: Building a new paradigm in empowerment research,
Supriya Baily, George Mason University
Discussant, Jessica N. Lester, Indiana University, Bloomington
Plenary: Autoethnography, Bullying, and Youth Identity
Negotiation: A Response to Keith Berry’s Bullied: Tales Fri 177 of Torment, Identity, and Youth
4:00-5:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University
(Session Organizer) Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University; (Chair) Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University; (Discussant) Sandra Faulkner, Bowling Green State University; (Discussant) Catherine M. Gillotti, Purdue University Calumet; (Discussant) Chris J Patti, Appalachian State University; (Discussant) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Christopher N Poulos, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; (Discussant) Artemi I. Sakellariadis, Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE); (Discussant) Keith Berry, University of South Florida,
Plenary: The Concepts of Data: Challenges in Neo- Fri 178 Liberal Times, Part II
4:00-5:20 Union 314 B
Chair: Uwe Flick, Free University Berlin, Germany
Data Practices beyond Neoliberalism, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona state university
Between Explosion and Erosion – The Concept of Data in Qualitative Research,
Uwe Flick, Free University Berlin, Germany
Remembering China’s Great Leap Forward and Great Famine (1958-62) through Gendered Narratives, Ping-Chun HSIUNG, University of Toronto, Yu
Wang, University of Toronto, Department of History, and Yueran Feng, York University, Department of History
Austerity for Whom? Applying Feminist Principles of Praxis to Interrogate Austerity Policies and their Impact on Women’s Lives, Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Boston College
The Death of Data in Neo-Liberal Times, Norman Denzin, Univ of Illinois
Fri 179 New Methods In Qualitative Research II
4:00-5:20 Union 403
Chair: William Robert Amilan Cook, York University
Critical research interviews for critical policy research, William Robert Amilan Cook, York University
Shadowing, A Method of Seeing Things Seen & Unseen, Demetricia Lucette Hodges, Georgia State University
Migrated people: How we conduct a social research, challenges to be considerer,
Andrea Avaria, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Chile
Stand firm: Anti-self-help as satirical cultural critique, Svend Brinkmann, Aalborg University, Dept. of Communication and Psychology
Plenary: The history and epistemic cultures of Fri 180 qualitative research in Germany and France
4:00-5:20 Union 404
Chair: Reiner Keller, Augsburg University and Angelika Poferl, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Epistemic Culture and Glorious Researchers. The French Way?, Reiner Keller, University of Augsburg, Germany
Please account for your procedure! How qualitative research in Germany became ‚solid‘., Angelika Poferl, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Autoethnography and the Tradition of Ethnopsychoanalysis, Rainer Winter, University of Klagenfurt (Austria)
Arts-Based Research: Performance, Narrative, and Fri 181 Movement in the Arts
4:00-5:20 Union 405
Chair: Anita Valkeemaki, University of the Arts Helsinki
“I” PERFORM! Moving in Relation to an Unsteady Landscape, Anita Valkeemaki, University of the Arts Helsinki
Visualising the invisible, hearing the inaudible. Working with Social Haunting and its Implications for Critical Performance Ethnography., Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity, and Steve Pool, Film maker working with the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council
The matters of Quality in Autoethnodrama, Amir Hedayati, University of Illinois
Utilizing Social Somatic Inquiry Approaches and Laban Movement Analysis As Tools in Qualitative Research, Becky Dyer, Arizona State University, Emily May, Arizona State University, Grace Gallagher, Arizona State University, and See Cha, Arizona State University
Walls have ears; and they have voices too: positioning narratives in an art institution, Karen Lesley Tobias-Green, Leeds College of Art and Sheffield Hallam University
Foucault’s Tools: Provoking Themes of Power and Fri 182 Knowledge in Qualitative Inquiry
4:00-5:20 Union 406
Chair: David Lee Carson,
Reading Foucault with Qualitative Inquiry: Moments of Reflections and Methods, Adam Clark, Arizona State University, and Joseph D Sweet, Arizona State University
Academic Writing, Bullshitting, and Subject Positions: Concerns and Provocations from Foucault, Joshua Cruz, Arizona State University
A Question of Truth: Re-reading Discipline and Punish, Erica Susser, Arizona State University
Discipline and Ethics: Self-Fashioning in Educational Research, Stacey Levin, Arizona State University
The Distant Roar of Battle: Disciplinary Power, Security, and Control Societies,
Antti Paakkari, University of Helsinki
Arts-Based Research: Ontologies of becoming: Mapping Fri 183 encounters through art
4:00-5:20 Union 407
Chair: Ross Schlemmer, Edinboro Univeristy of Pennsylvania
Co-creating the smooth spaces of art and pedagogy at Lynden Sculpture Garden,
Laura Trafi-Prats, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Walking as an Artful Trajectory of Thinking-in-Movement, Kimberly Powell, The Pennsylvania State University
Artful Engagements, Ross Schlemmer, Edinboro Univeristy of Pennsylvania A Community Collects: Sharing Stories Through the Senses, Sue Uhlig, The
Pennsylvania State University
Indigenous Research: Success and Challenges in Fri 184 Implementing Indigenous Methodologies
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Patrick Lewis,
Methodological reflections on an indigenous mental health literature review in Colombia, Sergio Cristancho, Universidad de Antioquia, Dora María Hernández, Universidad de Antioquia, Eliana Montoya, Universidad de Antioquia, Marcela López, Universidad de Antioquia, Marcela Valencia, Universidad CES, and Oscar Montero, ONIC
Collaborative Creation: A Joint Journal Tracing a Qualitative Inquiry into Violence against Native Women, Rebecca Morrow, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Wading through the Murky Waters: A Doctoral Student’s Reflection on Research Engagement in Indian Country, Amy Jule Prorock-Ernest, Virginia Commonwealth University
Mite Achimowin (Heart-Talk): Decolonizing research methods and knowledge through Indigenous, community-based digital storytelling, Lorena Sekwan Fontaine, University of Winnipeg, Annette Schultz, University of Manitoba, Roberta Stout, National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health,
Kathi Avery-Kinew, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM,, Wendy McNab, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM, Mary Jane McCallum, University of Winnipeg, and Lisa Forbes, University of Winnipeg
Saturday Schedule
Sat 001 Arts-Based Research for Social Change
8:00-9:20 Gregory 219
Chair: Allison Ray, Texas Woman’s University
Quilting/cARTography as Representation of Hunger on a College Campus,
Allison Ray, Texas Woman’s University
Awakenings: Singing and Identity Work, Miroslav Pavle Manovski, Independent Scholar
Fracking the Neighborhood: Performing Pain in the Natural Gas Fields, Jessica Smartt Gullion, Texas Woman’s University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Researching Sat 002 for and with Participants
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Iccha Basnyat, National University of Singapore
Respecting their power and story: Using Photovoice to privilege participants as co-researchers, Ann M Bennett, Kennesaw State University
Collaborative Practices and Co-Production of Research Narratives, Luciana Kind, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – Brazil, and Rosineide Cordeiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Accessing low-income migrant workers in a difficult context: Ethical, moral, and practical challenges, Lisa Reber, Arizona State University
Whose knowledge matters?: The challenges of speaking for the marginalized as neoliberal forms of knowledge, Iccha Basnyat, National University of Singapore
Teaching Post-qualitative Inquiry Upward: How to Sat 003 Educate Your Doctoral Committee Methodologically
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Rouhollah Aghasaleh, The University of Georgia
“There Are Going To Be Words, Right?”: Negotiating Institutional Viability in Post-Qualitative Research, James Woglom, Humboldt State University
Two Proscriptions for Greater Methodological Mobility: (Per)forming Postqualitative Inquiry, Brian Kumm, The University of Georgia
Those Who (Want to) Understand: A Reader’s Guide to Post-qualitative Inquiry Proposals, Rouhollah Aghasaleh, The University of Georgia
“Let’s all stay calm and do some science [education”]: Guiding your dissertation committee toward acceptance of a postqualitative informed inquiry, Logan Leslie, University of West Georgia
Sat 004 Teaching Anti-Racism in Charleston, South Carolina
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: K. Nicola Williams, University of Michigan (PhD, 2003)
Teaching Anti-Racism in Charleston, South Carolina: An Ethnodrama, K. Nicola Williams, University of Michigan (PhD, 2003), and Charles Vanover, University of South Florida
Starting from the Beginning: Using Inquiry Theatre Methods to Develop the Ethnodrama “Teaching Anti-Racism in Charleston, South Carolina”, Charles Vanover, University of South Florida, and K. Nicola Williams, University of Michigan (PhD, 2003)
Discussant, Ruth Nicole Brown, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Colorizing
Research: Qualitatively Diverse Paths and Professional Sat 005 Portraits
8:00-9:20 Lincoln 1092
(Session Organizer) Bennyce Edna Hamilton, Miami University Regionals; (Discussant) Vonzell Agosto, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Ysaye Maria Barnwell, Retired Faculty Howard University, singer, composer, author; (Discussant) Jolene A. Lane, Teachers College Columbia University; (Discussant) Amanda Schear, Withrow High School; Capella University,
Digital Tools: Examining the Learning and Teaching of Sat 006 Qualitative Research Methodology in On-Line Contexts
8:00-9:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Trena Paulus, University of Georgia
Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research at a Distance, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia, and Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia
Learning about Qualitative Research Online: Students’ Perspectives, Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia, Trena Paulus, University of Georgia, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, and Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia
Learning to Teach Qualitative Methods Online: Faculty Perspectives, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia, Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia, and Elizabeth Pope, University of Georgia
Learning On-Line: Student Voices, Sabrina Tindal Cherry, University of Georgia – College of Public Health, Steacy Chad, University of Geography, Department of Geography, and Iris Michele Saltiel, Columbus State University
Sat 007 Plenary: The Work of Writing
8:00-9:20 Union 314 B
(Session Organizer) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh; (Discussant) Tami Spry, St. Cloud State University; (Discussant) Ken Gale, Plymouth University,
Arts-Based Research: Art-Making, Museums, and Sat 008 Interdisciplinary Research
8:00-9:20 Union 405
Chair: Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education
Teaching Science through Drawing: Engaging the Student Who Lags Behind in Language and Literacy Development, Merrie Koester, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education
Discovering Phenomenological Understandings Through Art-Making As a Form of Phenomenological Reflection, Erika Goble, NorQuest College
Multimodal Literacy Design: Portraits of Three Secondary Teachers at a Performing Arts School. Cecelia J. Price, University of North Texas, Cecelia Joyce Price, University of North Texas
Arts-Based Historical Inquiry: Museum Education and Curriculum Development, Lori M. West, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Indigenous Research: Pimosayta (learning to walk Sat 009 together)
8:00-9:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Joseph Naytowhow, University of Regina
Pimosayta, Karen Wallace, Art Therapy & Counselling Private Practice
Sat 010 Deschool the ICQI
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Allison Lester, University of Cincinnati
(Session Organizer) Robert Alan Wight, University of Cincinnati; (Chair) Allison Lester, University of Cincinnati,
Sat 011 Autoethnography: Education I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G36
Chair: miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Habits Inside Music Education: An Arts-Based and Autoethnographic Inquiry,
miroslav pavle manovski, Independent Scholar
Children as Outliers: School Bullying in an Audit Culture, Genevieve Harris, Linfield College
Avatar as place of education, Janet Handwerk, Oklahoma State University
The Limitations of Love, Niceness and Care: Teaching Whiteness in High School
Intervention Programs, Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon Sat 012 Directions in Digital Tools I
9:30-10:50 Foreign L. G46
Chair: Roshani Rajbanshi, New Mexico State University
Learning through Technology in Student-Centered Approach, Roshani Rajbanshi, New Mexico State University, and Margarita Ruiz, New Mexico State Univeristy
A qualitative analysis of pre-service teachers’ use of Information and Communication Technologies to teach science during teaching practice, Thuthukile Jita, University of the Free State
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for English Language Teaching process in the university context, South America, Villafuerte Saulo Alberto, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Jorge Antonio Corral, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, and Eder A Intriago, University of Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Exploring Animations to Overcome Gender Barriers in Agriculture Learning,
Julia Bello-Bravo, UIUC, and Anne Namatsi Lutomia, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Sat 013 Psychology: Home & Belonging
9:30-10:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Jane Elizabeth Mary Callaghan, University of Northampton
Children’s accounts of domestic violence: Agency, Resistance, Resilience, Jane Elizabeth Mary Callaghan, University of Northampton, Joanne Helen Alexander, University of Northampton, and Lisa Chiara Fellin, University of East London
Voices of Belonging, Voices of Alienation: Listening for Home, Lori E Koelsch, Duquesne University, Elizabeth Brown, Duquesne University, and Susan G Goldberg, Duquesne University
Evaluating the Homeless Court in Salt Lake City, Utah, Emogene Elizabeth Hennick, University of Utah and Utah Department of Corrections
The Category “Belonging” in Qualitative Research with Groups in Crisis and Social Conflict Situations, Susana Kramer de Mesquita Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará – Brazil
Sat 014 Water Epistemology: An Ecology of Knowledge?
9:30-10:50 Gregory 215
Chair: Denisse Roca-Servat, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
The Thought of Water: Is a new epistemology possible? The State of the Question, Polina Golovátina-Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Towards an intercultural interpretation of the human right to water, Lieselotte Viaene, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Belgium
Political epistemologies: categories of governance in water-related knowledge production in North Bihar, India, Luisa Cortesi, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
Epistemologies of Water in Peru and Colombia: contesting the natural resource extraction paradigm, Denisse Roca-Servat, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Sat 015 Duoethnography
9:30-10:50 Gregory 219
Chair: Gloria Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University
32 Shades of “WE”: Slam Poetry as Performance Duoethnography, Gloria Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University, and Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
The Path to Becoming Methodological Generalists: A Duo-Ethnography,
Elizabeth Wetzler, Northcentral University, and Linnea Rademaker, Northcentral University
Duoethnography as a Transformative Method of Teacher-Student Engagement,
Ashley Michelle Yopp, Texas A&M University, and Breanne Marie Warhol, Texas A&M University
Working for cultural change with accountability: The story of Centro de Estudos em Atenção Farmacêutica, Brazil, Djenane Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, and Mateus Rodrigues Alves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Sat 016 Psychology: Family, Children and Education
9:30-10:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Shakira Shanese Thomas, University of Memphis
Family Reintegration After Parent Military Deployment: The Child Dependents Perspectives, Natasha Ramos-Ayala, University of Puerto Rico, and Samuel Colon, University of Puerto Rico
Language Learning in Different Social Milieus. A mixed methods psychological investigation., Mechthild Kiegelmann, Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany
Let Them Play, Let Them Learn?: The Beginning of the Educational Divide,
Shakira Shanese Thomas, University of Memphis
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Innovative Sat 017 Inquiries: Sounds, Constellations, and Mappings
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Margaret Sylvia Barrett, The University of Queensland
Ethical and ecologically valid approaches to assessing music participation and engagement in early learning and development, Margaret Sylvia Barrett, The University of Queensland
Reclaiming the Constellation of Inquiry; Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methods as Not-Yet Become and Not-Yet Consciousness, Zulfukar Ozdogan, Indiana University
Metaphors of Mapping for Qualitative Inquiry, Shannon C Gleason, Washington State University, and Nicole C Ferry, Washington State University
Recently published methodological guidance Sat 018 (suggestion for panel, needs co-presenters)
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Karin Hannes, KU Leuven
Systematically reviewing literature: mixed method research synthesis, Karin Hannes, KU Leuven, Mieke Heyvaert, KU Leuven, and Patrick Onghena, KU Leuven
Autoethnography: PreService Teacher Outsiders:
Cisgender Latina, Cisgender Gay White Male, and Sat 019 Cisgender Black Gay Male Autoethnographies
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1022
Chair: Ana Rivera-Delgado, Central Connecticut State University
“This is the First Book I Have Read by a Non-White Person”: Experiences of a Latina in Majority White Teacher Preparation Program, Ana Rivera-Delgado, Central Connecticut State University
“But You are So Fun!”: Microaggressions of Being Gay in a Female Dominated Program, Michael Anthony Iarrapino, Central Connecticut State University
“I’m Black and Gay, How Do I Handle Questions of My Sexuality with Students and Parents?”: Questions Not Addressed in Straight Dominated Teacher Preparation Program, Christopher Jones, Friend
As a Gay Man, I Empathize With You: Autoethnography of a Former Elementary School Teacher Turned Professor Working Closely with Subaltern Preservice Teachers, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
Sat 020 Education: Reflections on Teaching IV
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Mustafa Serkan Günbatar, Yüzüncü Yıl University
Pre-service Teachers’ Readiness for Online Learning, Mustafa Serkan Günbatar, Yüzüncü Yıl University
Learning to Cope: Teacher Candidates with Reading Aversions Navigate Education, Karen Kleppe Graham, The University of Georgia, and Chelsey Bahlmann Bollinger, The University of Georgia
Alternative Route to Licensure Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Equitable Teaching Practices, Jori Beck, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Christina Santoyo, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Chyllis Scott, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Derek Riddle, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Awareness of Social Studies Teacher Candidates on Refugees in Turkey, Bulent Tarman, Gazi University, and davut gürel, Bartin University
Sat 021 The International In Education I
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Emily Mathis, University of Oregon
Making Meaning of Internationalization in Higher Education, Emily Mathis, University of Oregon, and Nia DeYounge, University of Massachusetts Boston
Talking about Shame, Empathy, and Resilience, Julia Osso, University of Manitoba
Digital Qualitative Research: Stories from the Field (School), Jerry Hinbest, Vancouver Island University
Exploring Academic Socialization and Identity of Chinese Undergraduate Students in the U.S., wei zuo, University of Washington
Conversations and Dialogues in Curriculum Studies, Silvia Teresa Morelli Gasó, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Sat 022 Narratives Of Professional Identities
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Mateus Inquiry Yumarnamto, Indiana University
Live Histories, Critical Events and Professional Identity Formation of Five Indonesian English Teachers: A Narrative Inquiry, Mateus Inquiry Yumarnamto, Indiana University
African-American Voices: On Becoming a Physician in 2015, Jeanne L Koehler, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Wendi El-Amin, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, April McNeill, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Monique Philpotts, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, and Andrea Iyekepolo, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
You, Me, and Us?: “Shades of Chineseness”, Jia Liang, Kansas State University Narratives of the Nontraditional: Stories of Engineering Education from a Road
Less Traveled, Angela Minichiello, Utah State University
Teachers’ Narratives about Instructional Leadership for Science and Mathematics
in South Africa, Loyiso Currell Jita, University of the Free State Sat 023 Autoethnography: Technology
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Angela J Stefanski, Ball State University
Marking Our Journeys: A Multi-genre, Digital Duoethnography of Early Career Teacher Educators, Angela J Stefanski, Ball State University, Amy Leitze, Ball State University, and Veronica Fife-Demski, Ball State University
Wireless (Dis)connections: The Leaky World of Internet Pornography, Fiona Murray, University of Edinburgh
El Marie’s Love Notes: What We Can Learn About Persistence in a Gaming Environment, Karen M Hansen-Morgan, Ball State University
Auto-Archaeology and Computer-Mediated Relationships, Jimmie Manning, Northern Illinois University
Changing Perspectives: Can E-Learning Teach Classroom Instruction?, Dian Walster, Wayne State University
Sat 024 Autoethnography: Dissertation Research
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
The dilemmas of doing and writing an autoethnography, Susanne Becker, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
ICQI, I’m your #1 Fan!, Genevieve Harris, Linfield College
Preparing for Impact: An Autoethnographic Examination of Preparation for
Inquiry into Campus Tragedy, Nathaniel Cradit, Michigan State University
Duality, Positionality, and Stance: Workplace Dissertation Research as Preparation for Practice-based Research, Robin Throne, Northcentral University, Linda K. Bowlin, Southeastern University, and Steven A. Buckner, Northcentral University
Constructively Confused (?): A Doctoral Student’s Narrative in Search of Theory,
Liaquat Channa, BUITEMS, Quetta
Sat 025 Reconceptualizing Collaboration
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1066
Chair: David Charles Lundie, Liverpool Hope University
Outsider witnessing as research method: Treaty of Waitangi partnership in academic work and leadership, Kathie Crocket, University of Waikato, and Elmarie Kotze, University of Waikato
Believing in MAGIC: Creating a caring graduate intellectual community, Kate McCormick, Indiana University, Jean Graves, Indiana University, Crystal Howell, Indiana University, Alexandra M. Weiss, Indiana University, and Libba Willcox, Indiana University
The Governance of Values and the Value of Governance in English Education under the Rhetoric of ‘Protecting Frontline Services’, David Charles Lundie, Liverpool Hope University
Cultivating (Com)passion in the Academy: A Calling. A Vow. A Plea. A Manifesto., Kristen Blinne, SUNY Oneonta
Appraising the elements of the interpreter/researcher relationship: A reflexive qualitative exploration, Supriya Baily, George Mason University
Negotiating Contested Identities Through Shame Guilt Sat 026 and Stigma
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Carol Rambo, University of Memphis
Atheist Individuals and Identity Formation Processes, Degan Hubbard, Department of Sociology, University of Memphis
Self-Injury in Social Media, Brittany E. Presson, Department of Sociology, University of Missouri
“Awled Amreeka:” Children of America, Heather Jendoubi, Department of Sociology, University of Memphis
The Great Charter School Experiment, Cat Maroon, University of Memphis
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Developing
Radical Empathy and Dignity-based Practice for Sat 027 Educators of African American Students
9:30-10:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Danielle Apugo, UW-Milwaukee
Examining Urban School Ethics of Care, Danielle Apugo, UW-Milwaukee Saturday OFFICIAL PROGRAM 283
Developing Dignity-Based Outcomes for Urban Education, Monique Liston, UW-Milwaukee
Collaboration Is as Collaboration Does: Initial Musing Sat 028 on Traces Across the Collaborative Sites Network
9:30-10:50 Noyes 100
Chair: cesar antonio cisneros-puebla, UAM Iztapalapa
Human rights and global solidarity: Challenges for QI, cesar antonio cisneros- puebla, UAM Iztapalapa
Resistance for Change, Ellis Hurd, Illinois State University People, not Numbers, Anne Ryen, University of Agder
Networked Scholarship: A Scoping Review of Researcher Personal Learning Networks, Jeffrey M. Keefer, New York University / UMASS Boston
Critical Autoethnography: Researching in Vulnerable Global Communities,
Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech
Communicative Methodology and Social Impact, Aitor Gomez, TBD
Sat 029 Digital Tools: Visual Data and Visualizing Data
9:30-10:50 Noyes 217
Chair: Christian McKay, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing
Attempting to Understand Role, Position, and Significance of Visuals Within Multimodal Ensembles, OLGA GOULD, SUNY, University at Buffalo
Getting the Most Out Of Qualitative Data : Techniques for managing analytic complexity using media data, David K. Woods, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research
End Effector: Post-Human Actors and Materiality in the Network of Educational Technocracy, Christian McKay, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing
It is More than One Beautiful Quote: Building a Visual Web of Meaning,
Michelle Salmona, SocioCultural Research Consultants, Eli Lieber, University of California, Los Angeles, and Dan Kaczynski, Central Michigan University
What is the visualization QDA Software is looking for?, cesar antonio cisneros- puebla, UAM Iztapalapa
Working it Out – Participatory Inquiry Fleshed-Out: Sat 030 Theatre of the Oppressed
9:30-10:50 Union 210
(Session Organizer) Barbara Dennis, Indiana University; (Session Organizer) Meagan Call-Cummings, Indiana University,
Commodification of Identities: Gender, Race and Sat 031 Educational Leadership
9:30-10:50 Union 211
Chair: Katherine Lewis, Texas State University
Commodifying Transgender Identities: Transcending the Neoliberal Agenda,
Katherine Lewis, Texas State University, and Susan M Croteau, Texas State University
Race and Education in America, Alfreda Bryson, Texas State University Speaking for the Transgender Community: Should we put Transgender people
on Display?, Brandon L. Beck, Texas State University
Taking a Selfie: Examining the Commodification and Consumption of Identity
in Educational Leadership, Tanya Alyson Long, Texas State University
(dis)Connections with/between/within bodies in (e) Sat 032 motion
9:30-10:50 Union 213
Chair: Jason Laurendeau, University of Lethbridge
“You don’t need any of that stuff ”: (Re)stor(y)ing my(nd/) body, Jason Laurendeau, University of Lethbridge
A Palimpsestic Exploration of the Sociality of the Body, Jasmine Saler, University of Lethbridge
Qualitative Research without Methods, Jim Denison, University of Alberta, and Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta
Connecting with the Force of the Moving Body, Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta, and Marianne Clark, University of British Columbia
Neoliberal Disruptions: Qualitative Encounters with Sat 033 Sites of Social Struggle
9:30-10:50 Union 215
Chair: Kelley Frances Fenelon, Vanderbilt University
Academics Alongside a Politics from Below, Jyoti Gupta, Vanderbilt University Advocating for Queer Youth: From Creating Safety to Challenging
Heteronormativity in Schools, Leah Roberts, Vanderbilt University Confronting Constrained Participation in Participatory Research, Amie
Thurber, Vanderbilt University
Cheap Equality: LGBT Inclusion as Neoliberal Expansion?, Kelley Frances Fenelon, Vanderbilt University
Simple Economics, Gentrification, “Remnants of the Past”, or Something Else? A Discourse Analysis of Threatened Eviction from Cape Town’s De Waal Drive Flats, Tessa Ann Eidelman, Vanderbilt University
Sat 034 International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy I
9:30-10:50 Union 217
Chair: Janet Kesterson Isbell, Tennessee Technological University
Philosophy of Liberation a Contribution from Latin America to Understand the Effects of Globalization Forces in the Nursing Practice, Maria del Pilar Camargo Plazas, Queen’s University
International Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Plagiarism in Academic Writing, Janet Kesterson Isbell, Tennessee Technological University, Jayati Chaudhuri, California State University, Amrita Madray, Adelphi University, and Deborah L. Schaeffer, California State University
Language Revitalization in Indigenous Schools and National Language Policies. Is There Space to Reconcile?, Ana Maria Benton Zavala, Te Puna Wananga, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland
Analyzing newspaper articles on ‘Chinese international students’ through critical discourse analysis, Eunhae Cho, Chung-Ang University, and Dongil Shin, Chung-Ang University
Neoliberalism Will Not Spare our Public Education Classroom: The Struggle for Ethical Allies for Emancipatory Rebuilding of School Communities, Carmen Ocón, Worcester State University
Plenary: New Empiricisms/New Materialisms in Social Sat 035 Science Inquiry #1
9:30-10:50 Union 314 A
Chair: Elizabeth St.Pierre, The University of Georgia
Intra-Active Subject Formation–With Friends and Violent Video Games, Dorte Marie Sondergaard, Danish School of Education-Aarhus University
The New Materialism in Qualitative Inquiry: Are the Philosophies of Deleuze and Barad Compatible?, Serge F. Hein, Virginia Tech
In(tra)fusions: Kitchen Research Practices and Collaborative Writing, Dagmar Alexander, University of Edinburgh, and Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh
Deleuze, Concept Formation, and the Habit of Short Hand Inquiry, Christopher M. Schulte, The Pennsylvania State University
Plenary: Celebrating 50 Years of “Social Construction Sat 036 of Reality”
9:30-10:50 Union 314 B
Chair: ken gergen, Swarthmore College
The Reconstruction of Social Construction, ken gergen, Swarthmore College Constructing the Significance of Berger and Luckmann’s The Social
Construction of Reality, John Johnson, Arizona State University
Social Construction, Communicative Construction, Discursive Construction. The Legacy of Berger & Luckmann in German Sociology, Reiner Keller, University of Augsburg, Germany
Social Construction from Postcolonial Thinking: What about Berger and Luckmann ́s legacy in Spanish speaking world?, cesar antonio cisneros-puebla, UAM Iztapalapa
Sat 037 Post–-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments I: Curations
9:30-10:50 Union 403
