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The Power of Stories and the Potential of Theorizing for Social Justice Studies
Kathy Charmaz, Sonoma State University
Qualitative researchers have long demonstrated the power of stories. We have excelled at telling stories about the lives of individuals, including our own. We have applied earlier theories with success but the potential of fresh theorizing has yet to be real- ized. Storytelling and theorizing in qualitative research may seem to represent two distinct strands of qualitative inquiry. Our stories document individuals’ troubles and triumphs yet we can build on these stories to create theoretical analyses of them. Theorizing, particularly some forms of grounded theorizing, generates concepts but these concepts remain separate from people’s lives as well as from the theorists who created them. The social justice implications of both storytelling and theorizing often remain implicit. I call for bringing storytelling and theorizing together to offer new ways of understanding and addressing social justice issues. Constructivist grounded theory offers one way of integrating storytelling and theorizing to advance social jus- tice inquiry, which I show here.
Moving Forward, Pushing Back Indigenous Methodologies in the Academy
Margaret Kovach, University of Saskatchewan
Cultural paradigms influence perspectives on knowledge and knowledge creation. This is an innocuous statement, not likely contested in academic sites. Yet the oft- held unexamined conception that research methodologies are only viable if conducted through a standardized process, built upon particular assumptions about knowledge, is a persistent backstory. Indigenous methodologies that are grounded in a counter cul- tural paradigm bring this backstory sharply into focus. Indigenous methodologies not only ask that this backstory be critically examined but propose a categorically different approach. In the past several years there has been an increasing interest in Indige- nous inquiry as a newly introduced methodology. However, it would be incorrect to underestimate the difficulty of proposing Indigenous methodologies in the contested cultural space of the academic landscape. In this talk, I will point to the politics and pragmatics of considering Indigenous inquiry in academic research. I propose that the next step in moving forward with Indigenous methodologies remains intricately linked to pushing back against a normative backstory of academic orthodoxy.
Plenary Performance
Black Notes
Mary Weems, Independent Scholar
Original Negro Spirituals were composed of only the Black keys on a piano. Some say it was to echo the sounds coming from the bowels of slave ships. Like the Sankofa bird, which in the Akan language of Ghana means ‘to reach back and get it,’ “Black Notes” begins by returning to the past, then moving forward through contemporary moments both lived and imagined. In this performance piece Mary E. Weems uses auto/ethnography and poetic and narrative inquiry as her methods to investigate the Black experience through a cultural lens which shifts from the personal to the political.
Morning Session 8:30 AM -11:30 AM |
1. Kerry Freedman and Richard Siegesmund Creating and analyzing the Visual in Research Understanding the visual image in qualitative research has become increasingly complex. Images are not just texts. Images, whether constructed or captured, demand analytical strategies and lenses for viewing that are specific to visual qualities. In social science, the visual has centered on images — either still or moving– recorded by a camera. Traditionally, these images have been used as data that allegedly record a world as it is. However, all images are made. The researcher actively negotiates inclusion and exclusion of data. Furthermore, newer methods of visual researcher invite collusion with participants. Here, the visual veers from any pretense of serving as a record of the world as it , and in its place records the world, or worlds, the researcher and participants choose to associate with. These are worlds of fiction–where participants make the reality that they wish to live in. In these new visual environments, time-based work assumes greater importance Recent methodologies of arts-based research have opened research in the visual to an array of media beyond photography. For example, the researcher may rip and juxtapose images into metaphors. The researcher may manipulate visual materials– such as paint, clay, or fiber– to create objects that become objects of analysis or representation of analysis. These will be discussed, as will methods for interpreting video. This workshop, led by professors of art education, will examine creation and analysis of the visual image in qualitative research. We explore different strategies, developed in the discipline of art education, for talking productively about images. Participants are urged to bring visual data that they have made or collected as a part of their own research interests and we will explore methods of interpretation and forms of artistic perception for framing visual data collection. |
2. Greg Dimitriadis & George Kamberelis The Critical Use of Focus Groups In this workshop, we will explore focus groups as productive sites for developing rich understandings of social phenomena, for engaging in pedagogy and reflection, and for doing political work. These related activities are all central to conducting research in what Denzin and Lincoln have called the eighth moment of qualitative inquiry. Basically, focus groups are collective conversations or group interviews. They can be small or large, directed or non-directed. Focus groups have been used for a wide range of purposes over the past century or so. The U.S. military (e.g., Merton), multi-national corporations, Marxist revolutionaries (e.g., Freire), literacy activists (e.g., Kozol), and three waves of radical feminist scholar-activists, among others, have all used focus groups to help advance their concerns and causes. We will discuss these conceptual issues as well as related strategies for conducting rich focus group sessions. Our workshop will begin with a discussion of the nature and function of focus groups, along with our concerns about their fate in conservative social and political times. Next, we will present a brief history of focus group research from its beginnings in media effects research during WWII, through its popular use in various social movements, and to its current explosive dispersion across many disciplines and for many purposes. Finally, we will discuss how we have used focus groups strategically in several of our own research projects. This discussion will include topics such as: how to recruit participants; how to choose spaces for hosting collective conversations; how to develop and use leading questions; how to follow up on key themes developed by group members; how and when to manage groups; and how to listen for “subtexts” that emerge from focus group discussions; and how interpret and deal with apparent “breakdowns” in group processes and understandings. These up close and personal examples of focus groups in action should help to illustrate their productive possibilities, their inherent dangers, and the many contingencies involved in focus group research. |
3. Christopher N. Poulos and Lisa Tillmann Writing Qualitative Inquiry: Embracing the Mystery This workshop focuses on the richness and mystery of qualitative research, with an emphasis on how to find your way through the morass of questions, experiences, events, data, and oddities that arise during the research process. We will work on 1) the craft of writing qualitative inquiry (finding the story in the data); 2) searching for relevance, richness, resonance, and reflexivity in your research; 3) writing ethnographic and other qualitative texts as a means to personal, relational, and social change; 4) seeking vigorous and intriguing ways to analyze/interpret your field notes, journals, interview transcripts, etc.; and 5) balancing structure and improvisation in the crafting of texts, performances, and other expressions of research. We hope to help you begin answering the question: What is qualitative inquiry for? What and whom does it serve, and how? Ample time will be devoted to workshopping your written work. |
4. Reiner Keller Doing Discourse Research This workshop will introduce participants to the diverse approaches of discourse research, including: Foucauldian perspectives, Critical Discourse Analysis, Hegemonics and the Sociology of Knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD). The first part of the workshop will discuss the relationship between theoretical groundings, analytical potential and methods of doing discourse research. The second part will present in more details Reiner Keller’s Sociology of Knowledge approach to discourse. SKAD draws on Berger & Luckmann’s sociology of knowledge, but includes major Foucauldian concepts and research interests. Integrating both re-orientates discourse research towards questions of social relationships of knowledge and politics of knowledge. In its concrete ‘ways of doing’ SKAD also refers to qualitative research design and interpretive analytics. Part 1: The arena of discourse studies• Discourse Research – which approach, what for?• How to find good questions?• The analytical process: Deconstruction, reconstruction or co-construction?• Mulitple ways of doing and multiple outcomesPart 2: How to do it: The example of SKAD• Looking for discourses and ‘dispositifs’: Texts and beyond• Strategies for analyzing data• Getting Lost/Getting Found: From analysis to story telling. |
5. Johnny Saldana Coding Qualitative Data: Beyond Indexing and Toward Insight Coding is acknowledged as a classic qualitative data analytic method for investigating, through symbolic representation, core meanings of texts and visual materials. Most novices assign basic topic-driven nouns as codes to qualitative data, when richer and more nuanced coding methods can be applied to discern a participant’s motives, values system, emotions, and subjective experiences. This workshop will focus on intermediate methods of coding qualitative data, such as Emotion, Values, Dramaturgical, Versus, and Causation Coding (taken from Saldaña’s The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers, 2nd ed., Sage Publications, 2013). These analytic methods and heuristics extend beyond mere topical indexing and categorization to explore the intricate processes and meanings of the case study, small group, and phenomenon. Participants should have an introductory knowledge of qualitative codes and coding to enter at an intermediate level of workshop content. Sample interview and document texts will be provided for individual and whole class “hard copy” analysis and discussion. |
6. Ken Gale and Jonathan Wyatt Collaborative writing as method of inquiry In recent years there has been a burgeoning interest in and discussion about collaborative writing as a method of inquiry – witness, for example, recent special issues of International Review of Qualitative Research (2012: 5, 4) and Cultural Studies⇔Critical Methodologies (2014: 14, 4). We have been writing together, both as a pair and in collaboration with others, over many years, with the intention of extending the possibilities that collaborative writing might offer for creativity, for connection, for influencing the academy, for challenging the neo-liberal project, for social justice, and more We draw primarily from the work of Deleuze (who collaborated with Felix Guattari and a number of others), most recently in coining the notion of ‘assemblage/ethnography’ both as a Deleuzian development of autoethnography and as a challenge to autoethnography’s implied humanist and phenomenological subject. This workshop will therefore offer participants an opportunity think and write with Deleuze as a way into collaborative writing as a method of inquiry. We will talk about collaborative writing and about Deleuze; at the workshop’s heart, we will undertake some collaborative writing together. Our intention will be to encourage workshop participants to employ Deleuzian figures in their practical engagement with, and development of, their own writing in collaborative contexts. Pre-workshop reading will be distributed to provide some introduction and opportunity to: critically reflect upon relevant aspects of Deleuzian philosophy; begin to consider how figures drawn from this philosophy might contribute to collaborative writing approaches; read some examples of collaborative writing that has made use of these figures |
7. Mitch Allen (Publisher, Left Coast Press, Inc.) & C. Deb Laughton (Publisher Guilford Publishing Company, Methodology & Statistics) Publishing a Qualitative Study This workshop is designed to give the researcher guidance on how to publish a qualitative study. Taught by two of the leading publishers of qualitative books, you will learn how to think about your book or article as a publisher or journal editor would, how to sell them on your idea, and how to get the writing finished. Using instruction, brief exercises, and group discussion, you will be given strategies for approaching and convincing a publisher to publish your book, ways to make your article attractive to editors, and concrete steps for finishing that half-done study on your computer. Bring your book or article idea to be discussed. |
