ICQI Call for Achievement Awards Nominations
The International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the upcoming year’s Achievement Awards.
Lifetime Achievement in Qualitative Inquiry
The Lifetime Achievement Award is conferred annually to a member of the qualitative community for lifetime contributions to the methods, theory, practice, and dissemination of qualitative inquiry.
The award will be presented at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference in May. The recipient will be notified no later than March 1 and is strongly encouraged to attend the Congress for the formal presentation of the award.
Nominators should send a letter outlining the nominee’s qualifications for the award by e-mail no later than January 15. Include a curriculum vitae for the nominee, if available. Because a lifetime of achievement does not diminish from one year to the next, those nominated for this award will automatically be considered for 5 years from the year of nomination. A list of the people already under consideration is available at https://icqi.org/lifetimeaward.html. There is no need to resubmit nominations from previous years, though anyone wishing to supplement an existing nomination or write an additional letter of support is encouraged to do so by the deadline.
Recipients in previous years have been:
2009 Norman K. Denzin
2010 Yvonna S. Lincoln
2011 Janice M. Morse
2012 Carolyn S. Ellis
2013 Laurel Richardson
2014 Judith Preissle
2015 Patricia Lather
2016 Arthur P. Bochner
2017 Ronald J. Pelias
2018 Kathy Charmaz
2019 Uwe Flick
2020 Kim Etherington
2021 John M. Johnson
Special Career Award in Qualitative Inquiry
The Special Career Award in Qualitative Inquiry, which recognizes dedication and contributions to qualitative research, teaching, and practice, is awarded on an occasional basis. The purpose of this award is to honour members of the ICQI community who have made a unique and important contributions to qualitative inquiry.
Past recipients of the Special Career Award include:
2020 César A. Cisneros Puebla
2020 Stacy Holman Jones
2019 Howard S. Becker
2015 Patricia Leavy
2011 Robert Stake
Nominators should send a letter outlining the nominee’s qualifications for these awards, any supporting information and curriculum vitae to Stacy Holman Jones, Chair of the Awards Committee at: [email protected] by e-mail no later than January 15.