Chair: Susan Nordstrom, University of Memphis
Curatorial Impulses: Mo(ve)ment of Living Aesthetic Analysis, Brooke Hofsess, Appalachian State University, and Jaye Thiel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Why U Do Dis., Antti Paakkari, University of Helsinki
Black Girls’ Digital Becomings: Digital Worlds and Curated Selves, Asilia
Franklin, University of Oregon
Mo(ve)ments in Memorywork (Re)production, Teija Tuulikki Rantala, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts
Perturbing Possibilities in the Post Qualitative Regime, Jinting Wu, Faculty
of Education, University of Macau, Paul William Eaton, Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Maria F. G. Wallace, Curriculum and Instruction, Louisiana State University, Shaofei Han, Curriculum and Instruction, Louisiana State University, and David Robinson–-Morris, Educational Leadership, Research, & Counseling Louisiana State University
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies Sat 038 for the 21st.century plenary symposium I
9:30-10:50 Union 404
Chair: Anne Beate Reinertsen, Queen Maud University College
Process quality in organizations and professional moaning, Anne Beate Reinertsen, Queen Maud University College
Mum ́s Dancing, Lise Hovik, Queen Maud University College
SkyLight: the Global Science Opera, Oded Ben-Horin, Stord Haugesund University College, and Gunhild A. Rolfsnes, Stord Haugesund University College, Norway
Arts-Based Research: Uses of Music, Performance, and Sat 039 Tech in Arts-Based Research
9:30-10:50 Union 405
Chair: Wenche Bruun Lien, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway
Music and Me: A Study of Self in Musical Performance and Education, Wenche Bruun Lien, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway, and Magne Espeland, Stord Haugesund University College
Provoking paradigmatic polyphony, Kathryn Ann Ricketts, University of Regina, and Vicki Lynn Kelly, Simon Fraser University
High and low tech tools for 21st century art education, Sohee Koo, Teachers College, Columbia University
Sat 040 Phenomenological Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry I
9:30-10:50 Union 406
Chair: Anthony Kwame Harrison, Virginia Tech
Bringing a Phenomenon to Life Through Dialogue: The Phenomenology of
the Phenomenological Interview, Erika Goble, NorQuest College, Yin Yin, University of Alberta, Catherine Adams, University of Alberta, and Francisco Vargas Madriz, University of Alberta
Phenomenological Interviews at a Distance: Reflexivity and Rapport Building,
Dan W Royer, Ball State University
Ethnographic Comportment as a Phenomenological Framework for Research Design, Anthony Kwame Harrison, Virginia Tech
Complicating Theoretical Reading in Doctoral Work, Tiffany Jacobs, Georgia State University, Kayla Myers, Georgia State University, Sarah Catherine Bridges-Rhoads, Georgia State University, and Hilary E. Hughes, Universiity of Georgia
Sounding Social Justice: The Politics and Possibilities for Sensuous Methodologies, Walter S. Gershon, Kent State University
Arts-Based Research: Social Semiotic Approach
Towards Meaning-Making Between Art-making and Sat 041 Writing for Dyslexic College Art Students
9:30-10:50 Union 407
(Session Organizer) Brian Bulfer, Teachers College,
Sat 042 Indigenous Research: Research as Ceremony
9:30-10:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: H. Monty Montgomery,
Yarning is far more than a Research Method, Stuart Allan Barlo, Southern Cross University
Bringing spirit into method: nahiykohk-pimohtewin (walking in balance just right), Joseph Naytowhow, Independent Artist & University of Saskatchewan, M.J. Barrett, University of Saskatchewan, and Marie Lovrod, University of Saskatchewan
Developing a Doctorate in Indigenous Philosophies, Shawn Wilson, Southern Cross University
The treasures of Indigenous knowledges: Voices living through our words,
Alfonso Montero, Jr., Lewis University, and Abunya Msughter Moses, Lewis University
Farming and More: What Animals Can Teach Us About Sat 043 Qualitative Research
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Karen M Hansen-Morgan, Ball State University
Follow the Herd: Steering the Literature and Researcher’s Voice in Qualitative Research, Kevin M Carey, Ball State University
Chameleon: The Changing Skin of the Interview, Aletta M Sanders, Ball State University
Ruminants: Chewing the Cud of Data Collection, Karen M Hansen-Morgan, Ball State University
Cats: Transforming your Qualitative Research Voice from Meek Meow to Roar,
Miki D Hamstra, Ball State University
Sat 044 Autoethnography: Family II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Bailige Aodong, Sociology
Brothers Writing the Body Disordered OR How to be Brothers with Disorderly Bodies, Derek Bolen, Angelo State University, and Zack Bolen, Saginaw Valley State University
Track 2: Musical Reflections on the Post-Autoethnographic Experience, Jessica Hennenfent, University of Georgia
Filial Piety, Act Humanity and Virtue: Significance of the Structure of Social Action- Social Studies of Conducting Oneself, Bailige Aodong, Sociology
Sat 045 Directions in Digital Tools II
11:00-12:20 Foreign L. G46
Chair: David Sharrard Noffs, Columbia College Chicago
Multimodality and L2 literacy, Min Wang, The University of Alabama Framework for analyzing collaborative knowledge construction in education,
Linda Leal, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Postpositivism in Online Education: Is Big Data Driving the Teacher/Student Relationship Off a Cliff?, David Sharrard Noffs, Columbia College Chicago
Sat 046 Yoga
11:00-12:20 Gregory 215
Chair: Anne Teresa Ness, St. Catherine University
Perceptions of Spirituality of Yoga in Minnesota: Is it Traditional?, Anne Teresa Ness, St. Catherine University, Karen Briles, St. Catherine University, and Patricia Mellang, deceased
Learning from Convergence: Instruction Strategies from a Mind-Body Practice,
Tegan Reeves, The University of Memphis, and Katharina A. Azim, The University of Memphis
Falling for Yoga to avoid falling: Falling in and out with our research assumptions!, Luis Javier Bartos Perez, Bowling Green State University, and Geoffrey A Meek, Bowling Green State University
A Formative Research Study Exploring Developmental Literacy Students’ Motivation while Engaged in Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Erika Koren Nielson, Texas State University
Sat 047 Ethnographic Developments I
11:00-12:20 Gregory 219
Chair: Laura Atkins, UIUC
Playing in the binaries of the child/adult, informant/researcher time space; Dilemmas of Authority, Janice Kroeger, Kent State University
On Publishing an Auto-Ethnographic book: Creativity, Confidence, Accountability, and Compromise., Phiona Stanley, UNSW Australia
Public Ethnography in a Disease Cluster Community, Laura Atkins, UIUC Sat 048 Psychology: Gender and Relationships
11:00-12:20 Gregory 223
Chair: Zeinab Tavakol, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences
Impact of Integrated Care on Individuals Struggling with Infertility and Pregnancy Loss, Bridget Asempapa, Ohio University
We Need To Talk: The Disclosure Process of Sexual Assault in Supportive Romantic Relationships, Nicole M. Lozano, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Perception of the marital satisfaction among Iranian women: A Qualitative Study, Zeinab Tavakol, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences
Throwing Like a Girl and Playing Like a Man: Performing Gender in Sport,
Jennifer R Hurst, Truman State University, and Nancy Daley-Moore, Truman State University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Studies Sat 049 in Education
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Oona Fontanella-Nothom, University of Missouri
“Critical Race Turning Points” Early childhood educators striving to de-center whiteness in their teaching., Oona Fontanella-Nothom, University of Missouri
Black Middle School Males and their Perceptions of a Suburban Community,
Corrie L. Theriault, Kennesaw State University
Literacies and Racial Ideology in an Urban School in Cali-Colombia, Beatriz Eugenia Guerrero Arias, Universidad del Valle
Revealing Transgressive Spaces: Acts of Resistance to Sat 050 Socially Constructed Realities in Academic Spaces
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Tedi Taylor Gordon, Athens State University
Navigating the School Environment: Skillful Encounters by High School Students in Academic and Transgressive Spaces, Tedi Taylor Gordon, Athens State University
Pushing through Accent Discrimination: Non-Native English Speaking Teachers’ Negotiation of Language and Identity, Josie Prado, University of Alabama- Birmingham, Suzanne Franks, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Alisha Wheeler, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Unpacking 8th Graders Understandings of Social and Intellectual Privilege,
Amanda Branscombe, Athens State University
Transgressive Traces within Digital Spaces, Kevin Dupre, Athens State University
The Road Less Traveled: A Journey from First-Generation College Student to College Professor, Tina Sloan, Athens State University
Sat 051 Education: Reflections on Teaching V
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Judith Preissle, University of Georgia
Don’t Forget Me: The Power of Being Remembered on a Teacher’s Pedagogical Development, Jeff Henning-Smith, Univ. of Minnesota – Twin Cities
From Batman to The Walking Dead: How Using Comics In The Classroom Helped Bridge The Gap Between Instructor and Student, Eric Bruce, Western Oregon University
When Should Students Learn About the Holocaust? A Multi-Modal Qualitative Investigation, Alexander Pope, Salisbury University
Cutting Together Apart the TeachingLearning of a Disruptive Introductory Qualitative Research Course in the Neoliberal Academy, Candace Kuby, University of Missouri, and Rebecca C. Aguayo, University of Missouri
Dewey’s Aesthetics and Qualitative Research, Judith Preissle, University of Georgia, and Kathleen deMarrais, University of Georgia
Sat 052 The International In Education II
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Adam Clark, Arizona State University
Perhaps Dimensions of Data: Exploring the Unknown, Hidden and Unseen.,
Adam Clark, Arizona State University
SALEACOM Network: Sharing Knowledge to Improve Most Disadvantage Groups’ Learning, aitor gomez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Maria Padros, Universitat de Barcelona, and Raul Barba, Universidad de Valladolid
Multiple Case Study : the Impact of Cultural Adjustment on Academic Self- Efficacy of Chinese Visiting Scholar(CVS) at Midwest Research University, Yage Guo, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and Xianquan CHrystal Liu, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
But We Don’t see it as Environmental Education: A Case study, Shahiba Ali, The University of the West Indies, and Jerome De Lisle, The University of the West Indies St Augustine
Sat 053 Transforming Narratives of Oppression and Resistance
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Gil Richard Musolf, Central Michigan University
Toward a Structure-and-Agency Theory of Oppression and Resistance, Gil Richard Musolf, Central Michigan University
Dupes, Schemers, or Mothers? Making Sene of Worker Agency and Constraint,
Jillian Crocker, SUNY–Westbury
Transforming Narratives of Health Oppression Through Aesthetic Collaborative Strategies, Jill Taft-Kaufman, Central Michigan University
Human Trafficking as Labor Requiring Revolutionary Social Action, Bonnie Wright, Ferris State University
Sat 054 Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering I
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Could Single Motherhood be a Lifestyle Choice?, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Mothering and the Politics of Food, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan Crying in Public: Disrupted Boundaries in the Experience of My Mother’s Illness
and Death, Gertrude J Fraser, University of Virginia Sat 055 Autoethnography: Spaces
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Francisco Vivoni, Worcester State University
Travelling the Third Place: Conferences as Third Places, David Purnell, Mercer University, and Deb Breede, Coastal Carolina University
The Space Between: A Ruminarrative, Donna Henson, Bond University- Australia
A Journey Across Space: Texas, Ohio, and Places In-Between, John Marc Cuellar, Ohio University
Wandering in the Neoliberal City: Autoethnographic Interventions on the Regulation of Public Life, Francisco Vivoni, Worcester State University
Tide Line, Dagmar Johanna Alexander, University of Edinburgh
Post 9/11: Reconceptualizing Identities, Methodologies, Sat 056 and Concepts
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Ji Young Shim, Pennsylvania State University
Terror and Manipulated Visual Culture, Ji Young Shim, Pennsylvania State University
Culture in between: Muslim American students’ experiences in U.S. public schools, Wesam M. Salem, The University of Memphis
Terror Walks: Moving Subjects and States of Perception, Alyssa D. Niccolini, Teachers College, Columbia University, and A. Jonathan Eakle, George Washington University
Warring Wor(l)ds: Stories as Soft Weapons and Resources of Hope, Tanya Halldórsdóttir, Canterbury Christ Church University
Plenary: Neoliberalism and Efforts to Silence Dissent
and Academic Freedom: Case Studies Inside/Outside Sat 057 the University
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Michelle Fine, CUNY
FOILED but not silenced: public intellectuals and the assault by corporate education reformers, Michelle Fine, CUNY
Slap Suits and Ethics Complaints: How Corporate Education Reformers Respond to Research They Do Not Like, Julia Sass Rubin, Rutgers University- New Brunswick
The Teacher’s Authority and the Courage to Educate, Guy Senese, Northern Arizona University
“Why Didn’t You Just Talk to Me?” Silencing Academic Freedom under the Neoliberal Discourse of New Public Management, Carolyne J. White, Rutgers University-Newark
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 058 Pedagogies
11:00-12:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Esther Taj Clark, Tennessee Technological University
Pedagogies of sacrifices: A developmental engagement model to validate storytelling in higher education research, Janet Rocha, UCLA
It’s not about Me. It’s about We: Cultural Responsiveness through Literature,
Esther Taj Clark, Tennessee Technological University
Teaching Without Borders: Active Centralized Empowerment. Janice Marie Collins, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Janice Collins, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Teaching Tough Topics, Joy Marie Anderson, Arizona State University Curricularizing Hurricane Katrina, David R Fisher, The University of South
Sat 059 Criticism of Thinking for Specific Quantitative Methods
11:00-12:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Charles Secolsky, Alternative Assessment Strategies
The Best and Worst of Covariates: Limitations of Analysis of Covariance,
Charles Secolsky, Alternative Assessment Strategies
Variables as Entities with Correlatioonal Methods:Too Much Structural Similarity, Thomas Judd, United States Military Academy
The Chi Square Statistic: Unrealistic Building Blocks for Understanding Reality,
Buddy Fish, Jackson State University
Story Analysis Is Not for the Quantitative Heart, Jack Appleton, University of Malaysia
Discussant, Charles Secolsky, Alternative Assessment Strategies
Digital Tools: Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG Sat 060 Mashup: A Working Meeting
11:00-12:20 Noyes 217
Chair: Kristi Jackson, Queri
Join our “town hall” style meeting designed to leverage the strengths of our diversities. We will review our activities since ICQI 2015, determine our priorities for the upcoming year, and identify a concrete, collaborative activity
for the SIG. After this 45-minute meeting, we will begin working on our activity while getting to know one another better. Whether you are a longstanding contributor to this community or new to the field of Digital Tools for Qualitative Research, we welcome your perspectives and are here to help you find resources that further your interests.,
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: Chinese Sat 061 ‘Sandwich’ Qualitative Research: How is it done?
11:00-12:20 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Xiudi Zhang, The University of Auckland,
Sat 062 These Times: an exploration of performance
11:00-12:20 Union 210
Chair: Desiree Rachel Yomtoob, Syracuse University
The Power of the Global Elite is Implicated Here., Desiree Rachel Yomtoob, Syracuse University
These Times: Just Like Old Times, Stephen Hocker, University of Illinois- Urbana
The Talk: Context, Contingency, and Meaning To Be Determined, Christina Ceisel, California State-Fullerton
Discussing #BlackLivesMatter in a Majority White Classroom, Kerry Wilson, University of Illinois-Urbana
The power of saying the “unsaid” as an act of empowering a voice in the academia and the fictional parallel side behind this power, Pamela Zapata- Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá
Sat 063 LGBTQ Issues I
11:00-12:20 Union 211
Chair: Alex Davenport, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Brothers and Sisters on this Earth: Judy Bonds’ Construction of Queer Motherhood, Alex Davenport, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Freaks, Geeks, Queers (and Femslash): The Enduring Need for Queer Online Spaces, Ashleigh N. Bingham, Ball State University, and Amanda O. Latz, Ball State University
Mariah Carey Lyrics, a Tool For Black LGBT Acceptance and Tackling Oppression in Schools? YES!, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University, and Michael Anthony Iarrapino, Central Connecticut State University
Humanities Initiative: Body-Chair: The entangled
relationship between a girl, wheelchair and the Sat 064 environment
11:00-12:20 Union 213
(Session Organizer) Lisa Marie Lacy, Arizona State University,
Neoliberalism, Inquiry, and the Ethico-Aesthetic Turn in Sat 065 Children’s Creative Practices
11:00-12:20 Union 215
Chair: Christopher Mark Schulte, Penn State University
An Introduction: Neoliberalism, Inquiry, and the Ethico-Aesthetic Turn in Children’s Creative Practices, Christopher Mark Schulte, Penn State University
Transubjective becomings and processual creativity in mother-daughter entangelments, Laura Trafi-Prats, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Lurking in the midst: An aesthetic co-emergence of art, literacies, and children’s intellectual lives, Jaye Thiel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sat 066 International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy II
11:00-12:20 Union 217
Chair: Kathryn McGinn Luet, Rowan University
BESA: on moral codes and boundary work – public sociology in the lecture hall.,
Anne Ryen, University of Agder
Educators’ Perceptions of Linguistic Diversity: The Impact on Teaching Methodology, Lavern Byfield, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Crystal Shelby-Caffey, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and Xiang Shen, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Is there a Madness to these Methods? Teaching Critical Pedagogy in an Era of Standardization, Kathryn McGinn Luet, Rowan University
The ethnography of a service-learning project: A 360 degree reflection,
Constance Carole Milbourne, Rhode Island College
Plenary: New Empiricisms/New Materialisms in Social Sat 067 Science Inquiry # 2
11:00-12:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University
From think-power to thing-power: Where childhood ‘things’ ‘speak to children’,
Marek Tesar, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Towards a biosocial ethics of material-affective assemblages: The role of chemistry in new empiricism, Elizabeth de Freitas, Manchester Metropolitan University
An Ontology of a Backflip, Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University
Knowing-in-Walking: The ‘Politics of Clean’ in the Campus Space of Appearance, Carol A Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University
Plenary: The marketisation of research: Implications for Sat 068 Qualitative Inquiry
11:00-12:20 Union 314 B
Chair: Yvonna S Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Fracking the Faculty: The Privatization of Public Knowledge, Yvonna S Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Publishing in the Neo-Liberal Universe and University, Mitch Allen, Mills College
The Research Market Place: Putting a “+” in our thinking and why this matters,
Julianne Cheek, Ostfold University College
Sat 069 Post–-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments II: Creations
11:00-12:20 Union 403
Chair: Jasmine Ulmer, Wayne State University
Staying with Zombies and Gender, Riikka Hohti, University of Helsinki Post–ing/ Post–cards/ Post Qual: Artful Entanglements in Becoming Differently,
Kelly Guyotte, University of Alabama
Flying beyond: Solidarity and Sámi multiplicities, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Sámi University College, Kautokeino
Pilot, Justin Hendricks, University of Florida
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies
Sat 070 for the 21st.century II
11:00-12:20 Union 404
Chair: Marit Ulvund, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway
A room of one’s own? Performing, writing and researching. A paper performance,
Marit Ulvund, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway
Autoethnographical writing and workplace safe spaces, Merete Moe, Queen Maud University College, and Anne Beate Reinertsen, Queen Maud University College
Arts-Based Research: Creative Collaborative Sat 071 Experiences in the Arts
Chair: Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity
Union 405
Working in ‘Ghost Labs’: Developing a collaborative process/event space of communal knowledge activism, Geoff Bright, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan Unversity, and Sarah McNicol, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University
Finding Ourselves/Finding Each Other: The Potential for Visual Duoethnography in Developing Academic Relationships, Jennifer Hamrock, Florida State University, and Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
The Producer and the Researcher, Sunniva Skjoestad Hovde, DMMH
Perspectives from Behind the Mask: The embodiment of duoenthnograhpy to deconstruct academic subjectivities , Erica Sponberg, Kansas State University, and Alexander Wimmer, Kansas State University
RE- Tweeting Citizenship, Savneet Kaur Talwar, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Sat 072 Phenomenological Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry II
11:00-12:20 Union 406
Chair: Bradley A Gangnon, Capella University
Creative Aging: Voices of Aging Artists and Interviewers’ Reflections, Thecla Damianakis, University of Windsor, Ellen Ryan, McMaster University, Deirdre Dawson, Baycrest, University of Toronto, and Lynn McCleary, Brock University
Using phenomenology to comprehend experiences about the use of medications: the construction of a methodological cascade, Yone de Almeida Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), and Djenane Ramalho-de- Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Qualitative Inquiry as Professional Practice: Autoethnography, Phenomenology, and Improving Teaching and Learning, Bradley A Gangnon, Capella University
First Grade Students’ Perceptions About Their Preschool And Elementary School Experience, Nefise Semra Erkan, Hacettepe University, Ilknur Tarman, Turgut Ozal University, Zeynep Seda Sanlı, Zafer Preschool, Yekta Koşan, Hacettepe University, and Isıl Omruuzun, Ankara-Polatlı Hatice Mevlut Yılmaz Middle School
Assisting Students who Struggle Academically: Discerning between “Caring for” and “Caring about”, Elizabeth Diener, Oklahoma City University, Debra Barnett, Oklahoma City University, Ronak Barwari, Oklahoma City University, Marlene Lockridge, Oklahoma City University, Vicky Reith, Oklahoma City University, and Amy Richards, Oklahoma City University
Sat 073 Indigenous Research: Arts-Based Research
11:00-12:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Jamie Singson,
Indigenous Painting and Print Portfolios: Collaborative Arts-Based Research,
Kryssi L Staikidis, Northern Illinois University
Imagining Wellness with Indigenous Youth through Art-based Research, Felice Yuen, Concordia University, Warren Linds, Concordia University, and Patti Ranahan, Concordia University
Broken Windows, Broken Promises: Grief, Privilege, and Hope in the Mythical Post Racial, A Call and Response, Martina Sharp-Grier, Stark State College, and Jennifer Martin, University of Mount Union
Engaging Indigenous Youth through a Popular Theatre Activity to Mobilize Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples’ Perspectives on Access to Healthcare Services, Brenda L Cameron, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Maria del Pilar Camargo Plazas, Queen’s University, Lindsey Ruth Hunt, Doctoral Candidate University of Alberta, Krista Hungler, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Anna Santos Salas, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, and R. Lisa Bourque Bearskin, Thompson Rivers University
Sat 074 Autoethnography: Family I
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Grace Ann Giorgio, UIUC
Singing Back the Gift of Refraction: Reflecting on the Results Given Back to Community after Ethnographic Fieldwork, Laurelann Porter, Arizona State University
Performing patriarchal family and its resistance in a neoliberal time, Tin-yuet Ting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Genres We Live By: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Family in Transition, Grace Ann Giorgio, UIUC
The Migration of a Smile, Devika Chawla, Ohio University Sat 075 The Humanities and Qualitative Research I
1:00-2:20 Foreign L. G46
Using Sociocultural and Language Socialization Perspectives to Study Online Communication between Native and Non-native English Speakers:, Ahmed Kadhum Fahad, University of Cincinnati
The Intersection of Critical Race Theory and Museums: The Educator’s Role in Facilitating Dialogues on Race in Gallery Settings, Hannah Heller, Teachers College, Columbia University
Engineering Students’ Needs in English for Specific Purposes, Kaine Gulozer, Yıldız Technical University
Teachers’ Capacity as a Determining Factor Towards Effective Inclusionary Programs in Full Service Schools in South Africa, Mahlapahlapana Johannes Themane, University of Limpopo
Dalit Poverty and the Responsibility to Protect: Localizing Cosmopolitan Obligation, Santosh Kumar, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi
Psychology: Deconstructing Self-Destruction through Sat 076 Ethnography of Improv for Social Anxiety Classes
1:00-2:20 Gregory 213
Chair: ken gergen, Swarthmore College
(Session Organizer) Marianna Staroselsky, University of Chicago; (Discussant) Kevin Sparrow, Nothing Without a Company; (Chair) ken gergen, Swarthmore College,
Sat 077 Directions In Indigenous Research I
1:00-2:20 Gregory 215
Chair: Raymond Charles Real Anicete, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
The Relationship of Filipino Muslims with their Filipino Christian Fellow- Community in Batangas City, Philippines, Raymond Charles Real Anicete, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
When it’s better not to ask: Ethical Considerations when Interviewing Women Engaged in Transactional Sex Work, Stavroula Kyriakakis, Adelphi University School of Social Work, and Sadie Goddard-Durant, Department of Psychology, University of Guelph
How Teachers use Data in Early Childhood Centers across Trinidad and Tobago: Contradictions and Insights, Sabeerah Abdul-Majied, School of Education, The University of the West Indies St Augustine, Jerome De Lisle, The University of the West Indies St Augustine, Rhoda Mohammed, Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago, and Alicia Gayah-Batchasingh, School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Who is Seen? Exploring Stigma in the Context of Growing Neoliberalism in Healthcare., Shrivridhi Shukla, School of Social Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Sat 078 Ethnographic Developments II
1:00-2:20 Gregory 219
Chair: Kumar Ravi Priya, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
A Trioethnographic Methods Dérive: Educational Philosophies Indelibly Unflattening, Amanda O. Latz, Ball State University, Ashleigh N. Bingham, Ball State University, and Jessika O. Griffin, Ball State University
The eventful space of learning: Mobilities, nomadism and other tactical maneuvers, Rachel Fendler, Florida State University
Being Co-Sufferers and Co-Healers: Reflections of Being an Ethnographer of Disaster Survivors in India, Kumar Ravi Priya, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 079 Approaches to Language
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Language of Classroom Instruction: A Case of How and Why Codeswitching Persist During Instruction, Dr. Uju C Ukwuoma, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, and Lone Ketsitlile, Botswana International University of Science & Technology
Democracy in the Classroom: Qualitative Inquiry into the Challenges of Teaching Adults Beginners ESL Class, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Oral History as an Ethnography of How Violence and Fear Have Changed Culture, Paula Marie Dawidowicz, Walden University
Student Experiences of Qualitative Inquiry in
a Community Psychology Graduate Program: Sat 080 Opportunities, Challenges, and Resources
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1002
Chair: Amber N Castellon-Kraft, University of Illinois at Chicago
Synthesizing Alternative Qualitative Research Training Through the Master’s Thesis Project, Amber N Castellon-Kraft, University of Illinois at Chicago
Considering Qualitative Inquiry: Challenges and Successes of Using Qualitative Methods to Reach Academic Milestones, Lindsay Bynum, University of Illinois at Chicago
Faculty Support for Qualitative Inquiry: a Graduate Student Perspective, Sarah Gabriella Hernandez, University of Illinois Chicago
Balancing Academic Requirements and Community Needs: A Qualitative Dissertation Project, Ana G Genkova, University of Illinois-Chicago
Sat 081 Education: Reflections on Teaching VI
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Elizabeth Isidro, Texas Tech University
An Examination of Teacher Implicit Bias and Teaching Practice, Shani Kerr, University of Alabama
Rewriting Curriculum Through Aesthetics: A Teaching Experiment, Elizabeth Isidro, Texas Tech University
Teachers’ emotions entangled with curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand, Alison Warren, Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand
[Re]imagining caring teacher-student relations in an accountability-driven era,
Shameem Rakha, Washington State University
Hearing-impaired University Students’ Readiness for Graduation: Action Research for Solving Problems, Zehranur Kaya, Anadolu University School
for the Handicapped Instructor, Meltem Anay, Anadolu University, Yildiz Uzuner, Anadolu University, Guzin Karasu, Anadolu University, and Gokcen Abali, Anadolu University School for the Handicapped Instructor
Sat 082 Conceptualizing Race
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Wilfredo Alvarez, Northeastern Illinois University
Ethnographic Analysis of Latina/o Immigrant Janitors’ Organizational Experiences: Implications for Social Identity Intersectionality Theory, Wilfredo Alvarez, Northeastern Illinois University
“The Other in Me:” Race, Teachers’ Subjectivities, Social Justice in South Carolina Public High Schools, Mary Adkins Cartee, University of British Columbia
Becoming Raced: Kenyan International Students’ Experiences with Language and Race in the United States, Rosemary N Nduati, Syracuse University
The Problem with “The Problem of Whiteness”: A Critical Discourse Analysis,
Tray Geiger, Arizona State University, and Jessica Holloway-Libell, Kansas State University
When data repeats itself: Recasting member-checking in a new light, Shameem Rakha, Washington State University
Sat 083 Uses Of The Narrative I
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1028
Chair: M. Beth Page, University of Victoria
A Qualitative Research Study: Leading with Heart, M. Beth Page, University of Victoria