8. Sharlene Hesse-Biber Mixed Methods Research and the Next Generation Qualitative on-line Research Tools—Mobile Technologies, Research Apps and the Rise of “Big Data.” This workshop provides a social transformational approach to research geared to those researchers working outside and within the academy who would like to learn more about how to integrate emergent methods and new technologies into their research in order to better address complex and critical social problems and issues. This workshop is especially useful to those working in highly turbulent environments where there is a need for a rapid research response that seeks to address a range of social crises. We examine step-by-step how a qualitatively-driven mixed and emergent methods research model can tackle complex social issues. We will discuss how these technologies are challenging traditional divides between the on-line and off-line, ethnographic field and cyber-field. and data analysis, and the researcher and participant. The workshop examines the use of multi-platforms (such as phones, tablets, laptops, desktops), the rise of “big data” collection and “big analytics” that are changing the face of the research process in terms of how to conceptualize and implement this next generation of research. We specifically explore “how to” infuse your research project with internet-mediated tools for data collection (such as mobile surveys; online ethnographic tools), data visualization, and data sharing. We introduce a range of emergent data analysis tools that allow the researcher to integrate computer-assisted software as well as multi-media analytical and data interpretation tools (such as GIS, internet and mobile technologies) into a mixed methods and emergent research project. We demonstrate how using computer assisted software tools to analyze your data can be an excellent way to manage large numbers of qualitative text, audio, video and graphic data as well as still images. We will demonstrate how computer assisted software can carry out a grounded theory approach to the analysis of your data –from memo-ing to coding and retrieving your materials. It is also possible to conduct team work across geographical regions. We will use HyperResearch, an easy to learn user friendly computer-assisted software package that analyzes qualitative data (text, audio, video and graphics) as well as HyperTranscribe, a computer-assisted transcribing software tool (you can download a free demo of each product will take up some advanced features of the HyperResearch and HyperTranscribe program ( starting with the Hypothesis Tester and advanced coding and memo features, including the network diagramming. We will talk about transcription as a form of data analysis. In addition, we will demonstrate how HR software is used to integrate a mixed methods analysis and emergent methods analysis. Before the workshop meets we ask you bring a short reflexive memo that outlines your researcher standpoint– the set of values you bring to your research (for you to refer to and/or share with others, if you like). We will provide a didactic exercise on finding your data analysis standpoint. |
9. Claudio Moreira & Marcelo Diversi Decolonizing Classrooms and Epistemologies This workshop is thoroughly grounded in the worlds of both the colonizer and colonized and it focuses primarily in the political space of a classroom. We, the authors situated between the world of northern academe and our southern origins, try to create a dialogue that works back and forth across Paulo Freire, Gloria Anzaldúa, Soyini Madison, Dwight Conquergood, Linda T. Smith, Third World feminisms, Indigenous Methodologies and Though, Postcolonialism and Decolonization. This workshop evokes the form of a manifesto, an invitation to indigenous, non-indigenous, betweeners, and allied scholars to think through the implications of connecting theories of decolonization and the postcolonial and indigenous epistemologies with emancipatory discourses, critical theory, critical pedagogy and/in performance. It is designed around the central idea of co-constructing, with students in higher education, a dialogical collaboration in the processes of interpretation and production of decolonizing scholarship. We, facilitators and participants, will share our humble, and humbling, experiences with resisting colonizing rituals (e.g., use of titles and other power markers), exploring decolonizing possibilities of being (e.g., unconditional human rights), and with critiquing teaching while teaching. We believe that decolonizing methodologists, can—in concert with indigenous methodologies—speak to oppressed, colonized persons living in postcolonial situations of injustice: women of all colors, situations, and ethnicities; queer, lesbian, transgendered individuals; Aboriginal, First Nation, Native American, South African, Latin American, Pacific and Asian Islander persons. We seek the utopia of social justice and see this workshop as an opportunity to share our decolonizing imagination and to learn from others’. At the end, we hope participants will have new language, narratives, and ideas for advancing decolonizing pedagogies from within our colonizing educational system. Reference Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2009). Betweener Talk: Decolonizing Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and Praxis. Left Coast Press. |
10. Jerry Rosiek Narrative Representations in Qualitative Research: Beyond Authenticity to Transformative Cultural Action Participants in this workshop will explore various theoretical frameworks used to inform and defend the use of narrative forms of representation in qualitative research. The purpose of the workshop will be to move beyond naïve notions that narratives provide more accurate, authentic, or comprehensive representations of human experience. A rhetoric of transparency, it will be argued, implicitly imports positivist assumptions about the purpose of research, thereby limiting the more subversive potential of narrative research. Contemporary philosophy and sociology of knowledge scholarship will be used to open up new conceptions of the transformational possibilities of narrative modes of writing. The workshop will begin with a review of the distinction between “narrative inquiry” vs. “narrative construction” found in early writings on the place of narratives in social science. From there it will explore the application of various philosophical traditions to understanding the use of narrative representations, including: • Critical Theory• Feminist philosophies and methodologies• Poststructuralism• Critical race theory• Pragmatism• Indigenous philosophies and methodologiesThe facilitator will demonstrate how different frameworks clarify, enhance, and constrain the use of narrative representations in different ways. Participants will be encouraged to bring narrative research projects they are working on for discussions about which theories best suit their ambitions. Through the workshop, participants will better understand the limits of the use of narrative representations as modes of naturalistic description. They will emerge with a conceptual map of several alternative ways of framing the value of narrative representations—ways that more compatible with personally and politically transformative purposes for research. Finally, they will leave with a bibliography of a literature relevant to the transformative use of narratives in qualitative research. |
11. Pirkko Markula
Foucault’s Methodologies for Qualitative Research on the Body, the Self, and Health In this workshop, we will explore how Foucault’s theoretical toolkit can be used to examine the looks and uses of the body, bodytechnologies, and ill and healthy bodies. In our workshop, we will begin our discussion by reviewing Foucault’s major concepts (e.g.,power relations, discourse, disciplinary techniques, technologies of the self) as they relate to doing qualitative research on the body and the self. We will provide specific examples and set a number of exercises to illustrate the possibilities for analyzing qualitative empirical material through a Foucauldian lens. These examples and exercises should help illustrate the possibilities, but also the boundaries, of using Foucault’s tool kit to study the body and the self within the constraints of neoliberal society.
Afternoon Session: 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM |
14. Alecia Jackson & Lisa Mazzei Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research 2.0: The Ontological Turn and New Empiricisms In this workshop, participants will learn how to use various philosophical concepts to open up the process of data analysis in qualitative research. The purpose of the workshop is to present a new analytics that refuses mechanistic coding and reducing data to themes in traditional qualitative data analysis. The workshop leaders will show how “thinking with theory” pushes research and data and theory to exhaustion. This workshop will draw upon Jackson and Mazzei’s book Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research. The workshop leaders will first provide theoretical concepts that are active and productive in post-humanism. Then, the workshop will focus on moving from conventional research questions to analytical questions that become possible in an ontological, new empiricisms framework. As well, workshop participants will participate in discussions about new methodological considerations given the ontological turn in qualitative inquiry. Finally, new empiricisms will be put to work via a process of “plugging in” theory and data; that is, participants will engage in re-framing their current projects, re-formulating their current research questions and methodologies, and/or re-analyzing data with different analytical questions that are only possible in a post-humanist framework. This workshop will be interactive and pedagogical. In addition to working with data provided by the workshop leaders, participants will be encouraged to share (and disrupt) data from their own research as well as theoretical perspectives, concepts, and analytic questions from their own disciplines. |
15. Arthur Bochner & Carolyn Ellis Writing Autoethnography and Narrative in Qualitative Research This workshop will focus on writing personal narratives and reflexively including researchers’ selves and their interaction with participants in ethnographic projects. Topics covered will include: narrative truth; ethics; developing scenes, characters, conversation, and dramatic action; writing vulnerably and evocatively; truth and memory; writing as inquiry; interactive interviews and co-constructed narratives; evaluating and publishing autoethnography. |
16. Elyse Pineau Performative Pedagogies: Developing a Critical Poetics of Classroom Praxis What is the role of the critical imagination in transforming educational codes and cultures? How can improvisational and embodied interaction revitalize daily classroom practice across disciplines? How does a critical performative aesthetic revision course design, assessment, and pedagogical agency? This hands-on workshop operationalizes scholarship in arts-based, critical pedagogies with the embodied methodologies and multi-modalities of Performance Studies’ classrooms. Drawing on Paulo Friere’s dialogic process, Maxine Greene’s educational aesthetics and Charles Garoian’s ‘prosthetic pedagogy’ participants will learn foundational principles of performance praxis while exploring a continuum of classroom protocols for developing creative, collaborative and corporeal pedagogies applicable to their own disciplines and demographics. No previous experience with performance practice or pedagogy required. |
17. Elaine Keane An Introduction to Social Justice Inquiry using Kathy Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory The workshop session introduces ways to use Kathy Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory methods to study social justice issues. Grounded theory methods consist of flexible guidelines to adopt, alter, and fit particular research problems, not to apply mechanically. With these guidelines, you expedite and systematize your data gathering and analysis. These methods and the area of social justice are treated as serving mutually complementary purposes. Grounded theory methods can assist social justice researchers in making their work more analytic, precise, and compelling. A focus on social justice can help grounded theorists to move their methods into macro analyses. Major grounded theory strategies will be presented with suggestions about how use them to spark fresh ideas about data. Familiarity with grounded theory methods is helpful but is not necessary. The work session covers an overview of basic guidelines and includes several hands-on exercises. If you have collected some qualitative data, bring a completed interview, set of field notes, or document to analyse. If you do not have data yet, we will supply qualitative data for you. If you prefer to use a laptop for writing, bring one, but you can complete the exercises without a computer. Elaine Keane has participated in several workshops with Kathy Charmaz since 2007, is a current co-author with her on a chapter for the fifth edition of the Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, and has given several workshops on constructivist grounded theory in Ireland and the UK. Elaine is a Lecturer and Director of the Master in Education programme, in the School of Education, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her research focuses on widening participation in higher education, diversity in initial teacher education, and qualitative research methodologies, including grounded theory. She has published articles in a range of journals (British Journal of Sociology of Education, Teaching in Higher Education, the International Journal of Educational Research, Irish Educational Studies), as well an article about constructivist grounded theory in social justice-oriented research in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology. |
18. Yvonna S. Lincoln and Gaile S. Cannella New Experimental Writing Forms Participants should come with some qualitative data, analyzed and organized in a systematic fashion, if at all possible, as writing will be a part of the workshop. Exploration of experimental forms–pleated, layered texts, poetry, fiction, “messy 0/00 texts, autoethnographic stories, and performance ethnographies–will be undertaken, in part via performance and dramatic reading, and participants will begin writing experiments utilizing their own data. Small research projects, dissertation data, or other ethnographic studies provide good fodder for writing exercises. |
