The New Materialisms Special Interest Group will return in 2026.
This SIG on the ‘new materialisms’ (Coole and Frost, 2010: St. Pierre et al, 2016) aims to provide inclusive, exploratory opportunities for both emerging and established scholars. It will provide an interdisciplinary space in which we can engage with each other in addressing the pressing issues of our time (both within and beyond the academy) through and with new materialist, and related, bodies of theory and research. Such scholarship, in Barad’s terms, is ethico-onto-epistmological, and it engages with the space-time-mattering of the world, in which all our actions and utterances matter. Think (for example) Karen Barad, Jane Bennett, Deleuze and Guattari, Kathleen Stewart, and many more, each putting concepts to work in new ways, opening up exciting new possibilities for knowing-in-being.
Rebecca Coleman and colleagues write:
Until recently, the new materialisms have mainly constituted a conceptual field, viewed as ‘high’ theory. However, contemporary work is beginning to explore and develop a range of research methods and practices that both put new materialist concepts to work, and reflect on them, reshaping what new materialisms means as an approach, what it does, what it can do… [This is an] emerging field of methodological and practice work that has not been fully mapped. (Coleman, Page & Palmer, 2019, np.)
They go on to say our current task is to consider and expand “the making and mattering of feminist new materialisms” (Coleman, Page & Palmer, 2019, np.)
Please contact us if you’re planning to come to this new materialist SIG in 2026 so we can plan accordingly:
Bronwyn Davies: [email protected]
Jonathan Wyatt: [email protected]
Fiona Murray: [email protected]
Giulia Carozzi: [email protected]