Rendering Lives in Context: Using Portraiture as Methodology for Critical Life History Work, Gloria Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University
De/fragmenting Narratives: A Post-Oppositional Arts-Based Analytic Approach to Narrative Construction, Suppression, Fragmentation, Expansion, and Connection, Paul Maxfield, Kansas State University
Sat 084 Autoethnography: Motherhood and Mothering II
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan
Voices from within the Adoption Triangle, B Lee Murray, University of Saskatchewan, and Kerri Kearney, Oklahoma State University
Living a Family-Life with Neurofibromatosis Type1: An Autoethnographic Report from a Mother, Irene Caubo-Damen, VU medical center, Tineke Abma, VU medical center, Geert Van Hove, VUmc, Karen Schipper, VUmc, and Alice Schippers, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN)
Reconstructing Identity: The Everyday Management of Career and Non-Parent Identities, Caryn Euting Medved, Baruch College
Sat 085 Autoethnography: Sport
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lost in Translation, Matthew Haugen, University of Illinois
Sport, politics, and the US-South Korea relations in the neoliberal ground: A self-narrative approach, Na Ri Shin, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, and Doo-Jae Park, Eastern Illinois University
Have You Met Fran? On Becoming a Member of a Crossfit Box, Shaun Edmonds, University of Maryland College Park
Continually Arriving at the Starting Point, Anne Merrem, University of Alabama
Intersectionality, Microaggressions, and Microaffirmations: Towards a Cultural Praxis of Sport Coaching, Brian Gearity, University of Denver, and Lynett HendersonMetzger, University of Denver
Sat 086 Spotlighted Papers I
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1066
The Iterative Process of Faculty Self-Authorship: Cultural Influences on Faculty Values and Role Prioritization in a Biology Department, Melissa M. Haswell, Davenport University
A Dialectical Analysis of Stolen Valor Vigilantism, Faith A Agostinone, Aurora University
Theory and Qualitative Research: How a Theoretical Framework Can Inform and Influence the Qualitative Research Process, Jacqueline Knapke, University of Cincinnati, and Lisa M. Vaughn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Radical Excavations of Narratives: A Post-Oppositional,
Liminal, Arts-Based Analytical Approach to Qualitative Sat 087 Inquiry
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Kakali Bhattacharya, Kansas State University
Diving Deep into Data: Radical Acts of Excavation, Externalization, and Tracing Liminal Pathways, Kakali Bhattacharya, Kansas State University
Personal Iconography, Blurring Dualities, and Building Connections with an Arts-Based Analysis in Qualitative Inquiry, Meaghan Cochrane, Kansas State University
De/fragmenting Narratives: A Post-Oppositional Arts-Based Analytic Approach to Narrative Construction, Suppression, Fragmentation, Expansion, and Connection, Paul Maxfield, Kansas State University
Reflections, Comments, and Facilitation of Conversation, Johnny Saldana, Arizona State University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Why PSAs
Matter: Translating Research and Digital Media Sat 088 Production in Social Justice Education
1:00-2:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Korina Jocson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Toward New Texts and New Conversations: Digital Media Production in Social Justice Education, Korina Jocson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Settler Colonialism in K-12 Curriculum, Talia London, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Critical Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Approaches in Urban Education,
Joel Ariel Arce, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Alternative Schooling and Supporting Racially Minoritized Youth, Alberto Guerrero, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Decentering “Self-Reflexivity:” Autobiography and Sat 089 Challenges of Posthumanism in Qualitative Research
1:00-2:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Mary Newbery, Teachers College, Columbia University
Feminist and Posthumanist Autobiography as Dys-Temporal Re-Membering,
Mary Newbery, Teachers College, Columbia University
Autobiographical Writings of an Art Encounter: Crafting Self-Reflexivity as a Deleuzian Assemblage, Marie-France Berard, University of British Columbia
Imprints of “Touching” Autobiographical Intra-Actions, Maya Pindyck, Teachers College, Columbia University, and Kay Gordon, Teachers College, Columbia University
The Ontological Subject: Material and Discursive Intra-actions and Implications for Self-Reflexive Research Practices, Janet Miller, Teachers College Columbia University
Discissant, Wanda Pillow, University of Utah
Forum of Critical Chinese Qualitative Research: A Study
Of Intrinsic Case Study With Democratic Evaluative Sat 090 Tradition
1:00-2:20 Union 209
(Session Organizer) Yanming Ren, The Faculty of Education and Social Work, Unoversity of Auckland,
Autoethnography: Taking Care: Stories of Sibling
Caregiving in the Thick of, and Aftermath of Familial Sat 091 Trauma
1:00-2:20 Union 210
Chair: Amber Klee, University of South Florida
‘Till Death Do Us Together: A Systemic Approach to Sibling Relationships in the Aftermath of Parental Loss, Tasha Rennels, Augustana University
Mothering My Siblings, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida Children, caregivers, and embodied, vulnerable beings., Ashley Martinez,
University of South Florida
What Makes Me So Special?: A Story of Sibling Guilt and Undeserved Happiness, Amber Klee, University of South Florida
Sat 092 LGBTQ Issues II
1:00-2:20 Union 211
Chair: Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
“My mother’s not gonna like me”: Life History of a Second-Generation West African Gay Male, Michael D Bartone, Central Connecticut State University
“You know this already, but…”: Negotiating Familiarity during Auto/ Ethnographic Fieldwork, Michael L. Forst, Southern Illinois University
Towards a Diverse Vision of Aging: Negotiating Identity, Ashley K. Flanagan, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, LIsbeth A. Berbary, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, and Sherry L. Dupuis, Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
Post-qualitative Movements: from Work Past to Future Uncertainty, Neil Carey, Manchester Metropolitan University
Sat 093 Researching in and through embodied encounters
1:00-2:20 Union 213
Chair: Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Sámi University College, Kautokeino
Experimenting – Researching in and through embodied encounters, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Sámi University College, Kautokeino
Reaching – Researching in and through embodied encounters, Eeva Anttila, University of the Arts Helsinki
Rotating – Researching in and through embodied encounters, Anita Valkeemaki, University of the Arts Helsinki
Wandering – Researching in and through embodied encounters, Teija Loytonen, Aalto University
Sat 094 Rethinking Qualitative Inquiry as Social Justice Activism
1:00-2:20 Union 215
Chair: Sophy Cai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative Inquiry as a Pedagogical Intervention: A Case of Integrating Poverty Studies in Business Research, Education, and Social Services, Sophy Cai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Embracing an Activist Research Methodology by Decolonizing the ‘Self ’, Nancy Emilce Carvajal Medina, Washington State University
Metamorphosis of Shame through Intercultural Experiences: A Critical Autoethnographical Study, Sula You, The University of Oklahoma
Qualitative Inquiry in Community’s Response to Tragedy: Social Justice Activism as a Counteraction to Neoliberal Ideology, Revital Zilonka, UNCG
Sat 095 International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy III
1:00-2:20 Union 217
Chair: Jessica Gilway, Appalachian State University
Listening to Adult Learners: Innovators and Struggling Innovators, Bradley A Gangnon, Capella University
A Life Defining Moment: Graduates Speak about Lasting Impacts of International Student Teaching, Jessica Gilway, Appalachian State University, and Roma Angel, Appalachian State University
Teachers’ effectiveness through the eyes of their students: resistance against banal institutional regulations, Pablo Enrique Acosta Acosta, University of Cauca, Yazmin Delgadillo Collazos, University of Cauca, and Nelsy Alexandra Delgado Burbano, University of Cauca
Zero-tolerance: The Practice of Educational Suppression, Dilber Celebi, Texas Tech University
Autoethnography: Plenary: Constructing a Post- Sat 096 University Life
1:00-2:20 Union 314 A
Chair: Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida
(Chair) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida; (Session Organizer) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida; (Chair) Art Bochner, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Ken Gergen, Swarthmore College; (Discussant) Ronald Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; (Discussant) Mary Gergen, Penn State University; (Discussant) Mitch Allen, Mills College; (Discussant) Laurel Richardson, The Ohio State University,
Sat 097 Plenary: Secular Schools in a Religiously Saturated Era
1:00-2:20 Union 314 B
(Session Organizer) Melanie Stonebanks, Bishop’s University; (Chair) Michael Giardina, Florida State University,
Sat 098 Post-–Qualitative Mo(ve)ments III: Writings
1:00-2:20 Union 403
Chair: Marek Tesar, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Ruminatus:What Can a Living Literature Review Do?, Zofia Zaliwska, University of Toronto
“Treat Writing as a Flow, Not a Code”: Literature Review as Rhizoanalysis,
Jennifer Bogdanich, University of Georgia
Writing in Cramped Spaces: Doing Interdisciplinary Research In/between the Thousand Disciplinary Plateaus, Marcelina Piotrowski, University of British Columbia
Alienating Apparatuses: Encounters with the Dissertation Editor, Courtney L. Rath, University of Oregon
Cultivating Skepticism and Generosity in Science Education: An Autoethnographic Exploration of My Relationship with/in the Sciences, Tristan Gleason, University of Oregon
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms; Pedagogies Sat 099 for the 21st.century III
1:00-2:20 Union 404
Chair: Anne Beate Reinertsen, Queen Maud University College
BESA: on moral codes and boundary work – public sociology in the lecture hall.,
Anne Ryen, University of Agder
Pikettytalk and infra-empiricism life descriptions; taking a serious interest in money, Anne Beate Reinertsen, Queen Maud University College, and Noreen M Sugrue, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Global Musicking; the dangerous difference, Sunniva Skjoestad Hovde, DMMH
Sat 100 Arts-Based Research: Identity, Disability, and Poetry
1:00-2:20 Union 405
Chair: Jillian Ford, Kennesaw State University
“Mental Illness” as a Diasporic Response to Contemporary Colonialism, Jillian Ford, Kennesaw State University
Hidden Disabilities that Affect: Affect Theory, Poetry and Oral History Interviews that (Un)Hide Disability, Nicole Eugene, Ohio University
“Lies for Learning”: The Poetics of Teaching with a Hidden Disability., Nicole Eugene, Ohio University
Concrete Research Poetry, elisabeth lowenstein, midsized midwestern state university
Power in Poetry: A Journey to Creative Representation of Qualitative Findings,
Jessie A Barnett, Center for Learning Innovation, University of Minnesota Rochester, and Jessica L Muilenburg, The University of Georgia
Sat 101 Reality, Realism, And The Real
1:00-2:20 Union 406
Chair: Jim Scheurich, Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)
What Is the Nature of “Reality,” Who Created It, and What Are Implications for Research, Jim Scheurich, Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Reflecting on Robert Stake’s journey from Realism to Constructivism, Layane Thomas Mabasa, University of Limpopo
Multiple Realities and Constructed Meanings: Identifying and Treating Rumor as Data, Amy E Stich, Northern Illinois University, and Jodi Lampi, Northern Illinois University
A Critical Realist Explanatory Framework relying on a Grammar-based Process Model, Bruno Da Rocha Braga, Brasília’s Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology
Temporalities of research in a society of control: durations and urgencies of academic practice, Claudia Lapping, UCL Institute of Education
Arts-Based Research: Performative Dissertations: Arts- Sat 102 based Research in the Academy
1:00-2:20 Union 407
Chair: Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Giving Voice to the Fear, Eniola T. L. Burton Smith, National Louis University
“Estrellas Fugaces”: Using Performance Text to Encourage Latinas to Persist in Gaining Higher Education, Maribel Lopez, National Louis University, and Joan Richards, National Louis University
Storycatchers Theatre: An Investigation of Arts Educational Programming as Social Change Agent, Wilson Cain III, National Louis University
Mentoring Arts Based Dissertations: Joys and Challenges, Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Indigenous Research: Indigenous Methologies in Sat 103 Education
1:00-2:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Joseph Naytowhow,
Māori Undergraduate Qualitative Research Experience, Pania Una Elizabeth Matthews, Te Wānanga o Āotearoa
Examining the Positive effects of Culturally rich experiences of Initial Teacher Training student, Pania Una Elizabeth Matthews, Te Wānanga o Āotearoa
A Research Capacity Building Model for Pushing Indigenous Methodologies forward in Academia and in Practice, Jennifer Nutton, School of Social Work, McGill University, Elizabeth Fast, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, and Mireille De La Sablonnière-Griffin, School of Social Work, McGill University
Flying with and beyond words: Learning and be(com)ing Sámi, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Sámi University College, Kautokeino
Sat 104 Improvisation
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Marit Kulild, Hogskolen Stord/Haugesund, Norway
Improvisation as a Nexus in Pre- Teacher Education: A Source for Professionalization? Marit Kulild, Hogskolen Stord/Haugesund, Norway, Marit Kulild, Hogskolen Stord/Haugesund, Norway
Rehearsing Pedagogical Improvisation, Oded Ben-Horin, Stord Haugesund University College
Towards a Vertical and Dynamic Knowledge Construction for Building Improvisational Repertoires in Teaching?, Magne Espeland, Stord Haugesund University College, Helga Aadland, Stord/Haugesund University College, and Sissel Høisæter, Stord Haugesubd University College
Sat 105 Autoethnography: Education II
Chair: Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech
A Diagram of a Fragmented Mind, Sungyong Ahn, Institute of Communications Research at UIUC
Foreign L. G36
They Killed Off Jay Gatsby and Kurt Cobain: Exploring Disposable Identities in an In[Ex]clusive Society, Jacqueline Pruder St. Antoine, Eastern Michigan University
If I Knew Then. . . ., Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs, Virginia Tech
(Re)learning to be. An autoethnography of studying abroad during the PhD,
Qiana Green, Michigan State University
Sat 106 The Humanities and Qualitative Research II
2:30-3:50 Foreign L. G46
Defining Community Through Research, Alexander Pope, Salisbury University Saturday OFFICIAL PROGRAM 319
The Ethics of Care and Environmental Sustainability: An Alternative Approach to Global Ethics, Manuu Singh, University of Delhi
Student Empowerment and Math Education, Karie Christine Brown-Tess, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Keeping Watch: Care of the Self and Apple’s keynote presentations of the Apple Watch, Nicole Eugene, Ohio University
Sat 107 Psychology: Discourse Analysis
2:30-3:50 Gregory 213
Chair: Satu Venäläinen, University of Helsinki
Happiness and Resilience as Psychological Technologies for the Government of Subjectivity in the Mexican Context, Antar Martínez Guzmán, Universidad de Colima
Se faire soi. The construction of professional identity of young people in Valle d’Aosta Region in Italy, Angelo Benozzo, Università della Valle d’Aosta, and Federico Sofritti, Università della Valle d’Aosta
Affective-Discursive Analyzing of Negotiations of Womanhood with Women Imprisoned for Violent Crimes, Satu Venäläinen, University of Helsinki
Positioning Theory and Social Justice: Understanding How Individuals Hold Complex and Competing Perspectives around Sexual Orientation, Christina Wright, University of Michigan Health Systems
Sat 108 Directions In Indigenous Research II
2:30-3:50 Gregory 215
Chair: Thomas Christ, University of Bridgeport
Teaching Critical and Emancipatory Research: Three Techniques, Thomas Christ, University of Bridgeport
Introducing Thinking Tools for Improving Analysis of Qualitative Data by Students from Various Ethnic Groups., Mira Karnieli, Oranim College of Education
Towards the inclusion of Roma families in education, aitor gomez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Maria Padros, Universitat de Barcelona, and Raul Barba, Universidad de Valladolid
Sat 109 Psychology: Nature and Mindfulness
2:30-3:50 Gregory 223
Chair: Rachel Arianna Leipow, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Save the Humans: Rehabilitating Reductionist, Anthropocentric Views of Petkeeping With Ecopsychology. Kay Chai, Duquesne University, Kay Yu Yuan Chai, Duquesne University
Understanding Experiences of Individuals Engaging in Buddhist Practices,
Rachel Arianna Leipow, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Nathan Todd, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Wendy Heller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Michael Kral, Wayne State University
Qualitative Research and the Preservation of Meaning, James M Nelson, Valparaiso University, and Brent Slife, Brigham Young University
Similarities between ‘Flawless Consulting’ and Ancient Eastern Philosophies,
Julian Laboy, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 110 Ethnographies
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1000
Chair: Susan Linda Street, CIESAS-Occidente
Dual-sited Critical Ethnography: Neoliberal Constraints and Decolonial Possibilities in Education Research, dinorah sánchez loza, University of California, Berkeley
An Autoethnographic Approach to Emergent Participatory Epistemologies ‘on the Ground’; Convivial Activist Spirals and Community Networking in Mexico’s Urban Periphery, Susan Linda Street, CIESAS-Occidente
Breaking Even and Breaking Out: Life on the Professional Tennis Tour, Matthew Haugen, University of Illinois, Edward Horne, University of Illinois, David Chung, University of Illinois, and Nuno Filipe Ribeiro, Department of Recreation, Sport & Tourism; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Learning to Think Critically in the Healthcare Field: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Erika Lourenco de Freitas, Regis University School of Pharmacy, and Djenane Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
What’s the Lived Reality? Global Health through Ethnography: Realizing Narratives of Being and Lived Experiences, Understanding Global Struggles, Peter Lee, CUNY Brooklyn College
Sat 111 Education: Reflections on Teaching VII
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Mychelle Hadley Smith, Tarrant County College
Academic Language Equity in Higher Education, Dorota Silber, TTU, and Abdellatif Al Sager, Tennessee Technological University
Don’t Choose C! Battling Standardization with Choice, Freedom, and High Expectations., Mychelle Hadley Smith, Tarrant County College
Self-reflection, Embodied Empathy and Social Action: Cultural Humility Through the Use of Art, Aravindhan Natarajan, University of Toledo, and Heather Murphy Sloane, University of Toledo
An Educational Research in the Area of Special Education : Why Action Research?, Guzin Karasu, Anadolu University, Yildiz Uzuner, Anadolu University, and Ayse Beral, Anadolu University
Sat 112 Critical Race Theory
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1027
Chair: Joanne Hall, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Racial Health Disparities: Stress-related Problems Emerging from Microaggressions, Joanne Hall, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Omar Little and Revolutionary Trickster Politics: Cultural Myths and Research Methods, Andrew G Jenkins, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Complaining” while abroad: How “microaggressions” forced students of color and working class students to self-segregate, Peggy Shannon-Baker, University of Cincinnati
A Duoethnography of Disruption: Resisting Viscous Whiteness in Teacher Education, Asilia Franklin, University of Oregon, and Courtney L. Rath, University of Oregon
Sat 113 Uses Of The Narrative II
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1028
Chair: Sherri Rae Colby, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Establishing the Chaotic Synergy: An Exploration of Wide-Awakeness in a High School Visual Arts Course, Rebecca Williams, Murray State University
Counting to be Counted: Decision Spaces in United Nations Climate Negotiations, Alex Davenport, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Applying Ricoeur’s hermeneutics to data analysis: Poetic possibilties, Sherri Rae Colby, Texas A&M University-Commerce, and Brett Bodily, North Lake College
“It hasn’t been that bad”. Urban decline and the ambivalence of ‘home’ through the lens of poetic analysis, Steacy Chad, University of Geography, Department of Geography
Sat 114 Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography I
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Ed Check, Texas Tech University
Written Out of Our Own Art Exhibition Catalog Essay: A Performance/A Response, Ed Check, Texas Tech University, and Andres Peralta, Texas Tech University
Physical marks of a “homossexualist” speech, Gustavo Antonio Raimondi, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), Nelson Filice de Barros, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), and Flávia do Bonsucesso Teixeira, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)
“I Gave All My Money to the Drag Queens”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Gender and Drag, Emily Vajjala, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bona Polari as an Omi-Polone: An Autoethnography of Hidden Queer Lexicon,
Colin Whitworth, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Sat 115 Autoethnography: The Bodily
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1062
Chair: Sophie Smailes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Fat woman seeks space to flounder and flow, Sophie Smailes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Branded by the nation: how Chavez got under our skin, Ezequiel Korin, University of Georgia
It Got Better: An Autoethnography of an (un)wounded, bullied body, Sean Swenson, University of South Florida
Caught Between Striving for and Resisting Cultural Standards of Beauty: An Autoethnographic Journey, Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida
Sat 116 Spotlighted Papers II
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Melissa Freeman, The University of Georgia
Evaluation as Hermeneutic Dialogue: Care as a Shared Enactment of the Responsibility to Understand, Melissa Freeman, The University of Georgia
Examining Cyberbullying Bystander Behavior Using a Multiple Goals Perspective, Sarah Jones, Arizona State University, and Matthew Savage, University of Kentucky
Bias of Medical Professionals in Advising Patients about Distance Running,
Theresa A. Walton-Fisette, Kent State University, and Jennifer L. Walton- Fisette, Kent State University
Sat 117 Spotlight: Recognizing a Canadian West
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Brian Rusted, University of Calgary
Ghosts and their Analysts: Writing and Reading Toward Something Like Justice for Murdered or Missing Indigenous Women, Kara Granzow, University of Lethbridge, and Amber Dean, McMaster University
What a Man: Portrayals of Masculinity and Race in Calgary Stampede Ephemera, Susan Joudrey, Saint Mary’s University
Disrupting Colonial Narratives: Payepot’s Moccasins Revisited, Tobias Sperlich, University of Regina, and Lace Marie Brogden, University of Regina
Intimacies of Rock: Ethnographic Considerations of Posthuman Performativity in Canada’s Rocky Mountains, Bryanne Young, Communications Studies
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical &
Phenomenological Purview of the Social Reintegration Sat 118 of Combat Veterans into American Society
2:30-3:50 Lincoln 1092
Chair: MaryCatherine McDonald, College of the Holy Cross
From Skill Set to Symptoms – The Trauma of Diagnosis, MaryCatherine McDonald, College of the Holy Cross
Moral Injury: Inquisition of the unseen trauma of ‘invisible wounds’, Richard LaFleur, The College of the Holy Cross
Violence and Solidarity: The Cathartic Release of Archetypal Drives in Combat,
Gary Senecal, The College of the Holy Cross
Spotlight: New Methods: Analysis Of Empirical Materials Sat 119 I
2:30-3:50 Noyes 100
Chair: Jim Scheurich, Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Radical Reconstructions of the Imperial Project Known as Research, Jim Scheurich, Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Polyangulation as an attempt to revisit the Interpretive Zone, Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Tatiana Salazar Patiño, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Tatiana Chiquito, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Tyrone Steven Orrego, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Configurations and Affractions – Post-humanist Qualitative Data Production in Classroom Studies, Eva Reimers, Linköping University, Linnea Stenliden, Linköping University, Anna Bylund, Linköping university, Mathias Martinsson, Linköping University, Lars Wallner, Linköping University, and Katarina Elfström Pettersson, Linköping University
Autoethnography: Sibling Identities: Narrativizing the Creation, Maintenance, and Disintegration of Sibling (Dis)Connection and Attempts at (Re)Defining What it
Sat 120 Means to be Sisters and Brothers.
2:30-3:50 Union 210
Chair: Amber Klee, University of South Florida
Breeching our sibling code: A narrative of finally saying “I love you” for the first time to my sister as adults, Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida
(Un)Defining Sibling Identities Through Silence, Hannah Prince, University of South Florida
Dead or Alive: Sibling Maintenance of a Deceased and an Absent Sibling, David Purnell, Mercer University
Wholly-Struggling: Searching for Half-Sibling Identity Long After Trauma,
Amber Klee, University of South Florida
New feminist poststructuralisms and the neoliberal Sat 121 university
2:30-3:50 Union 211
Chair: Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne
Ethical challenges to neoliberal governmentality, Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne
Anthropocene’s children: diffractive possibilities of research in neoliberal universities, Margaret Somerville, Western Sydney University
: Putting ethical challenges to practice at work: Using poststructural theorising to interrupt business-as-usual in the university, Lise Bird Claiborne, University of Waikato
Sat 122 Directions In Active Interviews
2:30-3:50 Union 213
Chair: Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia
Difficult Discussions: Addressing sexual health in aging America, Terra Rasmussen Lenox, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Jonathan Dellinger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Understanding the evolution of special education teacher roles through oral history techniques, Marilyn S Kaff, Kansas State University
“I Just Wanna Ask What You’d Have Done”: Examining How Participants’ Advice Requests Shape Interviews, Stephanie Anne Shelton, The University of Georgia
Epistemics and Qualitative Interviewing, Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia
Zen and the Art of Qualitative Interviewing, Chris J Patti, Appalachian State University
Sat 123 Rethinking the Global and Neoliberalism
2:30-3:50 Union 215
Chair: Koeli Moitra Goel, UIUC
What Global South? Methodological reflections about researching in contemporary Chile, Nicolas Schongut, Universidad Gabriela Mistral
Teacher Education Reform as Political Theater: Modernization Dramas in Global Neoliberal Contexts, Olena Aydarova, Arizona State University
Critical Discourse Analysis on Global Talent and English proficiency represented in Korean newspapers, KaHyun Kim, Chung-Ang University, and Dongil Shin, Chung-Ang University
Building Brands: India’s neoliberal Present and the Entrepreneur as Ideal Citizen,
Koeli Moitra Goel, UIUC
Pedagogies and Performances of Friendship: Foucault, Sat 124 Ascesis and Qualitative Inquiry
2:30-3:50 Union 217
Chair: Marek Tesar, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Constituting the Professional Self: Academic Friendships through a Foucauldian Lens, Marek Tesar, University of Auckland, New Zealand
A Duet: Singers-Researchers Modulating through Ascesis, Joseph P Dunn, University of Memphis, and Susan Nordstrom, University of Memphis
Gay Ascesis: Ethics of Strategic Disorientation and the Pedagogies of Friendship,
David Lee Carlson, Arizona State University
Foucault, Ecology, Artistic Research, Koskinen Anu, Theatre Academy of the University of Arts, Finland
Autoethnography: Plenary: Moving, Tracing,
and Tracking: Micro-Making in a Multi-Sited Sat 125 Autoethnography
2:30-3:50 Union 314 A
(Session Organizer) Stacy L Holman Jones, Monash University, Melbourne; (Discussant) Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh; (Discussant) Anne Harris, Monash University,
Plenary: Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal Sat 126 accountability metrics scenario
2:30-3:50 Union 314 B
Chair: aitor gomez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Thomas Schwandt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Mitch Allen, Mills College
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Karen Staller, University of Michigan
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Yvonna S Lincoln, Texas A&M University
Qualitative Inquiry in the neoliberal accountability metrics scenario, Julianne Cheek, Ostfold University College
Sat 127 Post–-Qualitative Mo(ve)ments IV: Doings
2:30-3:50 Union 403
Chair: Marc Higgins, University of British Columbia
Sublime Inquiry: A Look into a Post–Qualitative Dissertation in Progress, Jessie Daniels, University of Georgia
Pushing the Boundaries of Linguistic Landscape: Reading Internationalized University Space as an Entanglement of Material-Discursive Texts, Emily Mathis, University of Oregon
From Coeducation to Gender Segregation: Deconstructing Mo(ve)ment of Distraction, Rouhollah Aghasaleh, The University of Georgia
Academic Capitalism in Undergraduate Education: Neoliberalism as an Abstract Machine of Overcoding, Laura Elizabeth Smithers, University of Oregon
Refusal and “Post” Qualitative Inquiry, Spirit Brooks, University of Oregon Methodsfestivals and moments of realisms; pedagogies
Sat 128 for the 21st.century IV
2:30-3:50 Union 404
Chair: Marit Ulvund, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway
Echo Theatre – supporting performative and narrative competence through staging life stories, Marit Ulvund, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway
A Music Educator’s Role in the Creative Science Classroom: An Auto- Ethnography, Gunhild A. Rolfsnes, Stord Haugesund University College, Norway, and Oded Ben-Horin, Stord Haugesund University College
Reviewing the Concept of Improvisation in Education as a Cross- curricular Concept: Irreconcilable Traditions or Emerging and Evolutionary Moments of Realism?, Kari Holdhus, Stord-hauhesund University College, Sissel Høisæter, Stord Haugesubd University College, Kjellfrid Mæland, Stord Haugesund University College, Vigdis Vangsnes, Stord Haugesund University College, and Magne Espeland, Stord Haugesund University College
Arts-Based Research: Art Methods and Methodologies Sat 129 in Practice
2:30-3:50 Union 405
Chair: Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Arts Based Methods and the New Materialisms: Why they Need One Another,
Jerry Lee Rosiek, University of Oregon