19. Valerie Janesick Transforming Oral History through Poetry: Digital, Photographic, and Cinematic Techniques for Social Justice The power of oral history is the power of storytelling. By using current technology and working in a transdisciplinary context oral history may now be more readily accessible and available to a wider population thus moving toward social justice. In using the current technology available such as IPads, IPhones, photography, film and the world wide web, oral historians have the opportunity to widen awareness of oral history projects. In addition the use of Identity poetry and found data poems may assist qualitative researchers in representation of data as well as data analysis. Since oral history is the collection of stories, statements, and reminiscences of a person or persons who have firsthand knowledge of any number of experiences, poetry offers participants and researchers a way to capture the lived experience. The techniques of oral history are those of the qualitative researcher including interviews, document analysis, photographs and video. The current digital era offers many opportunities to address issues and possibilities for the oral historian as qualitative researcher. Three major issues include: social justice, arts based approaches and transdisciplinarity. |
20. Tami Spry From Body to Paper to Stage: A Methodology for Writing and Performing Autoethnography “Experiencing language as a transformative force was not an awareness that I arrived at through writing. I discovered it through performance” Why perform autoethnography? What is the pedagogical or epistemological gain? You do not need performance experience or have any intention of performing to engage performative autoethnography as methodology of research and knowledge construction. In composing performative autoethnography, performance is used as a method to activate our awareness of the body’s involvement with and relationship to others in culture, thus it is intimately heuristic whether or not one intends to perform the autoethnography. This workshop provides a methodological introduction to performative autoethnography, blending three elements—the lived body, the body on the page, and the body in performance. The composition and performance process continually forms and reforms the body, the body of the text, the text of the body, and ultimately offers a deep and intimate understanding of self/other/culture. Performative autoethnography is a methodology available to all people regardless of any previous theatrical experience. |
21. Ron Pelias Performative Writing Workshop The workshop is designed to help participants think through what constitutes performative writing and to apply that thinking to their own work. The workshop will address how texts can perform on the page, how performative writing stands in relationship to other qualitative methods, how particular writing strategies can be deployed to make a text perform, how to manage ethical concerns that emerge in performative writing, and how experience, rendered evocatively, functions as evidence. The participants will have an opportunity to engage in performative writing through a series of planned exercises that will demonstrate the power of performative writing techniques. The workshop is open to all who have an interest in performative writing as a method. |
22. Robin Jarrett & Angela Odoms-Young Now that I Have It, What Do I Do With It? Exploring Techniques for Interpreting, Writing Up and Evaluating Qualitative Data This workshop explores the related processes of interpreting, writing up and evaluating qualitative data. Case study examples will be highlighted to provide an overview of techniques that can be used to discover meanings and examine social processes and social interactions in qualitative data. Issues discussed include: inductive approaches to data analysis, integrating multiple data sources, data reduction and data display techniques (e.g., visual, text), and using findings for theory development. Attention will be given to writing up qualitative data to reflect its rich descriptive nature as well as multiple voices and perspectives, targeting written products to scholarly/applied journals, and communicating research findings to different audiences. This workshop will also examine the relevant criterion for maintaining and assessing data quality. |
23. Anne Kuckartz Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) – enhanced outcome by software support. A hands-on introduction to MAXQDA. Can you do a state of the art qualitatative data analysis without using software? Sure! But: Using a software will broaden up the potential of the analytic outcome and bring it up to a new level of transparency , plausibilty and sophistication. This workshop will show you how to use and benefit from the power of a computer program without letting the software stand in the way of your analytical process. The hands-on workshop will give a deep insight into MAXQDA. At the end of the workshop you will not only know how to use serendipity tools in order to enhance dramatically the “harvest” from your data; you will also be able to perform all basic elements of a state-of-the-art qualitative data analysis: Starting with importing your data, which can be texts, audio-video files, pictures, PDF docs, setting up a code system, (re)arrange codes according to the changes throughout the analytical process, assigning codes to text segments, writing memos, attaching them to your documents or codes, label, link and manage memos so that you are always ready to get back to each of your notes immediately, perform searches (simple and complex) and finally to present results of your analysis in a clear and convincing way. Participants should bring their own laptops. If you do not have access to a laptop or have any questions about the workshop, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] |
24. Bronwyn Davies Working with memory in collaborative research groups In this workshop we will work with memory stories. We will explore the nature of memory and of story-telling, and pay particular attention to the act of listening—the material, epistemological and ethical nature of it. Participants will generate their own memories on a topic nominated by the collective participants. They will each tell their story, write it down and read it out, avoiding clichés and explanations. The participants will explore with each story-teller the memory that is being put into words in the telling/writing/listening/reading process. We will discuss the move from reflexivity to diffraction that occurs in this process. Background reading: Davies, B. and Gannon, S. (2013) Collective biography and the entangled enlivening of being. International Review of Qualitative Research 5(4) 357-376 Website: |
25. Uwe Flick Designing Qualitative Research and the Use of Triangulation In this workshop, central issues of planning and designing a qualitative research project will be introduced. We will look at some basic designs of qualitative research (Case studies, retrospective studies) first. The decisions to be taken in the process of doing a qualitative study will be our second focus. (for example: When to use which design? How to refine research questions? How and why to sampling cases?) The third focus will be on using triangulation in qualitative research: this part will focus on using combinations of multiple qualitative methods and approaches. The workshop will explore issues outlined in the 5th. Edn. of Uwe Flick’s book „An Introduction to Qualitative Research (Sage 2014). A major part of the workshop will be devoted to discussing the participants’ research projects – studies that are in the planning phase or are ongoing or in the writing phase. Participants in the workshop will be discussing their current projects, supported in framing their studies, in formulating their research questions and methodologies. |
26. Janice M. Morse Qualitatively-driven mixed and multiple method designs While mixed- and multiple-method designs have given a new interest and legitimacy to qualitative inquiry, the role of qualitative methods is not appreciated and often mis-represented. In this workshop, I will discuss the significance of respecting the theoretical drive in qualitatively-driven designs and the contribution(s) of qualitative methods to the project as a whole. Confusion about theoretical drive arises if the researcher does not consider the theoretical contribution of qualitative component, but rather considers “contribution” to be the amount of work required for each component or even the pacing of the project. By diagramming the study components, and listing the outcomes of each component, the researcher does not to lose sight of the original aims, enables the use of dynamic reflexivity, and the evaluation of results as the study progresses. |
27. Joe Norris and Rick SawyerDuoethnography: A Dialogic Form of Critical Collaborative Inquiry
Building upon the concept of currere (Pinar, 1975) that regards one’s personal history as a curriculum, duoethnographers juxtapose their differences on a given phenomenon to critically examine their present beliefs through the lens of the past and vise versa. Regarding themselves as sites, not topics (Oberg and Wilson, 1992) of the inquiry they create a third-space (Bhabha, 1990) between their narratives, inviting the readers into the conversation. It becomes a form of dialogic inquiry (Bakhtin, 1981) as one learns from the Other. This workshop will first outline the basic tenets of the methodology and then provide a forum for participants to engage in the lived-experience of pedagogical conversations with people of difference. Relevant to all those engaged in forms of collaborative research.
Late Afternoon Workshop 4:00 – 5:00 |
29. Jim Denison The Moving Body: Problematizing Knowledge and Practice The human body was designed to move. So what can movement tell us about ourselves? Primarily our knowledge of the moving body has been constructed through a narrow scientific lens dominated by guidelines, models, recommendations and measurements. As a result, for many people movement, and particularly exercise, has become a disciplining activity comprised of a variety of docile-making, divided and disembodied practices exercised through the strict control and organization of space and time. But surely movement can mean more than this? Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault (1995), the aim of this practical movement workshop is to examine what else movement can do. More specifically, through the act of running, we will explore how movement can serve as a method of inquiry to understand all that it means to be a moving body in society today. Participation in this workshop does not require an extensive running background. However, some running (approximately one mile) will be involved. Therefore, participants are advised to dress appropriately. Jim Denison is a former national class middle-distance runner and high school and university track coach. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta. Through his research he examines the discursive formation of track and field coaches’ practices. Denison also works directly with track and field coaches and athletes across Canada as the Director of the Canadian Athletics Coaching Centre, a world-renowned center of excellence for coach and athlete development in track and field. |
A Day in Arts-Based Research
Call for Abstracts: Arts-Based Research: An Interdisciplinary Dialog
Special Interest Group at the 11th International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wednesday, May 20 — Saturday, May 23, 2015
As part of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Arts-Based Research events will take place as a Special Interest Group (SIG) throughout the conference.
In James Haywood Rolling, Jr’s recently published Arts-Based Research Primer, he offers a working definition of arts-based research as: the multi-systemic and practice-based application of distinct yet interactive analytical, synthetic, critical-activist, or improvisatory cognitive processes and artistic practices toward theory-building and/or the re-construction of meaningful experience.
Arts-based research practices are based upon the premise of utilizing various forms of artistic practices as a primary means of understanding experience, and are intended to have applications across multiple disciplines. Consequently, we believe that practitioners would benefit from an interdisciplinary conversation. Rather than just a single panel, this SIG envisions a series of roundtables and panel presentations that address the following:
- How would you characterize arts-based research?
- What are the unaddressed problems that might require arts-based research approaches?
- What arts-based practices have you applied to your own research?
- What implications might this have for researchers in other fields?
- How might arts-based research practices from other fields influence your work?
- What are some unanswered questions about using arts-based research methodologies in social and educational research?
- What are some unnamed methodologies for conducting social and educational research that can be extrapolated from your explorations as an arts-based researcher?
- How do new ABR methodologies facilitate the address of new research questions?
We welcome additional topics that interested participants may want to suggest.
Facilitators at each session will be responsible for posing insightful and thought-provoking questions or concerns to start the conversation. They will then serve as moderators, keeping the dialogue on topic, and facilitating the collaborative contribution of all roundtable and panel participants.
We invite people interested in all disciplines that engage in arts-based research to submit an abstract proposal for one of the following formats:
Conversation Roundtables
Conversation Roundtables (Pre-conference: Wednesday, May 20)
To submit a proposal for a conversation roundtable, please send an abstract (150 words max.) indicating your area of interest, the questions or concerns you wish to discuss collaboratively, and the objectives you would like to achieve with the participants.
Panel Presentations
On Friday May 22 and Saturday 23, there will be paper presentations for the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Arts-Based Research.
A limited number of individual papers will be accepted for presentations in panels of four speakers. To submit a proposal for a paper presentation, please submit a title and abstract (150 words max.) of your presentation, along with keywords.
We especially encourage unconventional forms of communication and audience involvement in which presenters show rather than read their observation or results, leading the audience to think with their presenters.