Appropriation Revisited: Remixing Creative Analytic Practices, Brian Kumm, The University of Georgia, and Joseph A. Pate, Young Harris College
Improvisational Philosophies and Strategies to Promote Individual and Social Change, Nicole Buras, Triton Community College, and Matt Elwell, CSz Worldwide
Teaching Qualitative Research Through Pop Culture: An Arts-Based Activity,
Adrienne Trier-Bieniek, Valencia College
Qualitative Research Techniques in Design Studio, Meltem Anay, Anadolu University
Thinking with Theory: Thinking with Bell, Butler, Sat 130 Foucault, and Spivak
2:30-3:50 Union 406
Chair: Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University
The Discursive Relationship Between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs: Using a Foucauldian Genealogy to Reveal Power Relations in Higher Education, Aaron Voyles, University of Texas at Austin
Outside In the Athletic Machine: Thinking with Butler and Spivak to Explore the Paradox of Academics and Athletics in Higher Education, Star Brown, Appalachian State University
Determined to Rise: Higher Education Attainment Narratives of African American Males, Leslie McKesson, Appalachian State University
Using Foucault to Analyze Testing and Accountability Technologies, John Robinson, Appalachian State University
Indigenous Research: Reclaiming Place through Sat 131 Indigenous Methodologies
2:30-3:50 Union Illini Room C
Chair: ashley martinez, Colorado State University
Testimonio in the Prison Industrial Complex: Reclaiming Chicano Fathering,
ashley martinez, Colorado State University
Somali Refugee Women: An Ubuntu Perspective on Power and Culture in Fort Morgan, Namuyaba Temanju, Colorado State University
Sense of Place: Towards An Indigenous African Methodology in Community- based Conservation, Octavius Jones, Colorado State University
Exploring Relational Ways of Presenting Indigenous Research, Caridad Souza, Colorado State University
Sat 132 Investigating the Interpretive Journey
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G32
Chair: Charles Vanover, University of South Florida
Questioning oneself: The role of doubt in the research process, Charles Vanover, University of South Florida
Coding the distances between research participants’ understandings and researchers’ understandings, Paul Mihas, University of North Carolina
Grounded theory coding to interpret research participants’ views, Kathy Charmaz, Sonoma State University
Dramaturgical and value-based coding to create connections and fill in silences,
Jay Baglia, DePaul University
Sort and Sift, Think and Shift: A toolkit to guide inductive treatment of data,
Raymond Maietta, ResearchTalk
Sat 133 Autoethnography: Education III
4:00-5:20 Foreign L. G36
Chair: Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Georgia State University
The “Annihilation” of New Orleans Teachers: A Teacher’s Story, Elizabeth K. Jeffers, Georgia State University
Harnessing Students’ Critical Stories: A Cautionary Tale of University Funding for Pedagogy, Carmella Braniger, Millikin University, and Brandon Oglesby Hensley, Millikin University
Like a Phoenix Rising: The Pedagogy of Critically Reclaiming Education,
Margaret Ann Price, Texas Tech University, Sally Ann McMillan, Texas Tech University, and Reese Todd, Texas Tech
Psychology: Reflecting on & Difracting This Year’s and Sat 134 Future SIGs in Qualitative Psychology
4:00-5:20 Gregory 213
Sat 135 Directions in Arts-Based Research
4:00-5:20 Gregory 219
Chair: Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University
In Search of Home: Utilizing Contemplative Arts-Based Inquiry to Disrupt Neoliberalization of Homelessness in Schools, Meaghan Cochrane, Kansas State University
Bodies on the Move: Adventuring through Arts-Based Collective Autoethnography, Sara Scott Shields, Florida State University, Kelly Guyotte, University of Alabama, Brooke Hofsess, Appalachian State University, and Gloria Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University
Designing Self for the Social Change: art-based research experience at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia, Polina Golovátina- Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Hernando Blandon Gomez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Creative Interthinking: Interthinking Creatively, Richard Fay, The University of Manchester, Jane Andrews, The University of the West of England, Katja Frimberger, The University of Glasgow, and Gameli Tordzro, The University of Glasgow
Map-Drawing in Qualitative Interviews: Opportunities and Challenges, Amelia Green, Griffith University
Critical Arts-Based Inquiry: Bioart, Biopoetics, and Ecoaesthetic Performances of Resistance Politics, Susan Finley, Washington State University
Sat 136 Education: Reflections on Teaching VIII
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1024
Chair: Sevgi AYDIN, yuzuncu Yil University
The connection between students’ astronomy knowledge and their attitudes toward astronomy course., Behzat Bektasli, Hacettepe University
Examination of problem solving skills of learners from different levels of education in chemistry, Sevgi AYDIN, yuzuncu Yil University
Navigating the Fringes of Collegiate High School Education: Compensatory Education vs. Pay-for-Credit Education, Mychelle Hadley Smith, Tarrant County College
Kenyan Teachers’ Perspectives on Language and Literacy in Kenyan Schools,
Rosemary N Nduati, Syracuse University
Communicative Competence in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: Hindrances and Perspectives, Esther Some-Guiebre, University of Koudougou – Burkina Faso
Using Thick, Rich Description of Narrative Inquiry in Sat 137 Research
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1028
(Session Organizer) Sabrina Tindal Cherry, University of Georgia – College of Public Health; (Session Organizer) Iris Michele Saltiel, Columbus State University,
Sat 138 Autoethnography: Queering Autoethnography II
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1057
Chair: Mollie Tinney, University of Alabama
A Ballad of Love and Liquor, Mollie Tinney, University of Alabama
Why Subjectivity Matters: Case Studies of Using Queer Autoethnography in
Educational Research, James Sheldon, University of Arizona
“In Transit”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Surveillance of Genderqueer Bodies, Kerri Mesner, Arcadia University
The Autoethnography of Sex Partying: Revisiting My Online Sex Party Diaries as a Researcher, Pamela Pui Kwan Tsui, The University of Hong Kong
Queering the Bible Belt: Duoethnography of Growing up Trans* and Lesbian in the Rural South, Stephanie Anne Shelton, The University of Georgia, and Aryah O. S. Lester, Trans Miami
Sat 139 Autoethnography: The Gentrification (K)not
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1062
Chair: judith lombardi, Gentrification (k)NOT Project
The Gentrification (K)not Movie and Conversation, judith lombardi, Gentrification (k)NOT Project
Sat 140 Spotlighted Papers III
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1066
Chair: Andrews Kimber, University of Illinois
The transmedia storytelling: An alternative way to understanding the human subjectivity: The case “Trapped”., Luis F Gonzalez, Universidad Santo Tomás
The dance of caring in the teaching: Embodying care in the classroom, Andrews Kimber, University of Illinois
The Unofficial Student Affairs Leader: The Experiences of African American Student Leaders at Historically and Predominately White Universities, Timothy Staples, Aurora University
Influences on the Decision to Report Sexual Harassment: A Comparison of Two Cases, Jeanne M. Lorentzen, Northern Michigan University
Sat 141 The emergent intracorporeal subjects of writing
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1090
Chair: Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne
Animating ancestors: family letters, aesthetics and imagination, Bronwyn Davies, University of Melbourne
W/B/rought to life, Jonathan Wyatt, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh
Travels with my Mother: Re-animating an Imperceptible Relationship, Lise Bird Claiborne, University of Waikato
‘After the humidity and stillness of yesterday…’: Drifting, reading, writing self and others, travelling in otherwhens and otherwheres, Susanne Gannon, Western Sydney University
Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Sat 142 Findings
4:00-5:20 Lincoln 1092
Chair: Rajni Hira,
Experiences of Iranian Immigrant Women in the US: A Critical Qualitative Study, Bita Hazel Zakeri, Indiana University
Exploring Notion of Spirituality Using Grounded Theory : A Student’s Perspective, Reetesh Kumar Singh, University of Delhi, and Rajni Hira, University of Delhi
An African Centered Approach to Evaluation Capacity Building, Monique Liston, UW-Milwaukee
Can Management Accounting be Meaningful in the Margins? A Proposal to Advance Interpretive and Critical Approaches in Management Accounting Research in Brazil, Rosenery Loureiro Lourenço, UFRJ, and Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn, UFRJ
Sat 143 New Methods: Analysis Of Empirical Materials II
4:00-5:20 Noyes 100
Chair: Line Revsbæk, SDU Design Research, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management
Reading our participants’ voices: Data analysis into the recordings and beyond the transcripts, Raúl Alberto Mora, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Maryori Giraldo, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, María Alejandr Gómez, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, and Carla Pulgarín, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Analyzing through Resonant Experience: Becoming the One to Understand the Other, Line Revsbæk, SDU Design Research, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management
Positionalogy for Sociocultural Power Analysis in Qualitative Research,
Mitsunori Misawa, The University of Memphis
Plenary: The Ghetto Genius Paradigm: Uncovering tools in Critical Qualitative Research Methods for new knowledge production and evaluation in Hip Hop STEM
Sat 144 Education
4:00-5:20 Union 209
Chair: Christopher Dunbar, University of Illinois
Panelists, William Patterson, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Bruce Litchfield, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Alvarez Dixon, Cooperative Extension, and Angela Slates, University of Illinois
Sat 145 Autoethnography: The Upside of Radical Negativity
4:00-5:20 Union 210
Chair: Desiree D Rowe, Towson University
(Chair) Desiree D Rowe, Towson University; (Session Organizer) Alison Fisher Bodkin, James Madison University; (Discussant) Alex Davenport, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; (Discussant) Jackie Carroll, Boston College,
Sat 146 Directions in Institutional Ethnography
4:00-5:20 Union 213
Chair: Boni Wozolek, Kent State University
Tales of/on Ms Wigum’s class – An ethnographic perspective of Grade 4 student resistance, Rowena Constance Kalloo, The University of the West Indies
“ Uncovering Inequalities: Mapping Out the Reproduction of Power relations Through an Institutional Ethnography of Financial Aid”, Victoria A Hill, University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
Resisting Place, Gaining Space: The Everyday of Being Black in a Predominantly White School, Boni Wozolek, Kent State University
Shifting Narratives of ‘Student’ in Late Neoliberalism: Critical Qualitative Methods and forming Resistence, Frank Vernon, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Sat 147 Riffing off Acts of Activism
4:00-5:20 Union 215
Chair: Artemi I. Sakellariadis, Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)
Autoethnography, Activism, and Public Scholarship, Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University
Mad Activism, Mad Research, Mad Studies, Phil Smith, Eastern Michigan University, and Lzz Johnk, Eastern Michigan University
An Activist Doing Research or a Researcher Engaged in Activism?, Clara Juando, University of Toronto
Equality: Making It Happen, Artemi I. Sakellariadis, Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)
Pedagogy in the Basic Course: Instructor narratives of Sat 148 positive and negative teaching experiences
4:00-5:20 Union 217
Chair: Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida
(Session Organizer) Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida; (Chair) Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Jennifer Whalen, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Nicholas Riggs, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Lisa Spinazola, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Sean Swenson, University of South Florida; (Discussant) David Haldane Lee, NYC College of Technology,
Plenary: Qualitative Inquiry: Yesterday, Today and Sat 149 Tomorrow
4:00-5:20 Union 314 A
(Session Organizer) Arthur P. Bochner, University of South Florida; (Chair) Tony E Adams, Northeastern Illinois University; (Discussant) Mary Gergen, Penn State University; (Discussant) ken gergen, Swarthmore College; (Discussant) Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida; (Discussant) Arthur P. Bochner, University of South Florida,
Plenary: Indigenous research ethics for social Sat 150 transformation in Neoliberal times
4:00-5:20 Union 314 B
Chair: Patrick J Lewis, University of Regina
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times, Shawn Wilson, Southern Cross University
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times, Marcelo Diversi, Washsington State University
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times, Bob Rinehart, University of Waikato
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times,
Margaret Kovach, University of Saskatchewan
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times, Phiona Stanley, UNSW Australia
Indigenous research ethics for social transformation in Neoliberal times, Roe Bubar, Colorado State University
Sat 151 Grounded Theory In Practice
4:00-5:20 Union 403
Chair: Brianna Lynn Kennedy-Lewis, University of Florida
Youth in Gangs: Using Constructivist Grounded Theory for Sensitive Research Topics and Vulnerable Populations, Liza Berdychevsky, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Monika Stodolska, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Kimberly Shinew, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Using Inductive, Deductive, and Abductive Logic in Data Collection and Analysis, Brianna Lynn Kennedy-Lewis, University of Florida, and Robert Thornberg, Linköping University
African American and Latina/o Emergent Bilinguals as Ethnolinguistic Change Agents in a New Latino Community, Eurydice Bauer, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and Soria Colomer, Oregon State University
Ka-blam! Sound Possibilities in Qualitative Theory and Sat 152 Practice
4:00-5:20 Union 404
Chair: Boni Wozolek, Kent State University
“Sound off if you’re black enough!”: Narratives, Sounded Maps and Representation, Boni Wozolek, Kent State University
Ungovernable Geographies: Louis Moreau Gottschalk and the Bamboula Rhythm, Reagan P. Mitchell, Louisiana State University
Folk Phenomenology and the Offering of Water, Sam Rocha, University of British Columbia
Echoes, Repeats, and Codas: Articulating Waves of Everyday (in)Justice, Walter S. Gershon, Kent State University
Science Operas in the School and Therapeutic Contexts, Oded Ben-Horin, Stord Haugesund University College, Kendra Ray, Drexel University, and Gunhild A. Rolfsnes, Stord Haugesund University College, Norway
Indigenous Research: Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in
Sat 153 Saskatchewan
4:00-5:20 Union Illini Room C
Chair: Warren LInds, Concordia University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Warren LInds, Concordia University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Dustin Brass, First Nations University of Canada
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Linda Goulet, First Nations University
Weechi metuwe mitowin: Games of presence as Indigenous Research Methodology in an Outdoor Tipi Arts Camp with Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, Cassandra Wajuntah, Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC)
Sat 154 IAQI Meeting and Award Ceremony
5:30-7:00 Union 200 Ballroom
Active Interviews
Sat 042 Sat 040 Fri 157 Thu 002 Sat 122 Sat 122 Sat 122 Sat 122 Sat 040 Sat 122
Barlo Goble Hernandez Hile
Rasmussen Lenox Roulston
Afrocentric Feminist Epistemologies
Fri 099 Fri 033 Sat 105 Fri 048 Fri 163 Fri 014
Aguayo Christensen Green Liston Thompson Warren
Arts-Based Research
Fri 147 Sat 129 Thu 007 Fri 011 Sat 100 Fri 006 Fri 113 Fri 118 Sat 129 Fri 011 Fri 045 Sat 135 Fri 045 Fri 081 Sat 135 Fri 045 Fri 039 Sat 135 Fri 147 Sat 135 Sat 071
Alexander Anay Anumudu Arcila
Barnett Berbary
Blair bramwell-davis Buras
Chao Clark/Keefe Cochrane Crawford-Leeds Eilering
Fernandes Formenti Golovátina-Mora Goodyear
Subject Index
Sat 071 Sat 099 Fri 113 Thu 010 Fri 045 Sat 008 Fri 147 Fri 147 Sat 039 Thu 008 Fri 039 Fri 076 Sat 100 Sat 011 Fri 081 Fri 095 Sat 074 Fri 104 Fri 113 Fri 029 Sat 039 Fri 045 Sat 129 Sat 135 Fri 163 Fri 006 Fri 181 Fri 011 Fri 081 Thu 007 Sat 008 Fri 006 Thu 008
Hovde Hovde huang
Kaplan Koester
Laes Lawrence Loizzo Lowenstein Manovski Munson Plato
Porter Rawlins Rech
Reilly Ricketts Robbins Rosiek Shields Straka
Timm Tobias-Green Tseng Vanover Velardi
West Whitworth Wolf
Asian & Other Non-Western Epistemologies
Sat 044 Sat 085 Fri 166 Fri 076 Sat 075 Sat 109 Thu 013 Thu 029
Aodong Haugen Jifang Koo Kumar Leipow Lo
Audit Culture And Neoliberalism
Sat 123 Fri 060 Sat 011 Fri 020 Sat 021 Fri 007 Sat 123 Fri 016 Fri 083
Aydarova Goode Harris Mathis Mathis Meek Schongut Ternes Ulmer
Fri 001 Fri 001 Fri 044 Sat 105 Sat 055 Fri 044 Fri 048 Fri 014 Sat 024 Thu 008 Sat 044 Sat 084 Fri 115 Sat 024 Sat 114 Fri 085 Fri 058 Fri 085 Thu 020 Sat 024 Sat 055 Fri 058 Fri 095 Sat 085 Thu 008 Fri 156 Fri 001 Thu 002 Sat 074 Fri 014 Fri 129 Sat 011 Sat 023 Sat 024 Fri 010 Sat 044
Adamson Aguirre-Armendariz Ahn
Bolen Caubo-Damen Cayir
Denejkina Edmonds
Handwerk Hansen-Morgan Harris
Hartlep Hennenfent
Sat 055 Fri 129 Fri 156 Fri 165 Sat 002 Sat 115 Fri 156 Fri 001 Fri 044 Fri 024 Fri 010 Fri 085 Thu 008 Fri 129 Fri 024 Thu 008 Sat 084 Sat 085 Fri 184 Sat 023 Sat 054 Sat 054 Sat 084 Thu 013 Fri 129 Fri 085 Thu 008 Fri 048 Sat 133 Sat 055 Sat 114 Fri 165 Fri 095 Fri 048 Fri 010 Fri 010 Sat 138 Sat 085 Sat 115 Sat 105 Sat 023 Sat 110 Fri 165 Fri 129 Sat 115 Sat 105 Sat 074 Sat 138 Sat 138 Sat 114
Henson Iwase
Jarmon Jordan
kumar LaBelle
Lelek Lewandowski Liu
Mason McCutcheon Medved Merrem Morrow Murray Murray Murray Murray Nealy Nigam
Raimondi Ramalho-de-Oliveira Rambo
Roegman Ruhs Salinas-Urbina Sheldon
Shin Spinazola
St. Antoine Stefanski Street Suárez-Ortega Sughrua Swenson Tilley-Lubbs Ting
Sat 055 Fri 044 Fri 095 Sat 114
Vivoni Wetzler Whitworth Whitworth
Borderland/Mestizaje Feminisms
Fri 166 Fri 115 Thu 001 Thu 010
Askelson Carvajal Medina Chilcote
Computer Assisted Models Of Analysis
Sat 029 Salmona Fri 102 Warren
Critical Ethnography As Performance
Fri 031 Fri 068 Fri 165 Fri 031 Fri 031 Fri 165 Sat 071 Fri 031
Aguirre-Calleja Chawla Gorman
Leavitt Sun Talwar Whiting
Critical Health Policy
Arrubla Fri 137 Fri 026 Sat 139
Evans-Jordan Haricharan lombardi
Critical Indigenous Pedagogies
Fri 041 Marker
Critical Pedagogy
Sat 034 Sat 133 Sat 106 Sat 066 Sat 034 Sat 095 Sat 034 Sat 058 Sat 058 Sat 135 Sat 058 Sat 095 Sat 095 Fri 081 Fri 016 Sat 034 Sat 110 Sat 066 Fri 043 Sat 066 Thu 001 Sat 034 Sat 066 Thu 007 Thu 023 Sat 024 Sat 079 Fri 086 Fri 019
Benton Zavala Braniger Brown-Tess Byfield Camargo Plazas Celebi
Cho Clark Collins Finley Fisher Gangnon Gilway Grube Hoffman Isbell
Luet Martínez Milbourne Mokobane Ocón
Sloane Throne Ukwuoma Velez Agosto Veloso
Critical Race Theory
Fri 048 Thu 009 Sat 049 Sat 049 Fri 103 Sat 112 Sat 075 Sat 112 Fri 050 Fri 085 Fri 133 Sat 112 Sat 049
Dekker Fontanella-Nothom Guerrero Arias
Rosiek Shannon-Baker Theriault
Cross-Disciplinary Methodologies
Fri 003 Thu 006 Fri 003 Fri 173 Fri 042 Sat 075 Fri 003 Sat 021 Fri 003 Fri 003
Gulozer Ibaoglu Vaughn Osso
Reed Swaminathan
Decolonizing Classrooms
Fri 032 Fri 137 Fri 126 Sat 110 Sat 103 Fri 032 Fri 032 Fri 032 Sat 079
Chapela Estrada-Montoya Gilway
Lourenco de Freitas Matthews
Decolonizing Neocolonial Methodologies
Fri 105 Fri 034 Sat 108 Fri 105 Sat 100 Fri 049 Fri 049 Sat 110 Fri 105
Avella-Castro Bailey
Christ Diaz-Kozlowski Ford
Meza Sánchez Loza Wabgou
Democratic Methodologies
Fri 020 Fri 016 Fri 055 Thu 001 Thu 027 Fri 023
Finley Hindman Kushner Meckeler Oliveira Rudolph
Digital Tools
Sat 012 Thu 009 Sat 012 Fri 102 Sat 029 Fri 128 Fri 171 Fri 136 Sat 021 Fri 171 Sat 012 Fri 102 Fri 136 Fri 171 Fri 057 Sat 045 Fri 171 Fri 171 Fri 136 Sat 029 Fri 136 Fri 102
Alberto Basdogan Bello-Bravo Byrne cisneros-puebla De Felice Ergulec Gregory Hinbest Hinzman
Jita Kuckartz Lieber Lochmiller Mora Noffs Silver
St Clair Turner Woods Woolf
Disability Issues
Fri 140 Thu 024 Fri 106 Sat 100 Fri 106 Fri 140 Fri 106 Fri 140 Fri 106 Fri 140 Fri 140 Fri 106 Fri 024 Fri 071
Adamson Bui
Clark Eugene Graham Grossman Haricharan Hulgin Jenks
Larson McNicholas Munro Rowland Van de Putte
Discourse / Narrative / Counter-Narrative
Fri 053 Fri 019 Fri 127 Fri 160
Abraham Antony-Newman Aston
Sat 063 Sat 092 Sat 002 Sat 107 Fri 019 Fri 014 Sat 113 Fri 015 Fri 012 Sat 079 Thu 019 Fri 127 Sat 075 Fri 115 Fri 019 Sat 054 Fri 046 Sat 123 Sat 140 Thu 009 Fri 007 Sat 056 Fri 127 Fri 160 Sat 022 Fri 053 Fri 008 Sat 123 Sat 022 Sat 047 Sat 022 Fri 050 Fri 019 Fri 015 Fri 127 Sat 107 Fri 099 Fri 100 Sat 022 Fri 033 Fri 053 Sat 083 Fri 068 Sat 015 Fri 050 Thu 029 Fri 167 Thu 009 Fri 105 Fri 053
Bartone Bartone Bennett Benozzo Billings Chacko Chad
Conti Dawidowicz DeSchauwer Drozda Fahad Ferrera Fisher
Gonzalez Granato
Grant Halldórsdóttir Happel-Parkins Ji
Liang Lightfoot-Rueda Lochmiller
MacGillivray Martínez Guzmán Mercado Thornton Meyer
Rahman Ramalho-de-Oliveira Reynolds
St Clair
Suazo Flores
Fri 014 Fri 057 Fri 012 Thu 013 Fri 053 Fri 023 Sat 107 Fri 127 Sat 022 Fri 028
Tamas Teimourigerdeh Van Der Merwe Wagaman
Xu Yumarnamto Zakeri
Dissemination Of Research
Sat 086 Fri 097 Sat 129 Sat 046 Wed 008 Sat 047
Haswell Klein Kumm Nielson Poggenpoel Stanley
Ethics / Irbs / And Academic Freedom
Fri 080 Fri 016 Fri 074 Fri 037 Fri 157 Fri 142 Fri 131 Fri 157 Fri 111 Fri 033
anderson Bloch Bucklaschuk Clark Matthiesen McMurray Miettinen Muñoz-Proto Stevens Whiteman
Ethnography [Institutional]
Fri 066 Sat 092 Fri 019 Sat 040 Sat 146 Fri 080 Sat 146 Thu 009 Sat 146 Fri 142 Sat 146
Avaria Forst Giaver Harrison Hill Humphreys Kalloo
Ray Vernon Weber Wozolek
Evaluating Inquiry
Fri 011 Sat 017 Sat 142
Ambuyo Barrett Liston
Evidence-Based Inquiry
Fri 137 Fri 097 Fri 063 Fri 037 Fri 167
Estrada-Montoya Ferreyra Golding-Ross Learmonth Sönmez
Feminist Qualitative Research
Fri 099 Fri 103 Fri 166 Fri 166 Fri 029 Fri 059 Fri 130 Fri 059 Sat 017 Fri 130 Fri 059 Sat 048 Fri 147 Sat 013 Fri 029 Thu 009 Fri 099 Fri 156 Thu 019 Fri 096 Fri 130 Fri 059 Thu 013 Fri 028 Fri 096 Sat 106 Sat 115 Fri 059 Sat 107
Araiza Bhattacharya Bingham
Elfreich Estrada-Montoya Gleason Gonzalez
Hwang Koelsch Linabary Malinga
Nolan- Roll Ntshwarang Oueslati-Porter Reeves Rudnick Sankatiprapa Schaefer Schongut Singh
Smailes Valtchanov Venäläinen
Sat 142 Zakeri Fri 096 Zerai
Focus Groups [Critical]
Fri 170 Fri 170 Thu 009 Wed 004 Sat 013 Fri 170 Fri 123 Fri 087
Currie-Patterson Dolzhenko Ibrahim Milbourne Oliveira
Tarman Wessel Powell Wilson
Funded Qualitative Research
Sat 077 Fri 128 Fri 037 Fri 037
Abdul-Majied Anay
Ozten Turkman
Grounded Theory & Social Justice
Sat 151 Sat 151 Thu 002 Sat 151 Sat 048 Thu 014 Fri 118 Sat 075
Bauer Berdychevsky Katz Kennedy-Lewis Lozano
Munly Simpson Themane
Human Subject Research
Sat 013 Thu 010 Fri 049 Fri 086 Sat 116 Fri 122 Fri 037 Sat 140
Callaghan Corbiere Frazier
Jones Lloyd-Hazlett Pondish Staples
Thu 001 Fri 179 Fri 131 Fri 068 Sat 106
Anderson Brinkmann Estevez Golovátina-Mora Pope
Hybridity And Coloring Epistemlogies
Fri 071 Gaskill Sat 046 Ness
Indigenous Approaches To Knowledge
Fri 008 Sat 077 Sat 073 Fri 041 Sat 103 Sat 042 Sat 042 Sat 103 Fri 184 Fri 042 Sat 073 Sat 073 Fri 041
Abudu Anicete Cameron Kelly Matthews Montero, Jr. Naytowhow Nutton Prorock-Ernest Ribeiro Staikidis
Yuen Zhou
Indigenous Critical Theory
Fri 008 Yang
Indigenous Epistemologies
Fri 042 Sat 103 Sat 042
Bubar Guttorm Wilson
Indigenous Ethics
Sat 108 Gomez
Interrogating Whiteness
Sat 011 Fri 039 Sat 082
Sat 058
Brooks Clements Geiger
Mixed-Method Designs
Thu 029 Sat 046 Fri 134 Fri 108 Fri 134 Fri 134 Sat 016 Thu 005 Thu 005 Sat 045 Fri 117 Thu 005 Fri 134 Fri 134 Thu 020 Fri 054
Bartos Perez Ferreira Neto Graham Isaac
Joseph Kiegelmann Kim
Leal Manovski Marshall McIntosh Meyer Sawyer Spears
Native Wisdom
Thu 010 David Velásquez
New Borderlands
Sat 082 Nduati
New Methods & Methodologies
Sat 082 Fri 179 Fri 046 Sat 104 Fri 117
Adkins Cartee Avaria
bailey Ben-Horin Bishop
Thu 019 Fri 163 Sat 071 Fri 063 Sat 092 Fri 076 Sat 052 Fri 179 Fri 181 Sat 092 Sat 112 Fri 063 Sat 040 Sat 052 Fri 179 Fri 145 Thu 019 Thu 006 Thu 007 Fri 031 Fri 145 Fri 071 Sat 078 Fri 123 Fri 046 Sat 023 Fri 054 Sat 143 Sat 119 Sat 143 Sat 056 Fri 142 Fri 028 Fri 108 Sat 119 Sat 143 Fri 071 Fri 123 Fri 034 Thu 006 Fri 145 Sat 119 Fri 102 Fri 133 Fri 145 Fri 058 Fri 163 Fri 145 Fri 060
Johnson Johnson-Motoyama Kallio
Kayumova Koester Kotze Kuby
Manning Manning
Niccolini Pariseau-Legault Pitcher
Revsbæk Robinson–-Morris Rodriguez
Salman Sauerbronn Scheurich
Tillett VanderLind Wegener Yomtoob
Paradigm Dialogues
Fri 070 Sat 040 Fri 083 Sat 142 Sat 101 Sat 017 Sat 101 Fri 108 Fri 071 Fri 074
Burns Jacobs Kaufmann Lourenço Mabasa Ozdogan Scheurich Sharmin Vagle Yopp
Participatory Action Research
Fri 133 Thu 020 Fri 020 Thu 027 Thu 020 Thu 010 Fri 028 Fri 070 Fri 039
Bellino Compton Cronenberg Johansen Jones
Koo Lindquist-Grantz Mower
Performance Ethnography
Fri 076 Fri 181 Fri 067 Fri 131 Sat 039 Fri 067 Fri 067 Fri 067 Fri 067 Sat 073 Sat 015
Baker Bright Dawidowicz Fort
Lien Magnat Markula McGreehan Ocón Sharp-Grier Wilson
Politics And Science
Fri 054 Fri 033 Fri 070
Bailey Jovanovic Jovanovic
Politics Of Evidence
Fri 074 Fri 080 Sat 101 Fri 097 Fri 108
Clemens Jones Stich Urban Vagle
Post-9/11 Cultural Politics
Fri 083 Sat 086 Sat 056
A. Azim Agostinone Salem
Postcolonial Methodologies
Fri 015 Fri 184 Fri 068 Fri 039
A. Azim Fontaine Higgins Lim
Public Ethnography
Sat 047 Fri 142 Sat 078 Fri 167
Atkins Dawidowicz Priya Rawlins
Qualitative Case Studies
Sat 052 Sat 082 Fri 087 Fri 055 Sat 101 Fri 100 Fri 092 Thu 024 Sat 109 Sat 113 Fri 021 Fri 128 Fri 167 Fri 026 Fri 021
Ali Alvarez Aviles Baker Braga Brunson Çalışkan Celik Chai Davenport Deng DeWitt Dias Dutton Feza
Fri 021 Fri 152 Thu 006 Sat 052 Fri 026 Fri 063 Thu 006 Sat 140 Fri 105 Fri 167 Fri 092 Fri 012 Thu 006 Thu 006 Fri 053 Sat 140 Fri 021 Fri 092 Fri 055 Fri 070 Fri 160 Fri 055 Fri 010 Fri 133 Fri 136 Sat 082 Sat 002 Fri 049 Thu 018 Fri 092 Fri 023 Thu 019 Sat 045 Fri 055 Sat 113 Sat 083 Fri 021 Wed 004 Fri 060 Sat 021
Fidan Gapp Gilewski Guo Hanoman Haydon Jarrett Kimber Kiramba Kiramba Koşan
La Fleur
Laliberte Rudman Lee
Morales Vázquez Newman
Qualitative Criteria
Fri 026 Mfoafo-M’Carthy
Qualitative Evaluation And Social Policy
Sat 116 Sat 013 Thu 022 Sat 086
Freeman Hennick Hennick Knapke
Qualitative Health Research
Thu 002 Thu 004 Sat 048 Fri 103 Thu 018 Thu 014 Fri 066 Wed 001 Fri 068 Fri 184 Thu 004 Sat 072 Thu 004 Thu 003 Fri 103 Wed 007 Thu 010 Wed 007 Wed 006 Fri 066 Wed 007 Wed 007 Fri 103 Wed 008 Fri 066 Wed 002 Wed 006 Sat 077 Thu 004 Fri 066 Thu 003 Thu 022 Sat 072 Wed 004 Thu 002 Sat 077 Wed 004 Fri 024 Fri 096 Thu 004 Thu 003
Acosta-Fernández Acosta-Fernández Asempapa Askelson
Clarke Cristancho Dalma Damianakis Doster
Downey Estrada-Montoya Finfgeld-Connett Franke
Ghirotto Goldsmith Goldsmith Hastings-Tolsma Hawkins
Kirakosyan Kyriakakis
Marshall Mfoafo-M’Carthy Nascimento Ramalho-de-Oliveira Reinaldo
Shukla Skolbekken Smith Snyder Souzas Spiri
Thu 003 Sat 048 Thu 003 Thu 003 Sat 116
Tavakol Tavakol Vicenteño León Walton-Fisette
Qualitative Social Work
Thu 001 Thu 018 Thu 022 Thu 020 Thu 002 Thu 003 Fri 080 Thu 023 Thu 027 Thu 028 Thu 001 Thu 028 Thu 018 Thu 007 Fri 137 Thu 023 Thu 014 Thu 017 Thu 023 Thu 014 Thu 022 Thu 001 Thu 029 Thu 027 Thu 017 Thu 024 Thu 007 Sat 142
Aguilera-Velasco Arguello Bloomquist Brown
Carter Carter Casey Chiang Clarke Cleaveland Das
Enosh Gibson Henshaw Jara-Labarthe Jara-Labarthe Jennings Joyce
Liou Mann-Williams Marsack Milanovic Romain
Shetron Shinaberry Singh
Queer Theory/Queering The Postcolonial
Sat 063 Sat 063 Fri 006 Sat 138 Sat 138
Bingham Davenport Dean Mesner Shelton
Reconceptualizing Collaboration
Sat 025 Sat 025 Sat 025 Sat 025 Sat 025
Blinne Crocket Lundie McCormick
Reforming The Social Sciences
Fri 034 Fri 020 Sat 101 Thu 023 Fri 034 Sat 109 Fri 086
Kaufmann Kerr Lapping MacNeil Melius Nelson Zhang
Rethinking Critical Theory
Fri 100 Fri 086 Sat 021
Bartlett Gemignani Morelli Gasó
Science Wars/Scientism
Fri 016 Akande
Sporting Pedagogies
Sat 085 Sat 110 Fri 142
Gearity Haugen
Martín Horcajo
Talk And Text
Fri 050 Fri 007
Thu 005 Fri 090
Nevalainen Pennell
Abali Adams
Sat 058 Sat 136 Sat 020 Sat 136 Fri 044 Sat 051 Fri 090 Thu 004 Sat 072 Sat 072 Fri 131 Sat 104 Thu 005 Sat 100 Sat 072 Thu 005 Sat 020 Sat 020 Thu 002 Fri 160 Sat 051 Fri 090 Thu 024 Sat 081 Fri 090 Fri 007 Sat 111 Sat 081 Fri 090 Sat 081 Fri 034 Sat 051 Sat 104 Fri 157 Fri 126 Thu 017 Fri 160 Fri 160 Sat 111 Sat 136 Thu 005 Sat 051 Sat 051 Sat 008 Thu 017 Sat 081 Wed 006 Sat 046 Thu 024 Sat 111
Anderson AYDIN
Espeland Espeland
Eugene Gangnon Gilewski Graham Günbatar
Harnisch Henning-Smith Ignacio Intriago
Kalfa Karasu Kaya
Kaya Buldu Kerr
Kuby Kuby Kulild Liou Marin Maynard Mora Mora Natarajan Nduati Perez Pope Preissle Price Price Rakha Rapanà Reeves Schreiber Silber
Fri 126 Sat 111 Sat 136 Sat 136 Sat 020 Sat 016 Sat 129 Fri 126 Sat 023 Sat 081 Sat 015 Thu 004 Sat 015 Fri 126
Fri 029 Sat 106 Fri 087 Sat 029 Fri 128 Sat 012 Fri 057 Fri 128
Smith Some-Guiebre Tarman Thomas Trier-Bieniek Visse
Walster Warren Wetzler Yilmaz Yopp Zywicki
Arias Eugene Martinez McKay Phillips Rajbanshi Rawlins Tabares
Training, Evaluating And Extending Qual. Methods
Fri 111 Sat 002 Fri 007 Fri 074 Fri 074 Thu 010
Band-WInterstein Basnyat
Murphy Keith Phillips
Velásquez Fandiño
Validity — Varieties
Fri 155 Fri 155 Fri 155 Fri 181 Fri 155
Cannon Golding-Ross Graham Hedayati Sevis
Video / Dance / And Performance
Thu 007 Sat 071 Fri 131 Fri 181
Matsuo Sponberg Svynarenko Valkeemaki
Visual Studies
Fri 152 Sat 008 Sat 029 Fri 076 Fri 079 Fri 043 Fri 079 Fri 079 Fri 043 Fri 118 Fri 043 Fri 152 Fri 079 Sat 056 Fri 043 Fri 046
Estrada-Montoya Goble
Lockwood Miko
Richard Schimek Schimek
Ulmer Vizcarra-Catalan
War / Media / And Democracy
Fri 111 Fri 050 Sat 016
Chapela Howley Ramos-Ayala
What Is Evidence
Fri 100 Sat 078 Sat 108
Dawidowicz Fendler Karnieli
Writing As Method Of Inquiry
Fri 117 Sat 074 Sat 113 Fri 083 Sat 133
Bradford Chawla Colby Earl Jeffers
Fri 083 Fri 118 Fri 111
Langer Ortiz Ronquillo
Index of Names
A. Azim, Katharina, The University of Memphis, Fri 015, Fri 083, Fri 127, Sat 046 Aadland, Helga, Stord/Haugesund University College, Sat 104
Abali, Gokcen, Anadolu University School for the Handicapped Instructor, Thu 005,
Sat 081
Abdul-Majied, Sabeerah, School of Education, The University of the West Indies St Augustine, Sat 077
Abma, Tineke, VU medical center, Fri 175, Sat 084
Abraham, Stephanie Lynn, Rowan University, Fri 053
Abrams, Elizabeth, Sonoma State University, Fri 066
Abrefa-Gyan, Tina, Norfolk State University, Thu 020
Abudu, Hade, North West Minorities University Lanzhou Gansu China, Fri 008 Acar, Melih Emre, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fri 128
Acar, Yigit, Middle East Technical University, Fri 037
Acosta Acosta, Pablo Enrique, University of Cauca, Sat 095
Acosta-Fernàndez, Martin, Universidad de Guadalajara, Thu 001, Thu 002, Thu
Acosta, Liza Ann, North Park University, Fri 001
Adams, Catherine, University of Alberta, Fri 102, Sat 040
Adams, Heather, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA, Fri 012, Fri 154 Adams, Jennifer D, Brooklyn College, Fri 090
Adams, Tony E, Northeastern Illinois University, Fri 143, Fri 177, Sat 147 Adamson, Brynn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 140
Adamson, Matt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 001
Adkins Cartee, Mary, University of British Columbia, Sat 082
Aghasaleh, Rouhollah, The University of Georgia, Fri 141, Sat 003, Sat 127 Agostinone, Faith A, Aurora University, Sat 086
Aguayo, David, University of Missouri, Fri 099
Aguayo, Rebecca C., University of Missouri, Fri 034, Fri 071, Sat 051 Aguilera-Velasco, Maria de los Angeles, Universidad de Guadalajara, Thu 001, Thu
002, Thu 004
Aguirre-Armendariz, Elizabeth, Universidad AutÑnoma de Ciudad Juàrez, Fri 044,
Aguirre-Calleja, Ana Cristina, Universidad de las Am_ricas Puebla, Psychology Department, Fri 031
Ahmad, Aisha-Nusrat, Goethe-University, Fri 079
Ahn, Sungyong, Institute of Communications Research at UIUC, Sat 105 Aiello-Vaisberg, Tania Maria Jos_, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Sao
Paulo, Brazil., Thu 009
Akande, Issac O, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: College of Education, Fri
Akbogur, Serife, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkish
Akehi, Meg, Michigan State University, Fri 022
akman, Berrin, Hacettepe University, Turkish
Al Sager, Abdellatif, Tennessee Technological University, Sat 111
Alan, H. Ayca, Middle East Tehnical University, Fri 090
Alberto, Villafuerte Saulo, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabÕ, Sat 012
Aldrich, Rebecca, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Saint Louis University, Thu 006
Alexander, Amanda, UT-Arlington, Fri 147
Alexander, Dagmar, University of Edinburgh, Sat 035
Alexander, Dagmar Johanna, University of Edinburgh, Fri 013, Sat 055 Alexander, Joanne Helen, University of Northampton, Sat 013
Alexander, Kia, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Fri 014
Ali, Shahiba, The University of the West Indies, Sat 052
Alleblas, Tessa, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, Fri 026
Allen, James, University of Minnesota, Fri 049
Allen, Mitch, Mills College, Sat 068, Sat 126
Alonso-Yanez, Gabriela, University of Calgary, Fri 101
Alvarez, Wilfredo, Northeastern Illinois University, Sat 082
Alves, Mateus Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Sat 015 Ambuyo, Beverlyne Asiko, Department of Kiswahili and other African Languages,
Maseno University, Kenya, Fri 011
Anay, Hakan, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fri 003, Fri 037, Fri 128 Anay, Meltem, Anadolu University, Thu 005, Fri 037, Sat 081, Sat 129 Anderson, Charity, The University of Chicago, Thu 001
Anderson, Joy Marie, Arizona State University, Sat 058
Anderson, Myrdene, Purdue University, Fri 080
Anderson, Stephanie M., City University of New York, Fri 157
Andrews, Jane, The University of the West of England, Sat 135
Angel, Roma, Appalachian State University, Sat 095
Angulo Villanueva, Rita, Universidad AutÑnoma de San Luis PotosÕ, ADISP Anicete, Raymond Charles Real, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Sat 077 Anthony, Holly, Tennessee Tech University, Fri 120
Antony-Newman, Max, OISE/University of Toronto, Fri 019
Anttila, Eeva, University of the Arts Helsinki, Sat 093
Anu, Koskinen, Theatre Academy of the University of Arts, Finland, Sat 124 Anumudu, Chinedu, Texas State University, Thu 007
Aodong, Bailige, Sociology, Sat 044
Appleton, Jack, University of Malaysia, Sat 059
Apugo, Danielle, UW-Milwaukee, Sat 027
Ar_valo Rugel, Jocelyn Valeria, Universidad Catolica, ADISP
Aragon, Steven, Texas State University, Fri 058
Araiza, Alejandra, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Fri 099 Araujo, Zulema Cabrera, Universidad AutÑnoma de Yucatàn, ADISP Arboleda Penagos, Juliana, estudiante, ADISP
Arce, Joel Ariel, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sat 088
Arcila, Jorge Tadeo, IDEP (Institute for Educational Research and Pedagogical
Development), Fri 011
Arguello, Tyler M, California State University, Sacramento, Thu 018
Ariankhoo, Masoud (Ahmad), Stony Brook University, Fri 168
Arias, Vladimir Santiago, Texas Tech University, Fri 029
Arnason, Shannon, File Hills QuÍAppelle Health Services, Fri 042
Arrubla, Deisy Jeannette, Maestria de Salud Publica, Universidad Santo Tomas, ADISP Asempapa, Bridget, Ohio University, Sat 048
Askelson, Debra K, Dr. Karyn Mitchell PhD, ND, Fri 103, Fri 166 Aston, Megan Lorraine, Dalhousie University, Fri 127
Atkins, David, Univesity of Tennessee, Fri 065
Atkins, Laura, UIUC, Sat 047
Atkinson, Jamie C, The University of Georgia, Fri 107
Avaria, Andrea, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Chile, Fri 066, Fri 179, ADISP Avella-Castro, Douglas, University of Washington, Fri 090, Fri 105
Averill, Jennifer, University of New Mexico, Wed 006
Avery-Kinew, Kathi, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM,, Fri 184
Aviles, Ann, Northeastern Illinois University, Fri 087
Avril, Jennifer, 0, Wed 007, Fri 103
Ayala, Monica, UABC, ADISP
Aydarova, Olena, Arizona State University, Sat 123
Aydin, Sevgi, yuzuncu Yil University, Sat 136
Bacon, Heidi Regina, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Fri 160 Bae-Dimitriadis, Michelle, SUNY Buffalo State, Fri 075, Fri 112, Fri 146
Bae, SungAh, Hoseo University, S. Korea, Fri 084
Baez, Johanna Creswell, The University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work, Thu
Baglia, Jay, DePaul University, Sat 132
bailey, lucy, oklahoma state university, Fri 046, Fri 054, Fri 110
Bailey, Megan Snider, The University of Alabama, Fri 034
Baily, Supriya, George Mason University, Fri 176, Sat 025
Baker, Jeff, University of Saskatchewan, Fri 091
Baker, Joseph Scott, Texas A&M University/UW-La Crosse, Fri 076
Baker, Julie C, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 055, Fri 120
Bakker, Minne, VU medical center, Fri 175
Baksh, Bibi S., Wilfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Baldwin, Roger G., Michigan State University, Fri 055
Ballesteros, Magnolia del Pilar, Universidad Santo Tomàs, ADISP
Band-WInterstein, Tova, University of Haifa, Department if gerontology, Fri 111 Barba, Raul, Universidad de Valladolid, Sat 052, Sat 108
Barbour, Karen Nicole, The University of Waikato, Fri 044
Barlo, Stuart Allan, Southern Cross University, Sat 042
Barnett, Debra, Oklahoma City University, Sat 072
Barnett, Jessie A, Center for Learning Innovation, University of Minnesota Rochester, Sat
Barrett, M.J., University of Saskatchewan, Sat 042
Barrett, Margaret Sylvia, The University of Queensland, Sat 017
Barrett, MJ, 0, Fri 115
Barros, Nelson Filice de, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), Sat 114
Bartlett, Geoffrey, Central Michigan University, Fri 100
Bartone, Michael D, Central Connecticut State University, Fri 048, Sat 019, Sat 063,
Sat 092
Bartos Perez, Luis Javier, Bowling Green State University, Sat 046 Barwari, Ronak, Oklahoma City University, Sat 072
Basdogan, Merve, Indiana University Bloomington, Thu 009
Basnyat, Iccha, National University of Singapore, Sat 002
Bauer, Eurydice, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Sat 151
Beavers, Aliya, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Beck, Brandon L., Texas State University, Sat 031
Beck, Jori, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Sat 020
Becker, Courtney Allison, Penn State Altoona, Thu 008
Becker, Susanne, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Fri 014, Sat 024 Bektasli, Behzat, Hacettepe University, Sat 136
Bell, Camilla, Syracuse University, Fri 085
Bellino, Marissa E, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, Fri 133 Bello-Bravo, Julia, UIUC, Sat 012
Ben-Horin, Oded, Stord Haugesund University College, Sat 038, Sat 104, Sat 128,
Sat 152
Benard, Silvia Marcela, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, Fri 044, ADISP Bender, Amy, University of Toronto, Wed 002
Bennett, Ann M, Kennesaw State University, Sat 002
Benozzo, Angelo, Universitö della Valle d’Aosta, Fri 036, Sat 107
Benton Zavala, Ana Maria, Te Puna Wananga, Faculty of Education, University of
Auckland, Sat 034, ADISP
Beral, Ayse, Anadolu University, Sat 111
Berard, Marie-France, University of British Columbia, Sat 089
Berbary, Lisbeth A., University of Waterloo, Fri 006
Berbary, LIsbeth A., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Fri 059, Sat
Berdychevsky, Liza, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 151
Berger, Ronald, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Fri 038
Berger, Ronald J., University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Fri 038
Berry, Keith, University of South Florida, Fri 125
Bhattacharya, Anindita, Columbia University School of Social Work, Thu 021, Fri 103 Bhattacharya, Kakali, Kansas State University, Sat 087
Bhattarachya, Kakali, Kansas State University, Fri 005
Bilir Seyhan, Gamze, Turkish, Fri 167
Billings, Christine, Colorado State University, Fri 019
Bingham, Ashleigh N., Ball State University, Fri 166, Sat 063, Sat 078
Birdwell, Matthew, Texas Tech University, Fri 149
Bishop, Tessa, Tennessee Tech University, Fri 117
Blair, Cindy, The University of Georgia, Fri 073, Fri 107, Fri 141
Blair, Lorrie, Concordia University, Fri 113
Blalock, Emiko, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Blandon Gomez, Hernando, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Sat 135
Blinne, Kristen, SUNY Oneonta, Fri 125, Sat 025
Bloch, Marianne N, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fri 016
Blockmans, Inge Griet Emy, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences –
Ghent University, Fri 132
Bloomquist, Kori R, Winthrop University, Thu 022 Bluhm, Minnie, Eastern Michigan University, Thu 018 Bodily, Brett, North Lake College, Sat 113
Boelsma, Femke, VU medical center, Fri 175
Bogdanich, Jennifer, University of Georgia, Sat 098
Bohonos, Jeremy, illinois, Fri 048
Bolen, Derek, Angelo State University, Sat 044
Bolen, Zack, Saginaw Valley State University, Sat 044
Bollinger, Chelsey Bahlmann, The University of Georgia, Sat 020
Bomhoff, John, University of Kansas Center for Mental Health Research and Innovation,
Thu 019
Bonfiglio, Juan Ignacio, Observatorio de la Deuda Social. Universidad CatÑlica Argentina, ADISP
Bonilla, Cesar Antonio, San Martin de Porras University at Lima Peru, ADISP Bosan_i_, Sa_a, University of Augsburg, Fri 061
Bottomley, Amy, University of Cincinnati, Fri 032
Bowles, Tuere, North Carolina State University, Fri 163
Bowlin, Linda K., Southeastern University, Sat 024
Bradford, Jan, The University of Edinburgh, Fri 013, Fri 117
Braga, Bruno Da Rocha, BrasÕlia’s Federal Institute of Education, Science, and
Technology, Sat 101, ADISP
bramwell-davis, prunella, Royal College of Art, London, Fri 118
Braniger, Carmella, Millikin University, Sat 133
Branscombe, Amanda, Athens State University, Sat 050
Brass, Dustin, First Nations University of Canada, Sat 153
Breau, Lynn, Glenrose Rehabilitation Centre Edmonton Alberta, Fri 127
Breede, Deb, Coastal Carolina University, Sat 055
Bresler, Liora, University of Illinois, Fri 040, Fri 077
Brewer, Cheryl A, Texas Tech University, Fri 149
Brewer, Mick, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Fri 166
Bridges-Rhoads, Sarah Catherine, Georgia State University, Fri 004, Fri 083, Sat 040 Bright, Anita, Portland State University, Fri 091
Bright, Geoff, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan
Unversity, Fri 181, Sat 071
Briles, Karen, St. Catherine University, Sat 046
Brilhante, Aline Veras, Universidade de Fortaleza, Thu 004, ADISP
Brinkmann, Svend, Aalborg University, Dept. of Communication and Psychology, Fri
Brogden, Lace Marie, University of Regina, Fri 093, Sat 117
Brooks, Spirit, University of Oregon, Fri 088, Sat 011, Sat 127
Brown-Tess, Karie Christine, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sat 106 Brown, Elizabeth, Duquesne University, Sat 013
Brown, Jason, Western University, Thu 020
Brown, Ruth Nichole, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 112 Brown, Ruth Nicole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 004 Brown, Star, Appalachian State University, Sat 130
Bruce, Eric, Western Oregon University, Sat 051
Brunson, Amanda Elizabeth, The University of Alabama, Fri 063, Fri 100 Bryson, Alfreda, Texas State University, Sat 031
Bubar, Roe, Colorado State University, Fri 042, Sat 150
Bucklaschuk, Jill, University of Guelph, Fri 074
Buckner, Steven A., Northcentral University, Sat 024
Bui, Tuyen Thi Thanh, UIUC – School of Social Work, Thu 024
Buldu, Mehmet, UNICEF Turkey, Fri 060
Buras, Nicole, Triton Community College, Sat 129
Burns, Victoria Frances, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Fri 070 Burton Smith, Eniola T. L., National Louis University, Sat 102
Byfield, Lavern, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Sat 066 Bylund, Anna, Link_ping university, Sat 119
Bynum, Lindsay, University of Illinois at Chicago, Sat 080 Byrne, Caitlin, University of Alabama, Fri 102
C, Jose Ruben, Universidad Autonoma de Manizales, ADISP
Ca_as, Claudia, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Cai, Sophy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 064, Sat 094
Cain III, Wilson, National Louis University, Sat 102
Cait, Cheryl-Anne, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 090
Calderon, Omer, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, ADISP Call-Cummings, Meagan, Indiana University, Fri 002, Fri 176
Callaghan, Jane Elizabeth Mary, University of Northampton, Sat 013
Callender, Amy, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 159
Camacho, David, Columbia University School of Social Work, Thu 011, Thu 014,
Thu 021
Camargo Plazas, Maria del Pilar, Queen’s University, Sat 034, Sat 073
Camas, Victoriano, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabÕ, Fri 043 Cameron, Brenda L, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Sat 073
Cannon, Susan Ophelia, Georgia State University, Fri 155
Carbajal, Roberto Vladimir, Universidad Francisco Gavidia, ADISP
Cardell, Beth, University of Utah, Fri 106
Càrdenas, Alina MarÕn, Universidad AutÑnoma de Yucatàn, ADISP
Carey, Kevin M, Ball State University, Sat 043
Carey, Neil, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sat 092
Carless, David, Leeds Beckett University, Fri 093
Carlson, David Lee, Arizona State University, Fri 056, Sat 124
Carnevale, Franco, McGill University, Fri 070
Carson, David Lee, 0, Fri 182
Carter, James R., Wright State University, Thu 002, Thu 003
Carvajal Medina, Nancy Emilce, Washington State University, Fri 115, Sat 094 Carvajal, Andres Santana, Universidad AutÑnoma de Yucatàn, ADISP Carvalho, Anna Cristina, Funda_Üo Oswaldo Cruz, ADISP
Casey, Rachel C, Virginia Commonwealth University, Fri 080
Casstevens, Willa, North Carolina State University, Thu 011
Casta_eda, Yvette D, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 089 Casta_o, Sebastiàn, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 057
Castellanos Guti_rrez, Jos_ Alberto, Universidad de Guadalajara, ADISP Castellon-Kraft, Amber N, University of Illinois at Chicago, Sat 080
CastrillÑn Valencia, Laura Cristina, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 068 Catrib, Ana Maria Fontenelle, Universidade de Fortaleza, Thu 004, ADISP
Caubo-Damen, Irene, VU medical center, Fri 175, Sat 084
Cayir, Ebru, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University of
South Carolina, Fri 115
Ceisel, Christina, California State-Fullerton, Sat 062
Celebi Oncu, elif, Kocaeli University, Turkish
Celebi, Dilber, Texas Tech University, Sat 095
Celik, Burcu, Co-author, Thu 024
Celik, Gamze, -, Thu 024
Cerda, Rodrigo Fernandez, Universidad de Tarapaca, ADISP
Cha, See, Arizona State University, Fri 181
Chacko, Jacob B, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Fri 014
Chad, Steacy, University of Geography, Department of Geography, Sat 006, Sat 113 Chai, Kay Yu Yuan, Duquesne University, Sat 109
Chang, yongsock, Jukam Elementary School, S. Korea, Fri 084
Channa, Liaquat, BUITEMS, Quetta, Sat 024
Chao, Yu-Ling, University of Taipei, Fri 011
Chapela, Consuelo, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Fri 032, Fri
111, Sat 126, ADISP
Chappell Deckert, Jennifer Marie, University of Kansas, Thu 019
Charman, Karen, Victoria University, Fri 116
Charmaz, Kathy, Sonoma State University, Fri 144, Sat 132
Chason, Lisa, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Fri 064
Chaudhuri, Jayati, California State University, Sat 034
Chaudhury, Habib, Department of Gerontology – Simon Fraser University, Thu 010 Chavez-Arellano, Maria Eugenia, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, ADISP Chàvez, Sarah Margarita, individual, Thu 006
Chavira, Claudia Teresa Dominguez, Universidad AutÑnoma de Ciudad Juàrez
DivisiÑn Cuauht_moc, ADISP
Chawla, Devika, Ohio University, Fri 068, Sat 074
Check, Ed, Texas Tech University, Sat 114
Cheek, Julianne, Ostfold University College, Wed 001, Fri 066, Sat 068, Sat 126 Chen, Hao-Min, Alliant International University, Fri 015
Chen, Lin, The University of Georgia, Fri 141
Cherry, Sabrina Tindal, University of Georgia – College of Public Health, Sat 006 Chiang, Pamela Pei-Ling, Eastern Connecticut State University, Thu 023 Chilcote, Autumn Marie, Independent Scholar, Thu 001
Childers, Sara, Walden University, Fri 110
Chiquito, Tatiana, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 119
Chisholm, James S., University of Louisville, Fri 076
Cho, Eunhae, Chung-Ang University, Sat 034
Choi, Eunjung, The Pennsylvania State University, Fri 161
Christ, Thomas, University of Bridgeport, Sat 108
Christensen, M. Candace, University of Texas San Antonio, Fri 033 Chung, David, University of Illinois, Sat 110
Chung, Ga Young, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaiang, Fri 064 Cibils, Lilian, New Mexico State University, Fri 003
cindoglu, dilek, abdullah gul university, Fri 085
Cisneros-Cohernour, Edith J., Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, ADISP Cisneros-Puebla, Cesar Antonio, UAM Iztapalapa, Sat 028, Sat 029, Sat 036 Claiborne, Lise Bird, University of Waikato, Sat 121, Sat 141
Clark, Adam, Arizona State University, Fri 182, Sat 052
Clark, Dessie, Vanderbilt University, Fri 037
Clark, Esther Taj, Tennessee Technological University, Sat 058
Clark, Lauren, University of Utah, Wed 004, Wed 010, Fri 106
Clark, Marianne, University of British Columbia, Sat 032
Clark/Keefe, Kelly, The University of Vermont, Fri 017, Fri 045
Clarke, Adele, University of California San Francisco, Fri 068, Fri 101
Clarke, Daniel Wade, School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee, Fri 058 Clarke, Samantha Virginia, Wilfrid Lauier University, Thu 027
Cleary, Meredith Kay, University of Toledo, Thu 023
Cleaveland, Carol, George Mason University, Thu 028
Clemens, Randall F., St. John’s University, Fri 074
Clements, Colleen, University of Minnesota, Fri 039
Coats, Cala, Stephen F. Austin State University, Fri 161
Coba Rodriguez, Sarai, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thu 006 Cochrane, Meaghan, Kansas State University, Sat 087, Sat 135
Coes, Jemelleh, The University of Georgia, Fri 107
Coffee, Angela C, University of Minnesota, Fri 085
Colby, Sherri Rae, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Sat 113
Coles, D. Crystal, Virginia Commonwealth University, Thu 020
Collazos, Addis Raul, Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, Comite Cauca,
Collins, Janice, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Sat 058
Colomer, Soria, Oregon State University, Sat 151
Colon, Samuel, Psychology, Sat 016, ADISP
Comas, Guillermina Alejandra, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Universidad
de Buenos Aires, ADISP
Compton, Kimberly S., Virginia Commonwealth University, Thu 020
Consoli, Melissa Morgan, University of California, Santa Barbara, Fri 049, Fri 126 Conti, Janet Elizabeth, Western Sydney University, Fri 012
Cook, Meagan, Loyola University – Chicago, Thu 018
Cook, William Robert Amilan, York University, Fri 179
Cooky, Cheryl, Purdue University, Fri 029
Cooper, Joshua, Marshall University / Waverly High School, Fri 051
Corbiere, Ma’iingan Lisa, Algoma University, Thu 010
Cordeiro, Rosineide, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, Sat 002 Cornejo, Marcela, Pontificia Universidad CatÑlica de Chile, ADISP
Corple, Danielle J., Purdue University, Fri 029
Corral, Jorge Antonio, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabÕ, Sat 012 Correa-Arias, Juan David, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fri 152
Correa, Juan David, Universidad Eafit, ADISP
Correa, Santiago, Universidad Eafit, Fri 128
Cortesi, Luisa, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, Sat 014 Cortez Ochoa, Nestor Ivan, Estudiante, ADISP
Coulter, Cathy, University of Alaska-Anchorage, Fri 056
Cradit, Nathaniel, Michigan State University, Sat 024
Crawford-Leeds, Betsy L, Kansas State University, Fort Hays State University, Fri 045 Cristancho, Sergio, Universidad de Antioquia, Fri 184
Crocker, Jillian, SUNY–Westbury, Sat 053
Crocket, Kathie, University of Waikato, Fri 145, Sat 025
Cronenberg, Stephanie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 020 Croteau, Susan M, Texas State University, Sat 031
Cruz-Ortiz, Maribel, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, ADISP
Cruz, Joshua, Arizona State University, Fri 182
Cuellar, John Marc, Ohio University, Sat 055
Currie-Patterson, Natalie, The University of Western Ontario, Fri 170
Cutts, Qiana, University of Georgia, Fri 058, Fri 059
Cyr, Tim, File Hills QuÍAppelle Health Services, Fri 042
Daley-Moore, Nancy, Truman State University, Sat 048 Dallaire, Kira, Eastern Michigan University, Fri 069 Dalma, Archontoula, Prolepsis Institute, Thu 004 Damianakis, Thecla, University of Windsor, Sat 072 Dane, Menco, VU medical center, Fri 175
Danh, Marie, Indiana University, Thu 022
Daniels, Jessie, University of Georgia, Sat 127
Das, Aditi, University of Chicago, Thu 001
Davenport, Alex, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Sat 063, Sat 113 David Velàsquez, Paloma, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Thu 010 Davidson, Judith, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fri 005, Fri 065 Davidson, Judy, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Fri 040
Davies, Bronwyn, University of Melbourne, Fri 132, Sat 121, Sat 141
Davis, Deborah, Ball State University, Thu 004
Davis, Trina, Texas A&M University, Fri 128
Dawidowicz, Paula Marie, Walden University, Fri 067, Fri 100, Fri 142, Sat 079 Dawson, Deirdre, Baycrest, University of Toronto, Sat 072
De Alba, Alicia, UNAM-IISUE, ADISP
De Felice, Dustin, Michigan State University, Fri 128
de Freitas, Elizabeth, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sat 067
De La Cruz Nava, Carmen, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos, ADISP De La Garza, Sarah Amira, Arizona State University, ADISP
De La Sablonni_re-Griffin, Mireille, School of Social Work, McGill University, Sat 103 De Lisle, Jerome, The University of the West Indies St Augustine, Sat 052, Sat 077 Dean, Allyson, University of Oregon, Fri 006, Fri 088
Dean, Amber, McMaster University, Sat 117
Deegan, Jim, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, Fri 173
DeGearo, Joseph, Adelphi University, Thu 017
Dekker, Lida, Washington State University, Thu 009
Delgadillo Collazos, Yazmin, University of Cauca, Sat 095
Delgado Burbano, Nelsy Alexandra, University of Cauca, Sat 095
Dellinger, Jonathan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Sat 122
Delmar, Charlotte, University of Aarhus, Wed 008
Delorme, Curtis, File Hills QuÍAppelle Health Services, Fri 042
deMarrais, Kathleen, University of Georgia, Sat 006, Sat 051 DeMott, Sarah, NYU, Fri 136
Denejkina, Anna, University of Technology Sydney, Fri 095 Deng, Yuwen, Purdue University, Fri 021
Denison, Jim, University of Alberta, Sat 032
Denmead, Tyler, University of Illinois, Fri 077
Dennis, Barbara, Indiana University, Fri 002
Denzin, Norman, Univ of Illinois, Fri 035, Fri 036, Fri 178
DeSchauwer, Elisabeth, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent
University, Thu 019, Fri 132
Detoni, Kirla Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Fri 165 DeWitt, Natalie K, Western Oregon University, Fri 128
DeYounge, Nia, University of Massachusetts Boston, Sat 021
Dias, Rejane, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 167 Diaz-Kozlowski, Tanya, Independent Scholar, Fri 105
Diaz, Amanda, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, ADISP
Dickson, Bronwyn, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 090
Diener, Elizabeth, Oklahoma City University, Sat 072
Diversi, Marcelo, Washsington State University, Sat 150
Dixon, Alvarez, Cooperative Extension, Sat 144
Dõaz, Lourdes Regina, Ponente, ADISP
Dogan Coskun, Sumeyra, Gazi University, Turkish
Dolzhenko, Inna Nickole, University of North Texas, Fri 170
Doster, James Howell, Texas A&M University, Thu 004
Douglas, Kitrina, Leeds Beckett University, Fri 093
Doutrich, Dawn, Washington State University, Thu 009
Downey, Margaret Mary, University of California, Berkeley, Thu 003
Downing, Charlene, University of Johannesburg, Wed 007
Drozda, Natalie, Slippery Rock University, Fri 127
Dunbar, Christopher, University of Illinois, Sat 144
Dunn, Joseph P, University of Memphis, Sat 124
Dupre, Kevin, Athens State University, Sat 050
Dupuis, Sherry L., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Sat 092 Dutton, Yvonne Marie, IU McKinney Law School, Fri 026
Duwe, Elise Ann Geist, UIUC, Fri 042
Dyer, Becky, Arizona State University, Fri 181
e Silva, Juliana GuimarÜes, UNIFOR, ADISP
Eakle, A. Jonathan, George Washington University, Sat 056
Earl, Kerry, Faculty of Education, University of Waikato, Fri 083
Eaton, Paul William, Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Sat 037 Edmonds, Shaun, University of Maryland College Park, Sat 085
Eidelman, Tessa Ann, Vanderbilt University, Sat 033
Eilering, Brad, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Fri 081
El-Amin, Wendi, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sat 022
Elfreich, Alycia M, Indiana University– Indianapolis, Fri 130
Eliustaoglu, Esra, Kent State University, Fri 155
Ellis, Amanda, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 159
Ellis, Carolyn, University of South Florida, Sat 096
Elwell, Matt, CSz Worldwide, Sat 129
Embley, Charity, Texas Tech University, Fri 149
Emeh, Chisomebi Anastasia, Penn State Altoona, Thu 008
Enosh, Guy, University of Haifa, Thu 011, Thu 028
Epling, Kelli LeAnn, Marshall University / Stonewall Jackson Middle School, Fri 051 Ergulec, Funda, Indiana University, Fri 171
Erickson, Frederick, UCLA, Fri 035
erkan, nefise semra, hacette university, Fri 092
Erkan, Nefise Semra, Hacettepe University, Sat 072
Ertmer, Peggy A., Purdue University, Fri 076
Espa_a-Novelo, Jorge N., Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, ADISP
Espeland, Magne, Stord Haugesund University College, Sat 039, Sat 104, Sat 128 Espeland, _smund, Stord/Haugesund University College, Fri 131
Espinoza Hernàndez, RamÑn, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos, ADISP Essex, Gwen, University of California, San Francisco, Thu 005
Estevez, Andr_ Azevedo Marques, Universidade de SÜo Paulo, Fri 131 Estrada-Montoya, John Harold, School of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Fri 059, Fri 103, Fri 137, Fri 152
Eugene, Nicole, Ohio University, Sat 100, Sat 106
Eugenio Morales, Abdiel, Universidad TecnolÑgica de Tecamachalco SEP-Puebla,
Eugenio P_rez, Josue, Universidad TecnolÑgica de Tecamachalco, SEP-Puebla, ADISP Evans-Jordan, Sarah Beth, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Department of Social Work and Health Science, Fri 137
Evans-Winters, Venus, Illinois State University, Fri 112, Fri 146
Ewan, Rachel, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 090
Ezell, Laura, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 055
Ezell, Stephanie L., University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing and School of
Public Health, Fri 156
Fahad, Ahmed Kadhum, University of Cincinnati, Sat 075
Farley, Lisa, York University, Canada, Fri 116
Fast, Elizabeth, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Sat 103 Faulkner, Sandra, Bowling Green State University, Fri 109
Fay, Richard, The University of Manchester, Sat 135
Fedesco, Heather, Purdue University, Thu 005
Fellin, Lisa Chiara, University of East London, Sat 013
Fendler, Rachel, Florida State University, Sat 078
Fenelon, Kelley Frances, Vanderbilt University, Sat 033
Feng, Yueran, York University, Department of History, Fri 178
Ferguson, Mollie, Marshall University / Glenville State College, Fri 051
Fernandes, Priscila Correia, PPEDU UFSJ, Fri 045
Ferreira Neto, JoÜo Leite, Pontifical Catholic University, Fri 134
Ferrera, Maria Joy, DePaul University, Fri 115
Ferreyra, Gabriel, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi, Fri 097
Ferry, Nicole C, Washington State University, Sat 017
Feza, Nosisi Nellie, University of South Africa, Fri 021
Fidan, Perihan, Tennessee Tech University, Fri 021 Fielding, Nigel, University of Surrey, UK, Fri 144 Fields, Becky, Roane State College, Fri 103 Fife-Demski, Veronica, Ball State University, Sat 023 Fine, Michelle, CUNY, Sat 057
Finfgeld-Connett, Deborah, Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri, Wed 007, Fri 066
Finley, Susan, Washington State University, Fri 020, Sat 135
Fish, Buddy, Jackson State University, Sat 059
Fisher, David R, The University of South Florida, Fri 001, Sat 058 Fisher, Stacey J., East Tennessee State University, Fri 019
Fizet, Christiana, University of Edinburgh, Fri 151
Flanagan, Ashley K., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Sat 092 Flick, Uwe, Free University Berlin, Germany, Fri 144, Fri 178
Fogle, Emily, Purdue University, Fri 029
Fontaine, Lorena Sekwan, University of Winnipeg, Fri 184
Fontanella-Nothom, Oona, University of Missouri, Sat 049
Forber-Pratt, Anjali, Vanderbilt University, Fri 058
Ford, Jillian, Kennesaw State University, Sat 100
Formenti, Laura, Universitö degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Milano Italy, Fri 039 Forst, Michael L., Southern Illinois University, Sat 092
Fort, Vernita Pearl, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Fri 131
Foster, Elissa, DePaul Univiersity, Fri 153
Fox, Kathy, Plymouth University, Fri 165
Franco Rocha, Jorge Francisco, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos, M_
xico., ADISP
Franco-Chavez, Sergio Adalberto, Universidad de Guadalajara, Thu 001
Franco, SaÏl, Universidad Santo Tomàs, ADISP
Franke, Thea, Interdisciplinary Studies – University of British Columbia, Thu 010 Franklin, Asilia, University of Oregon, Fri 088, Fri 146, Sat 037, Sat 112 Franks, Melissa, Purdue University, Thu 003
Franks, Suzanne, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sat 050
Fraser, Gertrude J, University of Virginia, Sat 054
Frazier, Michael, University of West Georgia, Fri 049
Freeman, Melissa, The University of Georgia, Sat 116
Freire GarzÑn, Piedad Rosaura, Escuela Jos_ Antonino GarcÕa Cando, ADISP French, Jared, Western University, Fri 101
French, Martin, Concordia University, Fri 101
Friedman, Mitchell, Independent Researcher; University of San Francisco, Thu 002 Frimberger, Katja, The University of Glasgow, Sat 135
Funk, Amy Marie, Methodist College, Fri 046
Gabriel, Rachael, University of Conneticut, Fri 019
Gagnon, Marilou, University of Ottawa, Fri 101
Gaither, Chastity, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Galaz, Caterine Joanna, University of Chile, ADISP
Gallagher, Grace, Arizona State University, Fri 181
Galvez, Patricia, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Fri 046
Gangnon, Bradley A, Capella University, Sat 072, Sat 095
Gannon, Susanne, Western Sydney University, Fri 013, Fri 088, Fri 162, Sat 141 Gapp, Isobelle, Elanora State High School, Fri 152
Gapp, Rod, Griffith University, Fri 023, Fri 152
Garcia Hernandez, Esteban, Unidad para la Igualdad de G_nero. SECyD, ADISP Garcia Ramirez, Ricardo, Unidad para la Igualdad de G_nero, ADISP Garcia-Bejar, Ligia, Universidad Panamericana, ADISP
Garcia, Magda, Universidad AutÑnoma de Nuevo LeÑn, ADISP
GarcÕa de Alba-GarcÕa, Javier Eduardo, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
Garcõa Ponce de Leñn, Omar, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos, Fri 055 Garcõa Sànchez, Rafael, Instituto de PedagogÕa CrÕtica, ADISP
Garrafa Torres, Olivia MarÕa, Universidad AutÑnoma de Nayarit, ADISP
GarzÑn, Carlos Alberto, Docente investigador, ADISP
Gaskill, Lisa, The University of Alabama, Fri 071
Gassner, Dena, Adelphi University, Thu 017
Gastaldo, Denise, University of Toronto, Wed 002, Wed 008
Gavilanes Yanes, Patricia Viloeta, UNEMI, ADISP
Gayah-Batchasingh, Alicia, School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St.