Abstract submission procedures
Please submit your abstracts for the Arts-Based Research Special Interest Group (SIG) events through the conference website: Abstracts need to be of 150 words or less. Each submission should clearly specify its category: conversation roundtable or paper presentation. Please notice that the conversation roundtables will be on Wed., May 20, whereas the paper presentations will be on Friday, May 22 or Saturday May 23.
Abstract submission deadline: 1 December 2014
Please be aware that this conference does not provide electronic equipment, like computers or projectors. Please feel free to contact the conference organizers for clarification or assistance related to your submission or attendance at the Day in Arts-Based Research. We look forward to seeing you in May 2015!
Conference/SIG organizers:
James Haywood Rolling, Jr., Syracuse University, USA: [email protected]
Ross Schlemmer, Edinboro University, USA: [email protected]
Amanda Alexander, University of Texas @Arlington, USA: [email protected]
Manisha Sharma, The University of Arizona, USA: [email protected]
Call for Participation
Special Interest Group (SIG) on Autoethnography
11th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
May 20-23, 2014
Writer Joan Didion notes simply and powerfully, “we tell stories in order to live.”[i] Autoethnographic stories—stories of/about the self told through the lens of culture—enable us to live and to live better. Autoethnography allows us to lead more reflective, more meaningful, and more just lives by:
- Critiquing, making contributions to, and/or extending existing research and theory.
- Embracing vulnerability as a way to understand emotions and improve social life.
- Disrupting taboos, breaking silences, and reclaiming lost and disregarded voices.
- Making research accessible to multiple and diverse audiences.
To meet these goals, autoethnographers must balance the inward work of introspection with the outward work of social, cultural, and political critique. In the current moment, autoethnographers must seek ways of:
- Engaging deeply and explicitly with existing qualitative research and theory, showing what innovative and interdisciplinary critiques, contributions and/or developments autoethnographic stories can make to existing research conversations and traditions.
- Doing the vulnerable work of personal storytelling as a demonstration of a commitment to the larger goals and responsibilities of creating greater understanding with, empathy for, and improving the lives of others. In other words, asking and answering the question: what work does my story do in the world, for whom, and with what risks and possibilities?
- Working collaboratively with other scholars, as well as with the persons we study, live and work with, and love in our research and writing, demonstrating how autoethnography can expand the boundaries and possibilities of critical qualitative research both inside and outside of the academy.
- Creating work that not only names experiences of loss, exclusion, degradation and injustice but also showing how the stories we tell, the orientation we take to our research and our writing, and responsibility we assume as authors embody the change we seek to make in the world.
- Seeking new and nuanced ways to ethically engage in autoethnographic research that does not separate the experiences we are writing about from the goals of the work, the judgments we make of a story’s impact or success, or the persons we become as storytellers; in other words, providing an example of how to engage qualitative research from a position of engagement and humility with and for ourselves, our interlocutors, and our readers/audiences.
- Seeking new and nuanced ways to ethically engage in autoethnographic research that does not separate the experiences we are writing about from the goals of the work, the judgments we make of a story’s impact or success, or the persons we become as storytellers; in other words, providing an example of how to engage qualitative research from a position of engagement and humility with and for ourselves, our interlocutors, and our readers/audiences.
We envision this SIG as an opportunity to not only talk about these goals and desired ways of working but to also come together during the Congress to begin creating and collaborating on work that addresses these issues. To facilitate a focus on doing and making, we invite you to participate in the following:
Events and Activities
Wednesday, May 20: Opening Panel and Thematic Working Groups
Autoethnographic Presents and Futures Panel
We will begin with an opening panel composed of new and seasoned autoethnographers who will engage in a discussion of current and future tensions and opportunities in autoethnography.
Panelists: Norm Denzin, Art Bochner, Carolyn Ellis, Tony Adams, Derek Bolen, Devika Chawla, Stacy Holman Jones, Anne Harris, Robin Boylorn, Lisa Tillmann, Chris Poulos, Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Tami Spry, Bryant Alexander, Patrica Leavy, Claudio Moreira, Marcelo Diversi, Sophie Tamas, Miroslav Pavle Manovski, Lesa Lockford, Sandy Pensoneau-Conway, Andrew Herrmann, Desiree Rowe, Susanne Gannon, Sandra Faulkner, Aisha Durham.
Autoethnographic Methods Café
Following the panel discussion, we will convene a “methods café” consisting of several small groups in which participants can discuss:
- Pressing questions, tensions, and opportunities within specific research contexts or themes.
- Approaches to and considerations for publishing autoethnographic work in a particular context or theme.
- Sharing and receiving feedback on writing within a particular context or theme. Participants in these groups will be asked to bring working drafts of autoethnographic projects to share.
Groups will be will be led by an autoethnographer who has experience researching, writing, and publishing in that context/theme. Other session formats are also welcome. When submitting abstracts for the café, please include the name(s) of suggested session leader(s). Possible café contexts and themes could include:*
- Autoethnography and identity
- Autoethnography and relationships and families
- Autoethnography and institutions
- Autoethnography as witnessing
- Autoethnography and theory development
- Autoethnography as social justice work
- Autoethnography and performance
- Autoethnography and poetry
- Visual autoethnography
- Autoethnography and health
- Autoethnography and addiction
- Autoethnography and spirituality
- Autoethnography and social scientific research
- Autoethnography and pedagogy
- Autoethnography and new media
* This list of possible contexts and themes is meant to be generative rather than exhaustive. Proposals on a range of themes and contexts are encouraged.
Friday, May 22 and Saturday, May 23: Interactive Issue-Based Panels
A series of interactive panels centering on an issue in/for autoethnography will be presented during the ICQI program. These panels can include the presentation of individual papers, though preference will be given to formats that create opportunities for conversation and collaboration around issues important to autoethnographers and autoethnographic research. Possible topics for issue-based panels could include:*
- The ethics of doing and writing autoethnography
- Autoethnography and human subjects review
- Teaching autoethnographic research and writing
- Writing an autoethnographic thesis or dissertation
- Doing collaborative autoethnographic projects
- Writing and sharing autoethnography with interlocutors and non-academic audiences
- Creating curriculum proposals for autoethnography courses
- Using autoethnography in mixed-methods projects
* This list of possible issues is meant to be generative rather than exhaustive. Proposals on range of issues are encouraged.
Abstract Submissions
Please submit abstracts of 200 words or less for SIG events through the ICQI conference website:
Each submission should clearly specify the session format: thematic working group or issue-based panel. Please note that selected thematic methods café sessions will be held on Wednesday, May 20. Selected issue-based panels will be programmed on Friday, May 22 and Saturday, May 23.
Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is December 1, 2014.
[i] Joan Didion, The White Album (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979): 11.
Qualitative Psychology: Critical and Post- Structural Possibilities
Conference and Special Interest Group
at the 11th International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Wednesday, May 20th – Saturday, May 23rd, 2015
Now that Qualitative Inquiry is a recognized approach to knowledge and research practice in psychology, it’s time to think about the ways in which the process of constructing knowledge can embrace the complexity of contemporary life, beyond representations, reductions, and universals. This gathering of scholars, practitioners, and students explores some of the most significant and exciting innovations related to post-structural and critical philosophies.
Post-structural and critical inquiries in psychology
Critique is understood as an interrogation of the terms by which life is constrained in order to open up the possibility for different modes of living. (Butler, J. Undoing Gender, p. 4) |
We see post-structural inquiries as moving away from attempts to provide realistic, stable, or fixed representations and from referents and answers that are not situated in historical, political, and cultural positions. In underscoring the close link between (institutional) knowledge and power, poststructural approaches to knowledge explore, participate to, and deconstruct experiences and meanings as part of discursive frames, linguistic practices, and relational realities. Knowledges that are created are non- linear, fluid, and liminal between fields and disciplines. Rather than finding finite answers, it opens up possibilities, questions, and complexities, with an eye toward issues and constructions of social justice, inequality, and liberation.
Qualitative research opens a space inside psychology to do something radically different to link human experience with social action (Parker, I. Qualitative Psychology, p. 1) |
Critical methodologies of research aim at creating social change while cognizant of the oppression that liberatory discourses may create on the supposed beneficiaries or participants. Aware of the political and agentic situatedness of every form of inquiry, critical researchers seek to achieve equality and/or foster resistance, usually through collaborative and mutual approaches to an identified social issue and the knowledge/practice that may be developed or performed for its amelioration. Research is transformed into a reflexive and political practice that contributes to the empowerment of participants and to their resistance against institutionalized oppression.
Keynote Talks
2014 – Norman Denzin and Kenneth Gergen discuss post-structural and critical inquiries in psychology
Video 1 of Denzin & Gergen (available soon) |
2015 – Thomas Teo has edited the brand new Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, and is editor of the Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. Dr. Teo’s research focuses on critical studies in the history and theory of psychology.
Event Structure
- We will start Wednesday morning with Thomas Teo’s keynote presentation. His talk will be followed by a conversation/social hour with refreshments.
- His talk will be followed by a conversation/social hour with refreshments. Conversation roundtables, data playgrounds and selected paper sessions will round out the day’s events.
- All attendees are invited to dinner Wednesday night at a local restaurant to be announced. Join our Facebook page at: to see photos from last year.
Friday and Saturday
- Further paper and symposium sessions will be run in conjunction with the regular conference sessions Friday and Saturday.
- We will wrap up with a discussion session on Saturday afternoon, providing a venue for qualitative psychologists to reconnect and follow-up earlier conversations before we end for the year!
Come join us for these exciting events – even better submit a paper, host a conversation roundtable or share your intellectual challenges with us in a data playground. We would love to hear from you!
- Please submit your abstracts for the DAY IN QUALITATIVE PSYCHOLOGY through the conference website:
- Abstracts need to be of 150 words or less.
- Each submission should clearly specify its category: conversation roundtable, paper presentation, or data playground.
- Follow specific directions unique to each type of presentation. Complete submissions will be given first consideration.
Abstract submission deadline: 1 December 2014
More details of the requirements of various sessions and submission directions are presented in our call for papers
Please be aware that this conference does not provide electronic equipment, such as computers or projectors. Please feel free to contact the conference organizers for clarification or assistance related to your submission or attendance at the Day in Qualitative Psychology. We look forward to seeing you in May 2015!
Conference organizers:
- Michael Kral, Wayne State University, USA, [email protected] (co-chair)
- Heather Adams, Trauma & Change Research Group, USA, [email protected] (co-chair)
- Cynthia Langtiw, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA [email protected]
- Wen-Ting Chung, independent, USA, [email protected]
- Cesar Cisneros Puebla, UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico, [email protected]
- Angelo Benozzo, University of Valle d’Aosta, Italy, [email protected]
- Marco Gemignani, Duquesne University, USA, [email protected]
- Mirk Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona State University, USA, [email protected]
Student organizers:
- Carlos Torres, University of Memphis, USA, [email protected]
- Katharina Azim, University of Memphis, USA, [email protected]
Seminars and Business Meeting, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Invitation to (a) attend the entire Wednesday activities, (b) submit papers for the Wednesday seminar, and (c) submit papers to ICQI Thursday/Friday sessions sponsored by the SIG (SEE 2015 call for papers and participation below following the purpose and history.)
Congress 2015 Theme: Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry
Purpose and History of the CCQI SIG:
For some time, researchers engaging in critical qualitative scholarship have called for the construction of a critical social science that challenges disciplinary boundaries and rethinks research as construct and practice. To some extent, the broad expanse of qualitative research as a field has accomplished this reconceptualization, especially with the extensive work of feminist, postcolonial, and poststructural scholars (to name just a few of the epistemological perspectives that address power relations and equity). However, the contemporary imposition of neoliberal forms of knowledge and practice broadly, but especially within higher education, is an immediate threat to qualitative research of all types, and most importantly, to a construction of higher education that would facilitate diverse ways of being and challenge social and environmental injustice and oppression in any form. From within this neoliberal condition, critical work is of utmost importance. The main purpose of the Critical Qualitative Inquiry SIG within ICQI is to construct a Coalition of individuals from a range of fields who systematically work together to:
- Expand visibility for existing critical work (e.g. feminisms, subaltern studies, queer theory, critical pedagogy, counter colonial critique);
- Increase and maintain critical qualitative inquiry as an avenue for equity and justice across disciplines;
- Construct new diverse forms of critical qualitative inquiry, related forms of activism, and innovative methods for sharing that work; and
- Systematically support critical qualitative scholars in the changing climate that is higher education, especially under contemporary neoliberal conditions that include the privileging of academic conservativism.
Over the past several years, critical scholars have met in several locations for the purpose of organizing just such a coalition. Recent meetings included collaborative research across childhood critical scholars internationally, a pre-congress day and program on Critical Qualitative Inquiry in Higher Education at the 2013 ICQI, and a business meeting in 2014 to discuss the major issues related to the neoliberal global condition. Participants at the various meetings have agreed that we want to support critical work of all types, as well as new scholars who hope to have long careers practicing critical qualitative science. To that end, the SIG initiated a Call for Proposals for critical research that would generate counter conducts for higher education; six teams now plan to work together to conduct this research over the coming two years. Future Wednesday CCQI meetings will partially address emergent international critical qualitative research, provocative activism, and critical methodologies (issues that were of great concern to 2014 participants).
INVITATIONS for 2015, Coalition for Critical Qualitative Inquiry
Wednesday Special Day and Congress Days
Participants within the CCQI SIG are especially excited that the theme of the Congress this year is “Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry.” This focus represents the historical struggles and continued concerns for justice of all types that have led to the work of many of our SIGs.
The CCQI SIG will use this special 2015 Congress to initiate an annual set of 4 seminars that concentrate on (1) international research, (2) provocative activism, and (3) critical methodologies, as well as a seminar based on yearly (4) participant initiated topics and (5) a SIG business meeting. The purpose of the 4 seminars each year on Wednesday will be to provide participants with the most recent activist/transformative critical research that is emerging from around the globe. Therefore, for 2015, co-organizers of special sessions will be contacting critical qualitative scholars to request papers for the first 3 seminars:
Critical Qualitative Research: International Conversations
Seminar Organizers: Penny A. Pasque, Aaron M. Kuntz
Research as/and Provocative Activism for Critical Purposes
Seminar Organizers: Michelle Salazar Pérez, M. Francyne Huckaby
CQ Methodologies: Reconceptualizations and Emergent Constructions
Seminar Organizers: Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Yvonna S. Lincoln,
Gaile S. Cannella
- Submit a paper to be presented at the 4th seminar of the Wednesday Day in CCQI. Paper proposals should be sent to Gaile S. Cannella [email protected] following the Congress guidelines and deadlines.
- Submit a paper to the 2015 Congress (to be presented on Friday or Saturday) and mark sponsorship by CCQI (using the Congress submission website).
Questions regarding the SIG can be addressed to Gaile S. Cannella, [email protected], Michelle Salazar Perez, [email protected] , Or Penny Pasque, [email protected]
SEE YOU IN MAY, 2015!!!
Digital Tools for Qualitative Research
The Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
May 17-21, 2016: University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
In 2008, this group met for the first time during the pre-conference day, Technology in Qualitative Research. With eighteen presenters and sixty-two participants, the goal of the Pre-Congress day was to “engage researchers in a discussion of the relationship between qualitative research, technology, and creativity.” The day was a huge success.
Seven years later, the group introduced a Digital Tools for Qualitative Research Strand during the 2015 Congress, with the goal of “bringing together qualitative researchers to discuss the role of digital tools in the ongoing construction of qualitative research practice.” A non-stop series of forty-eight presentations were delivered during the Congress, many with standing room only. A detailed mini-program of Digital Tools sessions from the 2015 Congress is available at: At the conclusion of the 2015 Congress, participants agreed to develop a Special Interest Group (SIG).
The primary responsibilities of the Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG are to:
- Provide support to the larger Congress and respond to requests (e.g., assist the development of a hub of resources on Digital Tools).
- Help promote the call for papers and recommend Digital Tools paper groups to ICQI.
- Develop opening and closing events for the SIG at the Congress.
- Develop award(s) and/or recognition for scholarship/leadership within the Digital Tools community.
- Obtain feedback from participants and presenters as part of an annual review of SIG goals and activities.
If you are interested in participating in the development of this SIG, please contact Kristi Jackson at [email protected] or 303-832-9502.
The Digital Tools Track at ICQI 2016
The theme of the 2016 Congress is “Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times,” and the Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG will once again host a special track during the conference. This track will include posters, papers and panels related to the conference theme, which may overlap with several topics related to Digital Tools for Qualitative Research:
- Digital Tools: What are they (old and new; hybrid or repurposed)? What are the various and intersecting sub-groups of tools that comprise qualitative research technology? How are they being used? What constitutes good use? How do we know?
- Methodological Quandaries: How are qualitative researchers making sense of the methodological issues raised by the use of digital tools? What methodological tasks are served by the use of new tools? How do digital tools impact the use of different interpretive frameworks?
- Ethics and Social Justice: What ethical issues do these tools raise? Whom do they help? Whom do they hurt? How is justice or injustice occurring through the use of digital tools in qualitative research?
- The Literature of and Theoretical Perspectives on Digital Tools in Qualitative Research: How are we theorizing and contextualizing these tools? How do researchers’ affiliation with or critique of these tools shape our communities of practice?
Submitting a poster, paper or panel proposal
Please submit your abstracts to the Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG through the conference website:
- Abstracts must be 150 words or less.
- Each submission should clearly specify its category: poster, paper or panel.
- To assist in the grouping of papers, you might also identify one of the themes described above (Digital Tools, Methodological Quandaries, Ethics and Social Justice, The Literature of and Theoretical Perspectives on Digital Tools, and/or, the Congress theme, Qualitative inquiry in neoliberal times).
- Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015.
- Proposals that are not accepted by the SIG will be considered for inclusion in the general Congress.
For updates on the Digital Tools SIG, like our Facebook Page: Digital Tools for Qualitative Research (
Questions about the ICQI Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG?
Contact Kristi Jackson at [email protected] or 303-832-9502
Indigenous Inquiries at the Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
(ICQI) May 18-21, 2016
“Decolonization is not a metaphor” (Tuck & Yang, 2012). For Indigenous Peoples colonization is not a past event, but an ongoing reality. Indigenous epistemologies have existed for a long time; having managed to survive colonization, war, genocide, and a host of other harmful colonizer policies and practices. “Decolonization brings about the repatriation of Indigenous land and life; it is not a metaphor for other things we want to do to improve our societies and schools” (Tuck & Yang, 2012, p.1). Although relatively new to the academic landscape, decolonization has been practiced and theorized in Indigenous communities for a long time, making Indigenous communities the centre of decolonizing theory and practice (Sium & Ritskes, 2013, p. I). As Russell Bishop (2005, 2011) discusses this struggle is one of freeing ourselves from neocolonial dominance in research “so that models of reform for the oppressed groups can be developed from within the epistemological frameworks of those groups, rather than from within the dominant.” (2011, p. xiii).
De- and Anti-Colonizing discourse and practice are especially prevalent in neoliberal times. As the prevalence of absolutist quantitative metrics increases, the time and place are rife for alternative ways of knowing, which include qualitative and indigenous means of research. Indigenous Peoples across the globe have often felt the brunt of neoliberal policies and practices, both in their lives and in the environment they live in. Indigenous Peoples have thus been among the most vocal critics of unchecked neoliberal policies. From Mayan maquiladoras to Aboriginal health workers to First Nations tar sands truck drivers, Indigenous voices have risen to protest the nefarious effects of neoliberal policies and practices. While only recently has the academy taken an interest in Indigenous methodologies and paradigms, there is a vibrant and thriving community of scholars and activists working diligently to add their voices to those of the oppressed. Indigenous researchers and their allies are currently engaged in a process of creating space(s) for Indigenous ways of knowing and being within and outside of academia.
The Indigenous Inquiries Circle (IIC) invites attendees to participate in our 5th annual Special Interest Group gathering on Wednesday May 18th, 2016. In addition to having our usual circles and rituals, we will have sessions that day for us to reflect and discuss the past, present, and future of the Indigenous Inquiries Circle. We also invite submissions to the regular days of the ICQI 2016 (Friday and Saturday) that explore the spaces and the places of Indigenous inquiries in the academy and particularly their relationship with qualitative research in neoliberal times. To support exchange and interaction among researchers working on common sets of issues, problems, or themes the Congress does allow and encourage alternative presentation formats to facilitate talking circles, roundtables, and somatic sessions. Such sessions could include dance, movement, research sharing circles, storytelling/drama/music & song, and themed discussion circles.
The time-tabling of the alternative formats for the Friday and Saturday sessions will follow the Congress (1.5 hrs per session) schedule. However, the sessions will be fluid and dynamic allowing opportunities for participants to engage for longer periods of time than the traditional 10 to 15 minutes presentation. Please note that participants submitting papers to the IIC should expect to present in II sessions that will occur in conjunction with regular congress sessions on the 20th and 21st of May respectively.