Augustine, Sat 077
Gearity, Brian, University of Denver, Sat 085
Geiger, Kevin, University of Cincinnati, Fri 163
Geiger, Tray, Arizona State University, Sat 082
Gemignani, Marco, Duquesne University, Fri 086
Genis Catalàn, Ismael, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos, ADISP Genkova, Ana G, University of Illinois-Chicago, Sat 080
Genoe, Rebecca, University of Regina, Wed 007, Fri 063
Gergen, Ken, Swarthmore College, Fri 154, Sat 036, Sat 076
Gergen, Mary, Penn State University, Fri 154
Gershon, Walter S., Kent State University, Fri 056, Sat 040, Sat 152 Ghirotto, Luca, University of Bologna, Wed 006
Giaver, Katrine, Oslo University College of Applied Science, Fri 019, Fri 053 Gibbons, Caitlin, Hennepin County Medical Center, Fri 038
Gibbons, Hailee, University of Illinois at Chicago, Fri 038
Gibson, Katherine Ariel, The University of Chicago, Thu 018
Gilewski, Casey Dianna, University of Memphis, Thu 005, Thu 006
Gilgun, Jane, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Thu 028, Fri 036
Gilgun, Jane F., University of Minnesota, Thu 011, Thu 031
Gilway, Jessica, Appalachian State University, Fri 017, Fri 126, Sat 095 Giorgio, Grace Ann, UIUC, Sat 074
Giraldo, Elida, Universidad de Antioquia, ADISP
Giraldo, Maryori, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 143
Gleason, Shannon C, Washington State University, Sat 017
Gleason, Tristan, University of Oregon, Sat 098
Gñmez, Marõa Alejandr, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 143
GÑmez, Nicolàs Exequel, Escuela de SociologÕa, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,
Universidad Central de Chile, ADISP
Goble, Erika, NorQuest College, Fri 102, Sat 008, Sat 040
Goddard-Durant, Sadie, Department of Psychology, University of Guelph, Sat 077 Goel, Koeli Moitra, UIUC, Sat 123
Gokani, Ravi, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 090
Goldberg, Susan G, Duquesne University, Sat 013
Golding-Ross, Krystal, The University of Oklahoma, Fri 063, Fri 155
Goldsmith, Laurie, Simon Fraser University, Wed 007, Fri 066
Golovàtina-Mora, Polina, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 033, Fri 068, Sat
014, Sat 135
Gomez, Aitor, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Sat 028, Sat 052, Sat 108, Sat 126 Gomez, Anu Manchikanti, University of California, Berkeley, Thu 003
Gomez, Luis Eduardo, Universidad de Antioquia – Universidad Eafit, ADISP Gonzalez Reyes, Gustavo Adolfo, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos,
Gonzalez, Elsa, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Fri 130
Gonzàlez, Gladys Ang_lica, Escuela Jos_ Antonino GarcÕa Cando, ADISP
Gonzalez, Luis F, Universidad Santo Tomàs, Sat 140, ADISP
Gonzàlez, Luis Felipe, Universidad Santo Tomàs, ADISP
Gonzalez, Maria Luisa, UTEP, ADISP
Gonzalez, Robert, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Fri 099
Goode, Jackie, Loughborough University, Fri 060
Goodwin, David, Missouri State University, Fri 084
Goodyear, Kathleen M., The Ohio State University, Fri 147
Gordon, Kay, Teachers College, Columbia University, Sat 089
Gordon, Tedi Taylor, Athens State University, Sat 050
Gorman, Geraldine, University of Illinois @ Chicago, Fri 165
Gould, Olga, SUNY, University at Buffalo, Sat 029
Goulet, Linda, First Nations University, Sat 153
Graham, Karen Kleppe, The University of Georgia, Fri 106, Sat 020
Graham, Matthew C, University of Oregon, Fri 108, Fri 155
Granato, Tania Mara Marques, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Sao Paulo,
Brazil., Thu 009
Grant, Nichole, University of Ottawa, Fri 007, Fri 151
Granzow, Kara, University of Lethbridge, Sat 117
Graves, Jean, Indiana University, Sat 025
Green, Amelia, Griffith University, Sat 135
Green, Harriett, University of Illinois, Fri 005
Green, Qiana, Michigan State University, Sat 105
Gregory, Katherine, CUNY/New York City College of Technology, Fri 024, Fri 136 Gregory, Stacie, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Fri 091 Griffin, Jessika O., Ball State University, Fri 014, Fri 059, Sat 078
Grossman, Brian R., University of Illinois at Chicago, Fri 140
Grube, Vicky, Appalachian State University, Fri 081
Grundy, John, York University, Thu 006
Guerra Guerrero, Veronica Teresa, Universidad Catolica del Maule, ADISP Guerrero Arias, Beatriz Eugenia, Universidad del Valle, Sat 049
Guerrero, Alberto, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sat 088
Gullion, Jessica Smartt, Texas Woman’s University, Sat 001 Gulozer, Kaine, Y›ld›z Technical University, Sat 075 Gùnbatar, Mustafa Serkan, YÙzÙncÙ Y›l University, Sat 020 Guo, Jia-Wen, University of Utah, Fri 106
Guo, Yage, University of Nebraska_Lincoln, Fri 160, Sat 052
Gupta, Jyoti, Vanderbilt University, Sat 033
Gùrel, Davut, Bartin University, Sat 020
Guti_rrez, Gloria, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Guttorm, Hanna Ellen, Sàmi University College, Kautokeino, Sat 069, Sat 093, Sat
Guy, Sheva, University of Cincinnati, Thu 002
Guyotte, Kelly, University of Alabama, Fri 086, Sat 069, Sat 135 Gyan, Charles, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 026
Hackett, V.C. Rhonda, University of Toronto, Thu 030
Hacking, Damian, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape
Town, South Africa, Fri 106
Hàis_ter, Sissel, Stord Haugesubd University College, Sat 104, Sat 128
Hale, Karen CG, University of Auckland, Fri 129
Hall, James A, Indiana University, Thu 022
Hall, Joanne, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Sat 112
Hall, Joanne M, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Fri 103
Halldñrsdñttir, Tanya, Canterbury Christ Church University, Sat 056
Hamborg, Steffen, University of Oldenburg, Germany, Fri 027
Hamrock, Jennifer, Florida State University, Sat 071
Hamstra, Miki D, Ball State University, Sat 043
Han, Shaofei, Curriculum and Instruction, Louisiana State University, Sat 037 Handwerk, Janet, Oklahoma State University, Sat 011
Hannes, Karin, KU Leuven, Fri 076, Sat 018
Hanoman, Jacqueline, Ross Community Center, Fri 026
Hansen-Morgan, Karen M, Ball State University, Sat 023, Sat 043
Happel-Parkins, Alison, University of Memphis, Fri 127
Haricharan, Hanne Jensen, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of
Cape Town, South Africa, Fri 026, Fri 106
Harnisch, Delwyn L, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Fri 160 Harper, Nina Stearns, Bunker Hill Community College, Thu 024 Harris, Andrew, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fri 065
Harris, Genevieve, Linfield College, Sat 011, Sat 024
Harrison, Anthony Kwame, Virginia Tech, Sat 040
Harrison, Dori, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 020 Harrison, Dorian, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Fri 014 Hartlep, Nicholas D., Illinois State University, Fri 010
Harvey, Idethia Shevon, Texas A&M University, Thu 004 Hastings-Tolsma, Marie, Baylor University, Wed 007
Haswell, Melissa M., Davenport University, Sat 086
Haugen, Matthew, University of Illinois, Sat 085, Sat 110 Hawkins, Jennifer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Fri 103
Haydon, Todd, University of Cincinnati, Fri 063
Haywood Rolling Jr., James, Syracuse University, Fri 036
Heap, Marion, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town,
South Africa, Fri 106
Hedayati, Amir, University of Illinois, Fri 181
Hein, Serge F., Virginia Tech, Sat 035
Heise, Donalyn, AdvanceLearning, Inc., Fri 127
Heller, Hannah, Teachers College, Columbia University, Sat 075
Heller, Wendy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 109 HendersonMetzger, Lynett, University of Denver, Sat 085
Hendricks, Justin, University of Florida, Fri 009, Sat 069
Hennenfent, Jessica, University of Georgia, Sat 044
Hennick, Emogene Elizabeth, University of Utah and Utah Department of Corrections,
Thu 022, Sat 013
Henning-Smith, Jeff, Univ. of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Sat 051
Henshaw, Lisa A., Adelphi University, School of Social Work, Thu 007
Hensley, Brandon Oglesby, Millikin University, Fri 010, Sat 133
Henson, Donna, Bond University-Australia, Sat 055
Hernàndez Bueno, Carlos Hugo, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos,
Hernàndez Collazo, RamÑn Leonardo, Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado, ADISP
Hernàndez-Ibarra, Eduardo, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, ADISP Hernàndez, Dora MarÕa, Universidad de Antioquia, Fri 184
Hernandez, Jillian, University of California, San Diego, Fri 112
Hernandez, Maria Elisa, Universidad Simon Bolivar / Universidad de Cadiz, Fri 157 Hernandez, Michael, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Hernandez, Sarah Gabriella, University of Illinois Chicago, Sat 080 Hernandez, Victor Escalante, Universidad AutÑnoma de Yucatàn, ADISP Hesse-Biber, Sharlene, Boston College, Fri 178
Heybach, Jessica, Aurora University, Fri 062, Fri 087
Heyvaert, Mieke, KU Leuven, Sat 018
Hicks, Nytasia M, Wright State University, Thu 002
Higgins, Marc, University of British Columbia, Fri 068, Fri 151, Sat 127 Hile, Kimberly A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thu 002 Hill, Dominique, Miami University, Fri 112
Hill, Rob L, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Hill, Victoria A, University of Washington-Tacoma Campus, Fri 090, Sat 146 Hinbest, Jerry, Vancouver Island University, Sat 021
Hindman, Janet Tipton, West Texas A&M University, Fri 016
Hinzman, Andrew, Westat, Fri 171
Hira, Rajni, University of Delhi, Sat 142
Hitchens, Carolyn, Ball State University, Thu 005
Hocker, Stephen, University of Illinois-Urbana, Sat 062
Hodges, Demetricia Lucette, Georgia State University, Fri 179
Hoeck, Bente, University of Southern Denmark, Wed 008, Fri 137 Hoffman, Lauren, Lewis University, Fri 016
Hofsess, Brooke, Appalachian State University, Sat 037, Sat 135 Hohti, Riikka, University of Helsinki, Sat 069
Holdhus, Kari, Stord-hauhesund University College, Sat 128 Holloway-Libell, Jessica, Kansas State University, Fri 020, Sat 082 Holman Jones, Stacy, Monash University, Fri 036, Fri 072 Holmes, Dave, University of Ottawa, Fri 142
Holmes, Rachel, Manchester Metropolitan University, Fri 116, Fri 162 Hood, Eric, Adrian College, Fri 121
Horne, Edward, University of Illinois, Sat 110
Horner, Pilar, Michigan State University, Thu 029
Houser, Rick, The University of Alabama, Fri 086
Hovde, Sunniva Skjoestad, DMMH, Sat 071, Sat 099
Hovik, Lise, Queen Maud University College, Sat 038
Howell, Crystal, Indiana University, Sat 025
Howley, Kevin, DePauw University, Fri 050
Hoyle, Jeffrey A., Central Michigan University, Fri 007
Hsiung, Ping-Chun, University of Toronto, Fri 178
Huang, Carol, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Huang, Sheila Shu-Ling, Kaohsiung Medical University, Fri 066
Huang, Zhuomin, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University
of Manchester, Fri 113
Hubbard, Degan, Department of Sociology, University of Memphis, Sat 026
Huerta Charles, Luis Manuel, New Mexico State University, ADISP
Hughes, Hilary E., Universiity of Georgia, Fri 073, Fri 164, Sat 040
Hulgin, Kathleen M, University of Cincinnati, Education Program, Fri 140 Humphreys, Michael, Durham University Business School, Fri 037, Fri 080, Fri 142 Hungler, Krista, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Sat 073
Hunt, Lindsey Ruth, Doctoral Candidate University of Alberta, Sat 073
Huot, Suzanne, School of Occupational Therapy, The University of Western Ontario,
Thu 006
Hurd, Ellis, Illinois State University, Sat 028
Hurst, Jennifer R, Truman State University, Sat 048 Hwang, Yeorim Ana, Oklahoma State University, Fri 147
Iarrapino, Michael Anthony, Central Connecticut State University, Sat 019, Sat 063 Ibaoglu Vaughn, N. Banu, Georgia Conflict Center, Fri 003
Ibrahim, Mona, Concordia College, Thu 009, Fri 154
Ife, Fahima Indigo, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Fri 112
Ignacio, Emily Noelle Sanchez, University of Washington Tacoma, Fri 090 Imburgia, Tracy, Indiana University, Thu 022
Intriago, Eder A, University of Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabÕ, Thu 024, Sat 012 Ireland, Alana, University of Calgary, Fri 101
Irwin, April, The University of Alabama, Fri 086
Isaac, Carol, Mercer University, Fri 134
Isaza, Giselle, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Isbell, Janet Kesterson, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 120, Sat 034 Isidro, Elizabeth, Texas Tech University, Sat 081
Isiksal, Mine, Middle East Technical University, Turkish
Ivashkevich, Olga, University of South Carolina, Fri 075
Ivinson, Gabrielle, Aberdeen University, Fri 162
Iwase, Masayuki, University of British Columbia, Fri 068, Fri 129 Iyekepolo, Andrea, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sat 022
Jackson, Alecia Youngblood, Appalachian State University, Fri 035, Sat 067, Sat 130 Jackson, Kristi, Queri, Fri 005
Jacob, Jean Daniel, University of Ottawa, Fri 101
Jacobs, Tiffany, Georgia State University, Sat 040
Janesick, Valerie J., University of South Florida, Fri 128
Janjua, Martyna A., University of Toronto, Wed 002 Jara-Labarthe, Vanessa, University of Tarapaca, Thu 023, Fri 137 Jarmon, Scott, Louisiana State University, Fri 156
Jarrett, Robin L, Department of Human Development and Family Studies/ Department of African American Studies, Thu 002, Thu 006
Jeffers, Elizabeth K., Georgia State University, Sat 133
Jegatheesan, Brinda, University of Washington, Fri 084
Jendoubi, Heather, Department of Sociology, University of Memphis, Sat 026 Jenkins, Andrew G, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sat 112
Jenks, Elaine B, West Chester University, Fri 106
Jennings, LIsa K, Cal State Long Beach, School of Social Work, Thu 014
Ji, Xia, University of Regina, Fri 160
Jifang, Qiu, Nanjing University, Fri 166
Jita, Loyiso Currell, University of the Free State, Sat 022
Jita, Thuthukile, University of the Free State, Sat 012
Jocson, Korina, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sat 088
Johansen, Tine Laurine Rosenthal, Roskilde University, Thu 027
Johnk, Lzz, Eastern Michigan University, Sat 147
Johnson Mardones, Daniel F, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Fri 064,
Johnson-Motoyama, Michelle, University of Kansas, Thu 019
Johnson, Erin, University of Utah, Fri 106
Johnson, John, Arizona State University, Sat 036
Johnson, Latoya, University of North Georgia, Fri 145
Jones, Alexis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 020
Jones, Amanda Michelle, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration,
Thu 020
Jones, Christopher, Friend, Sat 019
Jones, Ginny, Michigan State University, Fri 022
Jones, Liz, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Fri 116, Fri 162
Jones, Meadow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 025 Jones, Octavius, Colorado State University, Sat 131
Jones, Phyllis, University of South Florida, Fri 090
Jones, Sarah, Arizona State University, Sat 116
Jones, Sosanya, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Fri 074, Fri 080 Jordan, Emma Louise, South Devon College, UK, Fri 165
Joseph, Jared, Valparaiso University, Fri 134
Joudrey, Susan, Saint Mary’s University, Sat 117
Jovanovic, Gordana, University of Belgrade, Fri 033, Fri 070 Joyce, Patricia, Adelphi University, Thu 017
Juando, Clara, University of Toronto, Sat 147
Judd, Thomas, United States Military Academy, Sat 059
Jude, Julia, University of Bedfordshire, Fri 047
Jun, Youngcook, Sunchon National University, S. Korea, Fri 084
Kaczynski, Dan, Central Michigan University, Fri 065, Fri 136, Sat 029 Kaff, Marilyn S, Kansas State University, Sat 122
Kalfa, Mahir, Education, Fri 007, Turkish
Kallio, Alexis Anja, Sibelius Academy, University, Thu 006
Kalloo, Rowena Constance, The University of the West Indies, Sat 146 Kan, Koon-Hwee, Kent State University, Thu 010
Kan›k, Mehmet, Mevlana University, Turkish
Kana, Fatih, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart university, Turkish
Kandil, Semanur, Middle East Technical University, Fri 155 Kang, Dongjing, University of Colorado Denver, Fri 167 Kaplan, Abram W, Denison University, Fri 045
Kaplan, Lisa, Adrian College, Fri 121
Karadem_r, Abdulhamit, Hacettepe University, Turkish
Karasu, Guzin, Anadolu University, Thu 005, Sat 081, Sat 111
Karki, Karun, WIlfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Karl, Ute, University of Luxembourg, Fri 027
Karnieli, Mira, Oranim College of Education, Sat 108
Karunaratne, Nadeeka, University of California Irvine, Fri 022
Kasun, Sue, Utah State University, Fri 091
Katz, Sara, Shaanan academic College, Haifa, Israel, Thu 002
Kaufmann, Jodi, Georgia State University, Fri 034, Fri 083
Kaya Buldu, Elif, Middle East Tehnical University, Fri 090
Kaya, Jean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Fri 160
Kaya, Zehranur, Anadolu University School for the Handicapped Instructor, Thu 005,
Sat 081
Kayumova, Shakhnoza, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Thu 007
Kearney, Kerri, Oklahoma State University, Sat 084
Keefer, Jeffrey M., New York University / UMASS Boston, Sat 028
Keller, Reiner, University of Augsburg, Germany, Fri 027, Fri 061, Fri 098, Fri 180,
Sat 036
Kelly, Vicki Lynn, Simon Fraser University, Fri 041, Sat 039
Kennedy-Lewis, Brianna Lynn, University of Florida, Sat 151
Kenney, Jeff, Clemson University, Fri 006
Kerr, Jessica Preston, Kansas State University, Fri 020, Fri 053
Kerr, Shani, University of Alabama, Sat 081
Kerr, Stacey, University of Georgia, Fri 164
Ketsitlile, Lone, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, Sat 079 Khawaja, Amina Obaid, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan, Fri
Kiegelmann, Mechthild, Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany, Sat 016
Kim, Jeong-Hee, Texas Tech University, Fri 056, Fri 149
Kim, KaHyun, Chung-Ang University, Sat 123
Kim, Koomi, New Mexico State University, Fri 003
Kim, Kyoung Jin, Ball State University, Thu 005
Kimber, Andrews, University of Illinois, Fri 040, Sat 140
Kind, Luciana, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – Brazil, Sat 002 Kirakosyan, Lyusyena, Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance, Wed 006 Kiramba, Lydiah Kananu, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Fri 105, Fri
Kiyimba, Nikki, University of Chester, Fri 002
Klee, Amber, University of South Florida, Sat 091, Sat 120
Klein, Vanessa A., Montclair State University, Fri 097
Knapke, Jacqueline, University of Cincinnati, Sat 086
Ko_an, Yekta, Hacettepe University, Fri 092, Sat 072, Turkish
Koehler, Jeanne L, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sat 022 Koelsch, Lori E, Duquesne University, Sat 013
Koester, Merrie, University of South Carolina Center for Science Education, Fri 031,
Sat 008
Kondo, Shinko, Oakland University, Fri 117
Koo, Ahran, The Ohio State University, Thu 010, Fri 076, Fri 147
Koo, Sohee, Teachers College, Columbia University, Fri 147, Sat 039
Korff, Svea, University of Hildesheim, Fri 098
Korin, Ezequiel, University of Georgia, Sat 115
korkmaz, aysel, universty of hacettepe, Turkish
Koro-Ljungberg, Mirka, Arizona state university, Fri 009, Fri 178
Korson, Stacey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 020
Kotze, Elmarie, University of Waikato, Fri 145, Sat 025
Kovach, Margaret, University of Saskatchewan, Sat 150
Kral, Michael, Wayne State University, Fri 049, Sat 109
Kroeger, Janice, Kent State University, Sat 047
Krug, Gary J,, Eastern Washington University, Fri 031, Fri 156
Krug, Maggie, Spokane Falls Community College, Fri 156
Kuby, Candace, University of Missouri, Fri 004, Fri 034, Fri 071, Sat 051 Kuckartz, Anne, VERBI, Fri 102
Kuehner, Angela, Goethe University Frankfurt, Fri 139
Kuiper, Lieke, VU medical center, Fri 175
Kulild, Marit, Hogskolen Stord/Haugesund, Norway, Sat 104
kumar, hari stephen, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Fri 001
Kumar, Santosh, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Sat 075 Kumm, Brian, The University of Georgia, Sat 003, Sat 129
Kuntz, Aaron, University of Alabama, Fri 062
Kuru, Nilufer, Hacettepe University, Turkish
Kushner, Saville Ian, University of Auckland, Fri 055, ADISP
Kyriakakis, Stavroula, Adelphi University School of Social Work, Sat 077
La Fleur, Dr. Richard, College of The Holy Cross, Fri 012
LaBelle, Laura Marie, Vang Pao Peace Institute, Fri 044
Làberg, Hege Katrine, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Fri
019, Fri 053
Laboy, Julian, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Sat 109
Laes, Tuulikki Elisa, Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Thu 008 LaFleur, Richard, The College of the Holy Cross, Sat 118
Lagos, Claudia, UIUC, ADISP
Laliberte Rudman, Debbie, School of Occupational Therapy, The University of Western
Ontario, Thu 006
Lampe, Cassie, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Fri 028
Lampi, Jodi, Northern Illinois University, Sat 101
Langer, Phil, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, Fri 079, Fri 083, Fri 139 Langtiw, Cynthia, Chicago Professional Scool of Psychology, Fri 154
Lapping, Claudia, UCL Institute of Education, Fri 139, Sat 101
Larson, Alan B, Stephen F. Austin State University, Fri 140
Lather, Patti, Ohio State University, Fri 035
Latz, Amanda O., Ball State University, Fri 043, Sat 063, Sat 078
Lau, Yan Kwan, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town,
South Africa, Fri 106
Laurendeau, Jason, University of Lethbridge, Sat 032
Laurila, Kelly, Wilfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Lawrence, Randee Lipson, National Louis University, Fri 039, Sat 102
Lawson, Hazel, University of Exeter, England, Fri 090
Le-Blanc, Luis, University of Tarapaca, Thu 023
Leal Maridueãa, Isabel Amarilis, UNEMI, ADISP
Leal, Linda, Universidad PedagÑgica Nacional, Sat 045
Learmonth, Mark, Durham University Business School, Fri 037, Fri 080, Fri 142 Leavitt, Della R., Independent, Fri 031
Leavy, Patricia,, Fri 072, Fri 109
Lee, Barbara, Keiser University, Fri 134
Lee, Boh Young, Western Illinois University, Thu 006
Lee, David Haldane, NYC College of Technology, Fri 094
Lee, Peter, CUNY Brooklyn College, Sat 110
Lee, Young Ah, The Ohio State University, Lima, Fri 123
Leipow, Rachel Arianna, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Sat 109 Leitze, Amy, Ball State University, Sat 023
Lelek, Noah, Texas Woman’s University, Fri 024
Lemos, Suyane Souza, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Thu 003
Leslie, Logan, University of West Georgia, Sat 003
Lester, Allison, University of Cincinnati, Sat 010
Lester, Aryah O. S., Trans Miami, Sat 138
Lester, Jessica, Indiana University, Fri 002, Fri 019, Fri 069
Lester, Jessica N., Indiana University, Bloomington, Fri 176
Levin, Stacey, Arizona State University, Fri 182
Lewandowski, Rachel, Eastern Michigan University, Fri 010, Fri 069
Lewis, Denise, University of Georgia, Fri 015
Lewis, Katherine, Texas State University, Sat 031
Lewis, Patrick, 0, Fri 184
Lewis, Patrick J, University of Regina, Fri 036, Fri 093, Sat 009, Sat 150
Li, Wei-Lun, Tungnan University, Fri 011
Liang, Jia, Kansas State University, Fri 141, Sat 022
Lieber, Eli, University of California, Los Angeles, Fri 065, Fri 136, Sat 029
Liechty, Toni, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 063
Lien, Wenche Bruun, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway, Sat 039 Lightfoot-Rueda, Theodora Ann, IISSE (Interdisciplinary Institute for research in Social
Science and Education, Fri 050
Lim, Stephanie R, University of British Columbia, Fri 039
Lin, Ching-Hsuan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thu 023
Linabary, Jasmine R., Purdue University, Fri 029
Lincoln, Yvonna S, Texas A&M University, Fri 074, Fri 130, Sat 068, Sat 126 Lincoln, Yvonna S., Texas A&M University, Fri 002
Lindquist-Grantz, Robin, University of Cincinnati, Fri 028
Linds, Warren, Concordia University, Fri 041, Sat 073
LInds, Warren, Concordia University, Sat 153
Lindsey, Rose, University of Southampton, Fri 171
Linos, Athena, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Thu
Liou, Chih-ling, Kent State University at Stark, Thu 014, Fri 157
Lipschitz, David, University of Utah, Fri 066
Liston, Monique, UW-Milwaukee, Fri 048, Sat 027, Sat 142
Litchfield, Bruce, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Sat 144
Liu, Lu, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California,
Los Angeles, Fri 085
Liu, Xianquan CHrystal, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Fri 160, Sat 052 Lizama Estrada, Hebelth Hamlet, Escuela Normal de Dzidzantun, Yucatan, Mexico,
Lloyd-Hazlett, Jessica, University of Texas at San Antonio, Fri 122
Lñpez, Juan, Universidad de los Andes, Fri 015
Lñpez, Marcela, Universidad de Antioquia, Fri 184
Lo, Iris Po Yee, The University of Hong Kong, Thu 013
Loaiza-Sierra, Gelver Andr_s, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fri 137 Lobo, Claudio Tomas, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, ADISP Lochmiller, Chad R, Indiana University, Fri 019, Fri 171
Lockridge, Marlene, Oklahoma City University, Sat 072
Lockwood, Alexander Brett, Southern Illinois University, Fri 079
Loizzo, Jamie, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fri 076
lombardi, judith, Gentrification (k)NOT Project, Sat 139
London, Talia, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sat 088
Long, Tanya Alyson, Texas State University, Sat 031
Lopez, Adramein, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Fri 070
Lopez, Maribel, National Louis University, Sat 102
Lorentzen, Jeanne M., Northern Michigan University, Sat 140
Lourenco de Freitas, Erika, Regis University School of Pharmacy, Sat 110 Louren_o, Rosenery Loureiro, UFRJ, Sat 142
Lourinho, Lidia Andrade, Universidade de Fortaleza, Thu 004, ADISP Love, Ashley, The University of Georgia, Fri 107