Bishop, R. (2005). Freeing ourselves from neocolonial domination in research: A Kaupapa Maori approach to creating knowledge. In N. K. Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The sage handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed., pp. 109-138). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, Inc.
Bishop, R. (2011). Freeing Ourselves. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Tuck, E & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 1(1), 1-40.
Contact: Patrick J. Lewis, University of Regina, [email protected]
5th Annual Social Work Day
Thursday, 21 May 2015
International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry
Theme: Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry
“All are Welcome”
Social Work Day: Energy and Ideas
Social Work Day is the great social work get-together. Social workers from throughout the world come together to share ideas and draw energy from each other. For Social Work Day and the main conference, all methods and topics are welcome. We are particularly interested in papers that expand thinking of how social work qualitative research contributes to social justice, social care, and social change. These are topics that fit the theme of the main conference, which is “Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry.”
In 2014, topics and methods covered the gamut from deductive qualitative analysis, autoethnography, LGBTQ issues, historical research, policy implementation and analysis, photovoice, and arts-based research. The only requirement for papers is that they be related to social work and that the authors are clear about the methods they use and the thinking behind their work. Practical outcomes and applications are most welcome.
Also in 2014, Social Work Day had 19 concurrent sessions, 118 presenters from eight countries, 65 papers, an opening plenary, a “town hall” closing, and reception that the School of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sponsored with contributions from Schools of Social Work at Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. We also had door prizes that participants provided. Among the prizes were books that authors donated, chocolate bars, and t-shirts.
Graduate students, new professors, practitioners, and seasoned professors mingle at Social Work Day. The networking possibilities are endless. If you want to discuss ideas and topics, feel free to contact Jane Gilgun at mailto:[email protected]. Jane is the convener of the conference and is a professor, School of Social Work, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA. If you have ideas about sessions, initiatives, publicity, fund-raising, or any other relevant topic, please contact Jane. She will let you know if others have similar interests and will connect you to other researchers with similar interests.
This year Social Work Day is on Thursday where we will have time together to share what we are doing and then opportunities to mingle with scholars from about 200 countries and scores of disciplines. We learned about and renewed our interests in innovative methods and new uses for well-known methods.
To get a sense of what Social Work Day is like, take at look at the video of Social Work Day 2012. You can link to it at We have several other videos on YouTube, such as the celebration of Roy Ruckdeschel and Ian Shaw as they stepped down as co-editors of Qualitative Social Work and the welcoming of Karen Staller as the new editor. Other videos are on intervention research, reflexivity and qualitative social work research, and the effects of funding on a homeless shelter in Ann Arbor, Michigan. There are also videos from the 2011 Social Work day at Michal Krumer-Nevo, as associate professor at Ben Gurion University, was a keynote speaker. Her lecture is on youtube as well. Link to
Of special note are the cheap rates of staying in University housing—$40 or less per day. The restaurant food is international and also delicious and cheap, with lots of free food at least four times at receptions and barbeques.
We are looking for sponsors for Social Work Day to help fund the reception and fulfill a dream of helpful to fund graduate students and international scholars. Open up your wallets and show how important qualitative approaches are to social work, social welfare, and social development.
Once again, please feel free to contact Jane Gilgun at [email protected] for further information and to share ideas for the 5th annual Social Work Day, an international event.
QI 2013 photo gallery
A day in Spanish and Portuguese (ADISP)
Un día en español y portugués
Special Interest Group
20 y 21 de mayo de 2015
Versión en portugués en la parte inferior del documento
Un Día en Español y Portugués (A Day in Spanish and Portuguese, ADISP), es un encuentro anual que se realiza en el marco del International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). En ADISP se busca propiciar la reflexión y el intercambio de experiencias de investigación cualitativa entre las comunidades de habla hispana y portuguesa, con el fin de crear lazos y redes de conocimiento alrededor de la investigación cualitativa, sus propuestas y retos. Es un espacio para compartir, desde una mirada Iberoamericana, el quehacer de la investigación y sus proyecciones a la comunidad internacional presente en ICQI.
El tema que nos convoca para 2015 es: Construyendo una nueva Investigación Cualitativa Crítica.
En consecuencia, esperamos sus trabajos de investigación para ser presentadas en la 9ª edición de ADISP, del 20 al 23 de mayo de 2015, durante el Eleventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (, que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, EE.UU.
Revise atentamente las condiciones y modalidades de participación
Organización de ADISP2015
Este año, como es habitual, el evento de interés especial “A day in Spanish and Portuguese” se une a la temática general de ICQI. En esta undécima edición, el tema central del congreso girará en torno a: Construyendo una nueva Investigación Cualitativa Crítica. En este sentido, los trabajos presentados estarán orientados a reflexionar y compartir experiencias y resultados de investigación frente a estos tópicos:
- Estado de la investigación cualitativa crítica en Iberoamérica.
- Impacto de la investigación cualitativa en la promoción de los Derechos Humanos.
- Avances metodológicos en investigación crítica.
- Uso de historias y relatos de vida en la comprensión crítica de las sociedades iberoamericanas.
- Investigación académica en comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes.
- Investigación académica en inclusión social e infancia.
- Impacto de la investigación cualitativa en políticas públicas.
- La investigación cualitativa crítica en la era del conocimiento.
- La investigación social crítica desde una perspectiva de género.
- Contribuciones de Iberoamérica en nuevas metodologías cualitativas críticas.
- Contribuciones de Iberoamérica para los estudios culturales.
- Relación de la investigación cualitativa en los estudios críticos del discurso.
Objetivo de ADISP2015:
Explorar las contribuciones y experiencias de investigación, centradas en metodologías cualitativas críticas, para la comprensión, análisis y desarrollo social-comunitario en diversidad de contextos iberoamericanos.
Modalidades de participación
Para esta edición de ADISP, que tendrá lugar los días 20 y 21 de mayo de 2015, las modalidades de participación son las siguientes:
- Mesas temáticas
- Mesas especiales bilingües
- Paneles
- Posters
1. Mesas temáticas
Se organizarán las mesas temáticas en cuatro temas generales. De acuerdo al número de trabajos presentados, se realizarán varias submesas. Los temas propuestos son:
Mesa 1. Investigación cualitativa en salud: Se aborda en esta mesa diferentes experiencias de investigación y aportes metodológicos de corte cualitativo a conceptos tales como salud y políticas públicas, prevención, poblaciones vulnerables, investigación-intervención y revisiones sobre terapia, prácticas colaborativas y otras técnicas en psicoterapia, procesos de consejería, entre otros.
Mesa 2. Investigación cualitativa en ámbitos organizacionales: Se aborda en esta mesa diferentes aproximaciones cualitativas al estudio de las organizaciones y del trabajo, así como experiencias exitosas frente al quehacer del investigador organizacional en los contextos de trabajo.
Mesa 3. Investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativos: Se recoge en esta mesa, diferentes aproximaciones al estudio de contextos de construcción del sentido de comunidad, experiencias sobre educación y miradas comprensivas desde las ciencias sociales en el abordaje de problemáticas culturales y narrativas desde metodologías de corte mixto y cualitativo.
Mesa 4. Investigación cualitativa e interdisciplinariedad: Se recoge en esta mesa diferentes aproximaciones metodológicas para conformar procesos críticos y reflexivos sobre el quehacer en contextos de interacción con otras disciplinas. De igual forma, se pretende indagar sobre nuevas relaciones y metodologías de corte inter y transdisciplinar.
2. Mesas especiales bilingües
Además de las mesas temáticas propuestas, se realizarán tres mesas especiales bilingües, como una forma de integrar los desarrollos de ADISP en habla inglesa. Cada una de estas mesas estará integrada de un número limitado de trabajos (cuatro trabajos por mesa). Los temas propuestos para estas tres mesas son:
- Desarrollos de la Investigación cualitativa crítica en Iberoamérica: Se propone una reflexión sobre los desarrollos actuales, en diferentes países de Iberoamérica, de la investigación cualitativa crítica y sus contribuciones a la calidad de vida de las sociedades involucradas.
- La investigación cualitativa en la era de la información: Espacio de discusión sobre la relación de las metodologías cualitativas en la era del conocimiento y su impacto social en la investigación.
- Sistemas culturales, educación y tecnología: Se propone un espacio de conversación con el fin de establecer una agenda de trabajo para consolidar una red de investigación cualitativa en Iberoamérica.
IMPORTANTE: Para participar en estas mesas especiales bilingües, se requieren de las siguientes condiciones:
- Enviar en un párrafo, la justificación de la mesa especial en la que se quiere participar, al correo de ADISP.
- Manejo del idioma inglés.
- En caso que haya un número mayor de propuestas, se realizará una selección de las propuestas que sean más relevantes a los temas propuestos.
3. Paneles
Los paneles son la reunión de tres a cuatro trabajos individuales, enmarcados en un tema similar. Estas temáticas son las mismas propuestas para las mesas temáticas (Investigación cualitativa en salud, investigación cualitativa en ámbitos organizacionales, investigación cualitativa en contextos comunitarios y educativas e investigación cualitativa e interdisciplinariedad). Para presentar paneles, considere esto:
- Ingrese todos los autores que van a participar en el panel. Para ello, suscriba la opción de panel, en el software del congreso.
- Debe diferenciarse quién va a ser el moderador del panel y quiénes son sus integrantes. No se aceptarán paneles propuestos con un solo trabajo.
- No se aceptarán propuestas de panel al correo de ADISP, sino solo a través del software para la suscripción de trabajos.
4. Posters
Se dispondrá de una sesión de posters, sobre avances y resultados de proyectos de investigación. Igual que con las otras modalidades de participación en ADISP, para presentar posters siga las instrucciones que brinda el programa de software del congreso.
Plenaria ADISP
Como es ya una costumbre del evento, se realiza una mesa plenaria de ADISP, con el fin de construir un espacio alrededor de la experiencia en el desarrollo de las mesas y paneles, con el fin de generar acuerdos de participación entre los participantes y convocar a las metas inmediatas por parte del equipo organizador de ADISP.
Procedimientos para envío de resúmenes
- Los autoras/es podrán presentar, para las modalidades previstas, un solo trabajo para ADISP.
- Los autoras/es pueden presentar trabajos simultáneos en ADISP y el congreso académico general de ICQI. Se sugiere presentar al congreso máximo dos trabajos.
- Para el caso de paneles, el número máximo de trabajos es cinco.
- Las ponencias se inscribirán a través de la página web destinada a las inscripciones y envío de propuestas de ICQI:
- Ingrese con su usuario y contraseña, si ha creado una cuenta previamente en esta aplicación. Si es la primera vez que accede a este software, por favor, cree un usuario y contraseña.
- Usted encontrará el menú principal con la información general de agenda, trabajos, entre otros. Diríjase a la sección de “Submitter Menu”, que se encuentra en la parte inferior del “Main Menu”
NOTA: recuerde escoger la mejor opción para presentar su trabajo: si es presentado de forma individual, marcar paper; si se quiere incluir un panel, seleccione dicha opción e incluya todos los autores que van a participar.
- Las ponencias presentadas a ADISP se someterán a un proceso de evaluación por parte del nodo organizador. Se les enviará por correo electrónico una respuesta sobre la aceptación o no del trabajo, de acuerdo a las temáticas contempladas.
- Los resúmenes deben tener máximo 120 palabras y mínimo 100.
- Los resúmenes deben llevar máximo 5 palabras claves y mínimo tres. Las palabras deben estar separadas por comas.
- Los resúmenes no deben llevar tildes; se debe cambiar, según el caso, la ñ por n. además, dentro del título, resumen y palabras claves no deben incluirse símbolos, negritas, itálicas o subrayados.
- El título no debe tener más de quince palabras.
- Después del título, e renglón separado, incluir la afiliación institucional.
- El nombre del autor o autores debe estar compuesto por: Primer nombre y primer apellido. Por asuntos de citación, si se requiere, separar apellidos por guiones. No se deben incluir títulos académicos. Sólo la afiliación institucional.
- Para el caso que se requiera algún apoyo audiovisual, o se quiere mostrar un video, presentación de diapositivas o performance, por favor comunicarse al nodo organizador.
- Se darán constancias de participación del evento en la sesión plenaria de ADISP. Para la entrega de estas constancias, el ponente debe estar debidamente inscrito, haber pasado por el proceso de evaluación, pagado su inscripción y presentado la ponencia dentro del evento.
- No se darán constancias de participación a las personas que coordinen las mesas de trabajo.
- Tenga en cuenta las fechas de inscripción de trabajos propuesta por ICQI. Esta es la ventana prevista para considerar, evaluar y aprobar los trabajos. Fuera de estas fechas, no se considerarán trabajos.
- Las cartas de invitación/visado se activarán dentro del sistema de envío de resúmenes una vez su propuesta haya sido aceptada. Solo en casos extraordinarios se atenderán peticiones particulares para estas cartas de invitación/visado.
- Si quiere consultar aspectos relacionados a alojamiento y estadía de ICQI, por favor visite este link:
Para resolver cualquier duda, así como hacer comentarios y realizar el proceso de seguimiento de las ponencias, su evaluación y aspectos logísticos generales puede escribir a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected]
Esperamos su participación.
Luis Felipe González-Gutiérrez (Coordinador nodo ADISP)
Universidad Santo Tomás
Aitor Gómez González
Universidad de Barcelona
Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda
Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
Comité nodo ADISP
Algo de historia sobre ADISP
En 2007 nació este evento como A Day In Spanish (ADIS). Posteriormente se incorporó la comunidad de habla Portuguesa, con lo que ADIS se transformó en A Day In Spanish and Portuguese (ADISP). ADISP es producto del interés y esfuerzo de un grupo de conferenciantes de habla hispana que participaron en los primeros dos congresos ICQI:
…investigadores del más alto reconocimiento. En ese contexto, los congresistas de habla hispana identificamos un gran interés por parte de la comunidad internacional por lograr un acercamiento de y hacia los académicos hispanoparlantes. Durante este congreso ensanchamos nuestras perspectivas académicas en el contacto con la comunidad internacional. Identificamos también un interés auténtico del congreso por hacer que el trabajo cualitativo fuera un instrumento de descolonización, de justicia social, de equidad, y para la disminución del sufrimiento humano. Sin embargo, constatamos que nuestra voz, y con ella nuestras reflexiones y propuestas, lograban poca presencia. Eso fue lo que nos llevó a un grupo de académicos a proponer la idea de reservar un espacio durante los siguientes congresos para intercambiar nuestras experiencias en nuestra propia lengua y compartirlas luego con el resto de la comunidad internacional (ibid).
Durante dos años consecutivos, 2007 y 2008, se reunió la comunidad de habla hispana. En 2008, los conferenciantes de ADIS, entre los que había varios de habla portuguesa, decidieron incorporar a dicho espacio a “…la comunidad de habla portuguesa, que comparte íntimamente historia y significados con la comunidad hispanoparlante”, transformándose desde entonces en ADISP. Año tras año se abre la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre los problemas comunes que tenemos en nuestros espacios de investigación cualitativa (IC) y plantear alternativas para el cambio, así como indagar el estado de la IC en nuestros contextos, sobre nuestras propuestas metodológicas ibero-latinoamericanas, entre otras reflexiones, además, compartir nuestras experiencias, avances y entendimientos logrados.
Versiones anteriores de ADISP
La experiencia de ADISP, se ha visto consolidada por el valioso trabajo y el innegable esfuerzo de muchas personas quienes han hecho posible este evento. Así que se relacionan las coordinaciones de los eventos previos, como una forma de reconocimiento a la historia hecha, a sus desafíos y sus perspectivas de trabajo:
– Coni Chapela, Carolina Martínez (2007) (ADIS). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.
– Fernando Peñaranda y Gloria Molina (2008) (ADIS). Universidad de Antioquia
– Nelson Felice, Sergio Carvalho, Rosana Onoko (2009 – ADISP).
– Aldo Merlino, Alejandra Martínez (2010).
– Amaia Sáenz-de-Ormijana, Carlos Calderon, Aitor Gómez (2011).
– Martha Leticia Cabello, Héctor Mendoza, Magda García-Quintanilla (2012).
– Elizabeth Aguirre, Jesús Burciaga, Lilia Carmona, Isabel Lozano (2013).
– Luis Felipe González, Sandra Aya y Diana Laverde (2014). Facultad de Psicología Universidad Santo Tomás (Bogotá – Colombia).
– Luis Felipe González, Universidad Santo Tomás; Aitor Gómez González, Universidad de Barcelona y Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
Comité nodo ADISP2015.
20 e 21 de Mayo de 2015
Um Dia em Espanhol e Português (A Day in Spanish and Portuguese, ADISP), é uma reunião anual o que acontece no International Congresso of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). O propósito do ADISP é promover a reflexão e o intercâmbio de experiências de pesquisas qualitativas entre as comunidades de língua espanhola e português, para construir vínculos e redes de conhecimento sobre a pesquisa qualitativa, suas propostas e desafios. É um espaço para compartilhar, a partir de um olhar ibero-americano o impacto da pesquisa qualitativa e suas projeções para a comunidade internacional que está em ICQI.
A questão que nos une em 2015, é: Construindo uma nova pesquisa qualitativa crítica.
Por isso, lhes convidamos a enviar suas pesquisas para ser apresentadas na 9a edição do ADISP, que se vai fazer entre o 21 e 23 de Maio de 2015, no XI Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa Qualitativa (, em Urbana-Champaing, Illinois, EUA.
Analise cuidadosamente os termos e condições de participação.
Organização ADISP2015.
Este ano, como de costume, o evento de interesse especial “Um dia em Espanhol e Português”, comparte o tema geral do ICQI. Na décima primeira edição, o tema central da conferência será: Construindo uma nova pesquisa qualitativa crítica. Neste sentido, os trabalhos serão orientados a refletir e partilhar experiências e resultados de pesquisas sobre os seguintes tópicos:
- Revisão do estado da pesquisa qualitativa na Ibero América.
- Impacto da pesquisa qualitativa na promoção dos Direitos Humanos
- Avanços metodológicos na pesquisa crítica
- Utilização de histórias e relatos de vida na compreensão crítica das sociedades latino-americanas.
- A pesquisa académica em comunidades indígenas e de ascendência africana
- A pesquisa académica sobre inclusão social e infância
- Impacto da pesquisa qualitativa nas políticas públicas
- A pesquisa qualitativa crítica na era do conhecimento
- A pesquisa social crítica a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero
- Contribuições da Ibero América em novas metodologias qualitativas críticas
- Contribuições da Ibero América para os estudos culturais
- Relação da pesquisa qualitativa em estudos críticos do discurso
Objetivo do ADISP 2015:
Explorar as contribuições e experiências de pesquisa, com foco em metodologias qualitativas críticas, para a compreensão, análise, e desenvolvimento social e comunitário em uma variedade de contextos ibero americanos.
Modalidades de participação:
- Tema livre
- Encontros especiais bilíngues
- Simpósios
- Pôsteres
Os temas livres serão organizados em quatro temas generais. De acordo com o numero de trabalhos apresentados, vai ser dividido em subgrupos. Os temas propostos, são:
Grupo 1: Pesquisa qualitativa em saúde: este grupo associa diferentes experiências de pesquisa e contribuições metodológicas desde uma perspectiva qualitativa a conceitos tais como saúde e políticas públicas, prevenção, populações vulneráveis, pesquisa-intervenção e revisão sobre terapia, praticas colaborativas e outras técnicas de psicoterapia, processos de aconselhamento, entre outros.
Grupo 2: Pesquisa qualitativa em ambientes organizacionais: associa diferentes abordagens qualitativas ao estúdio das organizações e do mundo do trabalho, também inclui experiências sucessos da pesquisa na organizações.
Grupo 3: Pesquisa qualitativa em contextos comunitários e educacionais: associa diferentes abordagens ao estudo de contextos que constroem um sentido de comunidade, experiências educacionais e compreensão das ciências sociais no abordagem de questões culturais e narrativas a partir de propostas metodológicas misturadas y qualitativas.
Grupo 4: Pesquisa qualitativa e interdisciplinaridade: associa trabalhos relacionados com propostas metodológicas para o abordagem dos fenômenos desde mais de uma disciplina. Experiências sucessos de trabalho em comum e reflexões sobre as possibilidades do trabalho interdisciplinar. Da mesma forma, pretende-se pesquisar novas relações e metodologias de corte inter e transdisciplinar.
Serão feitos três encontros especiais bilíngues como uma estratégia para compartilhar os desenvolvimentos de ADISP com as pessoas de língua inglesa. Cada grupo será composto por um número limitado de trabalhos (quatro trabalhos por encontro). Os temas propostos para o desenvolvimento destes grupos são:
- Desenvolvimento da pesquisa qualitativa crítica na Ibero América. Uma reflexão sobre a situação atual em vários países da Ibero América, a revisão da pesquisa qualitativa e suas contribuições para a qualidade de vida das sociedades envolvidas.
- A pesquisa qualitativa na era da informação: Espaço para a discussão da relação dos métodos qualitativos na era do conhecimento e seu impacto social na pesquisa.