Lovrod, Marie, University of Saskatchewan, Sat 042
lowenstein, elisabeth, midsized midwestern state university, Sat 100
Loytonen, Teija, Aalto University, Fri 009, Sat 093
Lozano, Nicole M., University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Sat 048
Lu, Yixi, University of Saskatchewan, Fri 066
Lucas, Lyrica Layag, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Fri 050
Luet, Kathryn McGinn, Rowan University, Sat 066
Luevano, Maria de la Luz, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, ADISP Lumsden, Karen, Loughborough University, Fri 060
Lund, Jennifer, Indiana University, Fri 021
Lundie, David Charles, Liverpool Hope University, Sat 025
Luzuriaga, EstefanÕa, Universidad Casa Grande, ADISP
M_land, Kjellfrid, Stord Haugesund University College, Sat 128 Mabasa, Layane Thomas, University of Limpopo, Sat 101 MacDonald, Beth L., Utah State University, Fri 091 MacDonald, Mary Ellen, McGill University, Fri 070 MacGillivray, Laurie, University of Memphis, Fri 127 Machado Neto, DiÑsnio, University of Sao Paulo, Thu 008 Macias-Prada, John Fernando, Universidad Eafit, ADISP Macklin, Rob, University of Tasmania, Fri 065
MacLeod, Emily, IWK Health Centre, Fri 127
MacNeil, Gordon, The University of Alabama, Thu 023
Maddah, Homa, University of Bonn, Fri 061
Madray, Amrita, Adelphi University, Sat 034
Madrigal BenÕtez, Juan Camilo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 068 Magnat, Virginie, University of British Columbia, Fri 067
Maietta, Raymond, ResearchTalk, Sat 132
Malcolm, Katie, University of Washington, Fri 111
Màlholm, Martin, Aalborg University, Fri 098
Malinga, Tumani, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Thu 009 Manika, Danae, Queen Mary University of London, Fri 134
Mann-Williams, Angie, Eastern Michigan University, Thu 022
Manning, Heidi, Concordia College, Thu 009
Manning, Jimmie, Northern Illinois University, Fri 046, Sat 023
Manovski, Miroslav Pavle, Independent Scholar, Fri 117, Sat 001, Sat 011 Marin, Patricia, Michigan State University, Fri 126
Marker, Michael, University of British Columbia, Fri 041, Fri 151 Markham, Annette, Aarhus University, Fri 144
Markula, Pirkko, University of Alberta, Fri 067, Sat 032
Maron, Paulo Sergio, University of Sao Paulo, Thu 008
Maroon, Cat, University of Memphis, Sat 026
Marsack, Christina Noel, Wayne State University, Thu 001
Marshall, Mary, Purdue University, Thu 003, Thu 005
Marston, Hannah, The Open University, Fri 063
Martin, Jennifer, University of Mount Union, Sat 073
Martinez, Ashley, University of South Florida, Sat 091
Martinez, Ashley, Colorado State University, Sat 131
Martinez, Jobi, Texas Tech University, Fri 087
Martinsson, Mathias, Link_ping University, Sat 119
Martõn Horcajo, Montserrat, University de Vic, Fri 142
Martõnez Guzmàn, Antar, Universidad de Colima, Sat 107, ADISP
Martõnez, Ana Mercedes, Universidad de las Am_ricas, Quito, Ecuador, Fri 043 Marx, Sherry, Utah State University, Fri 091, Fri 129
Mason, Reagan, Texas Tech Univeristy, Fri 024
Mastache-Villalobos, Patricia, Universidad Nacional AutÑnoma de M_xico, ADISP Mathis, Emily, University of Oregon, Fri 020, Fri 088, Sat 021, Sat 127 Matsunobu, Koji, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Fri 040, Fri 077
Matsuo, Renata FrazÜo, Universidade Paulista UNIP, Thu 007
Matthews, Pania Una Elizabeth, Te W_nanga o _otearoa, Sat 103
Matthiesen, Noomi Linde, Aalborg University, Fri 157
Maxfield, Paul, Kansas State University, Sat 083, Sat 087
May-Canul, Rys, Universidad Privada de la PenÕnsula, ADISP
May, Emily, Arizona State University, Fri 181
Maynard, Quentin Robert, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Thu 017 Mayne, Hope Antoinette, University of Technology, Jamaica, Fri 054
McCleary, Lynn, Brock University, Sat 072
McCormick, Kate, Indiana University, Sat 025
McCubbin, Laurie D., University of Louisville, KY, USA, ADISP
McCutcheon, Stephanie, Kansas State University, Thu 008
McDaniel, Jennifer, Virginia Commonwealth University, Fri 055
McDonald, MaryCatherine, College of the Holy Cross, Sat 118
McGee, Casie, Marshall University, Fri 051
McGreehan, Dianah, Southern Illinois University, Fri 067
McGregor, Heather E., University of Ottawa, Fri 151
McIntosh, Michele Janet, Trent University, Fri 134
McKay, Christian, Indiana University, School of Informatics and Computing, Sat 029 McKesson, Leslie, Appalachian State University, Sat 130
McKim, Billy Ray, Texas A&M University, Fri 074
McMillan, Elizabeth, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 159
McMillan, Sally Ann, Texas Tech University, Sat 133
McMurray, Robert, Durham University Business School, Fri 037, Fri 080, Fri 142 McNab, Wendy, Nanaandawewigimg FNHSSM, Fri 184
McNeal, Lisa, College of Costal Georgia, Fri 017
McNeill, April, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sat 022 McNicholas, Caroline, Towson University, Fri 140
McNicol, Sarah, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan
University, Sat 071
Meadow, Audrey, Texas Tech University, Fri 149
Meckeler, Amy E, Alliance for Racial and Social Justice, Thu 001
Medved, Caryn Euting, Baruch College, Sat 084
Meek, Geoffrey A, Bowling Green State University, Fri 007, Sat 046
Meeks, Andre, Aurora University, Fri 062, Fri 087
Mejia, Joel Alejandro, Angelo State University, Fri 091
Mejia, Santiago, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 068
Mejõa-V_lez, MarÕa Camila, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 160
Melendrez, Alezandra, Rutgers University-Newark, Fri 168
Melius, Patience, The University of Alabama, Fri 034
Mellang, Patricia, deceased, Sat 046
Mello, Marcio Luiz, Funda_Üo Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, ADISP
Mendoza Moreira, Francisco Samuel, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabÕ,
Mercado Thornton, Rebecca, Oakland University, Fri 099
Mercedes Martinez, Ana, 0, Fri 123
Merrem, Anne, University of Alabama, Sat 085
Mesaros-Winckles, Christy, Adrian College, Fri 121
Mesner, Kerri, Arcadia University, Sat 138
Meyer, Heather M., University of Nebraska at Kearney, Fri 100, Fri 134
Meza, Daniel, University of California, Santa Barbara, Fri 049
Mfoafo-M’Carthy, Magnus, Wilfrid Laurier University, Thu 022, Fri 026 Miettinen, Laura, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Fri 131
Mihas, Paul, University of North Carolina, Sat 132
Miko, Katharina, Center for Empirical Research Methods, Fri 079
Milanovic, Edita, Michigan State University, Thu 029
Milbourne, Constance Carole, Rhode Island College, Wed 004, Sat 066
Miled, Neila, Department of Educational Studies .The University of British Columbia .
Vancouver. Canada, Fri 099
Miller, Janet, Teachers College Columbia University, Fri 056, Sat 089
Miller, Kyle, Illinois State University, Fri 043
Minichiello, Angela, Utah State University, Fri 091, Sat 022
Misawa, Mitsunori, The University of Memphis, Sat 143
Mitchell, Reagan P., Louisiana State University, Sat 152
Moasun, Festus, Wilfrid Laurier University, Fri 090
Moe, Merete, Queen Maud University College, Sat 070
Moghadam, Fatemeh, Rutgers University, Fri 168
Mohammed, Rhoda, Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago, Sat 077 Mokobane, Sonti Zelma, University of Free State, Thu 001
Monetti, Elda M, Universidad Nacional del Sur, ADISP
Montero Hernàndez, Virginia, California State University, Stanislaus, Fri 055 Montero, Ignacio, School of Psychology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Fri 049 Montero, Jr., Alfonso, Lewis University, Sat 042
Montgomery, H. Monty, University of Regina, Fri 008, Sat 042
Montoya, Eliana, Universidad de Antioquia, Fri 184
Mooney, Evan, Montclair State University, Fri 092
Moore, Kiara, Columbia University School of Social Work, Thu 021
Mora, RaÏl Alberto, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 033, Fri 057, Fri 160, Sat 119, Sat 143
Morales Vàzquez, Evelyn, University of California, Riverside, Fri 055
Morales, Felix, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Fri 070
Moreira, Claudio, UMass Amherst, Thu 004
Morelli GasÑ, Silvia Teresa, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Sat 021, ADISP Moreno, Alicia, University of Tarapaca, Thu 023
Moreno, Patricia Judith, Universidad de la Salle, ADISP
Morrell, Kevin, Warwick Universtiy, Fri 037
Morrow, Rebecca, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Fri 184
Morse, Janice, University of Utah, Wed 010, Fri 134
Moulton, Matthew, The University of Georgia, Fri 107, Fri 164
Mower, Ronald, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Fri 070
Msughter Moses, Abunya, Lewis University, Sat 042
Muche, Claudia, University of Hildesheim, Fri 027
Mu_oz-Proto, Carolina, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Fri 157 Muilenburg, Jessica L, The University of Georgia, Sat 100
Mullen, Natalie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 064
Mulvihill, Thalia, Ball State University, Fri 003
Munly, Kelly, Penn State Altoona, Thu 014
Munro, Heather, Texas Tech University / Stephen F. Austin State University, Fri 106 Munro, Michael, Stephen F. Austin State University, Fri 106
Munson, April, Kennesaw State University, Fri 081
Murphy Keith, Rebecca, Arizona State University, Fri 074, Fri 138 Murray-Tiedge, Donna, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Fri 040
Murray, B Lee, University of Saskatchewan, Sat 054, Sat 084
Murray, Fiona, University of Edinburgh, Fri 013, Sat 023
Murray, Natasha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 020
Musolf, Gil Richard, Central Michigan University, Sat 053
Myburgh, CPH, University of Johannesburg, Wed 008
Myers, Joenie, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CORPUS CHRISTI, Fri 130 Myers, Kayla, Georgia State University, Sat 040
Myers, W. Benjamin, University of South Carolina Upstate, Fri 125
Nakamura, Yoshio, University of Utah, Fri 066
Namatsi Lutomia, Anne, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, Fri 025, Sat 012 Nascimento, Yone de Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Sat
Natarajan, Aravindhan, University of Toledo, Sat 111
Naytowhow, Joseph, Independent Artist & University of Saskatchewan, Sat 009, Sat
042, Sat 103
Nduati, Rosemary N, Syracuse University, Fri 032, Sat 082, Sat 136 Nealy, Elijah C., University of Saint Joseph, Thu 013 Nelson-Gardell, Debra, University of Alabama, Thu 017
Nelson, James M, Valparaiso University, Sat 109
Ness, Anne Teresa, St. Catherine University, Sat 046
Neto, CÕcero Alves, Universidade Federal de Uberländia, ADISP Nevalainen, Timo, University of Tampere, Fri 050
Newbery, Mary, Teachers College, Columbia University, Sat 089 Newman, Timothy David, Bowling Green State University, Fri 070 Newton, Maggie, 0, Fri 020
Niccolini, Alyssa D., Teachers College, Columbia University, Sat 056 Nielson, Erika Koren, Texas State University, Sat 046
Niemeijer, Alistair, University of Humanistic Studies, Fri 126 Nieto-Pidghirnay, Ernesto, Universidad Libre, ADISP
Nigam, Anita, Texas Texh University, Fri 129, Fri 160
Nkrumah, Tara, University of South Florida, Fri 078
Noboa, Alejandro, Universidad de la RepÏblica (Uruguay), ADISP
Noffs, David Sharrard, Columbia College Chicago, Sat 045
Nolan- Roll, Jelena, Artful Narrative Inquiry Network, University of Bristol, Fri 156 Nolte-Yupari, Samantha, Nazareth College, Fri 161
Nordstrom, Susan, University of Memphis, Sat 037, Sat 124
Ntshwarang, Poloko Nuggert, Social Work, University of Botswana, Thu 019 Nusbaum, Emily, University of San Francisco, Fri 069
Nutton, Jennifer, School of Social Work, McGill University, Sat 103
O’Reilly, Michelle, University of Leicester, Fri 002
Oates, Shannon, Indiana University Health, Thu 003
Ocampo Salazar, Carmen Alejandra, Asistente, ADISP
Ocampo, _ngela Patricia, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Ocñn, Carmen, Worcester State University, Fri 067, Sat 034
Olgan, Refika, Middle East Technical University, Thu 004, Fri 090
Oliveira, Georgiane de Castro, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Fri
Oliveira, Isabela Viana, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Fri 165 Oliveira, LÏcia Maria, Funda_Üo Oswaldo Cruz, ADISP
Oliveira, Marisa Augusta, Funda_Üo Oswaldo Cruz, ADISP
Oliveira, Priscila Braga, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Thu 003
Oliveira, Simone Santos, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Thu 027
Oliveira, Susana Kramer de Mesquita, Universidade Federal do Cearà – Brazil, Sat 013 Oloo, James Alan, University of Regina, Canada, Fri 053
Omruuzun, Is›l, Ankara-Polatl› Hatice Mevlut Y›lmaz Middle School, Sat 072 Onghena, Patrick, KU Leuven, Sat 018
Orozco-Fuentes, Bertha, UNAM-IISUE, ADISP
Orrego, Tyrone Steven, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 119
Ortiz, Lisa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 118
Osso, Julia, University of Manitoba, Sat 021
Oueslati-Porter, Claire, University of Miami, Women’s and Gender Studies, Fri 096 Ozdogan, Zulfukar, Indiana University, Fri 002, Fri 155, Fri 171, Sat 017 Ozten, Ulku, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fri 003, Fri 037, Fri 128
Paakkari, Antti, University of Helsinki, Fri 182, Sat 037
Padros, Maria, Universitat de Barcelona, Sat 052, Sat 108
Page, M. Beth, University of Victoria, Fri 055, Sat 083
Palacios Valencia, Yennesit, Universidad AutÑnoma de MedellÕn, ADISP Palomino, Laura, UNAM-FESI, ADISP
Pangastuti, Yulida, University of Auckland, Fri 010
Panos, Alexandra, Indiana University, Fri 176
Pantoja-Neira, Andr_s Leonardo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fri 103 Pariseau-Legault, Pierre, University of Ottawa, Fri 142
Park, Doo-Jae, Eastern Illinois University, Fri 085, Sat 085
Parra-Osorio, Liliana, Universidad Libre, Seccional Cali. Colombia, Thu 002, Thu
Parry, Diana C., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Fri 059
Partridge, Naomi, University of Edinburgh, Fri 013
Pasque, Penny A, University of Oklahoma, Fri 133
Pate, Joseph A., Young Harris College, Sat 129
Patterson, William, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Sat 144 Patti, Chris J, Appalachian State University, Sat 122
Paulino, Danilo Borges, Federal University of Uberländia (UFU), Thu 008 Paulus, Trena, University of Georgia, Fri 065, Sat 006
Paulus, Trena M., 0, Fri 005
Peah, Ruth, IISSE and National Louis UNiversity, Fri 050
Peaslee, Robert, Texas Tech University, Fri 087
Peck, Leah, Indiana University- Bloomington, Fri 130
Pe_a Martõnez, RaÏl, Centro de InformaciÑn en Ciencias M_dicas de Santiago de
Pelias, Ronald, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Fri 109
Pelton-Cooper, Mary, Northern Michigan University, Fri 154
Pennell, Colleen, Carroll University, Fri 007
Peralta, Andres, Texas Tech University, Sat 114
Perez Mora, Ricardo, Universidad de Guadalajara, ADISP
Perez, Cristhian, Universidad de Concepcion, Thu 005
Persky, Julia, Texas A&M University – College Station, Fri 032
Pesca Polanco, Esneider, Facultad de EconomÕa, Universidad Santo Tomas, ADISP Peters, Luisa, University of Hildesheim, Fri 098
Peterson, Kelly, Purdue University, Thu 003
Petralias, Athanasios, Prolepsis Institute, Thu 004
Pett, Marjorie, University of Utah, Fri 106
Pfaffman, Jay, University of South Alabama, Fri 102
Phelps-Ward, Robin, Clemson University, Fri 059
Phillips, Glenn Allen, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Fri 074, Fri 128 Phillips, Nathan C, University of Illinois, Chicago, Fri 102
Philpotts, Monique, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sat 022 Pickup, Austin, Aurora University, Fri 062
Pierce, Barbara, Indiana University, Thu 022
PIllow, Wanda, University of Utah, Fri 110
Pillow, Wanda, University of Utah, Sat 089
Pindyck, Maya, Teachers College, Columbia University, Sat 089
Pinto, Lindsay Vanesa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fri 059
Piotrowski, Marcelina, University of British Columbia, Sat 098
Pitcher, Erich N., Michigan State University, Fri 028
Pittard, Elizabeth Ann, Georgia State University, Fri 073, Fri 164
Pittman, Ciara, TTU, Fri 021
Plato, Katrina, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, Fri 017, Fri 095
Ploder, Andrea, Department of Legal Philosophy, Fri 139
Poblete Troncoso, Margarita Carmen, Universidad Catolica del Maule, ADISP Poferl, Angelika, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Fri 061, Fri 180
Poggenpoel, Marie, University of Johannesburgh, Wed 008, Wed 010
Polat, Seyat, Mevlana University, Turkish
Pondish, Christopher, Independent, Fri 037
Pool, Steve, Film maker working with the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council,
Fri 181
Pope, Alexander, Salisbury University, Sat 051, Sat 106
Pope, Elizabeth, University of Georgia, Sat 006
Popova, Dyanis, Virginia Tech, Fri 048
Portella, Sergio Luiz Dias, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Thu 027
Porter, Laurelann, Arizona State University, Sat 074
Pourreau, Leslie, Kennesaw State University, Fri 136
Powell, Kimberly, The Pennsylvania State University, Fri 183
Prado, Josie, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Sat 050
Preissle, Judith, University of Georgia, Sat 051
Presson, Brittany E., Department of Sociology, University of Missouri, Sat 026 Price, Cecelia Joyce, University of North Texas, Sat 008
Price, Margaret Ann, Texas Tech University, Sat 133
Price, Sarah Kye, Virginia Commonwealth University, Thu 017, Thu 020 Prieto Baldovino, Francia Helena, Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe, ADISP Prince, Hannah, University of South Florida, Sat 120
Priya, Kumar Ravi, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Sat 078 Prorock-Ernest, Amy, 0, Fri 008
Prorock-Ernest, Amy Jule, Virginia Commonwealth University, Fri 184 Prothero, Marie, University of Utah, Wed 010
Pryce, Julia, Loyola University – Chicago, Thu 018
Pulgarõn, Carla, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 143
Puma, Soledad, UNEMI, ADISP
Purnell, David, Mercer University, Sat 055, Sat 120 Pyscher, Tracey, Metropolitan State University, Fri 146
Quewezance, Shane, File Hills QuÍAppelle Health Services, Fri 042 Quinn, Jocey, Plymouth University, Fri 013
Quiros, Laura, Adelphi University, Thu 017
Racine, Louise, University of Saskatchewan, Fri 066
Rademaker, Linnea, Northcentral University, Sat 015
Rahman, Laila, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Fri 068 Raimondi, Gustavo Antonio, Campinas State University (UNICAMP), Sat 114 Raimondo, Marianne, Rhode Island College, Wed 004
Rajbanshi, Roshani, New Mexico State University, Sat 012
Rakha, Shameem, Washington State University, Sat 081, Sat 082 Ramalho-de-Oliveira, Djenane, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Wed 004, Fri
165, Sat 015, Sat 072, Sat 110
Rambo, Carol, University of Memphis, Fri 095, Sat 026
Ramõrez, Daniel, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 057
Ramõrez, Mirliana, Departamento de EnfermerÕa, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad
de Chile, ADISP
RamÕrez, Natalia, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Fri 160
Ramos-Ayala, Natasha, Psychology, Sat 016, ADISP
Ranahan, Patti, Concordia University, Sat 073
Rantala, Teija Tuulikki, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Fri 009, Fri 108, Sat
Rapanö, Francesca, University of Trento, Wed 006
Rasera, Emerson Fernando, Federal University of Uberländia (UFU), Thu 008 Rasmussen Lenox, Terra, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Sat 122
Rath, Courtney L., University of Oregon, Fri 088, Sat 098, Sat 112
Rawlins, L. Shelley, Southern Illinois University- Carbondale, Fri 057
Rawlins, William K, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University, Fri 104, Fri
Ray, Allison, Texas Woman’s University, Thu 009, Sat 001
Ray, Kendra, Drexel University, Sat 152
Raza, Nadia, University of Oregon, Fri 088
Rea, Joanna, Bolingbrook, Thu 008
Read, Julia, Wilfrid Laurier University, Thu 026
Reber, Lisa, Arizona State University, Sat 002
Rech, Leslie, University of Georgia, Fri 113
Rector-Aranda, Amy, University of Cincinnati, Fri 111
Reed, Susan F., Appalachian State University, Fri 003, Fri 017
Reeves, Meredith K, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Fri 130
Reeves, Tegan, The University of Memphis, Sat 046
Reilly, Rosemary C., Concordia University, Fri 029
Reimers, Eva, Link_ping University, Sat 119
reinaldo, amanda màrcia dos santos, universidade federal de minas gerais, Thu 002 Reinertsen, Anne Beate, Queen Maud University College, Sat 038, Sat 070, Sat 099 Reith, Vicky, Oklahoma City University, Sat 072
Ren, Min, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Thu 029
RendÑn Fernandez, MarÕa Camila, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Fri 068 Rennels, Tasha, Augustana University, Fri 125, Sat 091
Renold, Emma, Cardiff University, Fri 162
Res_ndiz, MarÕa Patricia, Universidad AutÑnoma de Ciudad Juàrez, ADISP Revsb_k, Line, SDU Design Research, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship
Management, Sat 143
Reynolds, Chelsea Julian, University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass
Communication, Fri 050
rhodes, paul, University of Sydney, Fri 012
Ribeiro, Nuno Filipe, Department of Recreation, Sport & Tourism; University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 042, Sat 110
Richard, Veronica, Concordia University Chicago, Fri 118 Richards, Joan, National Louis University, Sat 102 Richardson, Laurel, The Ohio State University, Fri 072 Ricketts, Kathryn, University of Regina, Fri 093
Ricketts, Kathryn Ann, University of Regina, Sat 039 Riddle, Derek, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Sat 020 Rinehart, Bob, University of Waikato, Sat 150
Rios, Ingrid, Universidad Casa Grande, ADISP
Rios, Ingrid Cristina, Universidad Casa Grande, ADISP Rivas, MarÕa Elena, Ponente, ADISP
Rivera Flores, Karla Yanin, Universidad AutÑnoma de Nayarit, ADISP Rivera Lozada, Isabel Cristina, teacher, ADISP
Rivera-Delgado, Ana, Central Connecticut State University, Sat 019 Rivera, Oriana, Cesar Vallejo University at Lima Peru, ADISP Robbins, Margaret Ann, The University of Georgia, Fri 045
Roberts, Leah, Vanderbilt University, Sat 033
Robinson_-Morris, David, Educational Leadership, Research, & Counseling Louisiana
State University, Fri 071, Sat 037
Robinson, John, Appalachian State University, Sat 130
Roca-Servat, Denisse, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Sat 014
Rocha, Janet, UCLA, Sat 058
Rocha, Sam, University of British Columbia, Sat 152
Rodriguez, Dalia, Syracuse University, Fri 085, Fri 123
Rodriguez, Henar, Department of Pedagogy, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, Fri 049 Rodriguez, Vicente, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), ADISP RodrÕguez-SolÕs, Geovany, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, ADISP
Roegman, Rachel, Purdue University, Fri 048
Roetker, Lisa, Tecumseh Junior High School, Fri 053
Rogers, Pamela, University of Ottawa, Fri 007, Fri 151
Rojas, Julio, Universidad Santo Tomàs, ADISP
Rolfsnes, Gunhild A., Stord Haugesund University College, Norway, Sat 038, Sat 128,
Sat 152
Romain, Jolene Asha, Graduate of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine and The Family Court of Trinidad & Tobago, Thu 027
Romer, Renee, Eastern Michigan University, Thu 017
Ronquillo, Theresa, University of Washington, Fri 111
Rosello, Jarod, University of South Florida, Fri 109
Rosiek, Jerry Lee, University of Oregon, Fri 034, Fri 056, Fri 133, Sat 129 Ross, Karen, University of Massachussetts, Boston, Fri 176
Roulston, Kathryn, University of Georgia, Sat 006, Sat 122 Rowe, Desiree D, Towson University, Sat 145
Rowland, Leslie A, Indiana University – Bloomington, Fri 024 Royer, Dan W, Ball State University, Sat 040
Rubens Mortensen, Ann, University of Bedfordshire, Fri 047
Rubilar, Maria Gabriela, Universidad de Chile, ADISP
Rubin, Julia Sass, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Sat 057
Rubio Molina, Pedro, Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Chihuahua, ADISP Ruckdeschel, Roy, St. Louis University, Thu 012
Rudnick, Justin J, Ohio University, Fri 059
Rudolph, Heather A., University of Northern Colorado, Fri 023
Rugel Zerna, Kathya Lorena, UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL, ADISP Rugel, Evelyn Adriana, UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL, ADISP Ruhs, Theodora, University of Maine, Fri 010
Ruiz, Margarita, New Mexico State Univeristy, Sat 012
Russell-Mayhew, Shelly, University of Calgary, Fri 101
Rusted, Brian, University of Calgary, Sat 117
Ryan, Ellen, McMaster University, Sat 072
Ryen, Anne, University of Agder, Sat 028, Sat 066, Sat 099
S_nmez, Sibel, Turkish, Fri 167
Sacks, Tina Kimberly, University of California, Berkeley, Thu 018
Saether, Eva, Malmo Academy of Music, Lund University, Fri 077
Sahin, Figen, Gazi University, Fri 060
Sakellariadis, Artemi I., Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE), Sat 147 Salazar Pati_o, Tatiana, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana, Sat 119
Salazar Perez, Michelle, New Mexico State University, Fri 101
Salazar, Maria Elena Cecilia, New Mexico State University, Thu 010
Saldana, Johnny, Arizona State University, Sat 087
Saldanha, Ken, Eastern Michigan University, Thu 011, Thu 029
Salem, Wesam M., The University of Memphis, Sat 056
Saler, Jasmine, University of Lethbridge, Sat 032
Salinas-Urbina, Addis-Abeba, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Fri
010, ADISP
Salinas, Patricia Islas, Universidad AutÑnoma de Ciudad Juàrez DivisiÑn Cuauht_ moc, ADISP
Salman, Fariha Hayat, Pennsylvania State University, Thu 006
Salmona, Michelle, SocioCultural Research Consultants, Fri 065, Fri 136, Sat 029 Saltiel, Iris Michele, Columbus State University, Sat 006
Samples, Leah, Vanderbilt University, Fri 037
Samuels, Gina M., The University of Chicago, Thu 018
Sànchez Cabrera, Manuel Alejandro, Southern Illinois University, ADISP
sànchez loza, dinorah, University of California, Berkeley, Sat 110
Sànchez-Alfaro, Luis Alberto, CorporaciÑn Universitaria Iberoamericana, Fri 103, Fri
Sànchez, Sergio, School of Education, Universidad de Burgos, Spain, Fri 049 Sanders, Aletta M, Ball State University, Sat 043
Sanders, Khahlia, University of Cincinnati, Fri 032
Sankatiprapa, Kittikorn, Development Education Program,Graduate School,
Srinakharinwirot University, Thu 013
Sanl›, Zeynep Seda, Zafer Preschool, Sat 072
Sansores, Carlos Castro, Universidad AutÑnoma de Yucatàn, ADISP
Santos Salas, Anna, University of Alberta Faculty of Nursing, Sat 073
Santos Vega, MarÕa XÑchitl, Hospital Infantil de M_xico Federico GÑmez, ADISP Santoyo, Christina, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Sat 020
Sapp, Lee, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 092, Fri 120
Sauerbronn, Fernanda Filgueiras, UFRJ, Sat 142
Sauerbronn, Joao Felipe Rammelt, Unigranrio, Fri 145
Savage, Matthew, University of Kentucky, Sat 116
Sawyer, Jason M, Norfolk State University, Thu 020
Schaefer, Lauran, Southern Illinois University, Fri 028
Schaeffer, Deborah L., California State University, Sat 034
Schertz, Hannah, Indiana University, Wed 004
Scheurich, Jim, Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI), Sat 101, Sat 119 Schimek, Gwendolyn, Colorado State University, Fri 043, Fri 152
Schipper, Karen, VUmc, Sat 084
Schippers, Alice, Director at Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN), Fri 175, Sat 084
Schlemmer, Ross, Edinboro Univeristy of Pennsylvania, Fri 183 Schmeichel, Mardi, Universiity of Georgia, Fri 073, Fri 164 Schongut, Nicolas, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Fri 096, Sat 123 Schr_der, Christian, University of Luxembourg, Fri 027
Schreiber, Jill C., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Thu 024 Schulte, Christopher M., The Pennsylvania State University, Sat 035 Schulte, Christopher Mark, Penn State University, Wed 003, Sat 065 Schultz, Annette, University of Manitoba, Fri 184
Schulz, Steven A., University of Nebraska at Omaha, Fri 100
Schwandt, Thomas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 126
Schwingel, Andiara, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 046
Scott, Chyllis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Sat 020
Scullion, Vicki, The University of Georgia, Fri 141
Secolsky, Charles, Alternative Assessment Strategies, Fri 037, Sat 059
Senecal, Gary, The College of the Holy Cross, Sat 118
Senese, Guy, Northern Arizona University, Sat 057
Seo, Yejin Esther, Chung-Ang University, Fri 167
Sergeant, Sofie, Disability Studies in the Netherlands (DSiN), Fri 175 Sesma-Vazquez, Monica, University of Calgary, Fri 101
Sevis, Serife, Indiana University & Middle East Technical University, Fri 079, Fri 155 Shannon-Baker, Peggy, University of Cincinnati, Fri 114, Sat 112
Sharmin, Sonia, University of Georgia, Fri 108
Sharp-Grier, Martina, Stark State College, Sat 073
Sheffield, Eric C, Missouri State University, Fri 062
Shelby-Caffey, Crystal, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Sat 066
Sheldon, James, University of Arizona, Sat 138
Shelton, Stephanie Anne, The University of Georgia, Sat 122, Sat 138
Shen, Xiang, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Thu 007, Sat 066
Sherwood, Dee Ann, Western Michigan University, Thu 019
Shetron, Tamara Harper, Texas State University, Thu 024
Shields, Sara Scott, Florida State University, Fri 113, Sat 015, Sat 071, Sat 135 Shim, Ji Young, Pennsylvania State University, Sat 056
Shin, Dongil, Chung-Ang University, Fri 167, Sat 034, Sat 123
Shin, Na Ri, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 085, Sat 085
Shin, Yoorim, Chung-Ang University, Fri 167
Shinaberry, Michelle Lynn, Ohio University, Thu 007
Shinew, Kimberly, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 151
Shukla, Shrivridhi, School of Social Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
Sat 077
Silber-Furman, Dorota, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 159
Silber, Dorota, TTU, Sat 111
Silver, Christina, University of Surrey, Fri 005, Fri 136, Fri 171
Silvhiany, Sary, Indiana University Bloomington & Sriwijaya University, Thu 009 Simms, Tina, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Thu 028
Simon, Gail, University of Bedfordshire, Fri 047
Simpson, elizaBeth, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Fri 118
Sims-Gould, Joanie, Faculty of Medicine – University of British Columbia, Thu 010 Singh, Manuu, University of Delhi, Sat 106
Singh, Reetesh Kumar, University of Delhi, Sat 142
Singson, Jamie, 0, Sat 073
Sinha, Kajal, The University of Georgia, Fri 107
Sitter, Kathleen, Memorial University, Fri 069
Sitter, Miriam, University of Hildesheim, Fri 098
Skiba, Jason, The College at Brockport, SUNY, Fri 070
Skolbekken, John-Arne, Department of Social Work and Health Science, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Wed 004 Sky, Iona, Wilfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Slates, Angela, University of Illinois, Sat 144
Slife, Brent, Brigham Young University, Sat 109
Sloan, Tina, Athens State University, Sat 050
Sloane, Heather Murphy, University of Toledo, Thu 023, Sat 111
Smailes, Sophie, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sat 115
Smartt Gullion, Jessica, Texas Woman’s University, Fri 109
Smit, Brigitte, University of South Africa, Fri 126
Smith, Aaron P. B., Wilfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Smith, Anna, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Fri 102
Smith, Donna Jo, Georgia State University, Fri 024
Smith, Mychelle Hadley, Tarrant County College, Sat 111, Sat 136
Smith, Phil, Eastern Michigan University, Fri 069, Sat 147
Smith, Ruth M, The Ohio State University, Fri 039
Smith, Tawnya, Boston University, Fri 040
Smithers, Laura Elizabeth, University of Oregon, Fri 020, Fri 088, Sat 127
Snyder, Karrie, Northwestern, Fri 096
Sofritti, Federico, Universitö della Valle d’Aosta, Sat 107
Solano, Edison, Escuela Jos_ Antonino GarcÕa Cando, ADISP
Some-Guiebre, Esther, University of Koudougou – Burkina Faso, Sat 136
Somerville, Margaret, Western Sydney University, Fri 013, Sat 121
Sondergaard, Dorte Marie, Danish School of Education-Aarhus University, Sat 035 Song, Wen Juan (Helen), Wilfrid Laurier University _, Thu 026
Sottie, Cynthia A., University of Ghana, Fri 026
Souza, Caridad, Colorado State University, Sat 131
Souzas, Raquel, UFBA, Thu 004
Soylu, Firat, The University of Alabama, Educational Psychology, Fri 086
Spears, Amber, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 054
Spencer, Mindi, Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior, University
of South Carolina, Fri 115
Spencer, Nancy E., Bowling Green State University, Fri 007
Sperlich, Tobias, University of Regina, Sat 117
Spinazola, Lisa, University of South Florida, Fri 125, Sat 091, Sat 115
Spiri, Wilza Carla, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Thu 003
Sponberg, Erica, Kansas State University, Sat 071
Spry, Tami, St. Cloud State University, Fri 072
St Clair, Denise, Westat, Fri 105, Fri 171
St. Antoine, Jacqueline Pruder, Eastern Michigan University, Fri 069, Sat 105
St.Pierre, Elizabeth, The University of Georgia, Fri 035, Fri 073, Sat 035 Staikidis, Kryssi L, Northern Illinois University, Sat 073
Stake, Robert E, University of Illinois, Fri 077
Staller, Karen, University of Michigan, Thu 012, Sat 126
Stanley, Phiona, UNSW Australia, Sat 047, Sat 150, ADISP Staples, Timothy, Aurora University, Sat 140
Stefanski, Angela J, Ball State University, Sat 023
Stenliden, Linnea, Link_ping University, Sat 119
Stevens, Douglas M, University of Cincinnati, Fri 063, Fri 111 Stewart, Heather, Griffith University, Fri 023, Fri 152
Stich, Amy E, Northern Illinois University, Sat 101
Still, Corey, University of Oklahoma, Fri 133
Stodolska, Monika, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 151 Stonich, Jessica, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Thu 024 Storm, Rachel Lauren, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 025 Stornaiuolo, Amy, University of Pennsylvania, Fri 102
Stout, Roberta, National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, Fri 184 Straka, Annie, University of Cincinnati, Fri 163
Strand, Linda, Medication Management Systems, Wed 004
Street, Susan Linda, CIESAS-Occidente, Sat 110
Strong, LaToya, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Fri 090
Stùcheli-Herlach, Peter, Zurich University for Applied Sciences, Fri 027, Fri 061, Fri
Suazo Flores, Elizabeth, Purdue University, Fri 053
Sughrua, William M, Universidad AutÑnoma Benito Juàrez de Oaxaca, Fri 129 Sugrue, Noreen M, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Sat 099
Sun, Kang, Greenville College, Fri 165
Sunday, Kristine E., Old Dominion University, Wed 003
Sundstrom, Krystal, University of Oregon, Fri 088
Suarez-Ortega, Magdalena, Universidad De Sevilla, Fri 165, ADISP
Susser, Erica, Arizona State University, Fri 182
Svynarenko, Radion, University of Kentucky, Fri 131
Swafford, Shelby, Southern Illinois University, Fri 095, Fri 156
Swaminathan, Raji, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Fri 003
Sweet, Joseph D, Arizona State University, Fri 182
Swenson, Sean, University of South Florida, Sat 115
Szulevicz, Thomas, Aalborg University, Fri 157
Tabares, Juliana, Universidad Eafit, Fri 128
Taft-Kaufman, Jill, Central Michigan University, Sat 053
Talwar, Savneet Kaur, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sat 071
Tamas, Sophie, Carleton University, Fri 014
Tanggaard, Lene, Aalborg University, Fri 163
Tarman, Bulent, Gazi University, Fri 170, Sat 020
Tarman, Ilknur, Turgut Ozal University, Sat 072
Tarozzi, Massimiliano, University of Bologna, Wed 006
Tate, Alexandra, UCLA, Fri 096
Tavakol, Zeinab, Tehran University of Mediacal Sciences, Thu 003, Sat 048
Taylor, Carol A, Sheffield Hallam University, Fri 013, Fri 162, Sat 067
Taylor, Maureen, University of Bedfordshire, Fri 047
Taylor, Stephanie, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Thu 024 Teimourigerdeh, Amirhossein, UIUC-Dept of Sociology, Fri 057
Teixeira, Flàvia do Bonsucesso, Federal University of Uberländia (UFU), Sat 114 Temanju, Namuyaba, Colorado State University, Sat 131
Ternes, Neal, Florida State University, Fri 016
Terry, Miranda Sue, Murray State University, Fri 140
Tesar, Marek, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Sat 067, Sat 098, Sat 124 Themane, Mahlapahlapana Johannes, University of Limpopo, Sat 075
Theriault, Corrie L., Kennesaw State University, Sat 049
Thiel, Jaye, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Fri 004, Sat 037, Sat 065
Thiel, Jonas Jakob, ESRI,Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Fri 133
Thomas, Shakira Shanese, University of Memphis, Sat 016
Thompson, Christine Marm_, Penn State University, Wed 003
Thompson, Daniel Kent, Penn State University, Wed 003
Thompson, Shanna Rose, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fri 065
Thompson, Valerie, University of Oklahoma, Fri 163
Thornberg, Robert, Link_ping University, Sat 151
Throne, Robin, Northcentral University, Sat 024
Thurber, Amie, Vanderbilt University, Sat 033
Tillett, Wade, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Fri 145
Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A., Virginia Tech, Sat 028, Sat 105, ADISP
Timm, Viola, UNIFOR, Fri 006
Ting, Tin-yuet, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 074
Tinney, Mollie, University of Alabama, Sat 138
Tobias-Green, Karen Lesley, Leeds College of Art and Sheffield Hallam University, Fri
Todd, Nathan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 109
Todd, Reese, Texas Tech, Sat 133
Toledano-Toledano, Filiberto, Hospital Infantil de M_xico Federico GÑmez, ADISP Tordzro, Gameli, The University of Glasgow, Sat 135
Torrance, Harry, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Fri 144
Torres Briones, Nahivi Raquel, Universidad AutÑnoma de San Luis PotosÕ, ADISP Torres-Hernàndez, Sara, Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado, ADISP Torres-Lopez, Teresa Margarita, Universidad de Guadalajara, Thu 001, Thu 002,
Thu 004
Trafi-Prats, Laura, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Fri 075, Fri 183, Sat 065 Trajano, Valeria, Funda_Üo Oswaldo Cruz, ADISP
Trier-Bieniek, Adrienne, Valencia College, Sat 129
Truschkat, Inga, University of Hildesheim, Fri 027, Fri 098
Tseng, Ra-Yuan, University of Taipei, Fri 011
Tsui, Pamela Pui Kwan, The University of Hong Kong, Sat 138
Turan, Fethi, Mevlana University, Turkish
Turkman, Sonya, The University of Georgia, Fri 037, Turkish
Turner, Daniel, Quirkos Software, Fri 136
Tzafrir, Shay, University of Haifa, Thu 028
Uhlig, Sue, The Pennsylvania State University, Fri 161, Fri 183
Ukwuoma, Dr. Uju C, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, Sat
Ulmer, Jasmine, Wayne State University, Fri 043, Fri 083, Sat 069
Ulvund, Marit, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway, Sat 070, Sat 128 Undergraduates, Adrian College, Adrian College, Fri 121
Urban, Mathias, University of Roehampton, Early Childhood Reearch Centre, Fri 097 Uribe Vargas, Carlos Arturo, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Thu 010
Uribe, Sara, Literacies in Second Languages Project, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana,
Fri 057
Usba_, Hande, University of Arel, Turkish
Uzuner, Yildiz, Anadolu University, Thu 005, Sat 081, Sat 111
Vagle, Mark, The University of Minnesota, Fri 071, Fri 108 Vago, David, Harvard Medical School, Fri 066
Vajjala, Emily, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Sat 114 Valencia, Marcela, Universidad CES, Fri 184
Valkeemaki, Anita, University of the Arts Helsinki, Fri 181, Sat 093
Valtchanov, Bronwen L., Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Fri 059 Van Cleave, Jessica, Mars Hill University, Fri 004
Van de Putte, Inge, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent
University, Fri 071, Fri 132
Van Der Merwe, Helen, The University of Auckland, Fri 012
van Heumen, Lieke, University of Illinois at Chicago, Fri 038
Van Hove, Geert, VUmc, Sat 084
Vandecasteele, Marieke, Disability Studies – Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences – Ghent
University, Fri 132
VanderLind, Ren, Texas State University, Fri 058
Vangsnes, Vigdis, Stord Haugesund University College, Sat 128
Vann-Ward, Terrie, University of Utah, Wed 010
Vanover, Charles, University of South Florida, Fri 081, Sat 004, Sat 132
Vargas Madriz, Francisco, University of Alberta, Fri 102, Sat 040
Vargas, Laura, Columbia University School of Social Work, Thu 021
Vaughn, Lisa M., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Fri 028, Sat 086 Vega Villarreal, Sandra, Universidad PedagÑgica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua,
Velardi, Marilia, University of Sao Paulo, Thu 007, Thu 008, Fri 131
Velàsquez Fandi_o, Laity Alvinzy, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Thu 010 Velazquez Machado, Juan Daniel, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos,
Velez Agosto, Nicole, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, Fri 086 Veloso, Ana, CIPEM/INET-md – Escola Superior de Educa_Üo do Porto, Instituto
Polit_cnico do Porto, Fri 019, ADISP
Ven_l_inen, Satu, University of Helsinki, Sat 107
Vergara Mendoza, Ketty Zoraida, UNEMI, ADISP
Vernon, Frank, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Sat 146 Vestena-Zillmer, Juliana, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, ADISP
Vetner, Mikael, Aalborg University, Fri 098
Viaene, Lieselotte, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Belgium, Sat 014 Vicente_o LeÑn, Alan Irving, Universidad Nacional AutÑnoma de M_xico, Thu 003 Villaroel, Rosita, Unidad Educativa Rubira, ADISP
Villarreal Flores, Alex Geovani, Universidad Stratford, ADISP
Villarreal Flores, Diego, Universidad Azteca Plantel Chalco, ADISP
Villarreal RamÕrez, Victor Manuel, Universidad AutÑnoma del Estado de Morelos,
Villarroel, Viviana, University of Tarapaca, Thu 023, Fri 137
Visse, Merel, University of Humanistic Studies, Fri 126
Vivoni, Francisco, Worcester State University, Fri 067, Sat 055
Vizcarra-Catalan, Marcela Cecilia, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri
Volion, Ashley, University of Illinois at Chicago, Fri 140 Voyles, Aaron, University of Texas at Austin, Sat 130 Vukusic, Josko, Western Michigan University, Thu 019
Wabgou, Maguemati, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Fri 105
Wagaman, Alex, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work, Thu 013 Waititi, Cheri, University of Waikato,Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand, Fri 145 Wajuntah, Cassandra, Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC), Sat 153 Wallace, Anya M., The Pennsylvania State University, Fri 112
Wallace, Karen, Art Therapy & Counselling Private Practice, Sat 009
Wallace, Maria F. G., Curriculum and Instruction, Louisiana State University, Sat 037 Wallner, Lars, Link_ping University, Sat 119
Walsh, Jill, Purdue University, Thu 003
Walster, Dian, Wayne State University, Sat 023
Walton-Fisette, Jennifer L., Kent State University, Sat 116
Walton-Fisette, Theresa A., Kent State University, Sat 116
Wang, Min, The University of Alabama, Sat 045
Wang, Yu, University of Toronto, Department of History, Fri 178
Ware, Jason, Purdue University, Fri 053
Warhol, Breanne Marie, Texas A&M University, Fri 074, Sat 015
Warren, Alison, Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand, Sat 081
Warren, Amber, Indiana University, Fri 023, Fri 102
Warren, Peggy, Student, Fri 014
Watkins, Natasha, Purdue University, Thu 005
Watts-Taffe, Susan, University of Cincinnati, Fri 032
Weber, Christina D., North Dakota State University, Fri 142
Wedenoja, Marilyn, Eastern Michigan University, Thu 017
Wee, Su-Jeong, Purdue University at Calumet, Thu 005
Weems, Lisa, Miami University of Ohio, Fri 110
Wegener, Charlotte, Aalborg University, Fri 163
Weiss, Alexandra M., Indiana University, Sat 025
Wells, Vanessa Deborah, Columbia University, Thu 021
Wendt, Stephanie, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 054
Wessel Powell, Christy, Indiana University, Fri 123
West, Autumn, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Fri 014
West, Lori M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sat 008 Wetzler, Elizabeth, Northcentral University, Fri 044, Sat 015 Whalen, Jennifer, University of South Florida, Sat 120, Sat 148 Wheeler, Alisha, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Sat 050 White, Carolyne J., Rutgers University-Newark, Fri 168, Sat 057 White, Francesca, Indiana University, Fri 002
Whiteman, Natasha E, University of Leicester, UK, Fri 033
Whiting, Kathryn, St. Louis University, Thu 006
Whiting, Teresa, University of Alabama, Fri 031
Whitmore, Kathryn F., University of Louisville, Fri 076
Whitworth, Colin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Fri 006, Fri 095, Sat 114 Wilbers, Loren, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Fri 038
Wilbur, Kathleen M., Central Michigan University, Fri 055 Willcox, Libba, Indiana University, Sat 025
Williams, Diamond C, Wright State University, Thu 003 Williams, K. Nicola, University of Michigan (PhD, 2003), Sat 004 Williams, Rebecca, Murray State University, Sat 113
Wilson, Amy, Utah State University, Fri 091
Wilson, Barbara, Independent Researcher, Fri 087
Wilson, Gloria, Middle Tennessee State University, Sat 015, Sat 083, Sat 135 Wilson, Kerry, University of Illinois-Urbana, Sat 062
Wilson, Shawn, Southern Cross University, Sat 042, Sat 150
Wimmer, Alexander, Kansas State University, Sat 071
Winckles, Andrew, Adrian College, Fri 121
Winter, Rainer, University of Klagenfurt (Austria), Fri 180
Witz, Klaus Gerhard, Uniiversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fri 084 Woglom, James, Humboldt State University, Sat 003
Wolf, Chyrese Stephanie, Chicago State University, Thu 008
Woods, David K., University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education
Research, Fri 065, Sat 029
Woods, Megan, University of Tasmania, Fri 065
Woolf, Nicholas H, Woolf Consulting, Fri 136
Wozolek, Boni, Kent State University, Fri 075, Sat 146, Sat 152
Wright, Bonnie, Ferris State University, Sat 053
Wright, Christina, University of Michigan Health Systems, Sat 107
WU, CHIEN-YU, Purdue University, Fri 021
Wu, Jinting, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Sat 037
Wyatt, Jonathan, School of Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh, Sat 035,
Sat 141
Xu, Janice Hua, Holy Family University, Fri 127
Yang, Fan, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Thu 017 Yang, Xiaotao, University of Waterloo, Fri 008
Yigit, Mehmet Fatih, Suleyman Sah University, Fri 170
Yildirim, Emine, Indiana University, Wed 004
Yilmaz, Arif, Hacettepe University, Fri 060 Yilmaz, Serkan, Hacettepe University, Turkish
Yilmaz, Simge, Mersin University, Thu 004
Yin, Yin, University of Alberta, Fri 102, Sat 040
Yomtoob, Desiree Rachel, Syracuse University, Fri 067, Fri 145, Sat 062 Yopp, Ashley Michelle, Texas A&M University, Fri 074, Sat 015
You, Sula, The University of Oklahoma, Sat 094
Young, Bryanne, Communications Studies, Sat 117
Young, Jemimah, University of North Texas, Fri 170
Young, Sarah, University of Alabama: School of Social Work, Thu 017 Youngblood Jackson, Alecia, Appalachian State University, Sat 067 Ytterhus, Borgunn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Fri 060 Yucebas, Zeynep, Co-author, Thu 024
Yuen, Felice, Concordia University, Sat 073
Yumarnamto, Mateus Inquiry, Indiana University, Sat 022
Zagumny, Lisa, Tennessee Technological University, Fri 120, Fri 159
Zakeri, Bita Hazel, Indiana University, Fri 028, Sat 079, Sat 142
Zaliwska, Zofia, University of Toronto, Sat 098
Zapata-SepÏlveda, Pamela, Universidad de Tarapacà, Fri 036, Sat 062, ADISP Zeig, Michael, Michigan State University, Fri 055
Zerai, Assata, University of Illinois, Fri 096
Zerna Leal, Jessenia Stefania, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, ADISP Zerna, Karla Isabel, Universidad de Guayaquil, ADISP
Zevallos, Manuel Pe_a, no, ADISP
Zhang, Michael, University of Sydney, Fri 086
Zhang, Ying, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Fri 160
Zhou, Tao, University of Waterloo, Fri 041
Zhou, Yuchun, Ohio University, Thu 007
Zilonka, Revital, UNCG, Sat 094
Zuo, Wei, University of Washington, Sat 021
Zywicki, Stephanie, Purdue University, Fri 126
The Education and Social Research Institute (ESRI) @ Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), UK
th is pleased to support the
12 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
ESRI is one of the leading centres for applied educational research and evaluation in the UK. We undertake an extensive range of funded educational and social research for a wide variety of sponsors and are international leaders in developing new research methodologies.
ESRI aims to:
conduct the highest quality educational and social research;
contribute to the development of theory and methodology in applied social research;
promote research-based understandings of policy and practice in education and public services;
work closely with the users of social research at all stages of the research process;
provide first-class research training and support for new and developing researchers.
We founded and host the Summer Institute in Qualitative Research at MMU, see: and will contribute to the new parallel
Summer Institute of the Antipodes: Antipodes2016/?fref=nf
ESRI speakers at ICQI 2016 include:
Thursday: Keynote Lecture: Qualitative methodology and the new materialisms: do we need a new conceptual vocabulary? Maggie MacLure |
Pre-conference workshops: Wednesday, 1.00-2.30 Rethinking the Methodological Maggie MacLure |
Main Program Friday, 2.30-3.50 What Counts as Data in Educational Research, Policy and Neo-liberal Governance? Harry Torrance |
Main Program Friday, 2.30-3.50 Neoliberal Accountability Apparatuses and the Intra-acting Agency of University Lecturers, Jonas Thiel |
Friday, 4.00-5.20 Artful impulses in more-than- qualitative research: dark fragments of the otherworldly Rachel Holmes, |
Friday, 4.00-5.20 Flickering Alchemy: Curating Noisy Transgenic Empirical Creatures, Rachel Holmes & Liz Jones, |
Friday, 4.00-5.20 Graphic Moves: attuning to |
Friday, 4.00-5.20 Visualising the invisible, hearing the inaudible. Working with Social Haunting Geoff Bright & Steve Pool |
Saturday, 11.00-12.20 Towards a biosocial ethics of material-affective assemblages: The role of chemistry in new empiricism, Elizabeth de Freitas |
Saturday, 11.00-12.20 Working in ‘Ghost Labs’: Developing a collaborative process/event space of communal knowledge Geoff Bright & Sarah McNicol |
Kathleen deMarrais Melissa Freeman Jori Hall Trena Paulus Kathryn Roulston
The program prepares research methodologists to study and develop theories and methods for conducting empirical and conceptual social science research and evaluation in education and other social science fields. Specifically, this program develops scholars and methodologists who are prepared to contribute to the advancement of innovative theories and methods used in qualitative research and program evaluation.
Started in 2001, UGA’s Qualitative Certification is among the oldest and most reputable in the world. Designed to respond to the growing demand for national and international training in qualitative research, this program is ideal for researchers and non-degree students who would like additional preparation in designing and conducting qualitative studies, and who may be called upon to teach qualitative research methods in their institutions.
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