- A pesquisa qualitativa em rede: um espaço de conversa para concordar uma agenda de trabalho para consolidar uma rede de pesquisa na Ibero América.
IMPORTANTE: Para participar nestes grupos especiais bilíngues é preciso cumprir as seguintes condições:
- Ao correio eletrônico de ADISP, enviar um parágrafo que justifique sua participação.
- Falar no inglês
- A comissão organizadora irá selecionar os trabalhos a serem apresentados, se é excedido o número de propostas.
Os simpósios reúnem três – quatro trabalhos individuais que tenham um tema em comum. Os temas centrais são os mesmos dos temas livres (pesquisas qualitativas em saúde, pesquisas qualitativas em ambientes organizacionais, pesquisas qualitativas em comunidades e contextos educativos, e pesquisas qualitativas e interdisciplinaridade). Para apresentar simpósios tenha em conta o seguinte:
- Inscreva a todos os autores que vão a apresentar no simpósio. Para fazer isso, vaia à opção simpósio no software no Congresso.
- Deve diferenciar quem é o moderador do simpósio e quem são seus membros. Não se vão receber simpósios com um único trabalho.
- Não se vão aceitar simpósios que cheguem ao correio do ADISP. A inscrição dos simpósios unicamente é pelo software no Congresso.
A sessão de pósteres vai versar sobre progressos e resultados de projetos de pesquisas. Tal como acontece com outras formas de participação em ADISP, siga as instruções do programa software do Congresso.
Como já se volto uma costume no Congresso, ao final dos três dias de ADISP, vai se realizar uma plenária com o propósito de ter um espaço para a reflexão dos temas trabalhos nas diferentes modalidades e para gerar acordos e compromissos entre os participantes e a comissão organizadora.
Procedimentos para submissão de resumos:
- Os autores podem apresentar um único trabalho para as modalidades previas.
- Os autores podem apresentar trabalhos simultâneos em ADISP e no Congresso ICQI. Sugere-se apresentar máximo dois trabalhos para todo o evento.
- Para o caso dos simpósios o máximo número de trabalhos é cinco.
- Os trabalhos para apresentar vão se registrar através da pagina WEB para as inscrições e submissão de propostas do ICQI:
- Se você crio uma conta anteriormente nesta aplicação, digite seu nome de usuário e senha. Se esta é a primeira vez que você entra a este software, por favor, crie um nome de usuário e uma senha.
- Você vai encontrar o menu principal com a visão geral dos trabalhos da ordem do dia, entre outros. Consulte a sessão “Menu Submitter”, localizado na parte inferior do “Menu Principal”.
- As apresentações vão ser revisadas pela comissão científica do evento. Os membros desta comissão vão enviar, por e-mail, uma resposta de aceitação o rejeição do trabalho, de acordo com os temas abordados.
- Os resumos devem ser de máximo 120 palavras e mínimo 100 palavras.
- Os resumos devem ter mínimo 3 e máximo 5 palavras chave. Estas palavras devem ser separadas por vírgulas.
- Os resumos não devem levar tildes. Trocar n pela ñ. No titulo, nas palavras chave e no resumo em geral, não deve ter símbolos, letras em negrito, itálicas e sublinhados.
- O título não deve ser de mais do que quinze palavras.
- Após o título, em linha separada, incluem filiação institucional.
- O nome do autor deve estar composto por: primeiro nome y depois sobrenome (um só). Por questões de citação, é preciso que quando vão os dois sobrenomes, eles vaiam separados por hífen. Não incluir grãos académicos. Só incluir afiliação institucional.
- Se você precisa qualquer suporte audiovisual ou se quiser mostrar um vídeo, slides ou performance, entre em contato com a comissão organizadora.
- Na sessão da plenária de ADISP vai se entregar os certificados da participação. Para a entrega dos certificados, é preciso o que a pessoa tenha inscrição, ter trabalho aprovado y apresentado, e ter pagado a inscrição.
- Não vai ter certificados os moderadores das sessões de temas livres.
- Observe as datas de inscrição dadas pelos trabalhos para o Congresso ICQI. Esta janela destina-se a considerar, avaliar e aprovar o trabalho. Fora destas datas não são considerados para avaliação.
- As cartas de convite/visto serão ativadas dentro do sistema de submissão dos resumos, uma vez que a proposto é aceita. Só em casos excepcionais serão abordados casos particulares em relação com estas cartas.
- Se houver dúvidas e questões relacionadas com o alojamento e a estadia durante ICQI, visite o link:
- Se você tiver dúvidas sobre qualquer processo em relação com a valoração de seus trabalhos ou a logística em geral, ou quiser fazer comentários, pode escrever a: [email protected]
Aguardamos a sua participação
Luís Felipe González-Gutiérrez (Coordenador nó ADISP)
Universidade Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colômbia
Aitor Gómez González
Universidad de Barcelona
Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda
Universidade de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
Comité nó ADISP
Em 2007 este evento nasceu como “A Day in Spanish”. Mais tarde a comunidade de língua português juntou-se ao evento e tornou-se em “A Day in Spanish and Portuguese (ADISP). ADISP é produto do interesse e o esforço de um grupo de professores de língua espanhola que participaram nas dois primeiros Congressos ICQI.
… Pesquisadores do melhor nível. Neste contexto, os embaixadores de língua hispana identificamos um interesse grande da comunidade internacional para juntar-se com os académicos da língua espanhola. Durante este Congresso ampliamos nossas perspectivas acadêmicas ao entrar em contato com a comunidade internacional. Identificamos também um interesse genuíno do Congresso para fazer do trabalho qualitativo um instrumento de descolonização, de justiça social, equidade, e para a redução do sofrimento humano. Entretanto confirmamos o que nossa voz, nossas reflexões e propostas, conseguiam pouca presença. Isso foi o que nos levou a um grupo de acadêmicos a propor a ideia de reservar um espaço nos seguintes Congressos para trocar nossas experiências em nossa própria língua e depois compartilhá-las com o resto da comunidade internacional. (ibid)
Por dois anos consecutivos, 2007 e 2008, a comunidade de língua espanhola se reuniu. Em 2008, os professores de ADIS, entre os quais estavam vários de língua português, decidiu incorporar a este espaço: “… a comunidade de língua português, ela compartilha intimamente história e significados com a comunidade de língua espanhola”, tornando-se desde então em ADISP. Ano após ano, este evento abre a oportunidade de refletir sobre os problemas comuns que temos em nossas áreas de pesquisa qualitativa (IC) e propor alternativas para a mudança, assim como reflexionar sobre o estado da pesquisa qualitativa em nossos contextos, sobre nossas propostas metodológicas ibero americanas, entre outras reflexões, além compartilhar nossas experiências, avanços e entendimentos alcançados.
A experiência de ADISP é o produto do valioso trabalho e dos inegáveis esforços de muitas pessoas que tornaram este evento possível. Hoje vamos a apresentar uma lista das pessoas que tinham lhe coordenado, como uma forma de reconhecer a história feita, seus desafios e suas perspectivas de trabalho:
– Coni Chapela, Carolina Martínez (2007) (ADIS). Universidade Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.
– Fernando Peñaranda e Gloria Molina (2008) (ADIS). Universidade de Antioquia
– Nelson Felice, Sergio Carvalho, Rosana Onoko (2009 – ADISP).
– Aldo Merlino, Alejandra Martínez (2010).
– Alicia Saenz-de-Ormijana, Carlos Calderon, Aitor Gómez (2011).
– Martha Leticia Cabello, Hector Mendoza, Magda García-Quintanilla (2012).
– Elizabeth Aguirre, Jesus Burciaga, Lilia Carmona, Isabel Lozano (2013).
– Luis Felipe González, Sandra Aya e Diana Laverde (2014). Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Santo Tomas (Bogotá – Colômbia).
– Luis Felipe González, Universidad Santo Tomás; Aitor Gómez González, Universidad de Barcelona y Pamela Zapata Sepúlveda, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. Comité nodo ADISP2015.
Theme: Qualitative Inquiry, Community Empowerment and Educational Research in Turkey
Organized by International Association of Educators
Sponsored by International Association of Qualitative Inquiry & Turkish Educational Research Association &
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University & Hacettepe University
“A Day in Turkish 2016″ (ADIT2016) will be held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on May 18, 2016. The theme of ADIT 2016 is “Qualitative Inquiry, Community Empowerment and Educational Research in Turkey.” The aim of the ADIT2016 is to open up a discussion platform for the development, exchange and critique of ideas on issues and trends of qualitative research in Turkey. The Academic Advisory Board will accept papers related to a wide scale of topics concerning qualitative research in Turkey. Presentations can be done both in English and Turkish.
Deadline for submission of proposals is December, 1st 2015. One participant can submit at maximum two proposals, maximum one of which can be single authored.
Proposals should include maximum 150 words. The participants are expected to submit their proposals via Online Congress Submission System by selecting “ADIT2015” option. All proposals (abstracts and posters) will be sent to the members of the Academic Advisory Board for blind-review.
Relevance to the QI2016 congress and ADIT theme(s), quality of the research and originality of the ideas will be considered when reviewing submissions. Authors of successful proposals accepted by the Academic Advisory Board will be notified by February 15, 2016. Full text of the proposals must be submitted till April 2nd 2016.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yunus ERYAMAN
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Canakkale, 17100 Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]
We’re especially interested in the theories of philosophers working in or alongside the continental tradition, philosophers including, but not limited to: Agamben, Badiou, Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault, Heidegger, Lacan, Malabou, Mouffe, Nancy, Nussbaum, Rancière, and Žižek. We aren’t requiring that submissions be explicitly focused on issues taken up by the social sciences.
In the academy, the struggle for social justice can be lonely work. This is all the more daunting when we find ourselves up against entities making use of cooperative efficiency. Namely, we often find ourselves to be lone scholars challenging neoliberal governments aligned with multinational corporations. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Cooperative efficiency is instrumentally valuable. It doesn’t entail that the expertise necessary to achieve an end be located in the single individual. We know that when experts of different crafts work together, their cooperation is able to produce the state of the art in a given technology: No one person, for instance, invents a smartphone. So why, then, must we in the academy insist upon the lone, interdisciplinary expert of all techniques?
We in the social sciences and the humanities have different areas of expertise, and we often find that we’re aimed toward the same goal of social justice. Still, working alone, social science scholars who have influence over policy often encounter theoretical impasses. Humanities scholars, also working by themselves, may have thought beyond such impasses, but they have little influence over policy. Working together, then, makes sense.
For questions, please contact James Salvo at [email protected]